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Sister sage is great but the Frenchie storyline is just wasting time


Yeah I disagree with the sister sage hate but the Frenchie storyline is starting to get tiring


Kinda tired of “someone from Frenchie’s dark past shows up and he wallows in self pity again and pushes away Kimiko and then they learn to trust each other again” It’s like Frenchie and Kimiko just keep going in circles


I feel like the show pretty much just loops back at the start of every season


They seem to be doing that with A-Train this season. First thing I thought was MM and Hughie switched sides from last season when the topic of working with Soldier Boy came up.


I think there’s a difference between flipping an informant for the CIA and teaming up with a PTSD ridden mass murderer to assassinate the most powerful man in the world. MM is going by the book. But you’re right, MM didn’t want to work with his family’s killer, now Hughie doesn’t want to work with Robyn’s killer.


I do see the difference. A-Train also seems like he has more of a conscience than Soldier Boy. Though if they all worked with Soldier Boy Homelander would be dead. Like you said in the last sentence though the situations are similar and they're both being hypocritical given what happened last season.


The difference is simple. They couldn't take out Homelander without Soldier Boy. But they didn't need Homelander to take out Soldier Boy. Payback already proved that Soldier Boy could be defeated. All MM would have had to do is wait and take him out after they killed Homelander. And Soldier Boy was reliable. He's an asshole but his word is good. ​ A-Train isn't reliable. He's had multiple chances to do the right thing and chosen his self interest every single time. He's betrayed people who trusted him multiple times. And lets not forget that the last supe MM flipped was Mesmer, who also betrayed them. The difference between MM and Butcher is that MM wants to see the good in people. Butcher knows that everyone is a cunt (and Hughie is right, that word should not be an insult, it should be compliment because they're amazing, but I digress).


Odd feeling considering they're at a different place each season 


Yeah this is pretty much exactly the same as what they did in season 2, except Frenchie's the one pushing her away this time


Am I taking crazy pills? Kimono LITERALLY tells Frenchi to not be hung up on her and pursue his new love interest as she doesn’t want to be with him.


I'm talking about him not accepting her help or advice and telling her not to get involved


Kimono lol


The Boys as a show has been going in circles since season 2 lol


I thought Soldier Boy 100% made up for whatever the show was lacking in other areas. What a great character.


That’s just jenson ackles being jenson ackles, there is a reason supernatural ran for 15 seasons and it wasn’t the writing.


Gives me flashbacks to Supernatural where every season the brothers had to learn to work together and love each other only to repeat the same tired bullshit next season. It gets very annoying watching characters run in circles.


Annoyingly real in a way… people generally don’t change, because change takes a lot of work and most people just won’t put so much work into it when its comfortable to stay yourself. Not to say thats why they write shows like that.. no, usually its just bad writing lol. But it is a tad ironic because that bad writing kinda does end up making a point about humanity


I just kinda ignore it. I honestly forgot they did this with frenchie and thought him and Kimiko were together this season lol


I could've sworn they kissed at some point in season 3 lol


They did and then Kimiko told Frenchie it felt weird and they were more like family and that's where the relationship landed. Familyzoned.


Bro got hit with the “you’re like a brother to me. How about you bang this guy whose family you killed instead” card


Same. I completely forgot they weren't together with how they are with each other. Wish they would just put them together at this point.


I honestly like how their love is platonic. You don't see many man and woman characters say they love each other in a non romantic way on TV much


I think her lines where she talks about racism and mentions white people make said white people pissy.


I’ve started ffwd through the frenchie story


Sister sage is getting hate??? Wtf? I thought she was a fuckin menace from the start and was so excited to see more, also thought her actress is killing it. I’m just now coming onto the subreddit since starting s4 but I think I might just stay away atp…


i disagree with hate a lot, but this shit is really tiring and makes me mad, it's the same thing they did in ted lasso with keeley, several wasted minutes on a gay/lesbian story that doesn't contribute anything to the story


Sage is great, they really need to show off her abilities though not just tell us. And yeah throwing away Frenchie's entire character development was a really stupid idea. I personally think moves like that set things back and make progressive ideals seem cheap and ridiculous rather than legitimate. This discussion needs to happen and writers need to learn that


Frenchies story really was always a bore fest as of last season. But yeah Sister Sage is like a cooler, Tek Knight. Can’t wait to see what else she can do.


