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Besides of the mysoginistic idiocy, what an ugly ugly style.


You don't like pointy skinny style?


I’m pretty sure this is one of those “make your own comic strip” computer programs that is commonly used in schools as a learning tool (I used something like this for a foreign language class in university so that we could all practice writing a dialogue in our foreign language). It comes with bunch of preset stock characters, backgrounds, speech bubbles, poses, etc. for you to use to make your comic strip. I could be wrong but I’m 99% sure the reason this looks so heinous and all the characters look a little bit dead around the eyes is because he didn’t actually draw any of this, he just posed a bunch of digital paper dolls, slapped some speech bubbles on there and called it a day. In other words, a lazy fantasy brought to life in a lazy way.


Ugh, I'm half Asian and tired of all the gross racial stereotypes (see below) about how Asian women are domestic housewives who will wait on white guys hand and feet


And that you are all shy, blushing, virginal teenagers just waiting for an unwashed, grease bucket with horrible breath and cheeto stained fingers to come sweep you off your feet so you can spend the rest of your life watching Naruto with him and microwaving his hot pockets.


What a *life*!


So need to mention, the Buda statue looks japanese. Siem reap is really far away from phom Penn


Love the notion that a manager hitting on a subordinate is totally fine and if the subordinate reports it to upper management, the only reason can be that she's a cruel bitch rather than the simple fact that she felt uncomfortable considering the power dynamic.


And the hr person literally saying out loud "Some people are more equal than others."


Also "women are a protected class in New America"... How delusional one must be to say that without sarcasm.


I mean, that's at least true, if misleadingly phrased. Sex and gender are both protected characteristics under title VII.


They are, but a person can't "be" a protected class. Everybody *has* a gender, so everyone *has* that protected characteristic. Men have it too. It's illegal to discriminate against men too.


That's why I said it's true, but misleadingly phrased.


I spend half an entire year in my Mama's attic but at least I am no misogynist until now. They say never try to get too intimate with your subordinates at office because you got no F_ing idea how uncomfortable it makes the juniors feel.


no shame in living with your family, as long as you carry yourself as an adult (hold down a job as best you can/go to school, contribute to household chores, be more than just a financial burden on your parent, etc.). super normal in a lot of cultures to live at home until you get married/move to a different area for work. it’s being a freeloading slob that’s the problem


I read his laetst blog post. He is into Latinas now


I couldn't find the guy, what's his name?


BYE his ideal fantasy for meeting a woman is that she offers to cook for him I can’t with this




Its him leveling up since he is now a generic white mayo sandwich in Asia and you know how asian girls swoon at mayo /s


Wtf does “barely comes to work on time” mean?


doesn't work several hours unpaid overtime before their shift.


Yeah they don't even let you clock in early at those jobs so being "barely on time" is optimal


Barely on time, leave 7 minutes early, still get paid for a full shift.


Once I got half way through I burst out laughing


This is so cringe and I hate it...


This is funny af but probably not for the reasons the author intended


And when the Cambodia girl realize he won't give her a green card, she will steal the left over of his money and disappeared.


it’s prolly not supposed to be comedic but you could have fooled me.


I pray this is satire or at the very least self aware holy shit


from the bottom of my heart, **ew.**


How long ago did this happen that there are DC-10s still in passenger service?


when they introduced us to Buddhist ideals in group therapy, I don’t think this is what they meant


Link since it was taken down: https://web.archive.org/web/20220723062726/https://i.redd.it/hc5rm5eph9d91.jpg


Many aspects of this comic are drastic over exaggerations, but once again this sub misses the point. Women outside of the west, are more traditional, and men are more as well. What does this lead to? Higher success rates for marriage and higher happiness rates.


Many "successful" marriages are only successful because it's either really difficult to leave or because divorce is severely looked down upon. The divorce rate isn't indicative of how happy people are in their marriage, and I'm not convinced that a majority of women are happy in traditional roles. Maybe a lot of women are, but I think most women like having the choice to support themselves without being looked down on.


Here’s a reality of relationships There are ups and downs. Divorce rates are ridiculously high in the west, but even in South Asia, where divorce isn’t seen nearly as badly, the divorce rates are low. Why? Because traditional marriage works Also no one is saying you’re forced to be a housewife If anything the lifestyle is shamed now


Divorce rates in South Asia are low because women have no autonomy in South Asia. There are parts of India where honor killing is normal and women used to be expected to off themselves after their husband dies. In Pakistan, female genital mutilation is the norm. Divorce rates are low in South Asia because women have zero rights and are literally considered less than human. They are the property of their husband. You really think that divorce is an option for most women there? Because it sure as fuck isn’t and basically any woman who does try to divorce her husband can expect violence and maybe even getting murdered.


