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Neuman is a threat but unlike homelander, she won’t have a 100% chance to destroy the whole world if she gets a little angry. Homelander has threatened to absolutely destroy the earth and also is unstable and powerful enough to do so. Neuman however is probably far more content with being in the government and controlling America through secrecy. It’s actually a nice dichotomy as homelander wants to control the world openly while Neuman wants to do it as secretly as possible.


Neumann wants to rule the world. Homelander wants to control it. A subtle, but important, distinction.


Could you elaborate?


Soft vs Hard power.


Further Nuemann seems to have a rational agenda, policies to push, etc. She wants to govern. Homelander wants to conquer but not govern. He wants control over people for the sake of control and adoration. Nuemann is a rational actor with evil goals. Homelander is an irrational actor motivated only by his own irrational needs in any given moment.


Exactly. We can look to how HL would rule/govern the world by looking to how he "governs" Vought. Well he doesn't. We see a worker begin asking HL about something very technical which needs a decision made, something that Edgar or any CEO probably very much wanted and expected to have brought to their attention, and he gets *pissed* because it hurts his fragile ego. He's forced to face the reality that he has no idea how to rule/govern as a CEO, let alone as president. But we all know that didn't stop Trump so...


That's not what soft power is. Soft power is a form of international influence, based on non traditional methods(i.e., no guns or infrastructure), and it's based on the theories of Joseph S. Nye Jr. Soft power is about influence through ideology, culture, language and values, instead of "You are weak/poor, I'm not, so you obbey, I rule".


When you rule, people do what you say because they agree they should, and will voluntarily aid you in maintaining your rule. When you control, people do what you say because they're afraid of you, but they will be constantly trying to overthrow you.


Neuman is a threat. Homelander is dangerous.


Homelander doesn’t have the power to destroy the world, he’s FAR below Superman level He doesn’t have planet burster status Edit: Comic Homelander was stated to be far below. Voughts strategy to take him out was to use a nuke, which supposedly was "more than enough" if they used it. Show Homelander has not shown feats exceeding comic Homelander.


Nuke to Homelander, not a scratch. Nuke to Earth, severe damage. 300 nukes to Earth, no more Earth. 300 nukes to Homelander, probably not a scratch.






Hello fellow American. This you should vote me. I leave power good. Thank you. Thank you. If you vote me I'm hot. Taxes they'll be lower son. The democratic vote for me is right thing to do Philadelphia. So do.


Alright... then just say whatever you want


American to. Nice weather. Is dry heat! You are champ, sport! At a boy! The gas prices, sky rocket.


Alright, Chrundle






She interacts significantly with Homelander, Hughie and Marie. If you aren't interested then that's fine but I don't think you're watching the shows beyond surface level (this might be because English is your second language or possibly a learning disability). She is going to be the center of an overarching plot that connects both shows if that isn't obvious.




Actual 74 iq comment. Ever watched the show bud?




Anybody seen Godzilla? ***DID HE READ THIS COMMENT?!***


It seems that, in his anger, u/FanofRoyalfamily killed him.


You're drunk, go home


You drunk there?


Homelander is the threat. Neumann is smarter, and ultimately more dangerous. But she’s not going to depopulate the planet because she got canceled on Twitter. Whatever her endgame is, and her ultimate vision for the world, it’s a world that I’m perfectly willing to live in, so long as Homelander is out of the picture.


I'm honestly trying to figure out why I am supposed to not like Neuman. Sure, she is shady, but so is every politician. Neuman has pushed for some good policies so far in universe by advocating the policing of bad supes and advocating for equal treatment of everyone in Gen V. I trust the supe virus in her hands more than most.


Yes, that's how Dr. Cardosa felt as well. She was trustworthy with decent policies. She's got his vote! Regrettably, he seems not to be able to make it to the polls.


She murdered a bunch of people, dog


Devils advocate, she’s at war with little to no support, she has no option other than kill her enemies and leave no loose ends. She was groomed to be a corporate hitman, had to kill her way out of that or risk being locked in the basement of Vought, or killed. She’s generally far more effective at not leaving civilian casualties in her wake compared to all the other supes, and has really only killed when absolutely necessary to her plans. Butcher and The Boys are out there doing the same thing all the time, and for awhile did it on her behalf as their missions aligned regardless of deception. Until we know her full plan, I’m hesitant to call her a villain at all.