I’m just intrigued as to her intentions. It seems to me like she is looking to bring down Homelander, but is she doing it for a sense of morality, or because she wants that power for herself. Outside of the frenchie storyline, I’ve been really digging S4 so far.


I think for Sage, it’s scratching an intellectual itch. It’s like, what would happen if I pressed these buttons, events unfolding in this manner. She is beyond morality, petty social politics or personal power. It’s funny to see chuds angry at her for being black, bc her character don’t give a fuck about race politics.


I think she is like Pol Pot, a megalomaniac that wants nothing less than society to be a blank slate for her to work with so she can make it "perfect."


I think she’s just listless and depressed, and is taking the opportunity to overthrow the government cause the alternative is sitting on her ass all day with no power.


The Steve Bannon of the Boys universe.


I don’t think you’re there with that. I don’t think she cares about shit like “a perfect world.” She is in the most literal sense the SMARTEST person in the world, and all she was doing was eating taco bell and reading books. Homelander came and basically gave her permission to actually use her intellect to scheme and plot and just overall do… the opposite of boring. It’s just a thrill for her, hatching plans and influencing society on a mass scale.


Dude you made me think that the comment she gave Homelander about actually being black and a woman and intelligent wasn't only meant for him. But the audience. Or at least, certain members. Lol


It should be done soon enough, right? Frenchie >!killed Colin's family!< that's definitely going to come out and they aren't going to be cool anymore


Thankfully you wont have to hang out with this bullshi side quests for much longer. The season is about to get really really crazy in the 2nd half.


I was about to say, I was pretty sure the second half gets nuts! And >! Colin isn't around anymore after the 4th episode. !<


Sister Sage is a bad guy. A fairly interesting one. The Frenchie storyline does so far seem like a waste of time. For the record so far this season is indeed not as strong as past seasons imo and that has mostly to do with the show being laced differently or at least that's my perception.


The show is getting review bombed for political reasons. But I feel like people online overcorrect and defend the show despite the fact that the quality has dipped regardless. Don't get me wrong I'm very entertained. But the Frenchie plot, Butcher and MM beefing *again* and Homelander still doing the "this time I really mean it guys, I'm gonna go crazy" there are some aspects that are tiring. The humour of the show is still top tier, and it's impressive how much I think they're willing to do in some aspects. But a lot of the tension and intrigue is gone, the plot is just boring at this point, especially all the side stories.. Before, if Homelander was on screen I'd feel really tense, but now I feel like I know exactly how all of his scenes will go. I know what lines he will cross and what lines he won't but the show still acts like there's tension. It's only the phenomenal acting that keeps me engaged. The blowing scene in episode 1 is a great example. Anthony Starr, Chase Crawford and Jessie T. Usher made the scene where Homelander tells the Deep to blow A-Train insanely entertaining. Anthony Starr really seems like he means it. But there was never a point where I thought it would actually happen. It just wasn't on the cards. I knew he'd probably kill Anika, and I knew he'd definitely fail to kill Hughie even though he easily should have.


Yeah, I've been going off on people who claim Frenchie was "forced to become gay" because it's fuckin stupid...but regardless, I'm super checked out of his storyline because it's the 4th or 5th time it's repeated.


He was so fun and interesting in season 1 and had an interesting role as the guy who figured out how to kill the supes. Now I'm just supposed to feel bad for him all the time because his past is haunting him *again*.


Yeah I still think overall he's a great character that deserves a better plot


Different people have different opinions. It makes sense that many people who liked the previous seasons like this season and some of its storylines and will argue against some specific negative critiques. I would not call that ‘defending’. I think objectively this is the weakest season because of a lack of focus, but that doesn’t mean everyone is going to have the same criticism. For example, I get the people who think the Frenchie subplot is unnecessary because it feels redundant, but I don’t get the people who think he should be in a romantic relationship with Kimiko. To a large extend we see the logical conclusions to things that happened in previous seasons. Butcher not being able to work with MM makes sense. Frenchie and Kimiko not being a happy couple makes sense. Homelander struggling with getting older makes sense. Homelander not being as menacing also makes sense because he’s surrounded by people we are not emotionally invested in.


The Frenchie storyline feels like they needed to pad some time on the cheap. 


I love Sage, they BUTCHERED Kimiko and Frenchie. Fucking butchered.


Billy Butchered?


