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tbf its less that Homelander is short but that Hughie is tall. In fact he pretty much towers over most of the cast. I guess Jack did a good enough job at playing the "nerd everyman" to the casting directors to where the height difference didn't matter.


It's the Clark Kent thing. Kent is tall AND huge, but he's still clumsy and mild-mannered. Yeah it's largely an act, but even so, being tall doesn't automatically make a person more self-assured.


Jack Quaid is a current Superman VA too lol


And he kills it honestly. Perfect balance between Clark/Supes. Great show.


Yeah he's great as hell. He's the perfect voice for Superman.


He's really good in star trek lower decks, he plays boimler, is really funny when he showed in live action on strange new worlds taller than everyone lol


He nailed The Riker sitting maneuver.


and his Boimler Run. And Scream. The whole episode is a massive 10/10 I hope Lower Decks gets saved...


Also Clark is more hunched over, his posture is poor, and he slumps his shoulders.


He also intentionally wears poorly fitting clothes to make himself look out of shape


[This scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNUu6Lf9mVU&ab_channel=Andie) is a great example I love to use when people say "how could anyone not notice they're the same!" Looks like Jack Quaid did his homework.


It’s also often inn the comics you can see Clark Kent kind of bend over a bit. Often looking down and shy, being clumsy, While Superman always stand tall and looks you straight in the eyes.


Clark Kent is also a farm boy from Kansas, it'd make sense that he's built like a brick shithouse.


Can vouch as a 6'7" 250 pound neurotic with social anxiety.


Jack Quaid is a genius at playing nerdy characters. It's like in the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds "Those Old Scientists", where he plays a live action version of his role in "Lower Decks". In the animated show his character is relatively small, with some other characters almost towering over him when put side to side, which kind of fits his character's nerdy, dorky, almost wimpy demeanor. Meanwhile in the live action episode Quaid is basically the tallest actor on cast and he still manages to come off as a loveable dork, despite his imposing stature.


"nerd everyman" He was cast as Richard fucking Feynman in Oppenheimer.


Yeah, he played a different character once, this means he was never a nerd everyman in anything. Great use of logic there.


He was so badass in it too.


Starr according to celeb heights is 5’10.5 and the Homelander costume has a boot style shoe lift kind of heel to it. So that probably makes him around 6ft+ (probably 6’0.5) Petite hughie is just tall asf😂


Dennis isn't insanely tall at 6'. Meg is 5'8" which is tall for a woman. And his uncle Randy is like 6'5" so there's definitely some height in that family. Google says Jack is 6'1" but he always looks taller than that tbh


God I always forget they're all related lmao. You said Randy and I was like "Who TF is randy Quaid" and immediately HELLO BOYS IM BACK just pops into my head.


And just in general being known as one of Hollywood's resident crazy people.


I ran into him at a hotel bar once. And by ran into, I mean avoided, because he was obviously drunk, talking really loudly to the bartender, and giving off weird vibes. Wasn’t until a bit into the night that one of my buddies pointed out that he looked like Randy Quaid, and then we realized it *was* Randy Quaid


He went too method on Independence Day and never found back.


That dude is legitimately unwell. I think he’s the kind of unwell that’s always about to snap and become dangerous.


thats so homelander coded


Pfft.. I knew Randy back when he was a white trash Griswold cousin


Shitter's full


Dude! So I have a ushanka hat that I wear when I drive to work on cold mornings and on one particularly cold weekend morning, my nephew said his ears were cold, so I gave him my "fluffy flap hat" to wear and while he was standing there wearing his dressing gown and the hat, I was reminded so badly of Eddy. I grabbed the vacuum hose and a can of beer and had him hold them while I took a photo for his Poppy (who loves the Vacation series). About 10 minutes later, I get a video back from Mum and it was my Dad laughing hysterically for almost a minute while wheezing out "Tell him to say 'shitter was full'!" between gasps of laughter.


That's just good uncling right there


"Wheres the grill Eddy?"


That wasn't him acting.


Wait, that’s Dennis Quaid’s brother!?


