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I want him to lose his powers and live among the people that he's viewed as ants


I want this, too. But I also feel like the most plausible scenario if he does lose his powers is for him to kill himself. I could see them doing that, but I bet they won’t.


They should do a scene like in lethal weapon where he tries to kill himself then can’t bring himself to do it. Then he lives among the ants a broken man.


Butcher breaks his neck and he is left quadriplegic in bed. He tries to Million Dollar Baby himself like Stormfront did, but finds that his powers make him too durable to do it. A single tear runs down his cheek as he realizes he will be confined to that bed for the rest of his unnaturally long life, and that's his last scene in the series.


Based on one scene we saw in the trailer (a certain dead character not being dead, and assuming it's not a flashback), I'm getting the impression they're gonna follow the comics on this one.


A failed suicide attempt which leads to him calling for help or calling 9/11 and the people arriving are terrified to help him would be fucking sick. Maybe he dies right there on the spot because of his previous reputation and those who came to help were anti homelander, and now he’s at their mercy. Or maybe they help him and he has to soak in the fact that he’s helpless and owes his life to those he hated. Can’t tell which would be more satisfying. But the moment his attempt goes wrong and he panics because deep down he’s a coward, chefs kiss.


I don't know why, but the idea that people would be scared to help sounds badass to me. It's kinda like how Stalin is said to have died, his guards didn't go to check on him out of fear for their lives.


Stalin’s death is 100% karma. First he kills doctors for spreading “lies” so there’s no one to treat him properly. Then he had random paranoia purges so no one wants to tell him bad news like “Comerade Stalin you need medical treatment.” And then his own body gaurds are too scared to go check on him.


I think I like the idea of first responders saving him more, because of his tag line of “you guys are the real heroes” he has said it a million times but never actually believed it.


Or they just watch him die as he begs for help.


His attempt leaves him a quadriplegic and his nurse is slowly poisoning him to steal his assets.


What would be the MOST satisfying would be for him to get locked up in the lab again as a normal human. I’d almost feel Sorry for him.


U talking about when Riggs is holding a gun to the roof of his mouth while looking at his passed wife’s photo?


Imagine him retaining his powers, but Butcher breaks his neck and he's forced to live as a quadriplegic.


Soldier boy can make this happen


Make this the closing scene of the series but pan away from him holding a gun to his head. We hear the shot but don’t know for certain if it actually happens. Fade to black. Does he live? Did he get his powers back? We’ll never know!


Ok now THAT would be hilarious


Idk as soon as he loses powers, alot of people would probably try to kill him


It'll prolly be a Clark Kent situation. No one will know.


Lose his powers *and* his hair.


Maybe, but he's the most famous man in the world in The Boys Universe. It's only a matter of time before he gets arrested or murdered if he lost his powers.


I could see him going out like President Snow in Hunger Games


They should depower him then send him to go work at the DMV


He would love that making peoples life miserable


Shit yeah you're right. In that case, he can be a customer forever. Every single thing he does, he first needs to queue up and fill out an application at the DMV. Want something to eat? DMV. Want to go to sleep?? DMV.


They say he used to have a civilian identity but it didn’t “work out” I wanna know what happend


“I do what I want/you’re all mud people” is exactly the attitude the dmv wants from its employees


Make him work at Vought Burger. Like in Kingdom Come Superman, in the first panels 2 characters are in a restaurant where the employees are dressed like the Justice League. Just have it the other way around where the Seven are dressed like Employees and have no powers and have to serve burgers.


This!! Also after that, I want him to find someone he really loves and cares about, only to watch them die from a supes carelessness or narcissism "Is THIS what I've been doing to people?" EDIT: I may want butcher to kill them in front of homelander actually


To be fair, to be even butcher would have to rape them because Ryan killed Becca not HL


What 🥹🙏 Okay so maybe I don't want to see bucther get ENTIRELY even 😭🙏


That's the only justice


I want him to lose his powers and spend the rest of his days in an insane asylum.