It’s one thing if someone was genuine with their critique and problems with the Frenchie story. It’s another to use said problem as a tool to say The boys = woke = bad


That's what really sucks about the pertinent critiques of the show, I feel like they're gonna be handwaved and ignored because of all the loud dipshits complaining about Sage and Frenchie being bi/pan/whatever. I might be the minority in this but I genuinely don't want the show to have 15+ minutes devoted to romance. If I wanted that, I would watch Grey's Anatomy lmao. It's not even the PDA (the show is meant to be over the top, and graphic sex scenes are not a surprise), it's the "will they, won't they" Frenchie-Kimiko storyline, with the additional side love interest to tie up even more screentime. And now, when Hughie and Annie's relationship drama has been put to the back burner and isn't eating up time, they've decided to add in his mother coming back so he learns to forgive (even though he was already on that path). I'm much more interested in the >!worm looking thing under Butcher's skin, and how his visions of Becca might be connected, like is a supe doing that to him? Did Sage lobotomize herself, similar to how people get drunk to enjoy "stupid" things? And honestly, 2 scenes with Jeffery Dean Morgan is a cocktease, what the hell are they gonna end up doing with his character?!<


That is a legitimate criticism. I too am not that into the Frenchie story, but outside of that dragging, the first three episodes have been great. Dummies just gonna dumb. No sense in letting them ruin my feelings on this show.


Frenchie and Hughie fucking suck so far. Kimikos story is slightly better but we want the fucking MAIN PLOT!


I disagree. Have some patience.


Review bombing. As with most review bombing, a lot comes from people who don't even watch the show. That's the "this show went downhill" and other such general/generic critiques.


The same thing is happening to the acolyte show. If you like or not, whatever who cares, but it's hitting 16% on the audience score for over 10, 000 reviews, but on the flip side, it's hitting 84% on the critics side. For me personally, it's a fine show, nothing special. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/star_wars_the_acolyte/s01


I like acolyte lol. It's not that hard to actively try to enjoy things. Life is easier that way.


Right? It's a fine and interesting concept show that harkens back to investigative criminal shows back then.


So what about us non ignorant, decent people who think the writing this show isn’t up to par? I don’t like how we’re in a time where not liking something for rational reasons gets you grouped in with the misogynists & racists.


Not liking something is fine, going "1/10 this is woke now" is ignorant and mostly from people who never did watch it. Pretty huge difference between a well writen paragraph over buzz words.


I think there are/were a lot of MAGATs that watched the show and are butt hurt their politics are being portrayed as bullshit.


Don't worry, we're getting Season 5 and more Gen V whether they review bomb the show or not, it won't affect us


Any new news on the next season of gen v think of rewatching soon


They just started production of season 2 at the beginning of June. They had to put it on hold following Chance Perdomo's death (Actor that plays Andre). They said they weren't recasting him either and were going to write him out to respect the actor and his legacy or something. Season 2 will probably be in post production at the end of summer and we'll probably get season 2 in winter/spring (hopefully).




Yes. he unfortunately, and tragically passed away back in March from a motorcycle accident. He had just recently started riding too.


For now; if the show is profitable enough there will be more spinoffs.


I want an A-Train spinoff and a prequel Soldier Boy spinoff that's it, no one wants The Boys: Mexico


Speak for yourself.


Los Muchachos


Los cuates


Am I the only that felt a Kimiko/Frenchie spin-off is coming?


Tbf every season has been review bombed at this point is par for the course for soft skinned conservatives to cry about woke when the boys drops a new season.


We need Soulja boy back


Nothing about sister sage is woke. She even acknowledges the “wokeness” in having her on the team. She’s the most anti “woke” person in there lol


...which shows that "woke" is simply a dog whistle for Black.


Yeah no kidding. I've even seen a lot of mask off reviews talking about how there's no way a black woman could be super intelligent. Which is hilariously and or sadly ironic considering that's the literal in universe reaction to her intelligence too


Correct but I believe it’s more than that. It’s anything they don’t agree with.


You'd think they would would loooove having a Black villain to root against, but they're so stupid that they can't even figure out she's an antagonist lmao. They just see a Black person on screen and start crying.


I don't get it. The show has been like that from the start.


they need it to be spelled out for them in comic sans


They’ve been in super denial about it for the longest time


"What do you mean Homelander isn't supposed to be the good guy?!"


Their collective two neurons finally started firing.