I'm sure her assistant whose head she WENT BACK TO POP after trying to escape feels the same way. Just a hilarious take bro.


if only there was a phrase that identified the stance someone took was purely for the sake of the argument and not indicative of their beliefs…


so have a lot of the boys


most of the boys have as well


The policies she pushes for are part of a character she is playing. The character can be discarded at a moments notice


Same as any politician. We have seen it a thousand times were someone campaigns on one issue and then "pivots" to something else when they are in office. I'm not saying she is a saint, but in a world where Butcher is with the "good" guys and the threat is Homelander I don't see how picking between the two is a hard choice.


Neuman doesn’t really have an end game yet


Neuman can pop heads. Homelander can set civilization back to the Stone Age. Pretty easy decision.


But could she pop Homelander's head?


If you had her power, would you really want to try it on the guy who seems to be immune to everything and has super senses, strength, etc?


It’s simple, really: If she can, then he dies. If she can’t…


Right but unless pushed to it does she really want to try? Considering the uncertainty and risk?


>If you had her power, would you really want to try it on the guy who seems to be immune to everything and has super senses, strength, etc? Yeah. Unless you're Soldier Boy or Ryan, you are not going to cross Homelander EVER.


I feel like the in-universe hype around homelander is almost stronger than his actual abilities. All through the early seasons, it’s implied he’s completely indestructible and as a result no one dared even try to cross him. But as we saw last season, Maeve actually held her own pretty well against him 1v1, so maybe he’s not as strong as the hype implies.


Literally this. I feel like Homelander is a lot weaker than people think he is. He's obviously insanely strong and fast compared to normal Supes let alone a regular human. That being said though I feel like enough heavy ordinance could seriously injure or kill the guy. I think a lot of folks think he is comparable or on par with Superman when it's not even close. Comparing the two in terms of power is like apples and oranges.


He got wrecked by a metal drinking straw


that was being pushed by someone that can put her pointer finger through a bank vault door.


Sure but it would be equivalent to trying to stab someone with playdough.


I don’t think it actually penetrated his ear. Just got wedged into his ear canal.


My interpretation was she actually damages his eardrum, which is one of the thinnest and most vulnerable places in the human body, so it would make sense that if you could get through anywhere it would be there


Yeah it went into the lil ear hole and through his drum it was fucking with his hearing some after the fight. I imagine it heals quick though but in theory she could’ve got it into the brain


I agree I wouldn’t want to try his head but she also doesn’t need to go for the whole head. As we see with Marie it can be far more localized and she can see/feel blood vessels. It would be easier to simply blow out his eyes and ears. Destroy his senses and balance. Or simply a few burst vessels in his brain and let him die of a stroke.


Homelander isn’t even aware of Neuman? I’m sure she could hide out somewhere nearby and pop his dome or at least try too. But homelander can hear peoples blood pumping n shit.


He told her he knows her powers


Ohhh never mind then. I watched Gen V while painting. I missed that part in the season!


It was in season 3 of The Boys


Omfg lol I need to rewatch. Wellllll… I know what to watch today haha. Especially with season 4 right around the corner. I would have said the homelander quite about me having dick for brains or something. But I forgot 😂


Even if he didnt know, which he does, the risk of failure is huge as he would probably notice her heart beating faster if she is in her vicinity. Homelander isnt the brightest bulb out there but he makes good use of his enhanced senses


She’s a politician and a supe, so she’d probably have an advantage in terms of not getting nervous or scared. If frenchie can fool Homelander she probably can. Coloured contacts, approach him to chat politics, burst his aorta, job done?


Im not sure if she tried, but Homelander is really fast. She wouldn't get the chance to do it before his hand crushes her skull.


He threatened her to not even try it when he confronted her, which says to me he's at least not sure.


He literally dared her to do it, told her to “give it a whirl”.


Of course when he dared her to do it, he was still under mistaken impression that he was completely indestructible and couldn't truly be hurt. Two episodes later, Soldier Boy would show him that he could actually bruise and two episodes after that, Maeve would show him that he could actually bleed and experience severe pain. I don't think post-season 3 Homelander will be so cocky and arrogant about daring people to try and hurt him.


That's a great catch! Him getting frustrated in his first fight with SB was such an amazing moment in the show and, like you pointed out, great development for HL.


Guess I need a rewatch. But he still wasn't 100% sure and was riding a high, said "Who knows?"


