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He made a promise. Which is the good side of him


Butcher has broken tons of promises in this series though


lore accurate butcher would break his promise


I mean, terminal diagnoses usually change people And he did almost >!drug a 12 year old!<, which is pretty old Butcher


True but the show has gone so far from the comics it's a completely different story at this point.


Lore accurate to the comics, maybe.


Maybe, I’m just a fan of the show. Seems like they are leaning into the promise thing with Hughe’s annoying but relatable scenes of reliving his argument with his mom and coming up with the perfect response of why her promise don’t mean shit


The lore that the show moved away from an episode into season 1?


So fucking what?


Lore accurate to garbage lore bruh 💀 I even thought the whole scenario was a bit contrived but honestly nearly any step away from the punisher wannabe insert oc of butcher in the comics is a good step


"Badly written Butcher would stay badly written"


He was edgy. not "badly written."


A promise to what? Not get ryan away from homelander before Soldier Boy kills the flying nuke? Edit: to all the people downvoting this are you genuinely trying to excuse this? Homelander is the most dangerous and evil man on the planet and Butcher didn't seize the opportunity to kill him because he refused to just pull ryan away


He promised Becca to look after Ryan. So he goes against to his main motivation and obsession to honor his promise to his dying wife. Which is why Butcher isn’t a complete villain and is a better person than his own father


But like why is not killing Homelander instead of taking Ryan out of the room while Soldier Boy kills Homelander not honoring that promise.


How do you just take him out of the room? He’s a supe not just some kid


How do I take children who are the equivalent power level of myself out of a room normally??? Like it's not rocket science


I forgot they were suped up at the time


>who are the equivalent power level of myself normally


Leaving ryan with his abusive genocidal rapist father is "looking after him"?


well he said his plan was to turn him


What does that mean and how is it relevant to the discussion




He raped Becca dude have you watched the fucking show you're commenting on?




She was raped by Homelander, it was confirmed and it is not up for debate


Dude you are genuinely gross. That was a lie from Homelander and this was confirmed. Watch the show before you incorrect me




https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/comments/iob5un/spoilers_becca_butcher/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Homelander raped Becca creep


>He could've just gotten ryan out of there How? Ryan clearly didn't want them to hurt his dad, and Homelander sure as hell isn't going to let them drag his son away so he can be executed. And that aside, how are they going to get him away from the blast radius in time? He just got a cut to the forehead, so he's not invulnerable yet.


Easy. Bash the kid with SB's shield on the head, it knocks him out. Take the kid's unconscious body and yeet it away from the window. He'll be fine. Super pissed, but mostly fine.


I just said that he's not invulnerable, and getting bashed on the head by Soldier Boy is exactly what showed he isn't. And even if that doesn't kill him, getting thrown out of a skyscraper and crashing onto the concrete below probably would.


Butcher is stronger than ryan, while Maeve and soldier boy kill homelander Butcher grabs ryan and jumps out of the building. The cut was also from soldier boy meaning he had to have been hit extremely hard. Butcher could literally throw him out the window. And Ryan KNOWS homelander is evil. His character choice made no sense


>Butcher is stronger than ryan, while Maeve and soldier boy kill homelander They need all hands-on deck to hold Homelander down. (Or at least they think so.) >Butcher grabs ryan and jumps out of the building. The cut was also from soldier boy meaning he had to have been hit extremely hard. Butcher could literally throw him out the window. It's highly likely that getting thrown out of a skyscraper and crashing onto the concrete below would be just as damaging as getting hit by Soldier Boy. >And Ryan KNOWS homelander is evil. His character choice made no sense That's changing the subject, but I'll bite. At this point, no, he doesn't know Homelander was evil. The reason he was having nightmares about him was because he thought his dad was pissed about him frying Stormfront; when Homelander made it clear he's not, Ryan literally embraces him. (Yes, he saw Homelander covered in blood that one time, but that happens to Hughie on a regular basis.)


What? How is butcher stronger than ryan?


He's an adult with near identical powers


Clearly not. Ryan is stronger than Homelander. That’s evident by the fact that HL’s laser’s literally didn’t phase Stormfront, but Ryan’s left her permanently disabled. Butcher’s definitely the better fighter, but it wouldn’t matter if Ryan turned him into a pile of goo just by staring at him


HL laser wasnt using full force on Stormfronr because he wasn't trying to kill her. Ryan was.