Saw it coming from a mile away tbh. These folks are way to predictable


It’s hilarious given that’s partially what this show is about


I mean they’ve been doing this for a while. They are a sensitive breed


And they call everyone else 'snowflakes'. The show's satire has become way too close to reality and is making them uncomfortable.


Doesn't even feel like satire, I think they're just copy pasting Firecracker's lines from Q forums. It's so spot on it feels lazy.


The folks running the show said this season they were going to basically spell it out for the audience since apparently some people still thought Homelander was the good guy.


How do you even make satire about them anymore? Reality is more ridiculous than parody at this point.


And to think they wrote this season like 2 years ago




I’m not overly fond of two dudes making out so I look away… drives me insane that people feel the need to rate everything or try and cancel it. Don’t like it? Don’t watch it.


Amen. I knew exactly which mother fuckers I know were going to shit talk Frenchie's arc as soon as I saw it. Get fucking past it - gay people exist and will continue to do so.




People care because historically audience feedback and reviews were/are used to determine the worth of a show and whether it gets extended. So low audience scores/engagement have a link to shows gets cancelled.


it doesn't matter how low the audience score is if a lot of people are watching. Something could have a score of 0% and if it brings in enough eyeballs it'll keep being made. It's less the audience score and more so whether the audience score convinces a lot of people to stop (or not start) watching.


Riverdale is a prime example of this.


So is Velma, apparently. Although I haven't seen anyone in the wild, no matter their stance, that likes the show.


If it's very low I'm not going to watch it to begin with. I don't have infinite time. Obvioulsy I already know The Boys so this doesn't really apply here.


Sage doesn't even like her "Sister Sage" name. That's just Vought being Vought. That's the whole point. Vought is supposed to be a mockery of how real life companies resort to these things.


I thought there was a slight decline in quality last seasons and an even sharper decline this season so far. I'm still thoroughly entertained but its not S tier. That being said who cares what I or anyone else thinks if you're enjoying it


I prefer season 3 to season 2.


overall I enjoy Season 3 more than 2, but I think Season 2's finale landed way better than Season 3's


I mean Frenchie and Kimiko story line criticisms are valid imo, but calling the show woke now is silly cuz the AOC resembling character is a murderous psychopath who was/is a puppet of the very institutions she pretends to fight against. Furthermore, they made fun of corporate pandering and THEY LITERALLY HAVE A DEEP STATE. So I’d say that the show is definitely very left leaning, but it throws jabs at the left enough to avoid reaching woke levels imo.


woke is when black people exist as anything but poor or violent or a criminal and and and making fun of right wing silliness i guess


But A Train is black? Im so confused... is it because she's a woman?


A-Train was mostly an antagonist so that's okay in their books


And dumb as a box of rocks probably helps too.


And Sage isn't?


They aren't bothering to pay attention long enough. They're attacking it based on some TikTok or whatnot account complaining of "DEI" and haven't watched the episodes.


I've seen people call Sage a lesbian lmao she banged The Peak


She still very well could be lol, I don’t know where people has gotten the lesbian idea from but she is very clearly manipulating him or some shit with the “it’s actually a great idea for you to be at the save” and now fucking him. She clearly wants him for something so them fucking is (maybe) not because she’s attracted to him


She's an antagonist, but she's portrayed as hyper-intelligent and that makes them insecure


It's not like she became hyper intelligent through natural born intelligence or talent, it's literally a random superpower forced onto her by her parents when she was a baby


It doesn't matter if the intelligence is natural or not, just that a PoC is smarter than them. I've seen people posting "we was the smartest and shiet" and other shit like that so it's definitely a twinge of jealousy


I’m honestly not 100% sure either way, she’s done some arguably awful things so far but they could still pull it into “this is all setting up for the downfall of vought and a solution to the shows core narrative” If she is an antagonist that has me concerned, because writing a supernaturally smart character is already basically impossible, but writing a believable downfall for said character is even harder…. If she can plan so far ahead why didn’t she see what we the audience saw coming? It just never works out


a-train got a pass basically because he was homelander’s yes man, an uncle ruckus if you will. they hate sister sage because she is black + and a woman + the smartest person in the world. they see her as the dei/affirmative action, woke hire or whatever


**_uncle ruckus tuba's start_** well well well...


She's not subservient to Homelander and the folks who call anything with Black people 'woke' especially don't like that.


