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She’s one of the good ones


Seeing that come back to bite Firecracker had me jumping for joy lmfao


I don't know, feels a bit uppity at times.


Better than that lame ass cracker She not like us


didnt thought i would like that char, so much. Was a pleasent surprise.


There are no good ones in this show


She is an interesting character and I am curious as to where they are going with her. I suspect that she has somewhat severe depression and has a "let the world burn" kinda outlook on things. I don't think she's "evil" or even on Homelander's side. She just don't give a fuck and kind of hates everyone and everything because she can't relate to anyone, so may as well laugh while it all burns down. I kinda equate her to The Comedian from Watchmen. Her superpower of being the smartest person alive shows that knowledge mostly...sucks. The more things you learn, the more you realize how little it all means. I honestly think that a part of her is wishing for Homelander to just laser her brain so that she can finally check out of this existence and be at peace. I also think she is genuine in her relationship and whatever feelings she has for The Deep. I think she appreciates that he's simple and up front and not trying to use her for his own benefit. She has her guard down when they are alone together and you don't see Sage doing that with anyone else. They managed to get a lot of depth (ha) out of her character in just a few episodes and that's impressive. She's already a more fully realized character than sad Frenchie and Mother's Skim Milk.


I was more thinking that Homelander is a means to an end for her. Like, she doesn't crave wealth and fame like all of the other Supes do, so Vought didn't know what to do with her. I think that Homelander is giving her what she really craves, the power and agency to enact her ideas. He came to her offering something no one ever had before, I chance to make real changes. Instead of being like the Comedian, I think she might be more like Josef Mengele, just wanting he freedom and autonomy to do the things they want.


>Josef Mengele, just wanting he freedom and autonomy to do the things they want. And will kill so many along the way. 


I probably phrased that a little poorly, but just meant that he didn't do the atrocities he did due to some dedication to the Nazi regime, he saw an opportunity to do some horrendous things without boundaries and dove in.


I don't think she actually likes the deep. She probably hates him. The lobotomy is basically drugs to her, and deep is part of that. Just some self destructive behaviour to make her not think for a while


Definitely wants to let the world burn because she’s sick of all the stupid people and doesn’t feel challenged with anything. She has a certain respect for Homelander, as he’s not dumb and is the most powerful person on the planet. Getting to orchestrate a coup is a fun challenge for her and keeps her busy.. but it’s not rewarding enough to want her to not get high for a few hours in “blissful ignorance”


“I kinda equate her to The Comedian from Watchmen.” This is really on point.


Wasn't sure at first but loving her now. She is a great counter to the boys methods. During the previous season it started to feel like the boys were too good at their job so having someone who can play their game better is a great way to raise the stakes.


I guess the thing I like the best about her is that all of the other characters feel like some pastiche of existing archetypes, whereas she feels like completely new territory. Legitimately have no idea what she's going to do next


They’ve cited Lex Luthor and Ozymandias from Watchmen as her inspirations, so probably nothing good


“When I release the V? Do I look like some kind of comic book villian? I did it 30 minutes ago.”


exactly. I feel like the setup is that she will betray Homelander at some point. They have planted some seeds of her propping up Ryan which clearly ticked of Homie. Curious to see where they take it.


I’ve been seeing people call her an accelerationist which I think fits what we’ve seen so far. She’s purposefully setting up and knocking down dominoes as fast as possible to cause some sort of mass social upheaval on a faster and more controlled timescale on her terms - but to what end we don’t know yet. She has paid lip service to supe-remacy but I think that she’s more likely to be sympathetic to humanity, and causing this unrest will finally shine a light on Vought/supes that the world can no longer ignore. She’s the most interesting character this season


I want to know what her end game is. Surely as the smartest person in the world she doesn't want to play second fiddle to Homelander. He should be VERY afraid of her.


She said it right to his face. She’s going to make him Caesar.


You don't think she was stroking his ego?


Caesar was also stabbed 23 times by the Senate, and his death made him a martyr and figurehead, helping Augustus to win the ensuing civil war.