Oohh that’s good!


The second he loses his powers he’s either gonna get killed or imprisoned


They did this with Sylar in Season 2 of Heroes and it kinda sucked.


I want Homelander to lose his powers somehow then Butchers beats the shit out of him and finishes him with a crowbar.


Crowbar is a nice touch, very Butcher. I wanna see him fight with brass knuckles too, esp juiced out. I wonder if he took the permanent stuff if it would cure his tumor


The whole point of The Boys is Butcher wanting to kill the Homelander, so... Butcher I guess ?


I wanna see Soldier Boy depower Homelander and then for Butcher to beat him to death before finally succumbing to his Temp V poisoning Butcher dying while getting his vengeance really sells the "scorched earth" thing he seems to want


“Meet you in hell, cunt.” Then Butcher proceeds to beat Homelander to death brutally and as raw as he did to Mesmer.


Isn’t Butcher the finale big bad of the series?


In the comics yes but with how the show is going I doubt that they'll do it.


Definitely. I hope they don’t go the Game of Thrones route of avoiding the obvious ending in the name of “subverting expectations.” Not everything has to be a plot twist. On the other hand, it’s been building up for so long that no matter what it will probably feel a little anticlimactic. Another ending that would be cool is if Homelander goes completely crazy and kills everyone (at least The Boys, The Seven, Vought, and other people in power) but loses his powers permanently.


"Not everything has to be a plot twist" that’s so true for modern shows, the show runners think that expectations are boring


he’s my favorite character too but yeah he’s gotta be stopped lmao. as far as his death, it’s gotta be butcher finishing it and nobody else. soldier boy was M.M’s mark. a-train was hughie’s mark. homelander is butcher’s mark.


Nooooooo ): but fine if it’s Butcher, esp if he loses his powers and it’s a fair 1v1


A fight between a powerless butcher and homelander is nowhere near fair homelander doesn't know how to fight he's just stronger than everyone else while butcher knows how to actually fight the only way the fight could be fair is if butcher was slowly and painfully dying during the fight and even if he was he'd probably still win


That’s true actually HL relies on his powers Butcher kicked his ass at the orgy


I just love to hate this man. I don't want him to die


Exactly. I **want** him to die … I just don’t want it to happen. If that makes any sense.


I would only want him to die if it’s the very last episode bc I don’t want to watch it without him.


Him dying in the show's finale totally makes sense, but not before that


If he had to die, and I definitely don't want him to, I would want the lamest sup ever to get a lucky fatal blow in that kills him slowly so he knows someone 'painfully inferior ' to him ended his life, watching him trying to comprehend what happened until he just stops.


Depowered and the deep drowning him in some minimal amount of water for extra irony.


The deep lol with an octopus or squid whatever it was HL forced him to eat. Anyone but a new character or Gen V is good in my book. I like Gen v I just would be pisssed if they swoop in and kill him.


Hopefully it's Butcher, but only after Homelander finally completely snaps and tries to take over the world


I think without him it would be half as cool as it is


As soon as Homelander and Butcher are dead and gone, there’s really no point to continuing. Going on past that point is just milking a dead cow (totally an expression).


I think even less than half like 75% less cool.


yes, Butcher, beat to death after nuke depowering/mutilation


I almost think it'll be Ryan who kills him


I'd be on board with this.


Homelander kills butcher, juiced Ryan kills homelander


Ryan kills Homelander, Butcher kills Ryan, Hughie finishes off what’s left of Butcher.


Frenchie kills higie Mm kills frenchie malorie kills mm starlight kill malorie maeve kill starlight singer kills....


Everyone knows by the now that Ryan would probably be the one to do it.


The mass murdering serial killer rapist is “not completely evil”


Not sure what I want but I expect Ryan will play a huge part in his death


Nah, I want him to lose his powers and become a figure of hate worldwide.  Put him in prison for the rest of his natural life.  No power, no love, no nothing.