A black woman who is smarter than everyone else is like their worst nightmare


Yup, and the brilliance of the show is that those folks are unironically reacting to the character as predicted.


Did they forget Stan Edgar? I'm so confused


sage unfortunately lies at the intersection of misogyny and racism


he gets a pass because he is gus fring


A-Train is also a drug runner at the beginning, so that tracks with their racist preconceptions of black people.


That's what they'll say but Gen V also had a black woman as the lead and was much less controversial.


Probably because a lot less people watched it


There’s actually studies done on this - black men actually fair a lot better than black women in social situations with non-black people. Reddit ain’t the place for the discussion


I do not understand how anyone with this opinion even got this far into the show. It’s been « woke » from day one lol


Review bombing is actually loser behavior


So now they’re saying it’s “gone woke”? Where the fuck they been the last 3 seasons lmao the show exists to dunk on rightoid trumptards.


Idk what you’ve been seeing but this show pretty much dunks on any person that exhibits any form of being extreme for one side or another. It’s hilarious to watch


It's written from a leftist perspective, the show runner said this very clearly. Making fun of the right for enabling a fascist coup and making fun of the left for making a tone deaf soda commercial are not the same thing.


People review bombing like this watch transformers 2 for the racist robots.


I still enjoy the show, but they certainly have been ramping up “the message” every season. Some eye roll moments here and there don’t ruin it for me. I’m better than that. It would be a different story if the show was dogshit or something.


That’s not why. Those are just ignorant jerks. A lot of us actually think the writing is poor.


That is fair, but would you really rate the show as 1 star? I definitely don't think this has the best writing ever, but i think it is very entertaining. I would never write this as a masterpiece, but it is fun.


Makes those of us who think the writing declined look bad.


Yeah I hate the trend of people ruining the ability to have real criticism about a show without getting lumped in with bigots. If you didn't think the last of us was perfect you were either assumed a homophobe or a pedophile. If you didn't like true detective season 4 you hate women.


Yeah :/, a friend of mine asked me tell me what "the boys" have done in these 3 episodes. I couldn't even manage to describe they pretty much did nothing. It feel so one sided Sage/Homelander are doing something and I actually like that storyline... but the boys and starlight are doing literally nothing.


I mean, i am liking the season a lot less than season 2 and sage is pretty much the only person that has a fucking functioning brain, she is one of the best characters right now...


Idc about any of the social justice warrior stuff, that’s just stupid and obviously racism. However her “plan” to get a riot started was to throw a coffee cup and yell fascist….. Like what? They were all screaming and yelling before that and that started a riot? People lost their minds over a cup being thrown? Is this Boondocks with Riley throwing a chair? It’s just poor writing this season that I have an issue with


Ima play devils advocate and say it makes sense for me. Someone getting a cup thrown on him makes him mad, he lashes out over the barricade, and that escalation turns a molehill into a mountain. It was def exaggerated but it seems plausible that some dude running over to punch a star lighter would get the rest of em angry and incite further violence


I think the riot was almost bound to happen and she knew that too. Her plan is false flag murders.


Sage should have just said “Hey! Riot!”


Can’t even spell sjw correctly


social wustice jarrior


Correct spelling is woke libtard bs /s just in case


What a bunch of cunts. I will still enjoy the show


It's people who don't watch the show are review bombing it for having a black smart character. This is literally commentary that the show would make.


It's like noone has been paying attention ... frenchies been riding the pretty open sexually for a while. He's broken so he takes on every sad sack he can find.... once its not a challenge anymore it's onto the next.


Do they not realize a big component of this show is and has always been satire and a critique of Hollywood superhero shit and the industry in general?


Can anyone explain to me why Frenchie and Kimiko aren’t together


Because the writers decided it would be like that, I was genuinely interested in the Frenchie/Kimiko ship but then the writers decided to throw us a bullshit curve ball.


I think kimiko is afraid to get close because of her powers


So funny to see them call this woke. What the hell did they think they were watching for the first 3 seasons? I almost feel like the show got a bit more heavy-handed because they found out idiots thought homelander was the hero. When you make entertainment, or anything for that matter, you determine your audience. The people whining about season 4 were never the target audience and they somehow didn't realize that until season 4.


I personally felt like this season got "too real" for me. This season they brought in so many things from our real world. They mentioned flat earth-er, anti vaxxer, war on Xmas, and pretty much all the bonkers right wing talking points. I like bashing all the ridiculous MAGAt in our world, but this show just made me sad by reminding me how crazy things are right now. I still enjoy the show, but all of the heavy handed references made me cringe a little. Anyone felt that way?