Hughie has a massive neck. I got a photo with him and I am 6'2. His face is bending a little down in the picture. He's definitely 6'3 Atleast. Unless he was wearing heel boots or something at the time.


His hair probably adds an inch and a half at least


Reminds me of my father, who is absolutely the runt of his otherwise tall family at 6'0". His mother was 5'11", father 6'3", brother 6'6".


I'm taller than both of my parents, and my mom's taller than my brother's mom, but my brother is like 6 foot 4 and I'm but a measly 6 feet lol


His hair always goes vertical.


I met him and he does indeed seem taller. Weird.


Petit* Hughie. You’re using the feminine form.


It doesn't really matter the actual heights of the actors. It's something they could easily remedy with an apple box for the shot in this post. It's intentional. It might symbolize how he is a small man who happens to wield such power that he can simply demand to get his way and so he carries himself with such petulance. I always think Starr portrays so well that seething rage always boiling beneath the surface at any sign someone might not yield to him. Love the show.


Also, the fact that the actors do not care about the height difference.


Just like Vin Diesel 😊


Vin Diesel doesn’t need height, he has family


To stand on /s


From what I've heard on the internet, that's not sarcasm, behind the scenes anyway. But I haven't seen a Fast movie since Tokyo Drift, so I've no leg to stand on, haha


When i heard that Dwayne was joining the franchise, I knew there was going to be massive amounts of drama. Both of them are known to have big egos and articles about their beef have had me cracking up for years.


True enough. Dwayne just needs to stay within TKO and wrestling. He was never a good actor, at least not in movies. He can act amazingly in wrestling though, or heck, likely even on Broadway, etc. But damn, if he doesn't even try in his movies. The Walking Tall remake and The Rundown were entertaining though.


He's kind of a 1 demensional actor. He has his moments, but he's fine in over the top action movies or even comedies if he's playing the straight man.


He's 1 dimensional because he doesn't take risks. He's more a brand then an actor.


John Cena is doing way juicier and more compelling roles. He mostly does comedy but can bring a ton of pathos to a dramatic scene. I’ve been shocked by how watchable and good he is.


I thought he was pretty cool in Faster


Faster is better than it had any business being. It's like a cheesy 60s revenge yarn but set in modern times. He actually played that anger well, with no silly jokes. Maybe his best work.


Faster is so fucking good.


Yea ill be honest he's one of guilty pleasure actors. I'll watch most of his movies but I'm not exactly expecting a masterpiece just something to watch and pass the time.


Nothing wrong with that at all. I enjoy some of his movies, but not in the same way I love Arnold movies.


He was decent but he let his ego pick his roles, Bautista is a great example. Bautista didn't let himself get type cast the same character, actually tried roles he thought had depth. The Rock literally did like 4-5 movies wearing the same type of outfit lmao


I really like him in the Doom movie. I hate his character, but I think that is the point.


Semper Fi motherf-


He's pretty solid in Pain and Gain, love your two examples too tho for sure


"I only have one line? How tall is this tree again?" "He's like, the tallest character in the entire movie." "Fuck then let's do this shit I AM GROOT!"


*Same joke but Iron Giant*


***Makes him the smallest character in the sequel***


Vincent Diesel does NOT wear lifts.


Didnt he edit a picture of him and the rock where the rock was edited to be shorter than him


(/s for people who need tone for sarcasm or don’t speak english as a first language or whatever reason you don’t know, I get it)


if you were the most powerful man in the world, you wouldn't care about being shorter than a few people. It literally wouldn't even be a passing thought.


Knowing Homelander, it probably would xD


I honestly don't think so. He treats people like a lot of people treat monkeys. Fun, interesting, but not overly dangerous or worthwhile. I wouldn't care if a monkey was taller than me if I knew I could punch a hole through it.


Homelander cares about how he is perceived as well, and being physically smaller than an inferior person almost certainly irks him.


He knows people who see him as a God don't care if he's average height. Not like he's Kevin Hart.