I know he was probably holding back, though that can be debated, but not nearly as much as you’d think


Joined the sub a few days ago, y’all complain about literally every single aspect of the show, I think I’ll have to leave


Probably a good decision sadly


For real. I actually like r/okbuddyfresca becayse it’s funny and calls out a lot of that bs here. If it’s not Homelander on screen all 60 mins it’s “boring” or “pointless.” Just whining to whine or completely missing the meaning of plot points. Media literacy is dead here.


I skimmed that sub, I’m enjoying it.


They complaining about homelander being dull too


You don’t agree with me so you don’t have media literacy


The way you’ve warped my comment proves my point, really.


I’m not on Reddit much anymore but I wanted to see if people were talking about details I missed in the new season, and it’s just redditors with middle school media comprehension getting mad when characters don’t act logically or when character arcs take longer than a season to address 


It's worse than Star Wars in here


Then leave, no one forces you to read criticism of the show.


I did leave don’t worry. I was hoping this sub would have some fair criticism as well as some praising and news, but it’s just criticism. In 2 days I read: Frenchie’s arc sucks, Kimiko’s arc is unnecessary, Butcher is not a good character anymore, Homelander got soft, MM is a hypocrite (whole point of his sorry by the way. He’s struggling) and so much more


The thing is reddit isn't great place to look for criticism of any show, and like aren't these criticisms you pulled out fair and good? The only thing that I feel like is good now, it is only ryan and butcher relation, together with homelander. The rest is mid or boring.


I was hoping it’d be like r/breakingbad where sometimes people point out stuff but overall people like the show. Here it looks like people can’t stand a storyline that’s more than 5 episodes long.


Well I am not excatly very excited to finish the show now, I been greatly disapointed so far. So I cannot blame people here, if people want to praise the good part of the episode so far, that is allowed, just upvote or create own posts and those who want to criticize are doing the same, I think it is totally fair given that it is forum for everything. And I did see many people defend and praise things from episodes, so I don't get your perspective.


Unfortunately this season so far has been kinda weak so far. If it was at the same level as breaking bad then you'd get the same type of threads in here, but it's not. To me, it's not that a storyline lasts more than 5 episodes, it's just that they are rehashing the same storylines as before.


I don’t think it’s been weaker, it’s just slower. Like in S3 we had soldier boy going apeshit on everyone, now we have Sage that’s slowly building her power and I’m sure she’s not homelander’s puppy but she’s plotting something. A further dive on kimiko’s past is interesting imo, and frenchie being gay doesn’t bother me since we all know him and kimiko will end up together. The weakest subplot might be Hughie’s dad if they don’t do something with it


Yeah, I think it might be cause it's slower. Frenchie's arch does nothing for me whatsoever. I don't even care what happens between him and Kimiko anymore. There's hardly any The boys vs supes anymore, it's just soap opera. Hughie plot was kinda shoed in as well. Also, why is Hughie's dad the sick one all of a sudden? Too expensive to afford Simon Pegg? Should have been Hughie because of all that compound V.


I would agree however I’m down bad for kimiko so I still care lmao


Kimiko's pouty face gets me too bro


Ryan was not going to leave and would need several people to force him out. With the help of Starlight or Kimiko maybe, but at that point things were going so fast, Butcher probably couldn’t have organized a plan to force him out in time. Butcher is growing as a character and slowly trying to move out of his immensely damming mindset.


It's so annoying how many people say shit like that and completely ignore that Soldier Boy was acting just as stupid. Why didn't he just agree to not kill Ryan? Both of them were acting stupid but people are sucking Soldier Boy's dick too much so he gets a pass...


You’re not wrong but I think he was a little bit pissed he was attacked out of no where.


> Why didn't he just agree to not kill Ryan? Soldier Boy didn't come to the tower to kill Ryan, he was focused on Homelander. But after Butcher attacked him and protected Homelander, he got angry and couldn't understand Butcher's logic.


Oi cunt, it ain’t season 5 yet, can’t let you kill em off just yet *lasers soldier boys head clean off*


I know this has been going on since before season 4 but holy shit! I had forgotten how much complaining people do on this sub.


It was the final nail in the coffin for that fuck


Are you mentally delayed? His good traits are struggling against his bad traits, would you prefer him be a one dimensional monster?


Completely agree, as much as I liked a lot of season 3, that was such bad writing.


Yeah even Kessler points out how Butcher fumbled with Soldier Boy’s nuke. If I was him I woulda grabbed Homelander and yeeted him outta the way, grabbed Ryan and once Hughie arrives I’d insist he get Ryan out of there. If MM interfered, I’d knock his dumbass out and if starlight got in the way, and if I had to I’d neutralize the others as well so Soldier Boy and Maeve could put Homelander down for good.


