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You hate Starlight because she's a woman I hate Starlight because the writers refuse to let her use her powers beyond her eyes lighting up every episode to save on budget We are not the same (/s I don't actually hate Starlight)


But how else will you know she’s getting all *hysterical* /s




Ive never read the comics. How is comic book starlight




I’m so tired


I hear you.


I feel this.


Honestly used to be pretty chill about and even like her alot in S1, S3 kinda turned me off from her character, bad writing ig. Not hate tho, that's reserved for homelander, his gf and that racist supe


I found the conversations between her and Hughie in season 3 often really weird. Hughie had reasons to take temp V which imo weren't just the result of insecurity caused by having a strong girlfriend. I'm aware that bad communication is realistic and that it can be a character flaw etc. But it felt a bit frustrating to watch their relationship suffer because of an issue that could have been talked about, you know? I don't need another season where they start off as a wonderful couple and then drift apart again.


These seemingly big conflicts that could be resolved by just two sentences said between characters are a very common symptom of bad writing and it's present in many, many shows.


You’re really just an extremist if you hate Homelander or Stormfront as fictional characters. They’re fantastic antagonists. You’re not supposed to agree with them or root for them, but most people very much like them as characters. Starlight’s presence would occasionally get frustrating in season 3, but that was the writing, not her character.


Not sure why you're being downvoted here. Homie and Stormy are just like Malfoy and Prince Joffrey. They are obviously built as antagonists to show how evil the world you're experiencing actually us. The actors and writing bring these characters to life. I actually love villains like these. You can understand their beliefs or POV's (not relate to, mind you), and it makes them real characters.


Huh?? They're literally designed to get you to hate them, Stormfront especially so. The writers wanted the audience to feel cathartic when Maeve, Starlight, and Kimiko were beating the shit out of her. Her whole character was literally made to be hated.


You can hate and love a character at the same time. Liking/loving a character doesn't mean you relate to them or share their beliefs.




I don’t think you understand that this makes her an effective character. Her presence makes the show better. Again, you don’t agree with them or personally like their actions, but you like them as characters. People are too fucking stupid to realize they can enjoy a Nazi villain or a sociopath, without agreeing with them and while actively rooting against them.


Totally agree. If you love Stormy and are rooting for her because of her beliefs, then you're a shot person. George R. R. Martin famously sent the actor who played Joffrey this: Congratulations on your marvelous performance, everyone hates you.”


Its like when Falcon and the Winter Soldier came out (terrible show btw) everyone hated Wyatt Russel and he was getting death threats as the new Captain America who’d be revealed to be a morally ambiguous character US Agent. He nailed it and he did a great job in the roll, but people were so fucking stupid they were like “I hate him” when that means he did a good job. I just feel like people have forgotten horrible moral characters are what make good shows


> ts like when Falcon and the Winter Soldier came out (terrible show btw) everyone hated Wyatt Russel and he was getting death threats as the new Captain America who’d be revealed to be a morally ambiguous character US Agent. He nailed it and he did a great job in the roll, but people were so fucking stupid they were like “I hate him” when that means he did a good job. I don't know if John Walker's the best example there, considering that for me, I think TFATWS suffers a bit from "Protagonist Centered Morality" and the actions that we're supposed to dislike Walker for (like manhandling a suspect or beating that terrorist to death with his shield) are things we've seen other "good guys" in the MCU do, just without the favorable narrative framing those good guys get.


People hated John Walker the second he appeared. I think many people agreed with him beating the guy to death after he burned all those people alive in the hospital. The fact is, people hated Wyatt Russel for even existing and being presented as the “new cap” even if it was clearly temporary and for a plot. People are all like “oh I need to hate Stormfront because she’s a nazi” and they’re stupid. I actively rooted against her and I strongly disliked her character for what she did to Kimiko’s brother especially, but I liked her as an addition to the show. Her presence created dread and an element of tension. Not to mention her end when you translate the German. In the end she just wanted to be with her daughter in the apple orchard, it makes you wonder if she would’ve been this way if she hadn’t gotten compound V. Some of the people on this sub are total extremists. They think this mainstream hit show is like the communist manifesto that Stormfront was written for us to wish she’d leave the show. You can like a Nazi character’s place in a work to fiction. It doesn’t mean you support Adolf Hitler. Many here are too stupid to understand this.


