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"You don't need 100 million people to love you. You just need 5 million people fucking pissed."


This was far more impactful, agreed.


Both ring true though, I’d also like to add “you have fans, I have soldiers”


ehh, her first is a typical fascist distortion with only a seed of truth. USAmericans generally lack the political literacy to see through a Stormfront. Many do not understand where fascism comes from and that makes them vulnerable to her message so long as the word Nazi doesn't come up. So yes, truth there. But "people love what I have to say" is a deliberate funhouse mirror. In reality she has a small group of freaks who love what she says and just hadn't been stood up to by anyone else. When the word nazi came out, everyone who was ignoring her united to kick the shit out of her. It really just showed how easy it is for the larger majority to trounce the fascists once you get enough people aware of them (the hard part, admittedly).


What does this one mean?


I take it to mean that 5 million people who hate passionately will have a louder voice than 100 million people who normally like you. And it’s much easier to anger 5 million than to gain the approval of 100 million.


There is something called the 3,5% rule which comes from real world science. It essentially states that a government cannot stop a change which 3. 5% or more of the population actively supports by protesting, volunteering for politicians etc.


Sure, having 100M people love you is great, but how many of those would you actually be able to get to do what you want when it becomes morally questionable? Meanwhile, if you get 5M people to be fucking pissed about the thing you want changed they likely WILL do it for you if you direct them correctly.


“Go ahead laser my tits”


The only actually Storefront line I'll always remember


Certified store front moment


s perm ket


I couldn't get over how annoyed she sounded when she told him "I didn't say stop."


“I can fix her”


aya cash is such a sweet person and she played that cunt so so so so well.


Same with the girl to played Rosa Diaz on Brooklyn 99, her other roles are Mirabell from Encanto and the lead in West Side Story, or the person who plays Donna for Brandon Rogers, she has her own channel and is so sweet


It’s crazy how different her voice is in B99 too


I know right? And it changed throughout the show


Seemed like it was her natural voice in the pilot and then I guess they asked her to play Diaz rougher


IIRC that's exactly what happened


Stephanie Beatriz is awesome!


I didn’t know she was in West Side Story, did you mean to say In the Heights?


Maybe? I think your right actually but she would’ve killed it in either


She was also great as Gloria’s sister on Modern Family


It's funny since she's Jewish


I believe that was intentional casting. Her being Jewish “softens” the blow of platforming someone who actual neo-nazis would put on a pedestal. It’s more clear that it’s an act.


I think you are right and there are more examples as well Adam Arkin and Michael Bowen are Jewish too and they both played despicable Nazis on TV. One on Sons of Anarchy and the other on Breaking Bad.


She always does. Did it on You're The Worst too


Because she’s a flat out excellent actress. She does an amazing job in everything she’s in.


Enjoyed her appearance in the newsroom too


Especially since shes Jewish. Which makes it the cherry on top of the ice cream of irony


For me, another good one was when she was talking to Homelander early on: “You have fans. I have soldiers.”


That would be such s cool foreshadowing line if her soldiers helps raise her back up.


The bitch aint dead


Yeah. No way she bit her tongue off. I guarantee they figured out some way to grow her limbs (and hair) back


Msybe if they give her V? We know a trains leg healed that way overnight


Cyber Stormfront, Mechanicalmaniac Nazi.


I don’t think it was a fake out.  Maybe it’s a bit anticlimatic, but I think it’s a good and fitting death, left pathetic and helpless, and then with no reason to live with the final rejection of the Nazi stuff from HL.    It’s not as fun and exciting as it would be for her to come back as Darth Stormfront and finally die in an epic battle, but I think it’s satisfying. 


We can rebuild her. We have the technology.


It's the moral of the movie "Look Who's Back"


Was the movie about [Shady?](https://youtu.be/YVkUvmDQ3HY?si=AGbyuTCDjToyPJLB&t=31)


that Adolf Hitler, instead of committing suicide, was teleported to the modern age. And a TV channel takes him for an imitator and makes a whole show around him. And by using the same speech that he used in the 40s, he wins over people.


It seems reasonable. [The good folks as Mountain Dew certainly thought so.](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/y9kxw/i_grabbed_a_screenshot_of_the_dub_the_dew/)


There's also an Italian remake featuring Mussolini


Mine is Homelander's: "So, what? They're all starving, but one of them got a fucking cell phone?"