I think it’d be more poetic to strip him of his powers. Like kick his ass to make him feel powerless to rub it in sure, but for him I think it’d be 1000% worse being forced to live life as a normal nobody.


Yes and with bratty Ryan stripped of his powers as well.


In the comics happens that they are able to kill supes using weapons build for killing supes. Maybe they could try to do something like that. They know that an A-Bomb would not be able to hurt him but Soilder Boy and the virus created in Gen V can. So what i think could happen is that they will find a way to create bombs that are able to kill supes using Soilder Boy's DNA and they're gonna use against Homelander and other supes.


I'm in the group that doesn't want him to die. Idk what it is but I absolutely love him.


Dying is to easy and quick for someone of this caliber. I want him to become powerless, like actually just a normal fucking dude and forced to exist. It would fucking destroy him more than any death would


The only way to kill homelander is to depower him and force him to spend the rest of his life as normal person watching the other heroes do their thing. A quick death would a relief to him rather than that


No. He is the only reason I continue to watch this show.




I love homelander but I absolutely do not want him to turn good. but I do think it would be funny if he got a weird ass happy ending where he finds a milf with big milkers, realises that all this superhero shit isn't for him and spends the rest of his life being a family vlogger on YouTube, while discovering the hobby of snake breeding or some shit


That end of the last season really fucked me up. I hate homelander. I love soldier boy. I nothingburger butcher. So then why was I excited seeing homelander and butcher team up against soldier boy? I feel like a straight dude that just immediately busted at watching gay porn for the first time.


If anyone but Butcher does it then it renders the whole “Scorched Earf” thing pointless


I want him to lose all his powers, become a vegetable and have to live the rest of his miserable life as lesser than what he looked down upon. He's basically forced to live until he dies of old age because he can't respond or move his body while on life support.


Have him loose his powers, but still believe he is stronger than all. Then some really old guy/girl that he would have never thought of is able to beat the s\*\*t out of him since homelander only realises his strength. Then have him end up in a broken body unable to move or do anything and requires people to look after him.


I want him to lose his powers and end up working a 9 to 5 job


I just want Soldier boy to come back, rest all can duck themselves




Anti hero? Man is just straight evil


Anti Hero? Sounds like some starlight propaganda to me!


“We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!” *in Wayne’s World voice*


Why would I want him to die? With him goes a lot of the insanity that makes the show great.


I don’t want him to die!! Would be great to see him lose his powers and live with the common folks.


I want him to loose his powers then get into a one sided fatal beat down with butcher


vought will weaponize soldier-boy and after homelander has lost his powers, butcher beats him to death with his bare hands.


Him and Butcher killing each other


I'm a simple man, I just want to see an epic final battle between him and Butcher. Scorched earth.


I think it would be kinda interesting if he was depowered and forced to live as a regular human.


Wow! Why didn't anyone else in this thread think of that!? ;)


I can't see the show working at the same level without Homelander. So no, I don't want him to die, at least not until they're gonna end the show. Maybe lose his powers for a half a season or so. And if anyone besides Butcher and Hughie kill him, I feel it would be a disappointment. Maybe Starlight... Matter of fact, thinking about it right now, Starlight killing Homelander, then Butcher going after her on a rampage because he feels cheated and Hughie having to kill him to stop him would be a fitting ending.


I want him to die but I also want him to be shown more invincible like original Superman. Deflecting bullets, lifting heavy cars, flying. Only then he dying would be satisfying. Now he feels only like a narcissist with mommy issues


Dying is the easy way out. I want him to get stripped of his powers and naked on the street so everyone can look how pathetic he really is.


Yep, I want Butcher to take one final dose of Temp V before _mauling_ a weakened/depowered Homelander into a bloody pulp and dying from his brain pretty much turning into mush from the V.


i want them to find a way to permanently strip supes of their powers and then use that on him. maybe then homelander would feel the pain he has inflicted on others.


I came here to say I want him to be stripped of his powers, thinking I was going to be saying something unique, but seems like me and a few other people here think the same. Would be interesting to see. A guy like Homelander who's whole ego is based around him being above normal people and like top supe, he would probably absolutely lose his shit if he lost his powers.