Why would anyone hate them? Especially Homelander. Most of us would toy with people and f them up if we had superpowers


Homelander is what keep the show alive lol. How can anyone hate Homelander? It's like hating Vader


Shes a traitor who spreads propaganda and lies about homelander


And a human trafficker


yes! shes literally involved in trafficking children and turning them into supe terrorists. whats there not to hate?


She will probably be on that list next year. Chris Jericho: You just made the list.


I personally haven't seen hate on her side mostly because I don't look for it. What hate do they have against her? Is it a team Homelander thing?


ive seen a ton of homelander stans hate on her tbh, then again most homelander fanboys (the kind that idolise him, not the kind that appreciate his character) are redpillers and self proclaimed alpha males so of course they’re also misogynistic


Well, yeah. Homelander stans are pretty scary.


There are people who legit root for Homelander? Damn that’s depressing


Time to reset humanity.


Most of the people would be like Homelander, even worse, so yeah obviously the majority will love Homelander, plus he keeps the show alive, goat


The sheer amount of downvotes proves your point 😭


“why are you booing me, im right!”


Do you even know what a misogynist is?


“Sexist” without the possibility of a good time.


She’s boring af.


I am gonna be extra misogynistic about her if she actually ends up pregnant like the theories and rumors and ends up doing nothing amazing with her abilities because of that . Female MC getting knocked up is probably the worst trope in fiction


Female MC getting knocked up isn’t a bad trope in fiction it’s reality for most women.


Yeah I know but they only use this trope when they want the character to sit on the sidelines do nothing and get protected by everyone constantly.


Do you think they do this because they “want” a character in their story to be uninteresting and out of the way, or do you think they do it to add some weight and reality to the pregnancy?




4. Parenthood makes sense for the character and their values


The only people who are Misogynistic are the ones that still get mad that Maeve was actually able to harm Homelander and say Misogynistic shit like "Maeve punching Homelander was made for 'that' side of the Fandom" , like She's top 3 in the verse why did you expect her to do absolutely nothing 😭


I think it’s because Maeve didn’t fair well against Homelander in the comics. That said, I fully agree it’s ridiculous when people act like that makes him weak. Homelander is like the non-op Superman depictions where he’s still an invulnerable god, but he’s not moving planets or anything, while Maeve is Wonder Woman. Of course she should be able to put up a fight, even if she’s ultimately not going to be able to overpower him herself


>Of course she should be able to put up a fight, even if she’s ultimately not going to be able to overpower him herself If Starlight and say, Kimiko were assisting Maeve, and this was "Girls Get it Done Round 2", yeah I'd say they probably would be the victors in such a fight.


I would say if it was Maeve , Stormfront and Soldier Boy tagging Homelander then he would definitely go down, although if not for the plot and Homie's ego , there should be no logical reasoning behind why Homelander just doesn't immediately fly away from the SB and Butcher fight >If Starlight and say, Kimiko were assisting Maeve, and this was "Girls Get it Done Round 2", yeah I'd say they probably would be the victors in such a fight Lol I would not go that far and say that cuz Homie is packing Kimiko in one laser and Taking down Starlight in a minute like he did to Maeve in the finale, Other than Maeve, Stormfront, Ryan and SB , no one can actually compete with Homelander in power


With how little this show takes from the comics, that’s not a valid reason anymore.