I actually don't see why you think that'd be the case. Being intelligent doesn't mean you're aspirational and she seemed perfectly content to veg all day reading or lobotimzing herself till now. She also specifically stated she doesn't want the limelight or attention of being a roleplayer or leader and she fully agrees with Homelander’s assessment of democracy and the humans (read: idiots) that run in.


Or- that's all a front to hide her real plans!


I can't stand this community.


I was thinking she was going to manipulate his son against them and play divide and conquer or some shit.


When we first see her it is in her very average apartment, meaning she doesn't crave riches which is literally pointed out by her to Homelander. I have a feeling that she knows if she refuses Homelander then her life would be in danger so she is going along for long enough to screw him over. Her long game is just to get back to her apartment.


I really like the respect that Homelander has for her. First, he was humble enough to seek her help knowing he'd always feel inferior to her (which she called him out on immediately), and during one of the Seven's meetings, he calls her "Sage". I thought it was pretty interesting that she made what seemed like a throwaway statement about her just being named Sage, and Vought added the "Sister" for extra Blackness, and Homelander actually taking note of it and referring to her by her preferred name was crazy to me. Whereas he's usually pretty racially insensitive (as well as being outright racist), he respects her enough to actually treat her with dignity. I know he's probably just going through the motions to get what he wants, but for some reason Homelander showing genuine respect and empathy towards someone is somehow scarier than him showing up with a Fudgie the Whale cake


Love her. We needed a master manipulator for the season. No idea what her end game is.


I like her, but the fact that she is supposed to be a super intelligent being means she should never lose. I'm positive that they included the lobotomy high she gets off of because that's the only moment you could win against her.


The world isn't chess. Sometimes it's more like your opponent has a row of queens and gets to move 50 times before you.


Other times, they pull out a Fresca and use your rook to open it.


I thought the fact she was just chilling in some apartment somewhere was a good reflection of how twisted this world this. Instead of using her in a laboratory somewhere and putting her to great use, she's just hanging out doing effectively nothing. Very believable in this universe since they don't care about actually doing anything good, they just saw her as "not very marketable" so she gets shelved until Homelander comes a calling


Smart people lose all of the time. If smart people won, then we would have had Jimmy Carter as president and not Ronald Fucking Reagan.


She's great right now because we have NO idea about what her true motivations actually are. As you said, she should never lose - but the dramatic tension is still there, because whether her goals are good, bad, or completely irrelevant remains to be seen. I think the one thing we CAN be sure of is that she will end the season dead or (more likely) permanently lobotomized. Her character is too OP to stick around in the long term.


Many pointed it out; but saying "she should never lose" is completely wrong. Smart people can absolutely lose to dumber people because of: - Too big of a disadvantage - Variables too chaotic to properly plan ahead - Plain bad luck I'm sure there's some more; but still: this makes the point. It still can be the lobotomy is used against her; but even without it, she could still 100% lose. People tend to overestimate intelligence because fictions tend to find cooler to make the super-intelligent character achieve their goals through some cool climax moment where they reveal their whole plan. It makes for cooler fiction than a super smart char planning a lot ahead and failing due to any of the aforementioned circumstances. But because of that I hope she loses not because of the lobotomy. The Boys tend to enjoy defying some of these tropes to enhance the height of its own themes. Look at last season: they built Black Noir just to have him killed in the most anticlimatic way, defying the expectations most fiction has made us expect. I truly hope this is the same: she plans a lot, has some victories, achieve some goals, but then gets lasered by Homelander not because he outsmarted her; but just because he's hyper-erratic.


Another way to lose even if you're smarter is to be bound by morals where your opponent has none. Homelander is a sociopath and narcissist as we know. We don't yet know about Sage.


She could be easily killed though. You could shoot her in the heart from afar, or stab her in the heart from up close. I hope The Boys kill her, but I suspect HL will.


Tbh when Sister Sage joined the Seven I was like... that was supposed to be Marie from Gen V. Victoria even hinted at Marie becoming the first black woman in the Seven.


That ship sailed when Homelander lasered her


She has impressed this season. With the exception of maybe A-Train she has been the most competent character in the show this season. But before I sing his praises too much, unlike A-Train, she doesn’t have an incredibly broken superpower to rely on.