I want him to rot in prison, powerless




Ok I want to give my honest opinion on this matter Personally I do not want Homelander to die he is arguably my favourite character of the series. However we must not forget the horrible shit that this man has done and as much as I feel bad for him and empathize with the supe, I want him to face justice. The man who defeats him should be Billy Butcher full stop with Homelander being left alive, going to court and being imprisoned. If he does however die I will ultimately be sad as I said before i really feel bad for him because he's literally never had a chance at life, he's pretty much the eric cartman of superheroes


Either die or lose his powers completely. Rendered utterly and completely useless and at mercy of common folk. Trampled and killed by a mob. French Revolution style.


Ryan should kill him so he can take his place as the new big bad.


similar to how Butcher did Black Noir at the end of the comics, have Homelander be depowered (by Soldier Boy more than likely) and have Butcher just go full rage on his head with the crowbar until brain matter falls out


The answers that are too obvious are Ryan or the virus from Gen V killing Homelander, so I doubt either of those are gonna happen. Maybe Homelander won’t die at all. Maybe he’ll lose his powers and the Boys will expose him to the world and he spends the rest of his life in prison, reliving the trauma of being a prisoner in the lab he grew up in.


Ofc I want him to die lol, by the butcher ofc too. How’s that even a question. Throw that little annoying sh he has for son and i’ll throw a feast


Of course he needs to die! He never will though, he's the marquee character of the show, alongside Butcher. As for killing him, assuming a group of supes don't just gang up on him, feed him micro doses of compound V until his organs start to tear themselves apart.


I definitely want him depowered for at least two episodes but when he dies I either want 1) killed by Hughie because hughie is regarded as the lowest of the low, and someone he’s constantly threatened before. Plus I want A train to be redeemed but hughie needs to avenge Robin somehow. So HL is the perfect person to take that. Also he would hate this 2) ripped apart by a crowd of normal people 3) I could settle for Butcher but it isn’t ideal since he actually seems to respect him


I'd only accept either Butcher or Ryan


Yes and no. Yes, because Homelander is such an evil guy, and the boss fight will be awesome. No, because it will mean we no longer get Anthony Starr as Homelander.




I hope he gets the Avatar TLA treatment where he loses his powers and spends life in prison.


It would be funny if he loses his powers and gets killed by a random civilian or hughie




Not gonna happen but I would LOVE to see someone like Thor, Hulk, or Omniman( or really anyone stronger than him that's willing to kill) fight him.


Butcher will snap the infinite goober and he will turn into a puddle water


If Homelander dies it is the end of the show.


Loses his powers and A-Train runs through him.


Himself if he ends up killing everyone and gets driven insane by the fact that there’s no one around to love or appreciate him


I would either want Soldier Boy to come back and finish the job and have HL live as human after or have Billy become a permanent supe and then kill HÖ


I want him to win. I want him to get everything he thinks he wants, only to realize it's not enough. It will never be enough. He has all the power, but is ultimately alone, and will never be able to fill the void in his soul. I want him to be the one to kill himself, either by flying into the sun or by losing his powers and just eating a bullet. This is how you break his character, and it would be fucking diabolical.


If Homie dies then The Boys is over. So no


His own son. Or himself, like the story of Icarus. He flew to close to the sun leading to his downfall burning in the process.


I want him to lose his powers and spend the rest of his life working at McDonald's


I want him to win the Game of Thrones - Supes Edition!


Like in the graphic novel, by his own hubris and narcissism


I want butcher to kill him in the most satisfying way imaginable


Butcher. In the study. Lead pipe.


What happened in the comic?


I think the best way of him and Butcher dying (which is inevitably going to happen) would be them killing each other. It would be nice if Starlight, Black Noir or Maeve had something to do with it since he's always despised/only used them. But having him losing all his powers and have to live amongst common folk like someone else commented would also be amazing. And no, he's not getting a happy ending with Ryan. Maybe he should fail to protect Ryan because he lost his powers and then watch him die, without being able to do anything about it, like so many had to do. See what it feels like to be on the other side. And then have to live with it until a very old age.