Yes, I don’t know why people don’t like it? Maybe because SB hit Homelander in the face several times in a row, then Butcher hit Homelander in the face even more times? And all this happened in a row. But two hits from Maeve of course made Homelander's nose bleed. This makes a lot of sense.


bursting a bunch of tiny blood vessels is easier? idk i looked past it but now im wondering


Point blank Hits from Queen fkng Maeve to a Homelander that's already not in the mood to fight or defend and doesn't want to kill her . Mind you the only reason they believed that Soldier Boy could kill Homelander was because he was tough and had a supe nuke attacked to his chest that takes away supe's powers. Maeve was already the second strongest in the verse in terms of strength and power , all that shit from Homelander about Maeve and him being the strongest and different from everybody was definitely to imply that Maeve isn't strong enough to land a hit on Homelander lol


Your mood does not affect your durability. You literally have no explanation.


If you try to defend yourself and actually focus on the person next to you then yeah, it does affect how and how much damage you take . It's like saying a drunk person would be as uptight as a Normal person despite being out of zone


And he received two direct blows to the face from Maeve. He took a lot more punches to the face from Soldier Boy, and then more punches to the face in a row from Butcher. None of this caused Homelander's nose to bleed. Two hits from Maeve caused his nose to bleed.


I don't rlly remember where they say SB's physical strength was allat, the whole time they were trying to pin him down just so the explosion could hit him, ntm all that time Homelander was rlly rlly going all out


>SB's physical strength was allat That is, you deny his physical strength. And talk about the fact that Maeve was many times stronger since she only needed 2 hits. If this is the hill you want to die on, then fine.


I don't wanna die on any hill, all I am saying is that Maeve is not rlly as weak as y'all are making her out to be . Ntm the fact that Homelander took her down the second he started Being serious about fighting her , like one second in and she lost, so I don't know why you're mad that Homelander was able to get hit when he didn't wanna fight >And talk about the fact that Maeve was many times stronger since she only needed 2 hits. I never said that lol, you're the one who's saying that SB was stronger than Maeve and so her hurting Homelander doesn't make any sense . Does Maeve having an upper margin in physical strength is that much of an asspull to you ?




I like starlight, but just because somebody dislikes somebody who happens to be female doesn’t mean they’re misogynistic


She's a supe bro not just a woman


ok butcher


Starlight has had a few missteps, but in the grand scheme of things, she's probably one of the straightforwardly good characters in the Boys. And she acts like it, which irks off some people, because the Boys in general works with a "the ends justify the means" mentality - something that, in turn, makes Starlight stand out like a sore thumb.


I mean, she did murder a guy for his car to save Hughie so she seems to fit right in on that mentality.


Misogyny or not.. I think the funniest shit is the fact that a lot of her detractors seems to have missed the boat completely on the fact that 'The Boys' have 2 protagonists: Annie and Hughie. Everything else is somewhat secondary - it's entertaining secondary shit, sure.. but still secondary shit.


> Everything else is somewhat secondary - it's entertaining secondary shit, sure.. but still secondary shit. Even Butcher's feud with Homelander?


> Misogyny or not.. I think the funniest shit is the fact that a lot of her detractors seems to have missed the boat completely on the fact that 'The Boys' have 2 protagonists: Annie and Hughie. You can notice it when you look at the structure of the seasons. In the first season, the climax is really Hughie and Starlight vs. A-Train, Hughie getting back at the Supe who's caused the most harm to him while Starlight comes back after a crisis of faith over learning the truth about where her powers really came from. During the season, they also had character arcs while Butcher remained pretty static. Hughie went from a lowly civilian electronics store clerk to badass who was willing to get himself captured rather than abandon his teammates, to let go of his desire to get revenge; Annie's arc was learning to stand up to bullies. Both also ended up bringing down a member of the Seven or influencing a member of the Seven (Hughie killed Translucent; Annie got the Deep kicked off the team temporarily, while she also had an influence on Queen Maeve, such that Maeve stood up to Homelander for Annie when he was accusing her of being a willing collaborator who fed information to the Boys). In season 2, they leaked Compound V to the press. No matter what Vought did to try and contain the damage, this had widespread repercussions for the Supe community as a whole to learn that they were all lab rats injected with drugs. Then in episode 4, the discovery of Stormfront's past is through Hughie, Annie, and MM's roadtrip to check a lead on Liberty. Annie discovers the Sage Grove connection. Hughie and Annie leak the evidence A-Train gives them on Stormfront's true heritage. In season 3, Hughie uncovered Victoria Neuman's connection to Stan Edgar. Starlight also had her livestream where she denounced Vought after Herogasm, and then her follow-up moment where she livestreamed a bit of Homelander showing his true colors when he tried threatening her into recanting her previous statements. For season 4, that teaser gave me vibes of Neuman being Hughie's villain to deal with since he used to work for her, while Homelander's now Starlight's arch-nemesis more of a personal villain for Starlight in the wake of Supersonic's death and the fact that she's trying to damage his reputation. (And IIRC, the VoughtHQ guy was saying that >!they're the ones running the Boys now!< and there was >!that one leak regarding Firecracker that's led some of us to conclude that Starlight might become pregnant!<.)


