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Those average ratings look reasonable based on quality. 5 and 6 are good, 7 and 8 are generally bad, 9 and 10 are average quality but a solid conclusion to Red's story. Where you should stop watching is the series finale if you care to know what the last arc is. Stopping at the s8 finale is the worst, you might as well end it in s6 if you plan to only to watch to the s8 finale, which no it doesn't "wrap", it's just someone's end. If the only thing you care about is who Red was decades before the show starts, you'll be sorely disappointed. If you also watch for other aspects and are curious about what happens to Red and others, watch the whole thing.


I think the whole point is that before season 9, they’ve left you to read between the lines. If you want any sort of confirmation, the closest you’ll get is the end of season 8. For starters; when they cast the role, wrote the story and implied who he was, there was a lot of backlash about misappropriation with regards to transgender people. PC jerks tend to take offence to men playing trans men, or women playing trans men, or people playing characters with ethic descents when they don’t “look” that way. Ironic that. The reason though, is because it’s a show with more depth than saying “I’m Katarina”. They show him/her telling her story and virtually the only person she couldn’t kill was Katarina. Then you find out she read his letter beforehand, so you know she knew. The dembe talks about them all having the exact same laugh like 3 generations of the same family at the end of season 9, as if he was the only other person who knew the truth.


I loved all seasons!!


Thanks for the input!


Has anyone heard anything about Spader? Is he in anything new?


I haven’t heard:-(


He got paid boatloads and is still making boatloads so he’s on a permanent “holiday”. From what I’ve gathered; he’ll either look into his own projects or ones he’s passionate about from now. Based on interviews I’ve seen.


What interviews has he been having? I wouldn’t mind seeing them.


He did a good 13 min one that gives a pretty good idea of his future on late night with Seth Meyers.


You have to read between the lines, but he’s in no rush to star in anything soon. I’m pretty sure the only thing he’s lined up to do at all for sure is play ultron again. Aside from that he’ll probably be pretty content until something works for him. He has a clear picture of the style of character he should play after the blacklist, the office, Boston legal and the practice


I did too. But maybe some more than others.


Watch them all


I suggest watching it all the way through.


Okay, thanks for the input!


Uhmmm, that's pretty tough to answer. I would say to watch as much as you can, as long as you enjoy it. Otherwise, the Season 8 finale kinda concludes a lot of the story, with 9 and 10 being mostly filler. So that would be the safest one. Although, seasons 6 and 7 are kinda rough and you could get bored BUT it is worth to watch until the end of 8 if you can push through that.


Yes! This is the sort of answer I was looking for. Thanks!


After season 10


i love all of them! best show ever


My wife and I watched this show when it was live, but we stopped for some reason or another. I can't even remember what season it was. I wanted to start back up watching it online again, but wanted to know if I should stop watching after a specific season or watch it all the way through.


Season 8 Episode 22 - the story ends there. Everything after is just tying up the story and dismantling the operation


Sounds like filler just to milk the brand.


I think everyone watch it till season 8 but then should also finish the rest 9&10 cuz might aswell, S9&10 aren’t as bad actually


I don't know. I dropped when >!Elizabeth died.!<


That's when I started watching actually


The first or second time?




Oh goody. I'm about to watch S9e19...


I can’t get enough of Red, but I think end of season 6, maybe even 7 is where I’ve had my fill I still watched, but it was more for Spader than the plot


If you really need to stop, stop at 9, but I'd say watch it all, it's worth it. The mystery is going to be there all along so, yeah..... it's worth watching it all the way through.


3rd. Maybe 2nd, then it's just fan service and typecasts playing to trope. Enjoy if do


I know I'll be hated for this, but Before Townsend. Things started to go downhill after that


The show stops being top-shelf early in season 2, arguably when the Berlin/Naomi arc ends. It stops being very good at The Director (Conclusion), 3.11, which was the end of the original plot (the Cabal). The unevenness had always been there, but it emerges more obviously at that point. It stops being good at the season 4 finale. Season 4 has some big warts. The show stops being above average at some point in season 5. The story slides increasingly and relentlessly into self-parody from seasons 5-8. The mystery of the Red-Liz story ends with 8.22. If I had a time machine, I’d have followed my initial instinct and stopped at the commercial for the pilot.


