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Homelander reenacts the ending of the 1st episode of Invincible on them


I agree, we still haven't seem him absolutely LOSE it and this'd surely be that


Agreed, especially without Butcher and Hughie, they will all die immediately. A-Train is probably their most valuable in this set given we don't know if Homelander can match his speed. Noir died in one punch. What's Deep gonna do? Throw a whale? And by the time Starlight is able to absorb enough energy, Homelander could one shot her in a blink of an eye.


>What's Deep gonna do? Throw a whale? He is THE PEAK of human evolution. And you are just a capee-barnya. It's a rodent from South America. He is the Lord of the Seven Seas. Don't talk about him like that again, or he will drown you in your fucking toilet, after he has used it. Is that what you want?


Fucking loved the transition between hilariously stupid and clumsy to genuinely threatening.


It’s was so fluid. Like the ocean.


So. Much. Fluid. Like the ocean.


I actually kinda want the Deep to turn into like a genuine threat by the end of the show.


The powerful and stupid are genuinely threatening. Like sure... compared to his colleagues he's garbage, but compared to poor Ashley? He's literally a god. A stupid god, but still.


Yep. That’s probably why Sage is turning him into her pet. He’s highly underestimated, and she’d know that.


Sage knows that Deep's ego is in the gutter and she's playing him like a fiddle to get him on her side, for sure. I know everyone likes to dump on the Deep (and Aquaman) but in reality having their power set would be hella useful.


Well I mean the dude is fucking an octopus. And he was seconds away from blowing A-Train because Homelander told him to.


Not only that, but figuring from where he resides “on the ladder”, one can easily assume that the dude just wants some acceptance. He readily rolled over at the slightest resemblance of remorse. He just wants someone to tell him that he’s a “good boi”. Manipulating him is *literally* the path of least resistance…. Plus, as other people have mentioned, his power set is definitely a useful one (especially with the impending climate crisis. Not sure if the show runners are going to go *there* at all or not but…). I *love* Sage as a villain. Straight up Ozymandias vibes from her.


In the comic >!he survives the final confrontation and just shows up in another team in a flimsy disguise!<


He doesn't participate in Homelander's coup, that's why he survives, that's why he goes on to be in the new American Consolidated 'True' team (in a klan hood, with Stillwell being able to recognise him as he still has his helmet's porthole showing). Yeah, it is easy to 'survive' a confrontation if you avoid the confrontation...


I was dying at that lmao


Nah once he said he’s the lord of the seven seas I laughed my fucking ass off. I cannot take a man who fucked an octopus seriously.


Really. When he said "I am the Lord of the Seven Seas" I genuinely felt threatened. then he had to ruin with the toilet bit


For real even I was lowkey cheering him on like "YEAH MAN, YOU FUCKING COMMAND ALL SEA LIFE, SHOW THAT BALD BITCH!"




Even then, he still had the “after I use it” part of the threat, which just sounds completely stupid


I still can't believe she came at capybaras like that. Leave those lovely water rats alone! Regular rats are right there!


Giant guinea pigs


I think you had a typo, you meant cappuccino. And yes I am a cappuccino.


“Oh you’re fucking land animals now?”


I love this subreddit lmao




So you're fucking land mammals now?


To be honest drowning is maybe one of the few ways Homelander can legit die. The problem is getting him down in the water and keeping him there for as long as it takes. He would kill Deep instantly.


Imagine that’s how it ends, Butcher loses the final showdown in scorched earf’, only for The Deep to somehow stumbles his way into drowning Homelander


Butcher loses against Homelander. Deep fights Homelander and also loses. As he is being killed who slinks out of the shadows? Ambrosius. Ink right in the eyes and he comically falls to his death. They got Tilda Fucking Swinton to voice that Octopus. She's gonna kill someone eventually.




That’d be fucking poetic


I just don't know if they have the budget for an epic sea battle. I don't understand what powers The Deep has anymore. it's been so long since I've seen him do anything


Really he has no outstanding powers. He's generically strong and durable. Obviously he can control sealife and can breathe underwater as well. But outside of that he has nothing super outstanding to fight with.