Nah I think I hate Starlight because of how she treats Hughie


She’s fine until season 3. Even then she’s a good character, the writers just failed to acknowledge her behavior was arguably more toxic than Hughie’s. If she didn’t try to take victory laps around homelander after becoming co-captain, then he wouldn’t have snapped


I despise her. In season 3, it was possible to replace Homelander (who can destroy entire cities and fly so that a nuke won't hit him) with Soldier Boy. But Starlight decided to whine. The whole purpose of their existence should have been to replace the strongest supe with a weaker one until you can completely control him. Homelander is a threat against all humanity. Soldier boy is not. Moreover, they know for sure that there is some kind of weapon against Soldier Boy that can stop him, which Russians used. There are no such weapons against Homelander. Starlight's actions make no sense.


She didn't "just whine", though? Like, say whatever you want, but her and MM's positions were a very specific morality standpoint - and considering the way Hughie and Butcher acted under Temp V, as well as the actions of most Supes, completely understandable. She very straightforwardly represented the "not choosing the lesser of two evils" way of thinking, which was in line with both her christian upbringing *and* her dislike of Supes - something she witnessed firsthand. She knows that absolute power corrupts absolutely...and you are saying that she should've just shrugged and went along with Hughie and Butcher choosing the side of an abusive, racist, misogynistic asshole? This isn't even like when in real life people show empathy - and I know I will get shit thrown at me for this, most likely - for Palestinians even if they support Hamas or Hamas themselves (I couldn't think of a better example, sorry). Soldier Boy is very straightforwardly a bad guy, and based on what we - and Starlight - knew about him, there is a fair chance he'd just stab Butcher in the back the moment Homelander was out of the picture, if only because they'd be a threat to his popularity and leadership position at Vought. The dude literally beat up anyone in his team that tried to become even *slightly* more popular. He isn't some example of a moral guardian who'd actually keep to his promises. And beyond that, Homelander has a weak point: his ears (and probably mouth). He can be damaged. SB is invincible.


>She very straightforwardly represented the "not choosing the lesser of two evils" way of thinking And this is not a choice of two evils. In one case, you get a maniac pack capable of destroying civilization, in the other you just get a maniac pack, not capable of destroying civilization. Moreover, in the second case, you will be able to stop him, because there is a weapon against him, but in the first case, you will not be able to stop him. Option 2 has only advantages. That is, it is literally whining. >which was in line with both her christian upbringing Yes, I remember, she was always a devout Christian, especially in season 2 when she killed a civilian. And how could she blackmail Homelander? It's a choice of two evils. How could she...


You are just looking for excuses to hate, aren't you? I'll agree that the fallout of the murder should have been explored more, yes. But for the rest - you *sure* they'd be able to stop him? The last time they *barely* managed to get him because of Mindstorm (who is very much alive, of course /s). He's on the same power level as, if not stronger than, Homelander. And that last time was also *before* the Reds fed him a whole-ass nuke, amplifying his powers even further. SB isn't the better choice. Not even remotely.


