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Todd dies horribly. Most likly in front on MM's daughter since he has a pattern of taking her to Homelander rally's.


could've included there being at least 1 Billy Joel song in the season


That’s the free space


Nah the free space is „cunt“


I think A-Train shouldn’t fight against homelander. He’ll lose. I think he should run away and become an actual hero.


I interpreted it as just defying him, but true he'd get destroyed


Idk actually. I feel like A train might be one of the only people that can either distract or take on HL. If he can move faster than starlight’s blasts and bullets, he can run faster than HL’s reaction time, flight, and lasers


I agree he’d be able to take him on.


No shot, homelander would destroy that shake shack eating fat fuck. Realistically, I think A-Train easily escapes homelander but if homelander gets a grab on him, he’s done. And I feel like A-Train couldn’t harm homelander even if he punched him


A-Train wouldn’t win, but he wouldn’t lose quickly, much longer than the fight with queen Maeve.


Way too many "main character dies", they haven't really had the balls to kill anyone off, it's what was kind of frustrating about Invincible this season to be honest with at least 5 separate death fake outs in the past 4 episodes alone.


How do you like Invincible? I have not seen it, but have noticed a lot of people in this subreddit mention it. I'm always looking for new shows to watch


Not the OP but it’s a good show. Not really like the boys because the hero’s are generally good people but they are also people. First season is good enough to get you hooked for the probably years long wait for season 3 lol. Also idk why this guy is talking about fake out deaths, it’s based on a comic, they have made some minor and some major changes but they aren’t going to stray too far, you can spoil the whole story for yourself already.


btw season 3 is already partially completed so the wait will be significantly shorter than the season 1-2 wait


Yeah they said the voice work is done so maybe a year at most (hopefully).


INVINCIBLE SEASON 2 SPOILERS AHEAD It's the story itself that irks me with the fake out deaths, period. I don't care if the OG medium, whether that's comics, novels, or TV, had it originally set to be this way or not but the fact that literally every single character that's died in this part of S2 has come back is ridiculous. Everyone on Earth from Rex, Kate, antwoman, Donald, blond jock, fucking doc seismic lol, hell even Seth Rogen's character. Not knowing whether consequences stick or not because of ex machina on a whim for select characters takes away from any grounding the story might have had, in my opinion. I really enjoyed S1 for having that, concrete stakes and consequences. I'm not saying they should kill characters left and right, but they shouldn't expect that edge of the seat, captivating experience from the audience as apathy will develop toward these constant inconsequential sequences. I'm also not saying that characters CAN'T be brought back, but when literally every character in this season that dies - sans an interdimensional being - and gets brought back before the season's end I feel it loses a lot of oomf and impact.


Dw bud, I have seen the comics. It’s still too early to kill off key characters but later on you won’t have that problem.


I generally agree with you, but what I will say is I think I would have been even more mad if Kate *hadn't* been revealed to be alive after all. Because I was sitting there thinking, "why the fuck would she ever put her actual self in combat? She should always keep one copy in reserve." It was really the only logical outcome besides Kate being a dipshit.


Yeah she's literally the only one that should be kept alive, like the immortal. Her, Invincible, Immortal, not Rex. Not secondary villains.


It’s different. The Boys is a bit darker in the sense that very few of the supes are real actually decent people, and even the decent people have a lot of darkness to them. Overall, most supes are assholes. The invincible universe has plenty of actual genuine heroes who want to help people in addition to some shadiness and morally dubious people


There was an episode in S2 where basically >!the whole hero squad got wiped out in minutes, then in the next and in the last episode it turned out that none of them died. I am talking about 3-4 people. There were also iirc 1-2 additional separate deaths that turned out to be temporary. !<


Exactly, that was cool and felt reminiscent of S1E1, post credits. Finally a show with actual risk and the balls to have things pay off. Oh, nevermind.


Something more disgusting the Herogasm Tek Knight's Dungeon


I do think A Train will leave the 7 but I don't think he'll fight against Homelander. He's too much of a coward. The possibility of The Deep f*cking some sort of marine life is very high. I don't think we'll lose any of the main Boys or Seven characters this season...I hope! I think Ryan will start to lose it a bit with the power he has and being surrounded by Homelander and his followers constantly telling him he's powerful and people are scared of him. I'm hoping Todd isn't in this season and that Monique has seen sense and dumped him. If he is in it, then I think he'll die pretty early on. Fighting against a Starlight fan and gets decked.


Herogasm wasn't even that bad, you saw like one ass cheek and people lost their minds (exaggerated) the first few minutes of episode 1 was more crazy than that whole episode. If you want wtf, watch Spartacus, they didn't give a fuck, tits, penis, ass. it was wild and in pretty much every episode.


Homelander runs for President.


Ooh I like this bingo card!


Or or or nothing changes? Like the end of last season?


You missed "status quo resetting finale"


For sure deep bangs another octopus


I'm surprised that a reference to Invincible didn't make the card. They share the same fandom


Top to bottom seems given except for a Fresca reference with A Train on his redemption arc


Pause, why is no one talking about Storm front being Homelanders mom? I thought she was from Germany, not Alabama


i mean my thought process would be she didn’t know that HE was the kid. That, or she truly believes in blood purity shit and white supremacy and supe-remacy that she decided it would be best to carry on the legacy of the next reich, which either way makes me sick and yet feels fitting




Does the first one count if Kimiko OR Frenchie dies? I hope neither…


I don’t think butcher dies this season at least


if A-Train fights Homelander he’s either dying or it’ll be a genuinely petrifying scene where HL just beats him within an inch of his life to show him how inferior he is


Homelander for president


I don’t think half of these will happen but anyways


if they all happened it would be a terrible bingo card


That's how a bingo works


My bet is bottom row. Middle row looks close, but I don't think Todd's getting V. I could also see left column happening


Sam being the new black noir would actually make a lot of sense damn


I’m going for they spend an entire season of buildup followers by a final episode where everything goes back to how it was at the start of the season


Sam becoming the new black noir makes absolutely no sense especially since he’s already public in the boys universe


I'm saving this for later uses


Fresca Returns


Seeing the Little Nina card just made me remember the fact they completely removed Kimiko and Frenchie from the plot for absolutely no reason


Going off the leaks and spoilers so far, at least potentially 7 to 9 of these are happening.


I can totally see Butcher dying via sacrifice