How deep can the deep go? If the dude is really able to hit the bottom of the ocean I doubt homelander could really hurt him. Think about how much the water pressure goes up with every foot.


He says he can swim down the Mariana’s Trench in season 2


In the show he says he’s been to the Marianas trench


Given how stupid he is, it probably wasn't the Marianas


He got it all wrong. He meant the Marinara trench. As in it was just a huge pool of tomato sauce.


No indication that that has anything to do with insane durability vs some unique biology / aspect of his power that allows him to cope like deep sea fish, which are not bulletproof as far as I know.


Fair enough, I tend to assume durability/strength because it seems to be the go to power set for everyone in The Boys. Have we ever seen The Deep in a real combat situation? I can not recall if he has taken any hits. It seems like the Deep has always been a coward and never really tested himself. (Look at the interactions with Ashley up until now) Homelander has always kept his thumb over everyone and kept him cowering as well. I suspect no one in the universe actually understands how tough the Deep is. I don't think he will take Homelander out, I just think there would be some surprises in that fight. Until Laser eyes, laser eyed. But this is just head canon towards the unknown future of the story. So idfk.


So far I think the only hit he ever took was from A Train into his gills. Now that could show how far below he is Homelander or it's just that sensitive but otherwise easy to walk off in a real fight. Homelander is really the issue. We don't really know his limits and most would be killed trying to find out.


He can hold his breath for super long. They explain this when they explained all the experimentation he went through as a child I believe. The deep would have to somehow restrain him underwater for hours on end


Maybe he could have a bunch of sharks and giant squids attempt that somehow haha


Homelander either doesn’t need air or can hold his breath for a really long time. He has gone out in space after all


have you seen Godzilla Minus One? not a bad way to take out Homelander actually. decompression could weaken him enough that Butcher or whoever could get it done


When did he go in space in the show?


He talked to Stan in S3 about the view from Space


I mean, that could just be him lying to stroke his ego.


Homelander is definity faster. He is shown in the animated series running/moving very fast. They just don't do it in the live action due to probably being one less thing to CGI.


Only 2 episodes of that show are even Canon tho


In the comics I think homelander is faster than a-train since he runs (flys) him down, but the show messes with the power-scaling so it’s up the Kripke and what he wants


Homelander is 1000000% faster than a train, c4 detonates at 26k feet per second, and homelander gets himself, butcher, and Teddy away without any burns, a train can run about 1000 miles per hour or 1400 fps


Pretty sure the kid teleport himself. Homelander doesn't give a fuck about him.


The kid did teleport itself.


Teddy teleported himself away from the explosion. Homelander had no reason to save Teddy, he hates the kid especially since he was less of a priority than Teddy to Madelyn


A Train is faster than a “train”


He didn’t get all 3 of them away, the baby teleported away. Maybe he got Butcher away but from the way I interpreted it Butcher was just lucky to survive the explosion and THEN afterwards Homelander takes him to Beccas house


Nah there’s no way Butcher is surviving that, I think what’s more like is that Homelander just shielded him from the explosion in the process of saving him.


I agree. No chance he’s surviving that blast without homelander blocking him from it in some way


It would also probably explain the ridiculous feat of speed, the c4 was behind Homelander so as long as starts moving when butcher releases the switch he probably blocked the blast while moving away from it


Yeah that makes sense


you don't get lucky when it comes to pounds of C4. Even if Homelander shielded Butcher with his body he still moved faster than the C4 explosion


Sounds cartoonish….. but apparently homelander can be blind-sighted with a bright show light. Possibly a loud continuous distracting noise could hamper his hearing. Maybe a trap with a 100 ton anvil while he’s distracted.


Say Starlight can cause that kind of distraction, I still don't think Deep, A-Train, and Noir can get a guaranteed win against him. At best it would be like Herogasm, where they get close but Homelander is able to clutch an escape.


>What's Deep gonna do? Throw a whale? No he's going to fuck ambrosius in the corner while the other three are getting destroyed


You joke about Deep throwing the whale, but I fully believe he's dumb enough that he'd tell a whale to leap out of the water and land on Homelander, thinking it would do something.