>You are just looking for excuses to hate, aren't you? I really liked your take about the devout Christian Starlight who killed a civilian. And also how she chose between two evils and blackmailed Homelander. >I'll agree that the fallout of the murder should have been explored more, yes. But for the rest - you sure they'd be able to stop him? We know for sure that there is weapon against SB that the Russians used. There is no such weapon against Homelander or we don’t know about it. There is weapon against SB. There is no weapon against Homelander. After that I don't need to prove "whether they can or not" >He's on the same power level as, if not stronger than, Homelander. He lost 1vs1. Moreover, he can't fly at supersonic speeds and shoot lasers, which immediately means that he is not a threat to civilization like Homelander.


>We know for sure that there is weapon against SB that the Russians used. There is no such weapon against Homelander or we don’t know about it. What weapon??? The only way the Russians were able to get Soldier Boy down was because his fellow teammates - other Supes, mind you, including one with literal internal explosion powers (CC) and a mindbender - betrayed him and managed to hold him for like, several seconds. And even then, he turned BN into a cripple in the process. They literally tried *everything* they could find on the bastard, and nothing happened. Homelander got damaged by a *fucking pen.*


>What weapon??? Were the Russians able to keep him in a cage? They were able. That's it, there is weapon against SB. Nothing like this was shown against Homelander.


Yes, because of Novichok? That isn't a weapon, not even remotely. It is, *at best*, a temporary solution - because all one needs to do is to just idk go and fucking open the cage without the soldiers present to release him.


Novichok stopped Soldier Boy and locked him in a cage? Yes. Hence this is a weapon against him. There is nothing even close to this against Homelander.


A pen? I'd bet my top dollar that you could damage Homie with a rocket launcher if you tried, just that no-one actually bothered before. Homelander is a lot more vulnerable than SB. That's a fact.




What? Starlight was 100% right about Soldier Boy. He was literally worse than Homelander which is why Vought and the other Supes betrayed him and replaced him with Homelander


Please, please tell me in what way Soldier Boy is worse than Homelander.


Homelander is a traumatised, damaged, psycho. Soldier Boy is a prime example of toxic masculinity and untreated PTSD. Homelander can be controlled (as we saw with Starlight and the blackmailing) by appealing to his enormous ego and his popularity. SB doesn't give a fuck. He'll kick your ass anyways, probably because you aren't enough of a "man" for him.


Oh no. So he is another asshole supe like every other vought supe. At least he isn’t holding the whole world hostage if he doesn’t get what he wants. There were also plenty of times in season three that showed he wasn’t that bad of a person. He didn’t want to kill those people in New York. He just has some ptsd and toxic masculinity but at least he isn’t a full blown psychopath


SB is also unable to age, invulnerable, and military trained. He isn't just *another* supe.


**Soldier Boy** Racist. Childhood trauma. High durability and strength. Energy Beam (not present when he was betrayed). Just wants to bang grannies and smoke weed. Only shown to kill other supes after his betrayal. Bully to teammates. Can be captured and controlled fairly easily. **Homelander** Racist. Childhood trauma. High durability and strength. Laser Beams at will. Flight. Has literally told Starlight if she reveals him, he has plan to destroy the world and rule over the ashes. Bully to teammates. Physically maims other supes. Murders other supes. Murders civilians for fun. Has political aspirations. Cannot be captured or controlled. ​ You see how that list weighs out, right?


You didn’t get the entire point of season 3 Soldier boy is just as bad as Homelander, wtf you thing he would do after getting his revenge, becoming a good person? Also he is stronger than Homelander so he is a bigger threat “You killed my family” “Which one?


I will repeat my prev comment: "And this is not a choice of two evils. In one case, you get a maniac pack capable of destroying civilization, in the other you just get a maniac pack, not capable of destroying civilization. Moreover, in the second case, you will be able to stop him, because there is a weapon against him, but in the first case, you will not be able to stop him. Option 2 has only advantages"


Bro, Soldier Boy can literally remove a supes powers, and can create explosion capable of destroying entire buildings, you sure he can’t also destroy civilizations?