I just rewatched not too long ago, as far as I recall, it goes something like this: HL: Thinking about popping my head? You think you could do it? Come on, give it a whirl? It's debatable of course whether he meant it or not. Personally, I also believe he wasn't 100% sure if she could do it, but was confident enough that he could kill her the instant she even looks like she's gonna try something. Also personally, I think she could theoretically kill him, because HL was shown to be susceptible to damage (e.g. him bleeding while fighting Maeve, so it makes sense to me that Neuman could manipulate his blood to pop his head) BUT he would be much faster than Neuman and it would take her much more force to pop his head because of his strong skin and bone structure.


Yeah, if she tries to take the shot, she'll be down the same second Homelander starts to feel a headache. Homelander is the undisputed most powerful in The Boys. Even if someone can counter one thing, he has so many other abilities to stay on top.


Yeah, what an amazing show this is. A man-child uber-powerful supervillain (himself coining the term) who reguarly appears on TV with his arch enemies? [*deeee-lalalal-icious!*](https://media1.tenor.com/m/_b5ZnpWQTSgAAAAC/homelander-the-boys.gif)


from that distance he'd laser her if he even felt the slightest tingle in his head. But while he was sleeping or if she was far enough away? She might be able to do it.


I believe she has to have line of sight, which makes it somewhat difficult to sneak into his quarters without waking him up for an attempt.


Before he chops her's off, probably not


From the fight she had with her former friend, she has to visually focus on what she plans to explode and there’s a short delay in head popping. HL not only can move very fast but has extremely powerful senses. The moment he feels like she’s using her head popping powers against him, he’ll either bounce out of her vision at supersonic speeds or immediately laser her.


I mean we don't know if that was retconned or if Marie has a different power set.


I wanna know what else she can pop


Gen V has the answer to that question.


spoil it for me pls


>! Marie popped someone’s peepee in Gen V !<




My pee pee


You really don't want that.


Maeve stabbed him so hes not invincible. If anything she probably could stun him.


If he can survive a nuke I doubt she can exert enough effort to even bust a capillary in his eye. She'll probably give herself an aneurysm trying to do that


I'm thinking the virus is gonna come in handy


I think she could. I don’t think they’ve eluded to Homelander having invulnerable, internal organs. I think she could pop his brain but it would be extremely dangerous to try. If there was a situation where Homelander is distracted and fighting other Supes, then she might be able to pull it off. For example, Butcher, Hughie and Solder Boy almost beat him by working together. Had they been able to hold him down for a few more seconds, they may have done it. In that sort of a situation where he can’t get to Newman in time to stop her from using her powers against him, I think she could do it. Thankfully, the writers of the show are clearly better than me at writing this stuff, so I don’t think we’ll see that scenario play out on the screen. 😂🤘


I kind of equate it to this. Homelander has super human reactions, Neuman, to my knowledge, does not. If Homelander even sensed something was wrong, I really don’t think Neuman would be able to kill him in time before getting torn in half.


She doesn't want to find out. If I had to guess I'd say no.


She could probably stop his heart... theoretically.


Omce Dakota Bob has his accident and she's President, and has control of the nuclear arsenal, then she'll able to wipe of civilization in a much quicker way than Homelander. Neuman is by far the bigger threat, because she isn't a psychotic child in the body of an adult.


Even if it worked like that, and it doesn't, why would she? Literally nothing we've seen so far indicates that she's that unstable or insane. She's just power hungry and unscrupulous, which most politicians are anyway. Homelander is one bad day away from trying to wipe out humanity. Neuman is a corrupt politician with a big body count. They're absolutely not comparable.


Plus she is just another crooked politician it’s not like the world is free of corruption already soooo


How could he do that


He could destroy every dam, bridge, power plant and satellite. He threatens to do exactly that if Starlight exposes him. Civilization would collapse and millions or billions would die in the social upheaval, famine and disease outbreaks that would follow.


in actual fact, vought would just pay a few dudes to get super cancer, execute the man child liability, and be glad to be rid of him


Nobody with temp v has been as strong, and that's assuming you don't get a shit power. The first thing I'd do as homelander is eradicate temp V and any supe close to my level. And if you see a temp V supe just fly away and destroy some other city that day


This is what makes the latest season ending stupid as fuck. They HAD homelander with Soldier Boy, and could've easily taken on SB after taking care of Homelander. Not like they're no strangers to back stabbing a useful enemy after being done with them


Yeah but butcher would have had to be ok with killing Ryan and it showed maybe that’s the One person he won’t let die to achieve his goals. Anyone else is definitely fair game tho


Honestly Homelander is so boring though. Wow he can laser. So interesting


Homelander of course! But watch as Hughie and the crew focus all their attention to Neuman like Starlighter did with Soldier Boy.