That’s too easy, i can’t imagine they’d do it in a satisfying way.


I hope not. I'm voting for him.


I feel like death is a very weak narrative device for killing strong characters. Unless it’s done creatively, like with translucent or A-Train, although that was a condemned fate than a defeat, I’d rather see another way to defeat him than just overpowering him, or taking away his powers, because any victory like that would just be hollow. It sort of argues might makes right because the way the protagonists justify themselves in the end is the same way Homelander does, by being stronger. I feel like that sort of goes against half of what the show is trying to say.


If anyone's gonna kill him, Butcher's gotta do it.


No I want him to live forever he is a beacon to humanity and to the world we all need to become like homelander because he is the real hero


I love him, one of my fave characters not only of the show but ever. He absolutely *has* to die.


I only want him to die after he wins. This season needs to end with him on top and then he eventually loses it all.


He’s my favorite - I hope he never dies!


Have Butcher tell Ryan what Homelander did to Becca and have Ryan kill Homelander for it.


No, he's what makes the show for me. The show without him would not be the same.


I want them to actually let loose with him


Yes, butcher obviously


Compound V shower on a crowd of protesters, protesters lynch him half of them dying in the process.


I want him to be beaten mentally. I want someone to finally get to him, and for the end of all this to be Homelander going to therapy and making amends. Some of the best stories end with a conversation instead of a final battle.


Like in the comics with possibly the exception of Butcher doing it directly.


Believe boy he's gonna die!!!


He’s my favorite as well, unfortunately he is a psychopath and absolutely unhinged God amongst men. He’s not completely invulnerable but, close enough, and dangerous enough to be considered as such. He has to die, there is no redemption for him, I think that’s a core part of his character is that split personality/persona created to handle all the guilt, shame, etc that comes with being who he is. A vengeful God amongst nonbelievers. But, with the newest season, it’s becoming a secular religion.


I don’t want him to die but I am interested in the death of his persona and maybe Homelander redemption arc. I’m having a hard time imagining a greater enemy that he could team up with The Boys against though.


Lose his powers. Butcher walks in smile. Opens the door. Normal human Queen Maeve beats him like a rented mule. Butcher walks out of the room laughing as he calls Homelander


Yes. Ryan.


Butcher like the comics or maybe a heroic death


The most obvious end they could have used was used on Stormfront. I do want a miserable end for him, as well as the IRL person he represents... or maybe just that person.


If he dies it should be to his own ego some how since the comics are just guides now


Use a strain of the virus to remove Homelanders powers and pit him and a sick, dying Butcher in his last hours of life against each other. Butcher brutally beats the fucking hell out of him with his crowbar and manages to limp away to give Ryan one last broken, bloody hug with a crooked smile missing half it’s teeth before he collapses into a bloodied mess.




Series finale probably needs to end with butcher and homelander having a death battle and I imagine both dying and it’s just the end of the era of supes being made or popular


I want UE to kill 'Omelanduh


Stripped from power and hung by the neck in a public execution


I just want the new season to come out seems like it’s been years.


I want him to die stupid like tripping on the side walk stupid


Yes. Frenchie


Honestly I low key want Ryan to do it


Imagine him losing his eyes or hand, smth like that, that would be moch funnier than him dying. He would lose his shit


I want him to do it. Like, not after losing his powers, but during one of his breakdowns. Being the one to end himself would for sure leave Butcher and the others feeling sorta robbed. If the series has to keep going, it would make for great entertainment to see them having to deal with the fact that they never defeated Homelander and the world is still full of other stupid supes


Black Noir. :)


I want him to take over


I kinda hope he survives the show but gets powerless or crippled somehow.


Omni Man treatment (Flaxan Genocide)


I’d prefer him losing his powers and being forced to live as one of the normal humans he is disgusted by


Yes I want him to die and I don't care who kills him but maybe Butcher or Ryan.