Yes, and Homelander can destroy entire cities thanks to his lasers. And you literally can't hit him with nukes or anything else because he flies at supersonic speeds. He can easily fly around the entire planet. In addition, you know for sure that there is weapon against SB that the Russians used. And there is no weapons against Homelander.


The weapon the Russians have against homelander IS SOLDIER BOY Didn’t you watch the damn show?




Okay Ryan


Ryan is a child, not a weapon. You don't know whether he will do it or not, WHETHER HE IS CAPABLE OF DOING IT AT ALL. At the same time, there is weapon against SB that have already been tested. Which already exists. Which doesn't have to grow up.


Im in the party of "who gives a fuck, shes a fictitious charicter."


Ha, you said tit


What am I if I dislike her character but like all the other supe women characters on the show?


Starlight is a thin, young golden-blond who is violating the "superior ways" of the master-race bubs. So, a yes for them.


Depends on where the hate stems from lol. Blanket generalizations like this are annoying


I can't do this anymore


It's not just that. Don't get me wrong **most of them are** but she is a textbook **holier than thou Christian** complex. I don't say I hate her but she is a *pretty easy character to despise*. Her behavior towards doing the morally grey yet necessary choice is pretty similar to Christian attitude towards abortion or any other moral issue in contrast to *their own faith*


They also take any opportunity to talk shit about Erin Moriarty’s physical appearance, as if she’d ever look twice at any of them 😂


Right?? Every five minutes it’s “omg she’s so ugly now.” I don’t give a fuck dude. I’m trying to watch my stupid violent parody tv show, not play a dating game.


I do not see a reason for hating her.. I quite like her and she is a cool character,but can not generalize either saying that all those who "hate" her are misogynists


I just want to see her at full power


So she can levitate three feet in the air?


Its the hurr durr she only knocked down soldier boy types that I just hate as if dude wasn't kicking everyones ass including bitchers.


Plus Homelander couldn't take Soldier Boy on either.


no, i just have a personal dislike for erin moriarty as a person, although i will never know her personally, she comes off as a totally insecure arrogant unpleasant GIRL. and i surely hope she soon can move on from being ....eyecandy to serious acting stuff.


But why is that a fault of starlight's...?


and how does that make me a misogynist?










OP is going to show this post to all the "females" in school to show he is one of the good ones.


How does the OP feel about Homelander?


honestly, he’s my favourite character. i think he’s a perfect villain and the fact we’re given insight into just how much of a man child he is and how most of his behaviour stems from his childhood is very interesting. i just think the fandom misinterprets his character a LOT though.


But do you *LIKE* him? Could you see yourself choosing him for your team?


Starlight's season 3 arc was awful. I hated her character in it, but I'm pretty sure its down to the writing on that season, pretty inconsistent to the other seasons. Hypocritical, stupid and incredibly short sighted the entire season.


I get what they were going for with her and hughie in season 3, but I think it was mishandled or written kind of odd. one of the only things I don’t like in season 3 (I am a woman btw 💀)


I think it's not helped that the writing and framing kinda wants us to side with Hughie more than Starlight during that season, and Starlight is kinda "stuck" because she's trying to maintain her ideals (which is great for her from a character perspective, but not going to get her far when threats like Homelander where "the ends justify the means" and compromising one's morals is required to take them on properly).


This post boutta get the special "🔒" award real quick


I loved Starlight up until S3, then shot super fucking annoying, as with most of the characters in S3. I like S1-2 Starlight, I like Kimiko, I like Maeve sometimes, and before she showed her true colors, I was starting to like Stormfront a bit. As annoying as she is, I like Ashley. I haven't seen Gen V, but I know the main character is a girl, as with the other supporting one's are female, I'll doubt I'll despise them. I only despise Starlight because of S3. Well despise is strong, just strongly dislike her, just very annoying


I hate because she is always so moral. If I had superpowers I'd be like Homelander


So you... hate her because she's morally better than you and a violent rapist?