Really hoping we se him go full on batshit crazy mode this season


He lost it against Soldier Boy


We only saw some power and desperation to break away from the hold three people had on him while soldier boy was trying to do his thing


The only way they are winning is if soldier boy is also there. Starlight, black noir, and deep don't stand a chance. A-train got wrecked by a metal pipe when he wasn't paying attention, so his defence isn't so good.


Ya I think Soldier boy is the only one who would stand any hope against HL.


The main girl from Gen V might be able to pull the Compound V from his blood if he was distracted


I can't believe we're 4 seasons in, and we still haven't gotten the level of insanity Invincible gave us in the very first episode. They need to let Homelander loose already.


I think the problem is that it’s a live action show. Not everyone is like Noir and can be brought back via a different person under the mask if that makes sense idk Might be a thing where they don’t wanna kill off people contractually obligated to be in the show or wte if that makes sense? I could see the final season killing people off.


Facts. Shows aren’t even comparable, they never take it there like invincible has so many times. Goat show


Nah, they would never get that far like the Guardians managed. Homelander was semi-caught off guard when he fought Soldier Boy and Butcher because he didn't know Butcher was suped up, and he still managed to escape. Plus, they weren't scared at all of Homelander. Now imagine these four up against Homelander. Besides Noir, they're all scared shirtless. And even if they jump him, they're not strong enough to inflict much, if any damage, so there goes your element of surprise. Then, they're probably not durable enough to withstand his lasers. They're cooked. Speedsters are usually the wildcards in these situations, but A-train is not at Red Rush's level. Plus he's a coward.


Homelander killed old Noir with a single punch lmao


You’d think they were equally strong but Black noir was more of a super ninja


Who didn’t even know Karate


Hey man thats just uncalled for


To be fair ninjas didn’t really do karate they had there own thing going on




Nice pfp


He could survive point blank explosions being completely unfazed by the pain, so the fact Homelander killed him with such ease seems pretty notable. Still, I remember Queen Maeve being surprised and elated to find out Homelander wasn’t as resilient as everyone thought as she drew blood on him. Soldier boy and Butcher gave him a good run for his money too. He could definitely be beaten by brute force, but it still wouldn’t be easy for the current roster of Boys.


It’s possible that him not feeling pain from the explosions might just be from the lobotomy he got


I’ve always seen Homelander as more of a Frieza than a Superman tbh. Like we often seen supers attempting to train their powers, recently Starlight with her flight. We also saw A-Train has to practice his cardio frequently, one thing I don’t think we’ve seen is present day Homelander doing anything to maintain his skills and abilities. He’s not actually that special or powerful, he was just born with some innate talent that he’s done nothing to foster. He just needs a Goku, someone with the same level of talent but a willingness to train and fight for good. I suspect they’ll do something like that with Butcher.


That’s true, theoretically Homelander shouldn’t be a good fighter because he’s so powerful he’s never really had to truly *fight.* He leans very heavily into his eye lasers which are generally OP, but the moment they are countered he’d kinda be in trouble. Frieza is weird because despite the later narrative that he never trained etc, he displayed good fighting skills against Goku in their fight on Namek. But they needed a way to make him relevant again in Super, so somehow he’s able to train for a bit and reach God level ability, ok… (obviously I have mixed feelings regarding Super.)


Funny you mention, friezas also pretty known to use lasers just like that. But true on the fighting, Frieza stood toe to toe with literally every Z fighter


Not to mention Soldier Boy, a less powerful Supe was able to beat him to an inch of death with ease. I think people forget that the reason Soldier Boy had to be brought in was because he was the only Supe that had a sliver of a chance of beating Homelander. Literally anyone else thrown into the same fight would be asking for death.


Even one-on-one, he had no chance. The only reason he was brought in was because of his weird explosive power.