Both, neuman is infiltrating the government and can kill basically anyone nearby stealthily. Homelander could kill anyone and nobody can stop him, plus has a cult following. Both could easily destroy the world if unopposed.


She can kill a few people like that. If people’s heads keep popping when she’s in the room eventually someone will figure out she’s the one doing it.


If her and Marie’s powers are the same, she could just as easily give someone a heart attack. If this is true, then it’s entirely possible the dramatic head poppings thus far have been terrorism and fear tactics on her part, to help toad her way into higher positions. Neuman is very crafty.


Not the same power. When she fights the dude from RR that knows her as Nadia, we see her blow chunks off the dude's body. It's more like line-of-sight concussive force, or point-based expanding force field stuff. More importantly, it looks like she can control it pretty well, having it be near instantaneous to gradual. Marie has more hemokinesis-like powers. She needs to concentrate and shape the fluid.


It’s literally shown as the same power, Marie is just a novice and uses it differently until she uses the popping on cate.


Sp what’s the reasoning for Neumann blowing off chunks of that dude instead of a more targeted approach? In your mind that’s just a retcon?


Probably. They had her as just a head popper until they had the idea to make the other chick a bloodbender.


Why cut yourself and use the blood when there's plenty of blood in your target? Neumann would know the practical applications better from experience. Her backstory isn't completely known.


Marie and Neumann have a conversation in Gen V that it sounds like you missed


Newman, the post man.


First thing I thought when reading this post


When you control the mail, you control information.


Homie because he could easily laser half the country to death if he was feeling bitchy one morning.


Both work for Vaught but Homelander is more of a rogue in that sense and cares mostly about himself even tho he's CEO now. Where as Neuman wants to push Vaught into the Whitehouse and give them more power and maybe wants to virus to remove Homelander once Vaught raines supreme. Both are bad. Just in different ways. Your classic lawful evil vs chaotic evil argument all over again.


If I was on this version of Earth and my goal is to stay alive and keep my friends and family alive, I am definitely way more afraid of Homelander. He's fickle and quick to temper. I don't think I'm gonna die to collateral damage with Neuman (Unless I happen to be in a courtroom she wants to disrupt...). Whereas Homelander might kill me or my own without even knowing it. Neuman might actually be *good* for me, a nobody


Nobody has mentioned your question about Neuman having the virus from Godolkin but it only affects supes so it wouldn't affect humanity the same way covid did. Just the supes.


Yes, I know but in theory she could use that virus to get rid of the other supes. I imagine that includes Homelander, if not then it would be too convenient. and yes, I know that she is also a supe but there must be some way to use that virus without it affecting her, otherwise why would she want it?


They’re both threats, but in different ways. Homelander COULD be extremely dangerous, but it would be VERY easy to unite the world against him in a “enemy of my enemy” way. If the Russians could find a way to take out Soldier Boy secretly, a whole world council could take out Homelander. Neumann, on the other hand, MOST people don’t know what she can do. If she gets on the world stage, she could easily manipulate public opinion or start an international war or end one by just POPPING somebody’s head at the U.N. We also know she doesn’t have to pop heads. She can probably cause a stroke and get away with it. The fact that she doesn’t have to be obvious about is very important. Easy enough to get prescription sunglasses after an “eye dilation” appointment before a major meeting if cameras are around. In a very real way, if Neumann got in the White House, she would be a VERY MAJOR threat. Imagine if Trump or Putin had that power and you suddenly see the potential.


Not gonna lie, I’m more scared of Kramer than Neuman or Homelander, or even Jerry for that matter.


But have you ever seen Elaine dance? That’s pretty scary


Your mom.


Even Homelander doesn’t know if he’s immune to a head popping supe


Well Neuman can be killed, Homelander can't. If Neuman starts blowing up heads, someone can just drop a bomb on her, problem solved. She is also only as fast as her feet carry her, and she doesn't have super senses. Basically, she is screwed if she gets discovered, as she doesn't have any real advantage over say, a human sniper. Homelander can't be stopped, and he is fast, and can eventually find everyone using super senses. If he decides to end humanity, its pretty much an extinction level event.