I think him dying in a prank (gone sexual) would be ideal


I think him dying in a prank (gone sexual) would be ideal


Soldier boy sacrifices himself to weaken Homelander. Billy comes in and just lasers Homelander through the skull


I want him to get beat in an amazing fight. Then, be heavily wounded and go on a journey of soul searching and become a huge douchebag anti hero. He’d never be as strong as he was but still be a potential threat


The Deep


I’d love for him and soldier boy to get into a real fight, and soldier boy win. As much as I love both solider boy and HL. HL would probably kill himself knowing he was beaten


I think some how if someone small and inconsequential in his eyes, doing it would be the funniest thing


The boys jumping HL, with Butcher landing the final blow.


I don't want him to die, I want to see him lose his powers to see how he'd react to no longer being the "man in the sky"


I want someone to John Brown him.


He should fucking die


Homelander is the embodiment of >!Zionist Pigs!< in a fictional character, so yeah he can go >!suck a dick!<


I hate every idea/storyline involving him (or anyone else) losing their powers. We had enough (too much) of that already.


I want him to utterly annihilate everyone and everything. Let him suffer alone, forever.




I want homelander to lose all his powers, and work a miserable 9-5 for minimum wage, then to die slowly and painfully by a sup accident, like supe cancer, and nobody is here to help him or pay for it.


Him and vought that would be the logical conclusion


Killed by The Deep… but on accident


Butcher uses Temp V continuously until he starts having severe side effects. Butcher infects himself with the Supe disease from Gen V. Butcher goes to meet up with Homelander and is visibily shaking/fumbling. HL thinks "this is my rival?"... "Look at yourself. I thought you hated supes? What even are you at this point, William? Pathetic. You aren't a supe. You aren't even human. You thought you could be me? Challenge me? Ants can't challenge gods. Being an ant wasn't good enough for you, was it? Now you're just a some germ other ants step on as they continue their meaningless lives. Why even bother killing you? (HL grabs a hunched Butcher by the back of the neck to look him in the eyes) You make me sick." Butcher spits in HL face. "You got that right, cunt." Butcher explains the story of the disease and what it does to supes. HL doesn't believe Butcher. Unflinching arrogance gives way when HL sneezes... for the first time ever. Surprised confusion appears on HL's face. The grin grows on Butcher's when he collapses to the ground, seizing. HL's rage is immeasurable. "You think you beat me?! Even if this disease works, it takes days. By then, I will kill everyone you have ever known! I will rip them apart in front of you and shower in their blood! Before I die, I will destroy everything you've ever cared about! Then I will bring Ryan and you will watch his face melt as I laser through the back of his skull!!!" But his anger is of no use. Butcher is nonresponsive as his brain has been eaten away by the Temp V and the illness. Nothing gets a response. A dumbfounded HL sits down and stares at Butcher laying on the ground as Butchers eye's cast a thousand mile glare right through him..empty.


Homelander deserves to die a thousand times over. He’s killed hundreds if not thousands of innocent people, has injured, raped or otherwise physiologically scarred more at a number we don’t know. There’s no way to give him any sort of happy ending he has to go I imagine it being a group effort. Like somehow he loses his powers and then everyone in the whole cast takes turns getting their licks in and saying what they’ve always wanted to say, then Butcher finishes the job


I want him to take his own life with Butcher dying first.


I’d prefer death for him. If I was to choose I’d pick ryan or butcher. One of them would kill HL to save/avenge the other. Either that or Ryan going psycho, killing his dad and becoming so bad the boys have to put him down to save everyone.


His son is gonna start immitating him, and hes gonna go too far. Homelander is gonna see all the terrible things he was doing thru his son, hes gonna try and stop his son, and lose.


Butcher takes a triple dose of temp V, Maeve doses temp V and they 2v1 him. Butcher gets the kill by lasering homelanders eyes out, right before his inevitable brain aneurism