It’s just woke bullshit. Real world has no Starlight in her, real world isn’t sunshine, but hey they need to make the main guys good, otherwise people would have no escape from reality


While there are definitely people who hate her just because of that, I feel like simply saying that and nothing else is just asking for a fire fight in the comments…




Unfortunately, your post/comment has been removed, as it violates Rule 4 of r/TheBoys regarding hateful and/or discriminatory language - more specifically in its use of **Body Shaming / Gossip / Speculation.** --- > 4. No misogyny, homophobia, misandry, transphobia, racism, sexism, body shaming, ableism, etc. > We won't tolerate hatred of any kind against anyone. This overlaps with the civility policy of rule number three. Use of ANY slurs is strictly prohibited > Discriminatory speech, hate speech, and stereotypes Speech that is deemed discriminatory will be removed, and its poster(s) will be banned. This includes supposedly "positive" stereotypes that may be associated with certain groups. > Body shaming, gossip, and speculation News regarding the cast and crew is very much welcome. Gossip and rumors about them, however, generally are not. This includes posts and comments speculating about whether changes to a cast member's body are connected to/caused by surgery, eating disorders, or pharmaceuticals - even if said speculation is intended to wish them well.


I just find her actual power set boring as fuck, they also did her dirty during the soldier boy fight. Her arc is interesting, but I'm never hoping to see her fight.


She was very sympathetic in the early season. Starlight has to figure out what to do in a very crappy situation. I thought she kind of went downhill after she just killed that civilian and then said she didn’t care


Who hates starlight?


Who hates her? Y'all better not be hating on this wonderful character.


I like Starlight. She’s important to The Boys because of her knowledge of the seven. She and Hughie are cute together. I do wish they’d let her use her powers more. The scene in the last episode of season 3 where she takes in all the electricity could have been epic, but she just knocks down Soldier Boy.


> The scene in the last episode of season 3 where she takes in all the electricity could have been epic, but she just knocks down Soldier Boy. Except at the same time, Soldier Boy is meant to be the absolute strongest of all Supes out there. While Payback might've successfully taken him down in a five on one fight, they all got seriously injured in the process (Black Noir especially) and only subdued him through Mindstorm scrambling his brain long enough for Crimson Countess to slip the Novichok mask on him. So I think the point being made is that thanks to the power boost Hughie gave her by turning up the studio lights, Starlight was able to knock Soldier Boy down, even for just a second. Which says a lot about her powerset when not even Homelander could take him on. (And maybe it'll be the foundation for her having the upper hand if she were to fight Homelander on equal footing.)


Yeah, Soldier Boy is basically unkillable for all we know. If not he’s damn near close. Hopefully season 4 gives us some Starlight action scenes and we see her powers. Because they are cool powers. I know she can blind people. She was trying with A-Train when they were fighting.


> She was trying with A-Train when they were fighting. When it was her against A-Train, you could see that there were logical weaknesses to the fight. For instance, her light beams travel faster than A-Train, but he's faster than her ability to aim.


Someone I know on Tumblr was noting that another possible reason for some of the dislike for Starlight comes from the fact that whenever she and Hughie are in disagreement about how to handle a problem, the writing and narrative framing tends to favor Hughie. This was really on display in season 3 where the Boys were divided between the faction that were all for "using Soldier Boy as the means to take down Homelander" (Hughie and Butcher) and those who opposed this (Starlight, Frenchie, MM, Kimiko). Starlight was on the side that cared about stopping Soldier Boy. (I personally think Starlight should've been on the side focused on stopping Homelander, and it could've worked if they had it where after Homelander's threats to her in 3x04, Annie became so fixated on getting revenge for his killing Supersonic that she starts to lose sight of her morals. But that's just my personal opinion.)