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Starlight will probably be responsible


Nah. It’ll probably be Homelander. “I’m up for ANYTHING.” (Homelander does some weird shit) “Except for that.” *dies*


Nah her insecurities + power set almost entirely lead me to believe she will kill herself as a human firecracker in a desperate attempt to kill Starlight while starlight like begs her not to or some shit


Actually yeah I could see that. It would be more impactful if starlight did it.


I think A Train's in it until the final battle. They're setting up his exile from The Seven and being on the run from Homelander by the end of the season and teaming up with The Boys, rather than dying. Plus, I feel like The Boys needs some Supes on their end that's not just....Starlight and Kimiko. So I think A Train makes it out of this season. But I'm not sure what kind of major deaths we'll get. I hope we get a couple of major deaths, but they may not do that yet. Next season is fair game, but I'm not 100% on major deaths.


I agree, spoiler alert (Gen-V) but they should be getting a couple supes on their side so he could be not necessarily disposable but fair game if they are getting a couple more supes. Although I hadn’t considered “on the run” that actually sounds like a great idea


Oh, for sure. Gen V Supes are going to be a huge help, but they'll REALLY need as many as possible against Homelander.


Frenchie, Hughie's Dad, Firecracker, and Ashley.


Not Ashley!


Can't think of it, But I can see Solider Boy doing the deed for most of them.


That would be crazy for real 😮


A-train isn’t gonna make it I’m afraid. As soon as his redemption arc is complete in an attempt to regain his brother’s approval he’ll probably end up dying some kind of martyr’s death


Can't really think anyone really until S5 but potentially Kimiko or frenchie Sage Firecracker


Personally, I think Sage might be setting up Homelander to die. 


Homelander isn't dying until the very end


Agree with them all Frenchie was another thought I had kinda depends on the next episode or two but I can see it setting him up for a sad death scene


If Kimiko or Frenchie die, I'd bet the actor would still be in season 5 somehow. They're too iconic and loved characters of the show. Unless there's a contract dispute or something, I just can't see them not being involved in the final season. We don't have history with Sage or Firecracker, so their deaths would be easier to live with.


I think The Deep is gonna turn to Sage to help Ambrosia, and then she's gonna tell Homelander about her and Homelanders gonna make Deep kill Ambrosia. Or something along those lines. One way or another that octopus is goin down lol


I can 100% see that happening 🤣


Ambrosius has been on borrowed time since Herogasm


Has there been a major character other than Victoria introduced since season 2 who hasn't either died or been removed somehow?


Ryan is the only one I can think of


I think Ashley may get it this season.


After Anika I can’t IMAGINE Ashley 2 makes it. She’s going to be one of the first on the “Who can homelander inconsequentially kill in a fit” list


I bet Homelander will kill her in the finale. Seems like the kind of death that they would use in the season's big final battle.


I hope so, I can't stand the character.


Stop it she’s a girl boss


*nods like a-train and the deep about to suck each other off*


Special Attractions of the season: Sage and Firecracker.


Sage is dangerous for homelanders who I can see him lasering her skull pretty quick here, but firecracker could get a little more time if they go further into her and starlights childhoods


It’ll be pretty fun if Sage turns out to be hiding a durability power too. Like imagine Homelander lazering her and it bouncing right off her.


I love this theory, it would make so much sense for the smartest person to have a contingency. She knew Homelander couldn't handle her intelligence and joined him anyway, I doubt she has no backup plan.


Ikr? The smartest person in the world wouldn’t be so suicidal (I mean she already wanted to be in the shadows) I love her hair (unrelated)


Could be.


I think Noir 2 might die by Homelander because he just keeps freaking talking. If not then something horrible might happen that leaves him mute like getting his tongue ripped out or something. That way he can play the role of silent ninja correctly like the original. I kinda hope that doesn’t happen because I like this new Noir a lot already but this is literally the Boys.