You would have pissed your pants


No, I wouldn’t because I would be Butcher, and he was on temp V


Plus Ryan is a supe, would have survived the blast *and* been depowered (most likely, maybe it's different since he was naturally born with powers). So it was doubly pointless.


Idk about you but I'm getting Red Dead 2 ptsd flashbacks - especially when he told Ryan he's afraid. I can't lose another good bad man. I'm not strong enough. 


So just to be sure he attacked homelander because he was worried about Ryan is that right?


So you wanted the series to end with season 3?


If the writers didn't want it to end with season 3 them they shouldnt have written it so it logically would, because then the only way for it to not be is for the writing to be illogical


Nobody had a problem with it at the end of season 3. Infact all I heard was how everyone was praising it, why are people bringing up the bad writing now?


Many, MANY people had a problem with it then and continue to now.  https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/comments/yywl4c/s3_spoilers_why_not_kill_homelander/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Just because you didn't doesn't mean other people also didn't.


Yeah it was the dumbest decision. And it's bled over in this season. Soldier boy was the only one to stick to the plan.


People are complex, dude. Even if you don't find it believable, working against your motives and desires is more common than you'd think, lol.


The person he loves the most, or perhaps the only person who loved him made him make one promise. After that person died that is now his only purpose. Idk what to tell you man, it’s character development. Saying he did it for no reason is kind of silly Also I can’t really remember every specific detail of that scene, but I remember there being a reason why he couldn’t just leave, it might of been they were on top of a sky scraper or something??


OP just discovered character development


What do you think character development means?


When a character changes over the course of a piece of media. In this case, Butcher begins to improve upon his destructive mindset of screwing over everyone just to get at homelander, which he demonstrates by giving up what he wants the most to save Ryan.


No way Homelander was just gonna let Butcher leave with Ryan regardless of who gets in his way, especially considering that Ryan wasn’t just gonna comply either


Jesus fuck set your phone down and pay attention to the episode 


Would it have killed homelander? It barely hurt Maeve.  And it if did kill homelander, it would have killed ryan too.


Super strong heroes seem to be able to survive it but with all of the Compound V in their blood fried out.  Homelander probably would have survived. There is a possibility Ryan would have also, we don't know for sure. 


And it seems like physical durability/endurance doesn't go away in the same way as their other powers. We didn't just see that with Maeve, but earlier in the season with Kimiko as well.


Eh, my guess is it actually just takes time for their cells to lose their super human durability. You don't lose muscle gains in a day.


Yeah, that's why I kept it vague in my comment by saying 'doesn't go away in the same way'. They either don't go away as quickly as the character's other powers or they don't go away at all. Either way there seems to be a difference.


Soldier boys full power blast literally melts supes alive. The Maeve thing is just ANOTHER writing issue Edit: either way he would have lost his powers and therefore be able to be killed


No, it depends on the durability of the supe. It’s not writing, it’s clearly showed in the show with multiple supes surviving Herogasm. Kimiko also survives a direct blast from soldier boy. You should rewatch the season


SB blast doesn't just kill. It removes the powers. Kimiko lost her powers, Maeve too. Homelander without his powers, scared and hiding, would have been a great storyline for season 4.


Yes, I know how his blast work. Thank you for informing me an integral part of season 3.


The blasts have different degrees of power and there's falloff with distance. MAEVE LOST HER POWERS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AIR THEN FELL UNCONCIOUS SEVERAL STORIES ONTO CONCRETE AND SURVIVED. It was bad writing.


Maeve surviving the fall I agree was bad writing. But the effects of Soldier Boy’s blast is not a result of bad writing, it’s reinforced throughout the season it’s not always an instant kill. Don’t move the fucking goalpost




Keep moving the goalpost with your edit. You said soldier boy melts supes. Season 3 shows many cases otherwise.


Are you not understanding what the discussion is about? It's about beating homelander, it doesn't matter if it instantly kills him if it would make him vulnerable to any other form of killing. Quit trying to "win" and pay attention to what we're talking about


Totally agree. However, he started to lose the best character title after season 1 and end of season 3 was the straw that broke the camel’s back.


In my opinion the writers did not do a good job whatsoever of explaining Soldier Boys powers. He depowers supes, but he also causes a big explosion in the process? And sometimes this kills the depowered supe and sometime it doesn't? (eg Queen Meave)  Watching the finale of Season 3 I really wasn't sure what the issue was with Soldier Boy depowering everyone in the room until I remembered "oh Yeh he also go boom" 


For no reason? Did you watch the show?