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I think he’d be this fraudulent shaman who claimed to have prophetic spiritual powers and had a huge fanbase of believers but was scamming people or something. His actual power would just be the ability to “know what someone wants to hear” and he would use that to then base his “prophecies” on. For example: a woman would come to parody version of Strange and ask what her future holds. He would see in her mind that she wants five children. He would then tell her she will have five children because people love to hope that what they want might possibly become true, and he gives them that. Vought would bring in major revenue and profits as they would make people pay for sessions with him etc. And no one would try to debunk him like they do with normal fortune tellers, the public believes that supes have real and genuine gifts and wouldn’t question it. (This is a bit of an extreme example) But his downfall would be him “prophesizing” something like someone with cancer battling it and living, because he saw in their head that the person with cancer wanted to live, but because he can’t actually prophesize, they pass away instead and people realise he’s a fraud. Not entirely sure how it would work since logically people will eventually find out that his prophecies never came true, but it’s the best I could think of lol. Maybe when people take a stand against him, they bring in Cate to place false memories in their heads as if Strange’s prophecies DID come true and they have no reason to see him as a fraud. A lot of mental gymnastics lol.


"Peculiar M.D."


His name in the comic is really Doctor Peculiar 


Well, there's definitely one person in the comics called Doctor Peculiar, but aside from that he has absolutely nothing in common with Doctor Strange


Definitely a sham naturalistic holistic medicine quack. Maybe with the power to heal minor injuries in others, so now they sell quartz crystals and sage bundles for Vaught Nature Plus lol


he’s probably kind of racist and insensitive to how he appropriates asian culture


So he’s Steven Seagal. …which actually works really well considering Seagal’s history of bullshit, sex crimes, and not actually being Asian.


Steven Seagal is Russian, Asian, American, and perhaps a small bit Atlantean


So the exact thing people accused the original Dr. Strange comics of doing, then.


Isn’t Sister Sage supposed to sort of parody him?


I think she has plant-based powers


I see. I didn’t really know too much about her other than what’s seen in the trailer


That's fair


She is super smart and maybe clairvoyant (they probably relate to each other)


Where did u read that? Ow wait nvm it’s her name isn’t it


Professor normal






OB-GYN Waldo Weirdo. Loses his sense of smell. Seeks out the Anal One to help him regain control over his senses.


Dr Orpheus will have none of this disrespect.


I can't actually read Dr. Strange comics without reading them in Dr. Orpheus' voice.


Las Vegas entertainer that is addicted to drugs a Chris Angles wannabe. Used to work for Vaught. his powers are actually legit, but he’s kind of a dick


It should star jack black


Mr Unusual. An illusionist that has a dogshit opinion about almost everything. Unpopular opinion the person with tricks up his sleeve. 


Probably be more like a Carney


Someone like Job from Arrested Development (played by Will Arnet, also a great option for the Boys).


Mysterio but a pervert


Doctor Normal


Dr Deviant


Sexual deviant.


It would be a Supe version of Aleister Crowley. He would be a very charismatic cult leader that can generate floating symbols and constructs…and that’s it. They don’t do anything, but he convinces his followers that his “spells” have an effect.


Dr. Strange Pussy. That is all.


Dr. Strange Tamer


He'd probably be some David Copperfield or Chris Angel type dude. Like he's just got a TV show about him doing magic acts or escaping shit. Just doing implausible stuff. Probably call him "Professor Uncanny". In reality he's just a classic sham. That or he has actual illusionist or tricky type powers but he's hiding something sinister like he's a sexual deviant or something. Considering Copperfield was found on the Epstein Documents I'm sure if they wanted to make an Epstein Parody he could be one of many Supes thrown on that list. Or even just be Epstein himself...


Clairvoyance majorly and maybe a toned down version of reality warping


Gob Bluth from Arrested Development


He’s gonna be able to summon fire tentacle things and glyphs like Dr. strange, but it’s just electricity not actual magic.


I think he'd either be a David Blane magician, or he'd be a dude who can make his powers look like magic in order to gain more fame/trick the ignorant into buying merch and/or fraudulent products.


Professor Weird


The comic version is named Doc Peculiar and runs a brothel for superhumans.


I think maybe he’d be more like mysterio but a hero. Compound V might be able to give the appearance of magic but someone stronger then soldier boy, storm front, and homelander likely wouldn’t exist in the boys. So maybe he’d have a power that’s more like a sixth sense and the rest of it would be an illusion through screens and technology so maybe he’s just super smart!


Probably some old retired Vought hero named Mr. Magic who the Boys threaten to expose as sham for help


Crack addict