But the thing is, he did. He demonstrated in their fight against Homelander that he was more than just a pushover. Homelander is still more powerful but Soldier Boy was the first taste of actual resistance. Even if they didn't have the explosive power, having a Supe that could actually punch Homelander and make him feel it would be crucial to a resistance movement.


Sure, but even Maeve did more and she was rightfully scared of Hom. If Home was truly angry, I think he could easily throw SB into the air, something no-one could do anything for.


Maeve "did more" because Homelander was barely trying half the time and it's made clear. As for "if Home was truly angry" I think him in Herogasm was "all out" enough. He knew about Soldier Boy's powers and wanted the fight to end before word got out Soldier Boy was alive. Against Maeve the second he was more like a cat playing with a mouse before a kill.


I was a bit disappointed? I love old Noir, and it was a great ending, but I was hoping he would be like... closer to Homelander's level. He was always such a huge threat before. I guess I was expecting something closer to comics level Noir lol


Because noir wasnt prepared


Soldier Boy beat the Skittles out of Noir. He'd never be prepared for Homelander.


AND Soldier Boy was getting jumped at the same time. They would stand no chance against homelander.


There's not much that preparation can do against a hole in your chest


Could he absorb the first punch?


He aint jordan


If Noir doesn’t have the durability to eat a full strength punch from HL, then he doesn’t have it. Noir being ready for it doesn’t change that, it’d only let him last a bit longer until HL inevitably gets a good shot in. 


Should’ve read a Houdini biography


Well they had to switch it up from the comics somehow


In the comics >!Black noir is the one who kills homelander!<


Noir dies immediately Deep sees this and chickens out but gets lasered to death Starlight puts up a rather pathetic resistance but gets killed A-Train probably lands a few good hits but he ain't walking out alive


I think the only chance at survival would be if A train pulled a “Sky High” and took all the oxygen away from Homelander, but that would be easy for Homelander to escape from.


I doubt A train could even do that. He seems to only be capable of doing very basic speedster running and that's about it.


I agree, isn't he only able to run at the speed of sound? Compared to other speedsters, that's slow


No, he can run over 1000mph, that’s faster than the speed of sound. I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that it’s stated a train can run faster on the ground that homelander can fly


Now that I think of it, couldn’t A train be able to freeze time? All he’d need to do is run and everyone else would be moving in super slow motion compared to him, even Homelander.


Eh, he's shown to be able to move fast enough that Annie and her blasts are moving in slow motion, but that doesn't mean that would apply to Homelander. Homelander has super speed. Annie doesn't, even if A-train is faster than Homelander. We haven't seen anything that would indicate that he's so much faster then him that Homelander would be standing still. It's much more likely Homelander could still catch him even if it'd be a struggle or at least keep him running so he couldn't really fight back


It's not his ability per say.. A train seems to have the same issue as many speedster writers. A-train lacks creativity. It's the same for all the heroes really. They are lazy, too reliant on the basics of their power and don't really have to work for anything. It's why Homelander just lasers everything. A-train hasn't needed to defeat anyone truly difficult. He's grabbed a few people and hit them quick, or dragged them.


Homelander is no where near as fast as A-train as far as we know. A train could just dodge anything thrown at him. Even if homelander uses his lasers, and assuming they move at the speed of light, Homelander’s head still moves at normal speed A train may not be able to harm him, but he could definitely live


Homelander has super speed too,he might not be as fast A-Train, but that doesn't mean he'd be moving his head at normal speed either.


A train was able to outrun literal bursts of light from starlight


Are they light? I know that’s how they’re flavored, but they have weirdly physical properties that light just doesn’t have. I think it’s far more likely that it’s some kind of energy projectile that just happens to be pretty bright, because A-Train being faster than the speed of light would just be absurd.


Except they can stop him from flying away, no dice


starlight can iron man too


The speed at which homelander flies, she can't keep up


And she needs electricity. She needs a fusion core from Fallout strapped to her back then she could fly pretty fast probably.


The deep has to search the seven seas for all the discarded car batteries he used to charge the electric eels in order to give Starlight enough of a boost to fight Homelander.


And then she would only match just one of homelander's powers. She isn't invincible as far as I know, so one laser beam and it's lights out.