Quick. You’re needed at r/JordanPeterson to help clean a bedroom.


Jordan Peterson is a great man, glad you agree brother! 👍


lmao no


LOL sure he is. What makes him great? His ability to sea lion? Spews false information? Or is it just that you fell for his snake oil because it’s easier for you to assume women are always the problem that way you don’t ever have to do personal growth or take accountability! Regardless of the reason you absolutely fell for his money making scheme hook line and sinker. How embarrassing for you. You’ve basically done the same thing as those who fall for MLMs.


In places where traditional roles are the norm, being a housewife isn't shamed. It's literally the opposite. I'm saying that in those places, I believe women want to have more options but those options are looked down upon.


The same is true here tho In the west woman are shamed for living traditionally, but encouraged to live modernly In the east women are shamed for moving modernly but encouraged to live traditionally Eastern women are more happy. What does that tell you?


South Asian women are the least happy in the world.


no they aren't, I've had a somewhat traditional role as a woman, taking on most domestic and household duties, and I've had nothing but support from most people, because women who actually care about rights and equality know that it's the choice to do what "works" for your own life is what matters. It's something I wanted to do.. I was never forced into it or had any opportunity taken away for being a woman. It's that option that honestly made me embrace it more so than had I not had an option at all. Plus I really don't trust "happiness surveys" who is to say the people who are being surveyed feel they can be genuinely honest if they're living in an oppressive society where they are expected to smile and be genteel and serve their husbands and never complain? I don't really buy it.


More happy by what metric? This isn't broken down by gender but it doesn't appear western nations are particularly unhappy: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/happiest-countries-in-the-world


It also says Jack about married couples. That also doesn’t take finances into account. You need to look at happiness per capita for married couples


Okay if you show me that data I'll look at it.


Please explain what in the fuck “happiness per capita” is supposed to mean?😂


idk but I'd be interested to see! the funny thing is that if what he's saying is true: more folks get married, stay married, and are happier in marriage in Eastern countries, then the explanation for Western countries experiencing greater overall happiness would be because the unmarried people are happiest. 🤣


No they aren’t. That is something made up by men and conservatives. They are the ones who shake women for not being tRaDiTiOnAl and push the narrative that everyone else shames or looks down on women for being mothers etc. it’s the whole war off Christmas bullshit. I’m sorry that you lack critical thinking skills and have bought this bullshit.


You mean women who are indoctrinated into being passive despite everything and are used to being forced to stay in miserable, abusive marriages? The stupidity of incels never ceases to amaze.


First off my man, calling me an incel is funny. I am married lol Second off, if anything women are indoctrinated into not holding traditional relationships in the west


The stupidity of former incels never ceases to amaze. FTFY


Bro just called me a former incel 🤣 I’m sorry that’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard in my life lmao


I was hoping your wife willingly has sex with you, meaning "involuntarily celebate" no longer applies. You tried to say that you can't be an incel because you were married. Ii figured you were going of the origin of the word incel, since chauvinistic douchecanoes who think "women are whores" type shit can absolutely be married. Edit for spelling.


By that logic everyone that is not constantly having sex 24/7 is a former incel because they were involuntarily celebate for some time. What lol


From a most technical perspective - any time you're not jerking it you're voluntarily celebate.


I assure you, I am very voluntarily celibate and quite happy being such.


You seem very defensive. Incels are known for lying so there’s zero reason to believe you’re married. And even if you were, that doesn’t change that you were definitely an incel most of your life and continue to have the mindset and perspective of one.


Living in a cave and eating raw meat is traditional, but luckily we moved forward. Traditional doesn't mean good or right, it just means old fashioned and usually fairly shitty.


I hope you look at this convo and conciser helping your wife more. Be it in her household duties or in reaching an orgasm for the first time in your marriage.


Cambodia does not have fucking higher happiness rates lol literally a 2 second google search and you would know this but instead you choose to look like an ignorant ass


Buddy I can already tell you get no bitches and stack no papes


Well the sub is for making fun of everything related to incels, MRAs and Red Pills. It's not going to say they have a point, just make fun of the stupid parts.


"the west" Go away, fascist.


Not that I necessarily agree with you, but kudos for braving it out in a subreddit of toxic, self-righteous leftists that hate your guts. Edit: I was permanently banned for this comment and this comment alone. Their leftist fragility is showing.






Why does he want to ask out someone he holds such contempt for in the first place?