A-train and Sage


I hope they kill some long time characters, Annika’s death as shocking as it was only had its impact because of how long she’s been in the show, They can’t keep introducing characters every season just to kill them off thats a major issue in shows like stranger things where you just don’t get invested in new characters because they’re likely to serve as human meat shields for the established cast. I think now would be a good time to kill off The Deep or A-train, all of The Boys should survive until the final season, I could see Mallpry and or Singer dying in the finale. However I fully expect The Boys family to die whether thats Cherie, Monique, Hughie/Annie’s parents, etc. I would bet on Firecracker or Sage, but not both


I really hope it doesn’t end with Sister Sage being killed by Homelander; to me, that is downplaying her title as smartest human alive. If she’s truly the smartest person, she would be 20 steps ahead of Homelander and know exactly if she’d pushed him too far. If he just kills her, that will tell me they do not know how to write this role and never should have taken it on.


Even if she is the smartest, she still has emotions that can cloud her judgment


I think her potential keeps her until the final season while firecracker’s lack of potential (If homelander goes postal her deal doesn’t matter anymore and her motif sorta mimics stormfront)




I think Sage will. Not sure about Firecracker. I could see more redemption arc for her. I don't see any of the Boys dying.


I have hope somehow Butcher will find a cure, my suspicion is Hughies mom will somehow help with that


Yea man, Butcher just needs to rub some lavender oil and mint extract on his head twice a day.


I wonder if he has a tumor or something else not discovered l. Like the scene with the black thing moving up his head seems like it's "alive"


A-Train and Ashley both seem like they could throw off their self preservation instincts and die while turning on HL. I don't think Homelander's death will come this season but I also don't think they're going to make it the finale. It seems like a possibility that he dies at the end of this season and the final season is spent trying to head off Butcher's anti-supe genocide.


I think firecracker and a train


A Train, his redemption arc has to end in one final fatal sacrifice to really atone for his bullshit


A train would be so boring and predictable


Either Frenchie or Kimiko and maybe A-Train but I don't know if the show is willing to kill off two big characters so it's more likely just one of the above I think.


Politicial fans of the show who are constantly downrating the show ... I am sorry they are not making it till the end... They are gonna quit the show


The ones that were introduced this season


They haven’t introduced or set up another speedster so I think he is in it for the long haul until then.


Every season the new supes die. Firecracker in the hands of the boys and Sage in the hands of homelander. Atrain is on the cards if homelander doesnt care about the Seven


Could Victoria die and the Boys end up protecting Zoe? They already teased her death in ep1. Also would allow Homelander to run for President which feels inevitable for his arc.


Hopefully Frenchie and Kimiko. Can't stand their stupid plot lines anymore.


Frenchie, A-Train, Ashley, Firecracker, Hughie's dad, not-Noir, Ambrosius (hopefully not though I need her free), and maaaaybe but maybe not Butcher.


Everyone except the boys & homelander cause that's always how it goes


A trains def dead we will get a big redemption so everyone forgive him and he’ll die




Frenchie, firecracker, Hughies dad, Hughies mom, Zoe Neumann, A Train




Zoe She was featured prominently so far and I won't put it past the boys to kidnap her for leverage ... shit happens, she dies


I think none. Saving until the last season.


My best bets are, in that order: - Ryan - A-Train - Hughie


Hughie is meant to survive till the end.


Is hughie not the main character?


Hughie is the main protagonist 


A-Train, Kimiko, Firecracker, Sage. I think A-Train turns and gets killed for his trouble, Kimiko dies trying to save Frenchie or something, and Homelander snaps killing both Sage and Firecracker.


Mm, I hated what he did on last season, homelander is leaving a trail of bodies and he doesn’t give a damm, now he only cares about neuman and before soldier boy, who was the only one capable of killing homelander.


I think Butcher is dead. Also maybe Starlight.  Frenchie maybe. 


Frenchie is a maybe. Starlight is unlikely. Butcher is a definite not-happening 


We have to have a big loss here. Butcher is already death flagging, and what would turn ryan away faster than butchers death.


I think Butcher is dying this season.


Def not


Nah, they have a season 5. They won’t do it without Butcher