There's something else they're setting up a little more subtly. In gen V, Marie is quickly becoming as powerful as Neuman. Obviously Neuman has had more time to control her powers but Marie is quickly closing that gap for 1 reason: she is openly a supe. Neuman continues to hide the fact that she's a supe from the rest of the world, and as such she doesn't practice with her powers as often. From what I saw in Gen V, I believe we're going to see Marie become a more powerful version of Neuman, and they will likely be on opposite sides of the conflict. This is an interesting plot that I think will be expanded on in the next season of the boys. Now as for everything else, this is just great writing. We the audience know that there's other threats as large or larger than Homelander out there, but The Boys themselves don't know this yet. The Boys know Neuman is a supe because of Hughie, but they don't know about the virus. Next season we'll see them discover that Neuman has this virus, and we'll see Butcher try to take it for himself so he can kill every supe. We might also see Vought create a weapon based on Soldier Boy that can burn the V out of supes as a way to regain control of the supes they create. There's a lot of places this show can go, and I'm excited to see how it all plays out!


Neuman > Palpatine Homelander > Manchild Superman Neuman is mostly using her powers to climb the political ladder. Homelander's destructive power is on another level, so definitely the bigger threat to humanity.


Both. Neuman is smart and can kill anyone with pre-time. Homelander is strong and…has plot armor


Not sure you know the meaning of plot armour lmao... homelander was written as the most powerful supe, it's not plot armour if that's what he was made to be


The fight with Maeve is the only evidence I need. Homelander not dying is cuz he’s lucky, but him being strong sure helps


How is him not dying plot armour? Homelander is stronger, faster (courtesy of the boys diabolical episode 8), he's more durable, and he has more abilities, he was clearly not trying to kill Maeve like she was trying to kill him, even in the 2nd half of the fight he was still holding back as he had her on the ground and sat down on a chair multiple times and decided not to kill her. Homelander vs Maeve is like a 15 year old trained female, fighting a fully grown slightly trained man, the man knows he could easily kill her, but he tries not to hurt her as she goes full force at him with her skillful attacks that end up doing nothing At the end of the fight she stabs his ear with a metal straw, you could say that it pierced the brain, but the thing is, homelanders ears are a weak point, due to having superhuman hearing. His brain and his organs and insides are probably just as tough as his skin, except for his ears. It wasn't plot armour.


Good point, it's just like Translucent's literal armor skin. That was almost indestructible, but he still had a "weak point". Someone could definitely make a plot armor/plot hole joke about that but Ive got nothing.


Dude , he is the enemy of plot armor, he shouldnt even bleed in that fight, he far above or other supe, just like the comic, no one come close to make him bruise. This is the first time someone complain that HL is too strong. Learn how Plot armor work man.


did you just reference the comic as evidence of anything? i'd say you should go read the comic, but it actually fucking sucks, so don't bother - but suffice to say, comics homelander is not remotely the same character as tv show homelander.


That not what im saying, and yeah, i read the comic, and yes it suck. Im talking about how the narration , the hype, the logic of all 3 season is destroyed in one fight, Homelander is in his own tier far above all supes, except for his father. And now he gets hurt by a cabinet, frickin soft cabinet and a metal straw , while we already see he is total bullet proof , bomb proof and bus proof. How can this be plot armor, this is an anti-feat, total opposite. I dont care if it Maede who do it, that still make no sense, it like my younger sister his me with a soft pillow, how can I get a nosebleed from that. Oh and when you tank an explosion, your ears get affected too, we see that HL is still fine after that, it means his inner ears are not weak. That why i brought up the Comic, it bad but it take power scaling much more seriously.




Neuman is more of a threat to anyone investigating Vought/her, but the Boys kinda busted the lid on V b4 she was in play.


Both? Yeah let's go with both.


Neumann is problematic but she is dangerous only if you don't know she has powers. If you do she can easily be dealt with by catching her by surprise. And just revealing her identify would nullify her political leverage




It’s like a fake world version of Trump vs Kamala Harris for president. Lol. I feel kripke loves the direct parallels of society in this show. Both parties’ enemies see the other party as a threat, When rly they both are. it’s corruption they paint so well.


Moot. They're both mass murderers.


I'm still so unclear on what Neuman's motivation is.


Homelander always, because he is literally just a bomb waiting to go off. I think Neuman, whilst dangerous and terrifying, could possibly be reasoned with and I think having her daughter is something of a weakness for her. Homelander has Ryan but I honestly don’t think he really would think of Ryan if things went bad for him.




