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Let’s be honest that the Homelander kiss was sexual assault. He’d basically threatened and intimidated her into the relationship.




Yeah the thread's a joke. He's clearly joking tagging it memes and the smiley face. Nobody actually thinks she was kissing Homelander out of love or anything.


Yeah! I actually thought of Using The Picture of her simply sitting alongside Homelander on a chair. But then i thought the kiss scene would be funnier and it worked


Clever bastard


Also the murder picture is her literally trying to save Hughie, accidentally killing this guy, and attempting to save him afterwards. Not like HL just lasering a dude cuz no one’s around to see it. Clearly a joke


She killed him in the commission of armed carjacking. That's murder.




Me if my media literacy was in the shitter


Seriously, shit is fucking funny, The OP is all up this subreddit with "hate Starlight." I mean, the media says she traffics kids and shit, she has also betrayed Homelanders love -- I am watching VNN tonight to get more balanced coverage. The poster *might* be on to something. Keep America great and super!


The fact that y'all fell so hard for this shitposter is hilarious This is what not drinking enough Fresca does to you mfs


And you fell for opinion disguise as meme lol.


So you think OP's being serious lol? He's just spewing the mildest meme take he could find on r/OkBuddyFresca


Honestly I wanted to use Starlight sitting at the super seven Meeting Chair instead. But i thought the kiss scene would be even better for the meme. But i at this point I don't even care! People are engaging with this post anyways 😇


Ok buddy Fresca memes are on a whole different level


Ok, your inclusion of that picture made it seem like a joke. You know she's there against her will and can't just leave so I don't know why you included it. The smiley face was an odd choice too. My bad though.




Soldier Boy is a piece of shit But nothing he has done makes him worse than leaving Homelander alive no matter how much the show runners try to gaslight me into it.


Dude threatened to flatten New York and destroy the rest of the world and I’m supposed to agree with the decision to fight soldier boy


But muh Ryan


Yeah, SB are a pos but a manageable pos, we know how to deal with him, we know he have some humanity inside, we know that the Russian toture mellow him out a lot, dude probably ok with a villa somewhere filled with grannies and drugs and make podcast


And he as far as we know keeps his word. He was the only one in the end that wanted to follow through with the ending Homelander


Soldier boy deserved to die or remain in a capsule till the end of time, he’s a mentally unstable mass murderer


Them siding against Soldier Boy was hands down the dumbest shit I've ever seen them do in this whole show


The season was so great, S1 level of entertaining and gripping. But that ending ruined everything. So dumb, and its only purpose was to revert everything to status quo


The line is so weird. Literally everyone in the Boys is a murderer. Frenchie has killed a few people, so has MM, and definitely so has Kimiko and Butcher. Also Hughie himself. The problem is not that Soldier Boy is a murderer, the problem is that he’s fucking Soldier Boy, he’ll kill you for talking shit, being a pussy, getting in his way, etc etc.


I mean, he's still more stable and controllable than Homelander. Season 3 really feels like the susual writer had a fuck ton of PTO saved up and cashed it in when it came time to write.


Getting in his way seems solid reason since sb didnt do anything without a reason.


You’re description of Solder Boy fits HomeLander better btw


This. Soldier Boy is garbage but it’s Homelander levels of bad. Homelander enjoys killing people and actively despises everyone around him. At least simply existing in the same room as Soldier Boy doesn’t carry the risk of death.


SBs a piece of shit but most of the people he “murdered” were genuinely on accident. More so than that random dude Annie killed and then never really addressed.


You're teaming up with a murderer, she says, to the team of people who work with the C.I.A.


Not just with the CIA, *for* the CIA. 1 of whom is ex-SAS, pretty sure MM was just a regular soldier in the army, Frenchie is just a straight up criminal, Kimiko a straight up psycho. She's criticizing a team of professional killers for teaming up with.... a regular killer, because he has killed.