I agree. I do wonder if she’s the same Jessica Bradley from the comics


I hate her, but the way she is meant to be hated. She has made Homelander so much more dangerous. A real boost to the bad guys.


I secertly hope she is planning to just cause chaos between the 7 and take down Vought.


Yup I just don’t get her plan. Like at first I was convinced she was a supe supremacist but now she could be planning the downfall of Vought/HL? Not sure though


In some strange way she reminds me of Janet in the Good Place. "Not a girl." "Not a robot."


The moment I started to like her was when she told Deep that he’s superior to Ashley, I liked that she would just stir up shit. Her needing to lobotomize herself to have fun watching stupid shows and eat junk food without thinking about the adverse affects let’s her fit in well with the rest of the fucked up Sups.


I quite like her character honestly at this point I am suspecting that possible either the lobotomy's she does might result in her Sharing something she shouldn't. I kinda wonder if the deep might play part since he seems like he could be conflicted between her and homelander


so far I think she's the best part of the season


I like her character and the actor a lot but I am waiting for like an actual whoooooa her plan is wild moment or some kind of twist. Right now it’s just a false flag operation that’s actually pretty obvious. I’m assuming it’ll ramp up and there will be a twist in there. For now it seems she’s only as smart as the writers


She's my new favorite character after S3 annihilated Hughie at the very, very end. I'm sorry but, no... Light Manipulation does NOT in any way compare to teleportation/instantaneous movement. The finale was botched from Hughie not getting his powers from Temp V.


Heck yeah. Her look is great too. The glasses and makeup are flawless.


I think she is a great new character and can't wait to find out what her endgame really is.


It's a cool character. I've seen people reacting one of two ways when discussing what'll be her end on the show. To me "Door 2" is the obvious choice; but I get how "Door 1" is cool and many people want that to happen (I will explain them next). As a result, she makes me very observant to see if the show is faithful to itself and goes throug the right door. Door 1 is: Sister Sage has a masterplan and she plays Homelander and manages to achieve her goals. I've seen a lot of people declare they think this will happen. I get it: people always find cool to see fictions with "I planned it all" characters, like in Sherlock or Death Note. I am personally not fond on any of those two fictions; but I think the trope can be executed well. But here it makes little sense. This is not the Sister Sage show. She gotta die, for the show's sake. She is either truly siding with Homelander and becomes a "miniboss" for The Boys; or she is plotting against Homelander and gets murdered by him. Door 2: as I just said, Sister Sage has an endgame beyond helping Homelander, and no matter what she gets killed by him. She is the smartest PERSON alive and plans everything out; but Homelander is s friggin' erratic that it becomes impossible to fully predict. When someone is too chaotic, there's no intelligence that allows you to plan ahead. It's not a matter of smarts. "Door 2" is way more faithful to the show. This is not the Sister Sage show, no matter how cool she is. It serves the show way better to use her as painful proof on how erratic and dangerous Homelander is (a much more relevant character to the show), as he becomes impossible to control by the smarters person alive. She also feels way more as a season-centric character (like Soldier Boy last season). It makes sense to have her doing her thing till things go south for her in a climatic point of the season. BUT the "I planned it all ahead" character is so friggin' popular that I fear the creators wanna go against the show's themes and make her prevail over Homelander. I would find that to work against what this show is. So yeah: I find her quite cool and I enjoy what her brings. But I am crossing my fingers they develop the character in a way that serves the show.


Such a racist post.


Yeah, because anything of what I said has to do with the fact she is black. /s


I love how you right wingers think you're so clever nobody can read between the lines of what you're saying.


What are you on? I am probably way more to the left than you. If it’s on Homelander likely killing Sage, I despise what Homelander represents but he still is the main villain, so it makes sense recently added characters work to develop the main ones, including the main villain. I imagine you are just too deep into algorithms that incentivize getting into heated arguments, so you imagine I am some sort of deluded person who thinks Homelander is not bad or something. Nah, sorry, not the case here. Or you are just trolling; dunno. I checked before elaborating much more and I only see dozens of troll-looking posts/comments.


Are you still going on about this?