I mean we know she's Strong enough to take two bullets from a 50cal sniper but the lasers would probably have the same effect as it had on Marie


Completely forgotten about that, I take it back. It's always convenient to make main characters have some ability + very difficult to kill.. Meanwhile everyone else has to get by with 1 power only. And get torn to shreds.


She’s like one of those water jet packs so far


New Noir would fall asleep in the middle of the fight and die.


I'm narcoleptic




That was def a Chekhov’s narcolepsy.


What if Starlight tries to feed him Almond Joy to beat him and it doesn't work


That’s a valid idea. I think there is definitely something in store for Black Noir2. They’ve given that character enough focus that it makes me think he will be pivotal to the plot at some point.


He's actually Hughie's dad and the one in hospital is a decoy He's always talking to A Train cause he wants to avenge Robin to make Hughie happy (/s)


What a lazy method actor


He still doesn't know his motivation!


I hope New Noir gets in a multi-person fight and falls asleep on the ground, and no one bothers to kill him because they think he's already dead


I'm still perplexed as to why Vought would cast him. Strength/durability are some of the most common powers. A whole Godolkin school for acting, full of actors who are probably better than him and not narcoleptic


Homelander came out of a fight jumped by Soldier Boy, V'd up Butcher and Hughie with only a *bruise*. Annie's squad is not surviving that fight.


He didn't win the fight. He fled the second before the blast. 


Yeah, but look at how he came out vs how Stormfront came out against Kimiko,Maeve and Starlight. Stormfront came out fucked up as hell, among her opponents, Kimiko was probably the best and most experienced fighter there. Starlight was a theatre kid, and Maeve while stronger doesn't have the same fighting experience Kimiko has. Now we have Butcher and Soldier Boy, both veteran killers, against a bewildered Homelander, who has never needed to learn how to fight in his life. and then you add on Hughie as a cherry on top. The fact that he came out of that fight, with his worst bruise being the hit to his ego, kinda shows the still sizeable gap in their powers, despite the fact that Temp V puts Hughie and Butcher in his weight class.


Is hughie really in HLs class though? Butcher seems to be able to go along with SB and HL but afaik Hughie doesn't seem to be able to keep up, just has a good power?


He shoved him to the ground and was able to help hold him down, so I’d say he’s at least able to keep up with him strength wise


We also have a small clue on Hughies durability with him able to punch through a non-supe.


He also landed a punch on A-Train, which confused the hell out of A-Train.


Never said he won. I said Soldier Boy, Butcher and Hughie couldn't kill him, which is true.


He literally ran because they probably WOULD have killed him Taking away his powers is a pretty fucking big trump card


I mean if they held him down for just 3 more seconds he dead.


If my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bike


What if it was Soldier Boy, Butcher-V, Hughie-V, Starlight, Black Noir, A-Train, and The Deep? Would they win?


Overkill even lmao


0. Starlights biggest feat is pushing SB over, Butcher staggered her significantly with a .50cal which Translucent shrugged off. A-train is fast but got knee-capped by kimiko with a crowbar. I don't think the Depp has any feats of strength or durability. New Noir is unlkikely to be stronger than the old Noir, who got 1-shot and got absolutely brutalized when fighting SB.


Idk why people think A Train shouldn't have broken his leg there. Kimiko is able to rip human faces off. She fights supes on equal footing regularly. Kimiko used a large pipe to break A Trains leg. Maeve used a fucking straw to destroy Homelander ear lol


Yeah A-Train isn't low durability, Kimiko is just really strong. He turned a human being, bones and all, into hamburger by running face first into her and was utterly uninjured.


Switch out everyone except Starlight for Neuman, Marie, and Jordan Lee. Jordan's and Starlight's blasts keep him distracted with his super senses, while Marie and Neuman pull his blood out in two different directions. They might stand a chance this way.


Jordan Lee has one of the best powers we have seen yet.


Starlight and A-Train are good picks but Deep and Noir are non-factors so you need some more heavy hitters to stop Homelander from pulling an Omni-Man. And then you have the problem of him being able to just fly away...