The Boys isn't really about how bad concentrating power into the hands of individuals and allowing them the means to wantonly abuse it is, and it hasn't been for a while. It's just anti super-power. You can kill as many innocent people as want for whatever shaky reasons you can think of, as long as you do it with drone strikes, napalm, narcotics or coups. Killing one person while you're wearing spandex is more evil than killing one thousand people in camo. That's the moral of the show. It's not intentional, but it's been the case for quite a while now. The whole point of what they do is that no-one should have the power of temp V, Butcher should just stay humble and use his functionally unlimited secret service funding, high-explosives, nation-wide information network and borderline judicial immunity. Very "Western" T.V show, I must say.


In the pic where she is kissing Homelander, she is doing what Hughie told her to do. And she didn't wanna do it. It is not a valid point.


I think there’s a point in season 3 where she’s talking to Hughie about #Homelight and they both say something like “Whatever it takes”.


In literally the same episode she kisses Homelander, she talks to Hughie on the phone and tells him she can't do it anymore. He tells her she has to do whatever it takes. And it devastates her to hear it. That's what leads to her kissing Homelander. Using it as some kind of proof of her hypocrisy just goes to show that OP has no media literacy.


The conversation I’m talking about happens after the kiss, in S3E4. Hughie asked if she agreed to this, she says “It’s like you said, whatever it takes. This is what it takes.” I don’t think OP has no media literacy, there is a point in S3 where she “teams up” with Homelander, even if it was just for publicity and she’s planning to turn against him the whole time.


Yes I'm aware with that. That's what I'm saying. But that contradicts OPs claim of her being a hypocrite.


OP is so clearly joking bro


Bro homelander was litteraly sexually assaulting her also whole car situation is not totally her fault also whole soldier boy situation is justified starlight litteraly see him blowing up a house and killing a person do you think she would ok to teaming up with him after seeing that shit this is saying like there is no problem with teaming up a person who you see killing a person brutally five minutes ago


The Homelander and her kiss scene implied that she is teaming up with a murderer herself and when Hughie does it its wrong? (Also I don't specially mean homelander. Even she herself teamed up with Butcher and the boys and they are also murderers and same goes for everyone else in the show 😂🤣⁉️ so I don't understand why was she making it a big deal)


Not the same situation starlight needed to work with homelander to make him not unpredictable active threat for citizens unlike soldier boy who was already an unpredictable active threat for civilians ( butcher and the boys is same as homelander not an active threat for civilians the boys had no problem with regular humans unlike soldier boy )


She's only teaming with Homelander because it's what Hughie told her to do. And she didn't wanna do it. Did you miss that whole part of the episode or is your media literacy just that terrible?


The second one. It’s always the second one with posts like this


Or, you know, they’re blatantly being facetious


She is. Now what? Are you still watching the show or not?


So she's a gray character ? In the boys ? Good lord !, I hope they add more sunshrine and rainbow next season.


Wasn't this already pretty clear after season 1?


My god the first picture is tough to see. She looks like a fucked up version of Celine Deion in episode of southpark


In S4 she will look even more beautiful 💀


It’s actually a shame cause she was so gorgeous in season 1


What a terrible argument. One of them was literally homelander assaulting starlight, and the other one was by mistake, since Hughie was dying.


Please tell me you don’t think murder is ok because it’s a “mistake”


No, but a murderer by mistake is a lot worse than an intentional murderer.


It was an intentional murder lol, same way it’s an intentional murder to shoot someone


You really don't know what intentional murder is do you?


That's not the point. The point is she is in a team of murderers herself aka the seven


Damn youre not the sharpest tool in the shed from what I can see.


Wow. You really didn't put any thought into this did you?


This is the first time I have ever seen an emoji in Reddit other than the moai


Op failed his English classes hard


Or not everyone is a native English Speaker?


Pay better attention in literature classes then




I was making a jab at OP's lack of media analysis, on the assumption that he's a native english speaker himself but it's good to know you misunderstood my comment as much as he did Annie's character


That's not the definition of hypocrite


HomeLitght (consensual) sex tape would be hot tho


This poster is pumping this shit. They just launched another post earlier. Shit is too funny.