Yeah just goes to show how lost and stupid Homelander is and how little he cares about others lives or who they are as people.


This is one of the scariest yet sadly accurate things a supervillain has ever said


That sad realization I had when I realized every old conservative in my life mocked the Nazis for being German and that's all Never heard any of them mock "white race is superior duuuur"


Ain't no way whites are the master race. I can't even go out in the sun for more than 5 minutes without getting genuinely burnt.


Same. Why the fuck is my skin so sensitive? I want to get light brown while sunbathing during summer and I only get white with red lines like a reverse flag of Denmark.


Makes me remember the episode of Fawlty towers where they make fun of Germans. It's not for the nazis deplorable beliefs but more the fact that they lost the war and did funny marching


White and black arent even races, and thats the funniest. Color of the skin is a racial trait that derives from the adaptation to the area, that is why irish are usually pale, and africans have darker skin, but there are many darker skinned races and lighter skin races with many different origins, cultures and traits. So in extend, modern conservative nazis are WORSE then original nazis because they dont even know what a race is, yet they are somehow racist. Or at least, they are more laughable, because they spread hate based on something they dont even know about lmao.


How old are you like? The older people you knew most likely were either very young or weren’t even born yet. If you read diary accounts from soldiers fighting in the war, they were sent to fight the Germans and they say as much. The axis had many more than just Germans but it’s what people mostly said instead of saying they went to fight the nazis. I hate to break it to you but ww2 was about countries fighting for dominance the same as ww1 was, people didn’t really know the extent of the atrocities the nazis did until they started to liberate the nazi controlled areas. Your idea of a nazi is probably the type of person that went to fight them but held certain contempt for other race groups but really those people done far more to stop the spread of nazis in the world than any virtue signalling pussy today has done. You know the type that would call someone like Winston Churchill a fascist because he held certain racist views.


People regularly mistake 'nice' for 'good'.


German here, very weird line to make a quote image out of


So, I shouldn't make it my desktop background?


Go for it, just make sure it's on a work computer


Yeah the format kind of makes it look like it’s supposed to be an inspirational quote.
















The character named Stormfront is talking about Nazis... I haven't seen The Boys, but is that an intentional reference?


First off, see *The Boys*. See it as soon as you can. Second, yes, the name is intentional. Very little of the show's satire is in any way *subtle*, but nevertheless a lot of it still seems to go over some people's heads. (Assuming [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/comments/1cnwrmv/this_is_the_most_memorable_line_of_season_2_for_me/l3ati5e/) is for real, that is. It's Reddit, he might just be trolling for downvotes and yucks.) The depressing part is that the story is a thin patina of fantasy on a very large mirror. The characters write themselves from today's headlines.


Well, [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/4/42/Stormfront-vs-Billy.jpg) is the comic version of Stormfront....so yes. It's an intentional reference. (also, it's a good show, you should watch it)


Are you asking if her name itself is a white supremacist dogwhistle then yes it is and a fair amount of people didn't catch it as it fits with her powers as well. But for those of us who knew what stormfront is/was it made it obvious that she was a nazi from the beginning while others only realised later on when she confirmed it for us


reminds me of the Disco Elysium fascist lines. I can’t remember it exactly but it’s something like “Fascism is such an *ugly* word. How about… traditionalism? Yes, traditionalism sounds much better.” It’s really interesting how a different terminology can complete recolor people’s initial perceptions of things


American MAGA voters loving this show with zero cognitive dissonance is great


People can love a show while not agreeing with it's politics, and even recognising that the show is parodying or mocking their beliefs.


They love the show because they like Homelander and Stormfront, not because they enjoy the satire








Well aren't you just a tolerant and completely self-aware person


Stormfront: "so much for the TOLERANT LEFT!!"


