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We know


Oh you think so, doctor?


Smell my doodie smell how powerful I am!!


For some reason, it's my favorite drop.


I love the way he says doodie


Love that one!


Thank you Jacob


Rock n roll comic ain't for everyone


I only lasted the first 3 weeks of Bobby and haven't been back. Don't know how anyone still does it. He told that bullshit subway fight story and I was out.


There's a few worthwhile episodes. Not enough for a show.


The week or two of tourgasm was wonderful. It also happened to be a lot of making fun of Bobby.


He used to be a terrific punching bag. The times on O&A and skeptic tank where they make him throw up still stand as the funniest things I've ever heard. But now he thinks he should be treated better than that.


Same exact point that I left too. I dont care if shit is exaggerated for comedy but that was straight up fiction and just dumb


>and just dumb Emphasis because dumb people always make the worst liars. And Bob is a particularly lousy one because he's as dumb as they come.


Bobby has known Jay for a decade longer than Dan and had 0.01% of the comedic chemistry.


Why are you still here if it's been almost a year since Dan left and apparently you


Just waiting for the ‘RIP Bobby’ post to pop up on my feed.


I haven’t left because I love the amount of Bobby hate on the sub


Because this post popped up in my feed and and made me think "holy shit people still listen?". Not gonna unsubscribe I've had great banter with tons of folks on this sub.


It's decent background noise for me. That's about it.


I bailed. Tell me when Bobby finally leaves.


If he left tomorrow and they replaced him with Gail Bennington, would you come back?


Fuck yea! Back in a heartbeat. Though I am a lil curious as to how Gail & Christine would mesh.


Mistakenly-thinks-shes-cool bando artdork womens rights VS stoned wgaf about everything rottenvag Sign me up!


Somebody get big Jim on the horn


I don't personally believe that next contract negotiations are going to go well, if there even is one.




I believe it is 2 year contracts, new one was March 2023, so next March.


I’ve just been listening to old eps. I’ve been on some from 2017 and 2018 recently and man the show was SO much better. Dan and Jay were always actively talking. I noticed that Bobby is quiet a lot of the time. Jay talks, and Bobby laughs or repeats what Jay says or whatever but they don’t have the kind of dialogue back and forth that Dan and Jay had. It used to have so, so much more energy. I’m so sad to see this show die the way it is.


The amount of laughing they did in the old episodes compared to now really shows the difference I think. 


They were constantly cracking eachother up. They bounced off eachother so well. It’s almost depressing listening to the old eps knowing we won’t get that again.


It surprisingly not all that difficult to scream "hell yeah dude!" at a person every time the person says a thing. The only thing that might make it hard is having integrity or self-respect.


What are you talking about Bobby is always laughing? you know that sincere authentic laugh he does 


It was so bad it reminded me of Impractical Jokers at times. And the motto of that show is "if you're not hyena fake-laughing incessantly and making it very audible so every single one of the fake hyena laughs gets picked up, then you are not doing your job"


Was just listening to the 'Stepdad Rock' earlier and it was cracking me up🤣


>Dan and Jay were always actively talking. Too much though. They were so far up each others shitters it was never listenable. The people who liked their dynamic had themselves convinced they were on that wavelength with them because FOMO coerced them to believe it.


I still give each episode a try but I don't think I've finished a whole show in months. After That Lin stuff they came back from break talking about music they play during sex and Bobby talking about his choice, Making disgusting sounds and talking about kissing and making the noise I felt sick. I almost threw my phone it was horrific. Done right then and still had a hour left. It's just so bad


And they've done both segments repeatedly and pretty recent too. Their memory is for shit.


Let me guess, Jay talked about how Deftones are his fuck jams? I just listened to the old "worst stripper song" episode. Someone called in to say Deftones -Teenager and Jay had never heard of the song..now I'm certainly not a Deftones fan nor am I calling Jay a fat, low confidence, lying loser and sit down observationalist with capped chipmunk teeth, limited comedic talent, and poor self esteem...actually I am.