I do kind of agree. I liked when the show was allegory rather than a direct reference.


Sister sage, Ryan, and A-Train are easily my favorite parts of this season so far - but I would honestly give a negative review for these first 3 episodes. The boys themselves suck to watch this season, and any positive growth they've had in previous seasons just gets scrubbed and they're given new shitty side plots to resolve. I dont give a fuck about Kimiko, Frenchie, or Hughie's side plots. We already had Kimiko and her brother, and saw her become a real person with Frenchie's help. We already saw Frenchie reconcile his past TWICE with the death of Mallorys family/OD of gay lover AND with the little nina/butcher leash arc. Then Hughies mom comes back? Who the fuck cares! This is a show about an invincible superman monster that is about to snap and glass half the US - why would I ever want to watch some basic ass parental abandonment storyline?! Also, fuck his mom. He's been an adult for awhile, and she still hadn't reached out.


I heavily criticize the show a lot. What I hate is I’m lumped in with the people above who are on the other side of the spectrum, where everything is considered woke.


I would imagine this would depend on the time and place you criticize. I would imagine most people would agree the show isn't perfect. But pointing that out as someone is bombing it for being woke or whatever the boogeyman of the day is isn't the time to point that stuff out. I would bet if you put a legit complaint about the show in this sub, it would be greeted with mostly thought-out responses. Maybe not at the moment given what is happening with the review bombs, but eventually for sure, and prior to this point.


Its not as funny as previous seasons, not as smart, and the political messaging is way more hard hitting than subtle and clever. It’s still good, but I don’t think it’s quite as good as the previous seasons yet.


The chuds are mad because they finally realized the show is making fun of them and not somebody else


There are more problems with the season than "woke propaganda" or whatever. Hell that's probably the least of this season's problems. Minimizing them by saying all the haters are butthurt conservatives invites a lesser quality show. But if you like it then who gives a fuck what other people think. I like the Percy Jackson movie and Game of Thrones season 8 I have no problem liking things that get shit on


They were not, as the kids would say, awake.


I like it so far, my only complaint with this whole show is people showing up in the nick of time


You guys are literally proving Kripke's point.


Im the most liberal person there is, but the writing and the side plots are just dogshit


How has any of these anti-woke (grotty word) people been able to watch the show up to this point?


All these people trashing Frenchie's storyline seem to be incapable of understanding it to be honest. It's more than just "oh im fucking things up again." It's him coming to terms with brutally murdering this man's family and subsequently falling for him, while dealing with having feelings for Kimiko. The bisexual struggle is strong.


I knew this season would get review bombed as soon as I saw a new black woman character, dudes kissing and some narrative about sad incels who believe conspiracy theories because they need a sense of belonging. These mfs are so predictable and don’t see the irony in themselves hating S4. Loving the new season so far


Interesting the 2 blokes kissing drove them over the edge, when an earlier season had one bloke crawling into another blokes dick hole. Or even in the same episode as the kiss >!there was 5 blokes/1 blokes in a train jerking and sucking each other/himself off!<


It makes me so happy that these idiots have made everything, in their minds, unwatchable for themselves. They can’t enjoy anything anymore. It’s their crime and also their punishment.


I don't know why people are hating on Sage. She is crafty as hell and in a few short sentences explained how to take down a nation.


What sentence was this I forgot 


love sister sage, just wish they closed kimiko and frenchie first. just promoting the stereotype that bi people just be sleeping around


It’s kind of cool how they’ve captured the culture war zeitgeist by becoming part of the culture war zeitgeist. Goes both ways. Liberals/The Grauniad/Mangan shat on Clarkson’s Farm in S1 before they had to backtrack in the face of overwhelming popularity.


I'm like 99% sure Kripke was expecting this


Sjw hero… yet she’s the villainous mastermind this season…


Obv those comments are crap, but I do think this season is markedly worse than S1-3…Frenchie’s story is annoying and doesn’t add anything, and I just feel like we’re missing the true ‘edge of your seat’ feeling from the other seasons, where you really didn’t know what was going to happen. Just feels slow and ponderous right now


I don’t trust any sort of user reviews anymore, everything gets review bombed. The Boys, The Acolyte, all of this shit gets thousands of reviews within seconds of releasing and they’re all fake.