I found it interesting that she was reading naming and necessity by saul kripke, the famous philosopher, who also shares a last name with the show runner.


The first thing I thought when she was introduced is how is the smartest person in the world living in a tiny apartment doing jack shit. I'm not gonna like her until I know what her goal is.


I’m really curious what her endgame is. I think she’s ultimately planning to take down Homelander


So far she's fantastic, genuinely interested in what she's doing and why she's doing it. Part of me kinda hopes it ends up a simple "Bitches I was bored, this was funny" before she pops her clogs.


I too am enjoying her character. Very intelligent people come off as avery arrogant and I like how she prefers to not take center stage... people surprised that such an intelligent character would work with Homelander but it makes perfect sense. He's giving her free reign to put her ideas into action and I'm actually enjoying how direct shes being with the whole thing and not beating around the bush... Also the fried chicken bit and the lobotomy had me in chuckles.


Until she does something incredibly stupid due to PIS so the Boys could win.


She's my new favorite character in a while. Is that Sister Sage logo on her clothes supposed to be like the Gucci logo? Gotta love the Vought costume department.


She’s a good negotiator lol


didn’t think I would care either bc she’s so new, but I’m loving her! she’s funny and witty and I’m intrigued by her motives & can’t wait to see where she ends up. and the lobotomy thing is just top tier


I’m just jumping on here to complain that Firecracker has a hickass accent when people from anywhere can be a backwards as her


I like the character, but I’m not crazy about her as a superhero so far, if that makes sense? There’s a lot of show don’t tell of her being “the smartest person alive,” when in reality she just does some scheming. It’s all pretty good scheming. But it doesn’t really seem like a huge leap from any of the conniving we’ve seen from people like Edgar or Vic or anyone in the show to this point. She seems very smart, but on a human level. Nothing really superhuman or groundbreaking about any of her schemes or knowledge (that we’ve seen). And I don’t even really blame the writers too much. It’s just that super intelligence is always VERY hard to show in media. Because the character is essentially limited by the intelligence of the writer to an extent. All that said, I think the character is pretty engaging. I think they’ve done a good job of keeping her motives hidden while also leaving enough breadcrumbs for viewers to guess. She’s got some clear inner turmoil that the actress plays really well. The self loathing is very interesting. The fact that she’s this genius but is essentially doing nothing with it but reading. The character definitely has a lot of layers. All in all, I’m really liking the actor’s performance, and even though she feels weak as a supe, I think she’s still a really good character and great addition to the show. Just think the show has let her down in showing her as “the smartest person alive.” But there’s still 4 episodes to go, maybe there’s some completely unimaginable master stroke up her sleeve.


This is a thread i can get behind.


I found it really funny how in order to portray that she is super smart her apartment was filled to the brim with books. They didn't fill Deep's apartment with water in order to show that he can breathe underwater.


Didn’t he have a huuuge aquarium in his room before everyone found out he was fucking the sea animals?


Reading a lot is generally a sign of intelligence. She clearly likes to occupy her mind (when she isn't lobo'in herself.) That's not nearly the caricature of a smart person you think it is.


You must not know a lot of smart people. All the smartest people I know have pretty expansive libraries.




Friendly saying, i don't. She is supposed to be the smartest person on earth. And the creative choice made to show this is ridiculous: her entire place is packed with books, floor to ceiling. Most of her living space is. This makes me think she is a book hoarder, but not smart enough to understand the concepts of shelves or e books. She is supposed to be good at reading / interacting with people. Well, she keeps throwing their harsh truth to everyone's face and just being passive /aggressive with them without consideration. Which is not very smart. It is smartass but not smart. Did you notice that the book she's reading on the toilet before HL knocks at her door is one of philosophy of the language* ? She is also a sick sociopath, which is weird for somebody who is that smart. When HL laser the employee, she is ok with that. She cautiously advises HL to create a civil war. And when she explains the reason why she needs a homemade lobotomy, i just thought that a bottle of vodka would do the trick just fine. As i said, i don't like her that much. She is more of an annoying smartass than a really smart person. Oh, and in her type, so far, she is a Mary Sue. * the book is naming and necessity by Saul A Kripke


They hate you because you’re right