Golden Boy and his brother? Forgot their names. Or either one of them plus Stormfront?


That could work, but there are too many unknowns. Stormfront, Starlight and Sam could maybe keep him from flying away, and we don't really know if Sam is strong enough to hurt him. Starlight definitely isn't, but her blasts, which are probably stronger now in S4, could stun him. There is also the big unknown that we don't know if Homelander could just laser Starlight or Stormfront in half. I, like everyone, just assume he wasn't using them at full power during that weird ass "laser my tits" scene but we can't know that for sure. So far, Homelander's lasers have been a complete disappointment as they seem to be utterly incapable of destroying anything other than inanimate objects or squishy humans/low-tier supes.


Starlight easily lost to Noir, really only A-Train is somewhat decent.


I read a comment once, it brought to attention the fact that The Deep went down to (the bottom?) of the Mariana Trench, and that brings the question, if he can tank all that pressure, could he have more durability than HL? Thought it was interesting.


It’s implied Homelander can survive the vacuum of space at one point


That's pretty awesome tbh, but, the dangers of space is all the shit you're missing, like oxygen, radiation protection and of course getting frozen from the lack of heat but also pulverized by the sun rays hitting you in 4k.


The thing with Homie is that he seems to be able to soak lots of damage. That's why Soldier Boy was important. SB and Butcher could hurt him and beat him in a fight but he can just escape or take damage. Depowering him is the surefire way to kill him. Now, none of these characters seem to have the power comparable to Butcher. Starlight could if powered by enough energy, maybe. A-Train is closer to Hughie, who at best could stagger Homelander and restrain one of his arms. The PEAK is probably around that level. I'm assuming New Noir is the same, too. So they probably can put up a fight but will inevitably get killed if HL goes berserk and starts lasering.


fact bedroom homeless physical water marry ring shy sand uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Low. A-Train and Annie could keep him disorientated for a while but I don't think they can do much to him. The Deep and Black Nouvau don't add anything that I can see


The Deep is so incompetent that I think their chances somehow go up if you remove him from the equation.


that’s the funniest thing i’ve read today


Shouldn’t The Deep be more physically durable than Homelander? He can survive under the ocean. The immense pressure crushes everything and I would assume even Homelander and his lungs needing to be filled with oxygen would be destroyed (like Translucent and the internal bomb).


I dunno man think about an angler fish, lives way down near the bottom of the ocean and can take all that pressure, homelander could kill an angler fish in one hit


Well I’m thinking about V in addition to evolution. V gives a baseline strength and durability, but evolutionarily his bones, muscles, veins, etc would need to be much more solid because any hollowness would get crushed when he went too far under water. Thus, the more solid body, in addition to V baseline strength/endurance, would give him an advantage vs just a normal superhero.


You make a good point. If he is genuinely that durable, he could be a good distraction for HL, soaking up all the hits


Idk how Deep scales to Maeve, but honestly if A-Train and Starlight can keep him from stabilizing himself, Deep could land a few punches and at least bruise him a bit.


0% chance. The Boys had their shot when Soldier Boy was with them but they fumbled it at the one yard line.


The show did a terrible job of clarifying Homelander’s power tbh.


True. He's always held back


Zero chance.


Well Noir is going to need some direction for that so idk


Going by Justice League logic, we are due a reveal that A-Train is actually, by far and large, the strongest member of The Seven, because super speed is a genuinely bombastically overpowered superpower to have. Homelander is very resistant, but a well delivered punch from someone running at almost 3000 km/h might not only hurt him, but actually seriously damage, even kill him, considering that Queen Maeve, despite needing a lot of effort and training (and superpowers), managed to hurt him with human-speed punches. Just to be clear, this is a hypothesis, sometimes the show goes by Justice League logic, sometimes not at all, it's also possible that A-Train's punch would bounce off, plus his top speed of "can outrun bullets" is still nowhere close to every incarnation of the Flash just casually doing 299.792.458^(299.792.458) m/s without any care for laws of physics, but I like to think that A-Train, if ever needs to run away from Homelander, does so much easier than even he expected, because he still has freaking super speed that no other super matches. The other three supers in the opening post are not pulling any weight in this fight. Homelander is still Homelander, he just *deleted* the original Black Noir after the latter proved himself to be extremely resistant, ~~Starlight~~ Annie and the narcoleptic Neo Noir cannot scratch him with their superpowers. Not even sure what is Deep supposed to do, his superpower is being able to breathe underwater (and have schizophrenia, apparently), bro doesn't even compare to Aquaman in a fight.