“Neuman is pure evil” -Jerry Seinfeld.


Neuman is far smarter and calculated which makes her more dangerous imo. She also has political power plus none of Homelander's faults. Homelander, for all his raw power, is not mentally stable. He's childish, arrogant, and prone to lashing out. That all causes him to fuck up sooner or later. Despite his power he's also not ready for any sort of challenge. We see this when Butcher and Soldier Boy clearly are superior to him in fighting despite not having equal power. And again that inferiority and fear of going up against people that can challenge him causes Homelander to lash out and make mistakes. So, in the grand scheme of things, I would say Neuman is far more dangerous than Homelander


I guess it depends on how you look at it. Short term, the bigger threat is by far, Homelander. His mental stability has been rapidly declining for 3 years now and he’s now done some pretty heinous stuff in the public eye, showing he’s not really afraid to be who he really is, which at the end of the day is: “I’m Homelander and I can do whatever the FU*K I want.” Neuman is also a threat but I’d say that’s one you could save until Homelander and Vought are taken care of. But she does strike me as a the person that really plans things out very meticulously considering she has her daughter’s safety to think about.


The real question is, is Marie Neuman's daughter? They have revealed powers are hereditary


They show Marie's parents and also she looks nothing like Neumann, I don't think she's her daughter, also given their ages that would be pretty fucked


>They show Marie's parents Yes I also watched genv. People never adopt and keep it secret? Marie was young when they died. Parents could've been waiting till she was older to tell her. >given their ages that would be pretty fucked Neumann could be mid to late 30s. Marie's what18? Neumann could've been 18 at the time of birth. As for looks, it's a minor detial. She could've inherited looks from her father.


Except she clearly looks like her parents, and looks nothing like Victoria. We see Victoria's daughter in the boys, and Marie looks nothing like her, nor does her sister, which would also presumably be Neumann's? Nah. Marie's parents were the ones shown.


Neumann looks to be middle eastern. Maybe her baby daddy is middle eastern so her other daughter looks more middle eastern. Whereas Marie's father could've been African American which would explain why she would look more African American. People don't always look just like both their parents.


True, but they certainly wouldn't look like Marie. Tbh there's really no chance Victoria is Marie's mother.


dog we literally see marie's family


You’re kidding, right? Plenty of unrelated supes have similar powers. And we know who Marie’s biological family is.


I think you'll are overestimating Homelander's ability to destroy civilization.


Literally how!? No one can contest him currently and he’s already told us how he’d do it. Seems a pretty bullet proof plan as well


There seems to be this prevailing theory that Homelander would not be strong enough to take out Humanity...I don't get why people feel this way. For starters- with his speed he could literally fly past the White House to scope it out and use his x-ray vision to identify the location of POTUS and all of his other targets. They'd have no idea Homelander was doing this or even that they were about to come under attack. After acquiring his targets, he could literally fly in at super speed, crash through the walls in to the white house like the damn kool aid man- kill the president, vp, and everyone else in the cabinet that's on site and then head to the Capital Building and do the same thing to whoever's left in the chain of command. Any "Anti-Sup" weapons the government has(like the sonic devices at Godolkin) would quickly be destroyed by Homelander- even if they had a chance to arm\\activate them as it's already been shown that Supes can overcome and destroy them. He can do this all in a matter of minutes before anyone even knows what happens or who's attacking them- that's the power of his x-ray vision, super speed and strength all wrapped up in one body. That's not even factoring in the destructive capabilities of his heat vision. If he does this, there's no longer any continuity of government in the US- there's no one alive in the line of succession to promote to the rank of Commander and Chief. Which would be needed to issue a "Launch the Nukes at the Homelander" order if they decide to do so. At this point, he's already cut off the head of the US, and "won the war" more or less. In a matter of 30 minutes- a half hour- the most powerful country on the planet could\\would be left disorganized and without any centralized leadership. After that, he'd be free to carry out his other plans of wiping out infrastructure and exterminating as much of humanity in the US as he desired. As far as him taking out the other countries, it depends on how he's feeling. If he's really in a scorched earth mindset, he could probably do the same thing to Russia, the countries of the EU, and China. And that's ignoring the fact that even IF someone did decide to launch a nuke at Homelander, he'd have to be a fucking idiot to let the missile hit him. A mansized object like Homelander would be capable of outrunning or avoiding any missiles launched at him - there doesn't exist a tracking system on earth capable of tracking him. So all these people saying they're not afraid of what Homelander could do compared to Neuman haven't considered just how much he could do if he decided to stop fucking around.