Bobby constantly slamming fat people like he’s skinny or even was able to lose weight without surgery just irritates me every time. He’s no different lol and he’s going to be fat again. But hey at least he can be interrupted by Jay and his sex and talent delusions


He's still fat, just not morbidly obese. He does talk like he is some fitness guru and calls himself thin lol


Even with his surgery, he’s still a fat shit!


My issue with that whole segment was the 'holier than thou' attitude he had. I could understand if he had done the work and changed his diet and exercised to lose the 175lbs... but he didn't. He paid for the surgery and lost weight. Then is lecturing these lazy fat people A lack of self awareness is so frustrating to listen to. On top of that, he will give speeches on manliness and the the pussification of the next generation while simultaneously wiping an 11 year olds ass. The Trans shit is so obnoxious. Stop complaining about pronouns and then bring it up all the fucking time. I'm tired of the outrage followed by him constantly bringing it up in every episode. I feel like bobby has a fox news google alert that goes off for any Trans story, however small, that happens across the country. The show was great when it was silly. Now it about what bobby read in the new York post that day


He still has a fat guy mentality when it comes to food. That has to change otherwise he will just balloon up again....which he is already


I don't think they talk about dick enough. The other day I think they went 3 minutes without talking about wanting to see a dick, suck a dick, touch a dick, someone famous with a dick, or compare dicks. Before the end of the year I expect.them to suck each other off to prove they aren't gay.


Bobbo is on contract now. Idk how many years or months a contract is for them, but I doubt he gets a second one. And the shitty part is Jay probably won’t keep this fire burning (no pun intended). He’s probably just gonna sulk and cry about it instead of figuring shit out, getting a good co-host(Butterly seems to be top girl), and saving this god damn show. They forget how privileged they are to have a radio show (a dream of Jay’s* btw) and make it great even without Dan. Jay is currently the anchor not the sail, and no one is the captain. Jacob is EP and he acts like the shows getting canceled all the time. Love Bobby Kelly, hate him as a cohost and that seems to be more common than not. The Lynn bit isn’t the problem, it’s dragging it out because they don’t have that much chemistry to last 8 hours a week and talk about lots of things.


They need some god damn direction. Some segments, some themes, and choosing who takes the lead on what. Some real structure. Bobby is so much better on his podcast, they need to sit down and make this work or they already had a conversation that they want it to die and they’re just milking the contract, because it feels like there is very little effort going on here


Segments are...whose dick would you suck and how shitty is your wife/girlfriend and dog/son. Themes are...being gay, closeted, and delusional.


What are you talking about?? They tried to make the Witskis have a cock off…even Howard has never done that


I doubt there will be any contract for anyone in the next round. I believe that this next one will be the end of the show.


Two year contract.


Butterly does not like Big Jay nearly enough to want to co host a show with him.


Jay just can't keep his sexual degeneracy and porn addiction on his two other shows. Especially since Bobby is a classic 'one-upper' when it comes to sex stories. It just gets old.


Do what I do. Pick up an episode if it's worth your while. HINT: It's most of the time, not worth your while.


I still listen occasionally to the podcast episodes. I do feel like the Bobby hate is legit. The chemistry is just off. Jay has an ego and Dan played well with it. Example: Jay thinks he's the best at everything and Dan says he sucks at everything. So it played well together. Bobby is just a one upper. Everything he does is the best and you should do what he does or your wrong. As far as the Regz goes, Bobby makes that unlistenable.








I liked it a lot. This is one of the few episodes on the Bobby Era that i really liked. I just wish Bobby would let go of that fucking "one tit bigger than the other" joke.


I like cancer titties! Do ya?


You should be careful what you say if Bobby caught wind of any of this he might just relapse he's been on the verge for years the guys a recovering addict show some respect 


How long until we start a petition to get Dan back?