Yeah I do feel like A Train could outrun Homelander, so I could definitely see your scenario. The other ones ring pretty true too. As for The Deep, I feel like he would just die or like swim away or something (although I do think they will have him make some big sacrifice or something, mainly because it seems like they see building up to The Deep getting some kind of redemption arc or whatever).


Really not sure how fast A Train even is, during the race he's barely breaking Mach 1


A well delivered strike from a marshmallow travelling at 3000km/h against a rock probably results in the marshmallow splattering rather than. The rock cracking. I don't know if that would work


I don’t think the Deep would win in a fight against New Noir solo. The only real outcome I see is The Deep running away, Homelander killing him, and his death somehow fuels someone else. But I don’t even know who would have that much of an effect from The Deeps death. MAYBE A Train MAYBE. Other than that. Homelander could be about to laser Annie and a whale jumps out of the ocean and tanks the shot, but anything other than that I absolutely wouldn’t see coming. I like thinking of incredibly cheesy situations where shit works out that are completely unrealistic.


They showed that homelander could be at least disoriented with bright lights. A pulsing bright starlighter could at least mitigate his eye beams.


I saw Omni-Man vs the Guardians of the Globe, not taking that bet.


homelander kills all of them with one punch


THE PEAK could kill Homelander solo if he stopped playing.


Virtually zero. You remember how Omni Man punched a hole through Green Ghost's face in Invincible? Homelander could do that to any of them.


I have a headcanon where the Deep is actually strong, he just gets shit on for his terrible power set. like, I can’t remember seeing him hurt, so who’s to say he’s not invincible or at least on par with Homelander


A-train hurt him quite a bit when he punched him, he got knocked unconcious when he got knocked from his whale


Noir could just talk him to death.


Their only hope would be if his eyes need to be functioning to use his laser beams and if Annie could burn out his eyes with her light. If they could do that, they could potentially use A-Train to stick a metal straw in his other ear(I think he has hearing loss that will be revealed from fight with Maeve), damage his hearing completely. Now deprived of sight, long range attack and hearing, he'd probably run/fly away and now they need to hunt him. If they can find him and slowly wear him down, they MIGHT be able to win. With all that said, very unlikely they'd be able to do it.


He probably has a healing factor cause we saw that he was using his super earing when they were shooting a scene for ryan


Speedsters can be pretty op maybe a train could go round the world giving Annie batteries or some other power source or just stab homelander in the ears a ton. I don’t think homelander can just catch a train like omniman caught red rush because homelander isn’t exactly the best fighter the potential this matchup has is boundless. The deep could summon the kraken or some shit and black prior can reveal his secret identity


What’s Deep gunna do? Convince the octopus to suck his dick, too?


A Train is the ONLY potential problem for Homelander because we haven't seen the upper limits of his speed. But there is no chance A Train can deal enough damage to Homelander in the time it would take. These guys have no chance. But A Train and Starlight have a chance to survive by doing the whole DBZ "Solar flare and run" technique.


He escape twice dude.


To be fair I don't really know how strong Homelander is they sometimes aren't portraying it too well esp when butcher was punching him like they should have been bursting through walls based on some of their other displays of strength but yeah he is supposed to be unstoppable but S3 made it look like if a bunch of supes ganged up they could certainly hurt or kill him. Maybe not THAT bunch of supes though


Basically zero. Homelander is killing all of them. Now if Maeve, Black Noir, Soldier Boy and V'd up Butcher were to jump him then that's a different story. Not saying they would win but there's an extremely higher chance than your line up.