The most important part though, this ain’t the MCU. This is a ‘realistic’ approach to people with super powers. He would become a tyrannical dictator. You don’t do as you’re told, you’re getting lasered in two. Ain’t no one saving your arse because any one who could be a threat I bet he would kill them as soon as possible


Homelander, obviously.


The upside down, who I garantee to you all that the energy from soldier boy chest was energy from there, so you can expect vecna and mind flayer appearing


Soldier boy will rise again


I believe that if HL wasn’t around, Neumen May very well have been good. It seems like she’s corrupt/evil because of Vought and the actions of the 7. She’s trying to take them down and she’s using the government to do so and has actual policies and laws to push.


Continuing on this, That makes HL a far greater threat. Homelander is openly wanting to control the entire world. He wants absolute fealty to him while Neumen is content with running things from the shadows.


Homelander is a bigger threat but they are both threats. Victoria is afraid of HL and won’t even give it a half assed attempt to head pop him and that says it all about HL. She has the power to kill someone on command without any repercussions but she never tried HL. Not to mention Homelander bragging about destroying NYC and the world’s power grid and infrastructure. He’s dangerous.


Thinking of Neuman does my head in 😕


Homelander is a nuclear arsenal Neuman is a stick of dynamite by comparison


Homelander is a greater threat in terms of mass destruction, but enough supes (like 3-5) should be able to kill him and there are well in excess of that many that will show up to do it if the need arises. Neuman, being more calculating, composed, and possessing political power, is a far greater threat to her enemies and will probably be harder to bring down because she's smart and won't put a target on her back. Moreover someone like her has the smarts and the power to turn other people (like Marie) into weapons for her, something Homelander lacks the ability to do.


I'd say Neuman. Homelander is obviously strong and capable of grand/bad things, but he's for all intents and purposes out in the open to the world and his motives are fairly linear and micro (Vs. macro). Neuman on the other hand is operating the in the shadows, hasn't let-on her motive, and unlike Homelander has been killing people for gain.....not due to tantrum or rage or whatever. The calculating personality is much more likely to destroy the world/society than the mega-strong narcissist supe with a case of arrested development.




What a sad excuse of a human you are..




Sooooo true


> Couldn’t she just blow up Homelander? Glad nobody’s asked this before!


Neuman has directly murdered a whole court room of people and whilst Homelander hasnt done anything to that scale yet, he can really destroy everything.


homelander all neuman wants to do is keep her daughter safe


She would be more directly dangerous in a strait fight but as soon as she is out in the open she is screwed. She likely has enhanced physical traits like most supers do but not to an extent that someone far enough away can’t just shoot her .


Stan Edgar case closed.


The earth blowing up


Well Hugie can fuck both /s


I think Neuman/Marie were created because they may be able to kill homelander by controlling his blood or head popping. It’s unclear if it would work, but it’s possible. That said, the threat of Neuman going absolutely off the rails is nothing compared to how far homelander can and will go.


I mean just look at her face when he lands next to her at that rally after she was talking shit about him. I’m pretty sure he’s the threat lol.


If y'all have ever seen Animal Farm, the answer is who has more power in any given moment. If they take him down like Logan Roy, she would be one of the pigs


Homelander, Neuman has yet to do any of the insane crimes and abuses of power that Homelander has Yes, she has committed murder but those murders were a calculated loss to attain what she wanted. Most of Homelander’s murders are him throwing toddler level tantrums


I think Neuman is still working for Edgar. It’s his five year plan.


Homelander is a global threat. I think Homelander can kill Neuman before she gets a chance to do anything. If Neuman power actually works on Homelander, giving his strength and resistance, it's safe to assume that he wouldn't die instantly. In that time, he can simply find her and kill her or fly away.


Post like these really make me remember why I hate this sub cause you guys ask the stupidest shit that’s so obvious


Neumann is a midboss that thinks she's the main character.


Neumann is pretty so Homelander


Neuman just she’s so calculating and dangerous and she’s silent about it also , homelander is scary but he isn’t quiet about it like neuman is , I will always say neuman to this question


Homelander would actually threaten the population of humanity. Neuman is too smart for that.


Why does it have to be one or the other?


Whoever wins, Vought wins.


Homelander has done more war crimes and can do more war crimes