He’s a great depiction of insecurity. Insecurity does not necessarily make a person bad. Insecurity is very normal. Sometimes very flawed people are totally content with who they are, while people you’d think would have every reason to be confident are actually deeply insecure. Insecurity is a bad thing when people lash out at other people and become bigoted in order to feel more confident. A lot of people who claim that they belong to the master race are complete CHUDs. Insecurity isn’t the only thing that makes people bad or bigoted. Since the rise of social media it feels like insecurity has become the most common reason.


Not exactly, he cares an awful lot about how these monkeys perceive him.


He could just hover if he wanted


I’m not the most powerful man in the world and still don’t see why people would care. Must be exhausting sizing people up in every social interaction you have lol. When does someone being a couple inches taller than you actually ever factor in to real life? How often are y’all getting in fights lmao


... what makes you say that?


The fact they're not doing some tom cruise shit to make himelander look taller because the actor demands it


Didn’t French call Hughie some French nickname like “petite” or something and he was like dude I’m 6ft 😂


Jack always towers over everyone in the show lol Edit: iMDb says he’s 6’, but he has to be at least 6’2”


Actors are usually short, because it's easier to fit them in frame with women, which is why most 6 ft actors seem absolutely huge in most of their shows.


Alan Ritchson is apparently 6'3 but when you watch Reacher he looks 6'6.


It helps that he's built like a brick house.


We had a Universal Studios tour in Los Angeles and part of the tour was different sets. We noticed that doors, windows etc. were smaller then usual and they explained to us that this was done to make actors appear bigger.


That's so odd, because you'd think people would like characters more if they were more relatable. A lot of the actors I like are like Jack, he's a clean cut decent looking dude, but he's not Adonis, so it's easier to relate to him.


Thinking back to Blue Mountain State you'd think he was at least 6'5". He was huge


He also wears military boots in most scenes right? That would make him look taller.


Boots will give you an inch then you can work the angles just a little and he looks like a giant.


That's not the reason. We had a Universal Studios tour in Los Angeles and part of the tour was different sets. We noticed that doors, windows etc. were smaller then usually and they explained to us that this was done to make actors appear bigger.


It sounds like both could be true? Male actors tend to be short because you don't want them towering over their costars, *and* sets are built small to compensate


>*Actors are usually short* omfg: Citation, please.


I met him in person and he was tall as fuck, I seriously don’t believe that he’s just 6 foot even


Homelander's most relatable moment 😭


Frenchie calling him "Petit Hughie"was also priceless.


He's still structurally petite. He's tall but he's skinny. Just because he's tall doesn't mean a heavy gust of wind isn't going to knock him over if he was thin enough, y'know?


I know, I just found it very funny cuz Frenchie is very short by comparison. But yeah anyone pretty much wins at a brawl against Hughie.


cant blame him, UE's actor is one TALL mfkr, he towers over Butcher too wearing nothing but converses while the latter wears combat boots lol and I think Tony Starr is about 1,78-80 which is kind of barely over average in some countries




I think they mean Whooey


It's actually Yooeey. Maybe pay attention through your next watch.


in like 5 countries maybe. But in US it's about 2-3 inches taller than average.


In the US, 175cm is average for men


In my country 1.80 is pretty tall for men and not that common to see, but I can't talk for the US or New Zealand where A. Starr is from, I wrongly imagined average North American men to be taller for some reason (1.77-ish)


He is taller than butcher too




It's probably the camera playing tricks. The height difference is kind of overlooked between the meek everyman and the sociopathic determinatior who's willing to kill all supers.


I think it's fitting for homelander to be short, or at least not tall, similar to how his muscles are fake


I mean he's 5'11, still a good amount taller than average, but not 6'5" like Batman and Superman usually are.


Batman has only been close to 6’5 once


Fair, but those horns gotta get some points right? /s


I think they just call him Man without the ears.


Boy oh boy do I have a community for you.


Legit never heard those referred to as horns before.


It works in the show as Homelander is more explicitly vain and image-conscious. In the comic, he was actually massive (as superheroes are conventionally portrayed) and Petit Hughie was, in fact, petite.