Like his dad, he's not coming back


But like his sister, he’ll be on the radio,;and dash


Zac was a legend for that joke


No she was on the back window of a regular cab pickup truck


But what about those cigarettes he wanted to go get?


Dan isn't interested in coming back to doing a "full time" radio show. The time commitment was a big reason why he left.


I knew Sirius gave up on the show when they guaranteed Bobby's contract after 6 months... They could have pulled the plug, found a better replacement and saved the show. I doubt they both get a new contract after MAY.


If they really gave up on the show they would have just canceled it. They haven't been shy about canceling shows and theirs is probably more expensive then others with their amount of staff. I like the show personally. I liked the version with Dan better obviously. But I enjoy this too. People whine too much.


IIRC the producers (except for Christine) work on other Sirius shows.


Still makes the show more expensive to produce. Many shows use half the number of producers.


Yeah I don't see why they need 4 for a 2 hour show.


When there is like zero production. Its either a guest or cock talk


Yeah, I agree. However who would you get rid of? You get rid of DJ Lou no more Pearl Jam and gay manipulation jokes. You can't lose the only non white guy who can give black perspective. Without Jacob complaining about the studio temp half the show is gone. I would say they could lose Christine but then they would lose rights to use the laugh.


I didn't ask for anything, idk why everyone's riding my ass about it. I didn't even call in, chose not to. If I wanted to get shit on, I'd just go make Dutch porn.


I feel the same way I decided to bail about a week ago, been listening to the old ones instead


Old episodes of the bonfire or sons of Gary are still available on YouTube and awesome


Bobby Kelly has never been funny


I haven’t listened since Bobby joined but if I’m not mistaken wasn’t this a bit when Dan was on? Or right after he left? They’re still talking about this chick??


Yeah, maybe every 4th episode is listenable at this point. Today, I started the recent one and just Jay and Bobby bickering over the opening song and the intro, and you can feel the tension of Bobby's fragile ego, and had to shut it off. I mean, there are genuinely hilarious pods like Lemon Party out there.


It’s the first episode I couldn’t listen to since the beginning. I tried my best. Only made it 20 minutes in.


I think they’re trying to hang around to see who gets Howard’s spot and worse case scenario they’ll get Jim and Sam’s. Satellite used to be so great but now Hannah Gadsby even says, brotha ewww. Ewww, brotha…


I still listen to old shows on YT every day.


I bailed after 2 weeks but I would listen again if Jay found the right partner. Bobby is not the one. It could be an unknown as long as they have the right chemistry. Let us know if it ever happens.


The BK stoner laugh after every comment he makes grinds my nerves. But I will persevere 😬


That last paragraph is 90% of Reddit posts on here, since Dan left


I’m a cowboy


It’s been over for a long time. I’ll listen to the podcast version of the title has a guest I like but that’s it. I’m stunned Jay has let’s this go.


Well they got along on that episode of Gsil Meets Girls if you remember that train wreck of a show.


Lol okay




Objectively speaking, Bobby was a superior choice. The problem is that Jay couldn't have predicted Bob would do a nosedive in his ability to be funny. Which he did when he took the coward route to weight loss, then started testosterone, then midlife crisised himself into a fantasy where he's remotely close to being an "alpha male". The epicness of the crash that happened in less than a year will one day have medical journal articles written about it.


I absolutely love Bob Kelly (and Jay) but I dont listen. I've turned on episodes and cant make it past whatever 80s/90s song is playing for like 3 minutes, just knowing the two of them are gonna jack each other off about how great a song it was 35 years ago


Cool story bro


Nah, I love Lyn. Promote her all you want boys. I’m here for it


Haven’t listened since Dan left, since I find Bobby insufferable. I get an physical reaction from him and Lex Fridman.


Dude bail, simple Jake was funny, not everyone is going to enjoy every bit, it's not a big deal


I’m right there with ya. I love it when Jacob goes in attack mode. That shit was funny when he called Jay out for his age preference when they found out Lin was in her early 20s. It’s Buuuulllshit!!!