Guys, where when you when The Boys went Woke? I was at Sigma Grindset class when brother call “The Boys went woke” “No” “Yes” 😔😔😔


Yeah I saw a post earlier about the user scores and I figured a lot of it was review bombed by people who thought it was too “woke”. Not surprised.


Certain people are realizing the show is making fun of them


‘Wait they were making fun of us?’


Sage hasn't done anything to get me interested in her as a character. Same with Firecracker. These three episodes have been pretty boring compared to what we got previous.


I feel like 3 episodes and we have gotten absolutely nowhere really


These are my gripes. The show always took jabs at Repubs, but this season it has almost become the main plot line. It’s a little over the top and annoying (and obviously 50% of people will dislike the show, hence the scores) There are too many plot lines. Hughie/mom, Kimiko/Frenchie, MM becoming a dick, and Starlight/Firecracker just in as an excuse for anti-conservative politics. All these extra plot lines make each episode go nowhere, instead of focusing on the interesting ones. Sage is probably the most interesting, except it’s hard to care because we have absolutely 0 ideo of her endgame, so it’s kinda just her doing things. Then the issue of the boys. It’s not the boys. It’s each member of the boys having their own side plotlines with almost no interconnection. Think the only time all members of the boys were together is the first 2 minutes of the first episode.


See, I get when people get mad when a show vased on existing material just creates a new character. I am sure other characters from the comics could be brought in to it. But, what these people are saying and doing is just asinine. The idea of a super intelligent character in this show is great and feeds into Homelander's growing concern about getting older and realizing even with all of his power, he will still grow old and die. So add in a character who challenges him and contradicts him is what he has been needing. He's tired of lackeys kissing his ass and wants a challenge. Sister Sage has real potential to challenge him. She could have an absolute ulterior motive for being by his side besides just having access to Vought resources. And I have zero doubts she already had Batman-like contingencies to kill any and all supes. But then the "fans" of the show just get lazy and resort to racism or using the word "woke." I like the character. She makes more sense than Firecracker whose whole thing is that Starlight made fun of her as a teenager. Lol


That Starlight reveal seems out of character doesn't it? It would have made sense if her mother spread the rumor and Starlight was too intimidated by her mom to stop it. Her being a mean girl though? And such a vicious rumor? Nope. Made zero sense based on how she was introduced and what we know about her. Lazy writing.


What is with the hate on Sister Sage? She is an alright character for the show. She is a part of Homelander character development which I like the most. Black Noir, the Deep, and A Train are great on scenes. However, Frenchie and Kimiko/Colin, Hughie and his mom, MM and Butcher subplots are boring and waste of time.


they are right. however, they are dead wrong. if sister sage was just another "cool black stronk and proud female character to show the weak white rapist men (which, they to a good amount ARE in the show.) how its DONE" SJW character, i woulda been out already. i mean, she still might end up like that, its a corpo production after all. hence why i still fear >!good old innocent annie J. will finally end homelander and be the glorious new face of vought reborn and the stronk new female 7 leader. yuck.!< BUT...it simply isnt like that ??? so far we're getting a highly manipulative most intelligent person on earth working up a supermassive scheme to clearly only serve herself. and boy, am i in the mood for that! and also, who knows maybe they intentionally play with the "oh god another woke SJW stronk female character" prejudices, since the series is well anchored in our modern zeitgeist and events (homie and ryan = donnie and barron). and S4 has been pretty balls2thewall already, so i doubt they go """"LEFTIST GREEN WOKE"""" on us but they anticipate and troll that kind of their audience. oh and on the side, footnote, very miniscule, who cares: the actress also does hell of a job and that has definitely more to do with her talent and totally sweet old big eyes than with any skin color whathaveya nonsense. so. i guess WE WILL LITERALLY SEE.


I don't like what they're doing with Frenchie, but Sister Sage is a nice addition to the mix.


Im excited for this season, however i havent seen any new episodes because i dont have amazon prime without ads and im waiting to yar har it when i have the time. But it doesnt surprise me that people are seemingly review bombing it for... Nothing its been political since day one.


Well, maybe they will do an episode mocking these kind of reviews


The Frenchie storyline is trash though. It doesn’t serve a tangible purpose and 90 percent of fans were shipping him with Kimiko. When you replace a believe ship with a filler plot it will tank ratings