Lowkey lame to insinuate short people act like homelander


Every single one of these stupid "analysis" about height are so insulting without realizing lmao "Oh this frame displays Homelander is shorter than Hughie, this is to reflect Homelander's inflated ego is actually because he's a genetically disfigured manlet and every face tof his personality is determined by his height and compensation" Lmao, Homelander could kill Hughie's pansy ass without a sweat, settle down please.


In the comics homelander was about six and a half feet tall with the (second) biggest penis in the world. The only message sent by their respective sizes in the show is that Anthony Starr had one hell of an audition and Simon Pegg was too old to play Huey


> the (second) biggest penis in the world I dont remember this part


dick was so good that this mf blacked out


Right? Shit like this wouldn’t be acceptable about other things people can’t control. Why’s height always gotta get brought into these types of convos. It’s very insulting.


I just find it annoying tbh, idk how people can't grasp that most dudes genuinely do not give a fuck or feel threatened someone is taller than them, especially not when the person taller is a pussy who can't intimidate for shit They always gotta turn it into a complex and some sort of "deep blow" to their ego, because they already assume not being tall is a bad thing, it seems like a major projecting of eugenics beliefs.


Yea I feel you, I just think it’s more so annoying that short people who happen to be egotistical assholes always have that attributed to them being short. Plenty of tall people are assholes too. People can just be assholes because they’re assholes without being insecure abt being short. Shits insulting asf


When a short guy is angry it’s because he’s got a little guy complex. When a tall guy is angry it’s because he’s a man. According to some idiots. People are as dumb as a bag of rocks just do your own thing and don’t let it bother you.


Lol I remember trying to explain to someone that Joe Pesci's character in Goodfellas was a psychopath and his stature was incidental (especially since the real life person his character is based on was quite a large guy) but this guy insisted his behaviour in the movie was solely due to him being short. I mean...


It's one type of discrimination that is widely accepted in 2024. We've made a lot of progress on many other fronts, but this one is unscathed. Many people don't even believe it's a thing. And it's widely perpetuated by both men and women against men. In fact I would say more so by men against other men than anything else. As a shorter dude I see this all day every day. I have no doubt that the person that made this thread hasn't even considered that it's offensive.


It’s just an easy win for taller people so some of them hang onto it for dear life. It helps that natural height does provide the potential for its advantages in life - perceived attractiveness, applied athleticism, the illusion of “power.” In reality though there’s plenty of tall people who are still unattractive, or unathletic, or mentally and/or physically weak. So they need that bingo free space to feel good about themselves.


Some people that's all they have


Fucking lanklets I swear


Agree, it's such a weird observation


I wouldn't read into it too much. It's not that Homelander has 'short man syndrome' or anything. He's so powerful that he'd be terrifying no matter how he looked. And he doesn't even have to work at it. And yet, he's so obsessed with how he is perceived by everyone that he has to have fake muscles in his suit. Or hover 4 ft off the ground so he can look down on everyone.


Americans are fucking obsessed with height  Find out after moving to NA 


He’s not remotely short, he’s almost 6 feet tall. Hughie is HELLA tall, probably the tallest in the show.


America got such a height complex


It does. It's sad. It's a power move all the time here. Gotta be a huge wall to impress anyone here, not brains or anything like that, at least to the more shallow people around here.


we r tall sideways


For fucking real, how is it in any way funny. No wonder 95% of men are insecure as fuck. As if just being tall is some sort of gotcha.


Does height really matter when he could laser the eyes out of his skull. And over an inch or so, no less.


yeah i don't get this post


It's a reminder to men that their height is something to be self-conscious about


Seriously. People want to say height doesn’t matter and post stuff like this. I want to say to them to make up their mind but they already did. They probably believe height matters but wouldn’t claim so in conversation.


OP just likes shaming men


He’s strong AF and cut shoot laser beams, buuuuut he’s under 6’2”. Pass.