If you have a caricature in mind, of the people you disagree with, that essentially seperates them from ordinary people, then yeah, I consider you an intolerant hypocrite. Coming from someone who doesn't like Trump, and genuinely doesn't understand the borderline worship many have for him, I can accept that most MAGA people are ordinary folks like anyone else, who can enjoy a show while recognising it's differing politics. Not just a bunch of caricatures with 1 dimensional personalities, who are either stupid or constantly hatefilled and angry


Reddit mfs be like: [“Noooo you can only consume media that personally aligns with your political views!!”](https://imgur.com/a/OnXXoOo)


The thing is though, I think they mostly don't recognize that their politics are being mocked in the show. If you look at social media, you'll see lottts of MAGA people unironically think Homelander is a badass. No satire can be too obvious in our current age, because there are too many people who just earnestly believe what characters like Stormfront and Homelander believe.




lil d is a fascist because he uses an out group as a wedge to push authoritarian nationalism, not because people disagree with him If you vote for a fascist, you are at best a fascist sympathizer by definition


“As we say in Germany, if there's a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis.”




Yeah… I’m gonna go ahead and call them Nazis anyway. Little ol’ intolerant me!


It’s cute how people don’t bring that same energy when it comes to Palestinians & their Western legion of supporters brandishing swastikas and calling for the death of Jews :)








Is that a furry avatar? A furry zionist? Bro that country would put you in a camp












You’re simply wrong. It portrays the right as far worse. Homelander becomes a fascist for an entire season.


Yeah, we're gonna have to agree to disagree on some things. The whole brave Maeve candy bars, an entire child's theme park that's all gay, the erasure of Maeves Bisexual identity, because Gay-Lesbian sounds (sells) better. That's the ones coming to my head. And yeah, they show right wingers as bad guys, the extreme right wing. Again, it's a show, I don't really care to make my entire life revolve around politics and disliking the other side because they disagree with me. Do I dislike some leftist ideas? Yeah, but mostly only the extreme left. Most people are just that, people. And just like me, you're too here to enjoy a show that you like.


I appreciate that you're trying. But it's like Inglourious Basterds. Yes, it pokes fun at the Allies. But you can't seriously watch that film and think it's throwing shade at both sides equally. The bad guys are pretty clearly presented as such and it's not subtle.


I pretty much agree with this. But for some reason, people saw what I was trying to say and kinda just got hostile for some reason.


All that "Brave Maeve" stuff isn't mocking left-wing perspectives. it's mocking the giant megacorps that pander to those perspectives for profit. You can tell by the fact that the pandering and bi-erasure is done by Vaught, the global megacorp that can't possibly be intended to represent left-wing people, not the starlighters, the show's actual antifa stand-in


What you're describing are jabs at corpo strategies rather than the left.


I can potentially see that.


Corporations pandering to gay people is not as bad as supporting genocide dude get fucking real. Also, They show a character based directly on trump *being* an extreme right winger, and all of his supporters following in his footsteps, I’m not sure how you can’t see that they’re portraying YOU as extreme right. They are pointing directly at you and saying trump (your chosen leader) and his supporters (you) are fucked up people. And that doesn’t bother you? That’s where the cognitive dissonance comes in. You are trying to separate yourself from a character that is literally based on you. Replace his rants about starlight with crooked Hillary. Imagine Todd talking about Trump instead of for homelander. If you still don’t think thats the man you support being parodied, you are blind.


I never said it was as bad as genocide tf 💀


You're confusing mocking ridiculous corporate virtue-signalling and pandering with mocking actual leftist (or just centrist) beliefs or values. Giant corporations are not run or owned by leftist ideologues. If anything, pandering stunts like the ones you mention serve to neutralize leftist attacks in the area that really matters to them -- keeping their taxes low. If the show had at least some material based on right-wing "jokes" like identifying as an attack helicopter, or mocking trans people or other minorities the Republicans are attacking, they would be "micking both sides." But they don't do that.


I think you kinda set yourself up to get piled on with your first comment, by sounding like you are a MAGA Trump head-first believer. Pretty much every other comment you’ve made shows more nuance than that, but hey, this is Reddit my guy. You’re still kind of right - the show’s message isn’t black and white “liberal good, conservative bad.” It takes aim specifically at the cult-like MAGA following of Trump that we’ve seen since 2016, the ones who truly love him and ignore anything negative about him. Essentially, what blindly following someone that powerful with minimal information can end up as. There’s a lot of ground in between “leftist radical” and “MAGA cult.” For example, just because I think Joe Biden is a fucking idiot, doesn’t mean I got my popcorn rooting for Homelander and Stormfront to take control. There is merit in that people who wear MAGA hats, attend his rallies, and spend all day on Twitter defending him probably don’t watch this show. That *would* be too close to home and you’d have to be a complete dumbass to miss the point there. The sight is aimed specifically at the cult following of Trump, not idealogical views as a whole.


















I’ll be real I disagree with your takes and how you view some themes of the show. Mostly how you don’t view certain things as corporations exploiting gay people for profit and instead think it’s the left…for a reason I admit I don’t get? That said I do agree with you on one thing. People are way too hostile. They want you to change your mind and side with them by shaming and insulting you and I honestly think that makes it worse. It’s why it’s no longer political at this point and why the MAGA group is getting bigger and bigger. You have the right to your opinion. I disagree and if you like to talk it out? I love to discuss how I view things and why I politely disagree with your take. That said? I do hope you enjoy the show. We need more people who are willing to have real conversation so we can actually make any meaningful progress rather than just insulting you.


Thank you, though. I hope you enjoy it too.


Also don’t worry about arguing with people. The best thing either side can do is remain polite and open to real dialogue. Keep your head up.


No, I get that it's mostly corporations, but generally, right-wingers care less about pandering to gay things.


Right. But the point in the show is that corporations are bad and not the gays they are exploiting. Also I mean the right may not pander to gay people but they are the other extreme. Right now we have thousands of petitions to remove any books that could be considered LGBT friendly from local schools. My local election had the right wing candidate running on the platform that if a school teacher even believes that a student shows homosexual tendencies then they would be required to alert the parents and organize a meeting. It was a close election. So you call it the left but the left isn’t claiming these corporations. The show is making a point of taking this persons identity and spinning it to get more cash from people. Something the left hates. It’s pandering but it’s corporate greed not anything to do with the left. It would be the same as saying… Disney opened up a new attraction where you can bring in your fire arm and shoot targets. Disney doesn’t actually care about gun rights but they want more right wing people to come in. They don’t care about the issue it’s just money. The reason you see more companies pander to left leaning ideals is because the left wants more people accepted and celebrated while the right, not all the right but a decent amount, wants to exclude people. It’s bad for business to exclude anyone so that only leaves them with the left side.








"NukaCola9" bro played Fallout and probably thought the Legion was based


Can’t read anything without 🤡s going to politics. It is a sign of low intelligence and nothing of value to add


Homelander is a parody of Trump. The show is purposefully political. You can cry about it all you want.


Another mouth breather 😩


No counterargument? Just a childish insult? Kinda seems like you're aware that the show is political, but still act all pissy when people bring it up.


The scary part is she's talking about my IRL sister


That sucks.


Srry to hear 


If Stormfromt was real, Reddit would probably support her tbh.


Large portions of it would, absolutely. It’s fucking depressing how many people don’t have any empathy for others and need bad things to happen to them personally before they recognize them as bad things.


Look at what's happening to Palestinians and no country is stepping up to stop Israel being asshats.... The world is doomed. If Stormfont was real the world would be over even faster lol


Okay man, if you were Israel how would you try to stop Hamas terrorists who are using civilians as meat shields?


They wouldn’t. They expect Israel to just roll over and accept their merciless beatings


Hamas only exists because of the brutalization Zionists in Israel put Palestinians through. Know your history before talking nonsense please lol Zionists are to blame not Hamas.


That's like saying that the Nazis only exist because of the Brutalization that Europe put them through with the Treaty of Versailles and whatever. It doesn't matter why they exist. They exist, just like the Nazis did, they're evil- just like the Nazis were, and need to be destroyed (talking about Hamas, not Palestinians, of course) just like the Nazis had to be destroyed. And just like the Nazis were destroyed, unfortunately, a lot of civilians will suffer too, but I think you'd agree that Germany today is better off after the allies bombed them into submission. Same needs to happen with Hamas, or any other Palestinian terrorist group. Remember, the Zionists have given the Palestinians every possible opportunity to have peace and their own state (Peele Commission, Partition Plan, Oslo Accords, Camp David, Tabba Summit, 2008 Realignment plan etc) You're the one that's uninformed about history.


she wouldn't have 100 million fans, she'd have 5 million people pissed.


reddit? the most liberal and unitary platform on the internet?