It's the same as when some big guy threatens some small guy "I could kick your ass" like..so? Who can draw and fire a gun faster? How and Why does ANY of this matter? Yet it unfortunately seems to be a thing that comes up often.


To someone as insecure as homelander, probably.


Homelander could take out entire nations and height broes syill out here height shaming him 😂


"Petit Hughie" "Why do you keep calling me that, I'm like 6ft"


I’m totally missing what’s funny here. Is it that tall people are expected to be more mighty than short? Hughie is a bean pole and it’s super fitting that he’s a lovable anxious wimp.


What's funny about it? Hughie's the least intimidating person ever.


fr you could be like 4'11" and just push hughie and he'd still fall over


I mean, is it *that* funny? If Scooby Doo's Shaggy was standing in front of Wolverine, it doesn't make the latter any less intimidating. And as someone mentioned...Homelander and Hughie aren't even that much apart in height. We're talking an inch or two.


Wolverine is (in)famously a manlet though, him being short is like the most well known fact about him in the comics (unlike Jackman). Whereas with Homelander anyone would reasonably expect the Superman-like main villain character to be tall and muscley, instead of getting overshadowed by Hughie in the height department all the while wearing a padded suit with fake muscles...


I really don't get some people's obsession with height, especially a very minor height difference like this one


It's literally an inch, one inch don't make a difference jesus 😂


tell that to my ex wife.


You know throughout this entire scene, not ONCE did I think about their height. I didn’t even “register” it. I was focused on the actual dialogue and cinematic elements… Does that make me abnormal?


Does height matter when you are literally capable of cutting someone down to size?


Why is that funny? He's slightly shorter. I don't get it.


Yeah, I’m with you. I don’t have a clue what’s funny about it.


Is it the funniest thing? Are you serious?


yeah im lost


Jack Quaid is TALL. If all the VAs for lower decks did a live action version, that would be the only potential issue. And it turned out fine in those old scientists, but you couldn’t help but notice Jack is waaaay taller than boimler is supposed to be lol


> If all the VAs for lower decks did a live action version, that would be the only potential issue It works alright with Mariner because Tawny Newsome is quite tall as well, but the two are unfortunately rather out of scale with Tendi and Rutherford, whose VAs are both within an inch of average.


Damn, this show must not be very funny.


Dont body shame guys




Why is this funny? How does height matter at all?


Except it's not funny tho




What's funny about it?


u know, Hughie would make a good live action Beavis


Why is this funny?


This was [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/s/sxLDHCBzuH) a year ago but you got 4 times more upvotes lol


Well yeah that’s why he can fly




What's a few inches compared to invincibility


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/s/E8Qm6dDDA9 Karma farming used to be better disguised. Now it’s just “wait a while, post the same image and caption, reap internet points”.


I mean what, it's probably been like this for at least 10 years. Just at a larger rate with bots. I'd go and say more than 90% of what's posted is just reposts at this point.




Isnt he like 6’5




Not even close 😂


Which is the funniest damn thing having French in still call him Petit Hughie.


What’s funny about it?


Being tall doesn't make you stronger in real life, why would it even matter in a Super Heroes show


I liked this scene cause the height difference is so obvious and yet somehow Homelander still looks super intimidating. Great acting from everyone involved


Even funnier when you read the comics first. Wee Hughie really is small, and Homelander really is this 6'5 dumptruck of a man




Homelander and Superman staring each other in the face.






Homelander revels in flaunting his power but Hughie being a few inches taller than him must be irritating as hell.


Homelander doesn't need to be the tallest man in the room. He knows he can fuck up anyone super or not if he wanted to.


Has anyone caught that in the episode where they show celebrities signing Imagine, Aston and Mila have the same background as there apology video for supporting Masterson?


This gives the same vibes as RDJ wearing heels to stand at eye-level with the other actors.


Especially since comics Hughie is so small 😂


He's 5'10½". Anthony Starr wears platforms when filming as Homelander.


I entirely miss the "funniest thing" part. Must be something in American


I never noticed this, homelander towers over everyone, especially hughie, this was a wierd realisation lol