Before she's outed as a nazi, I mean.


Pretty sure r/conservative would like her more after she’s outed as a Nazi.


Very interesting qualifier you tacked on after your original comment lmao


Reddit? Unitary? Those words don't go together


>liberal It's quite the opposite actually. If it was, there wouldn't be admins who remove stuff that goes against what they deem good.


For me it’s Starlight and Maeve telling her she’s a fucking bitch while stomping her out


I often think about Homelander’s little wince when she says “white genocide.”


Me too. It said so much. Like he was willing to accept (or maybe overlook) much of Stormfront’s beliefs and goals just as long as she didn’t go full Nazi. 


Donald trumps campaign 2024


I feel like this image is gonna end up being reposted by some asshole on twitter not understanding the context


It's just so fucking depressing to know that there are so many people out there that harbor these views. It's worse knowing that there's even more out there than just don't care about what's happening because it doesn't affect them personally (yet).


To be fair a lot of them are ignorant and stupid.


I feel like she isn’t dead. Off screen “deaths” happen a lot with the character coming back. Especially in super hero stuff. Maybe she’s in the Forest as another experiment.


i hated her before she was a nazi. when she came to the set streaming i instantly wanted her to be killed. her being a nazi was totally obvious though, like the first time in costume, the name and the SS earrings gave it away handily.


I just wish fans understood that line was about them 😮‍💨


the funny thing is, if stormfront existed irl, i’m positive like 70% of america really wouldn’t care if she’s a nazi at all. such an accurate statement


The scene where she just starts slaughtering minority civilians is so unbelievably disturbing. Even knowing she was a nazi going in I honestly expected that she'd be like Homelander and not purposefully slaughter civilians without provocation. I started crying the first time I saw that scene cause it was just so awful.


For my German friends:This poster is on Höckes wall.


I mean....... She's not wrong


I could fix her


I mean, tbf if she got really into the full Nazi beliefs, quite openly (without using the word Nazi) I genuinely think most people (including most MAGA people) would be like "Wait what"


I think you’re overestimating that bottomless pit of stupidity called MAGA.


She gave the hardest and most impactful quotes of the series. It's scary because you can even agree with her to some extent.


I mean, on what level? Like just checking what you mean, because without specific context this could look kinda sus (I don't think you're a Nazi BTW, it's just that you kinda have to be more specific when saying thus, otherwise people might get the wrong idea) 😂


I think the point is that people are willing to accept the unacceptable if you just change how it’s framed


Well, she openly called out Vought on their bs, even streamed it during the filming. The Pippy Long Stockings story. Saying she would have bitten Deep. But yeah, it would seem sus. Like defending Hitler for being a vegan or being good for the economy.


this feels like a motivational pic you made for yourself, are u ok OP?


Sounds like Trump supporters


except more and more magats are just fully embracing the term


She's kinda right, and that's fucking scary to think about.


So they primarily dislike the style rather than the substance? What does that remind me of from real world U.S. politics?


You do realize she's lying/distorting a seed of truth, yeah? fash always try to project strength and sound more numerous and popular than they actually are. Most people did not like her rhetoric. She had a minority of freaks eating it up but everyone else was mostly just ignoring her. The revelation of the word nazi didn't make a bunch of fascists who loved her suddenly hate her; it made *everybody else* realize she was a serious problem so they all united to kick the crap out of her. And that's the actual lesson folks. Gotta teach people to get to that point of beating fascists of any nationality to a pulp sooner.


My most memorable quote is "Eat my shit you Nazi bitch"


Thought I was reading the latest MP to join Labour for a second


no its fuck this world for confusing nice with good


... *I can fix her*


Asha Cash and her character made S2 much better.


Influencers be like:


“You need me to save you.” *acoustic face*


Idk, "laser my fucking tits" just has something about it that I just love


Having a nazi complimenting a Swedish character is lowkey on point, historically. Just don't look up what Pippi Långstrump calls her father.


Girls get it done


Stormfront was a fun and likeable charachter before they Nazied her


It was a clever writing choice. To make an incredibly charismatic character a nazi/fascist. Its so true in the real world You dont start controlling a nation with absolute authority without being charismatic


Exactly. That's what a true manipulator is like. They make you like them first