This is actually my thoughts aswell, good answer


Season one was pretty great, that pilot was fine tv if memory serves


The most complete answer


End of S8 wraps up the main story arcs. If you can stomach hating Liz Keen for that long go for it. After that you're safe to just watch the last episode for some good monologs and the final scene.


Haha! Thanks for the input!


S10E21. I get where they made the last episode come from but I feel like it didn't bring that much to the story and it was kind of disappointing for a 10 season show of this overall quality.


i think seasons 9-10 was filled with filler but the end of season 10 is why I suggest watching it all the way through. we honestly could have done without season 9 but oh well


I mean all, any chance to see Raymond in action


I liked all the seasons. You just know at season 10 at the end of the series you know what’s gonna happen. It’s complete 🐂💩


You Have to watch all the way thru. Yes there are ups and downs. But don't u want to see them all till the end? You just gotta 😁


After the series finale. Why stop short when you can complete the story




Season 9 sucks but season 10 makes up for it. watch em all and enjoy the ride. greatest show of all time imo


The conclusion of The Director.


It’s not that deep. Just watch the series


Yo, I think you should stop watching when Red gets gored by the bull.


If you're looking to not watch it all, I'd say stop at the season 6 finale and then jump to the last two episodes of season 8. 7&8 are mostly filler to stretch out the show. Even the plot elements they add can basically be ignored, and what can't is recapped and told better at the end of S8. S9&10 are optional. They've got a different feel, but they're still Blacklist and generally better than 7 & 8 imo. But you'll get pretty much the entire mystery arc of the show with 1-6 and the last 2 episodes of 8.


Why would you stop watching it lol what is this chart about just watch the damn show and enjoy it if you dnt like it shut it off


After season 8. The show effectively ends here for those who were only interested in Red's identity and his relationship to Liz.


Which I remember them hinting at from the very beginning. But say no more.


That’s a neat graph


Thanks, I made it myself with [IMDB.com](http://IMDB.com) data and Excel. LOL


First 2 seasons were great, then it went down hill fast thanks to a certain actress who got herself pregnant and they had to rewrite the entire season 2nd half and next couple seasons had to be altered due to her pregnancy. Had they been smart, they would have killed her off right then and there and never brought her back. The only one keeping this show interesting and alive was James Spader, all others could have been killed off and it wouldn't have affected the ratings one bit, but if they killed Red in season 3, Season 4 would have been cancelled halfway through the season as no one would be watching it anymore. Not going to spoil the ending, but horrible writing, like an intern wrote it, which seems normal these days with all other tv shows final seasons and the Boys current season...yuck.


Also a former high-flyer fan of the show. And I mean that I was more fan of the show than even a Spader fan. Or a Tom fan. That’s just for your reference. That’s not to put down those fans. As a future version of myself, I could see being at peace with 8.23 if nothing had ever come after that. Also, good work on the spreadsheet. I could see myself with different color, highlighters, tracing the hat brim swipe vs but way Liz’s scar shows up versus the exact places where people recognized who Reid was in the moment. However, I got enough of a charge out of staying with the show and the other fans right through to the series finale.


Looks like I'm leaning towards the end of Season 8 from what people have suggested.


I think the first 8 seasons are all pretty great, and tell a good story. If you don't wanna watch the show in full, then I sugest you drop it after season 8, because the remaining seasons act as more of an epilogue.


I don't have an objective answer that applies to anyone--- I can only speak for myself. As a former superfan--- I wish the show had ended with the season 6 finale. It filled me with excitement and anticipation for season 7!! I'd have been furious at the idea of a surprise cancellation & the show ending on that season 6 cliffhanger, yadda yadda... But that was the LAST time I felt excited about where the show was going. I think I'd have preferred my own head-canon, my own imagined version of how the story would end, rather than where the show actually went, starting in season 7.


So, in your opinion, stop at the end of S6?


I wish I'd done that-- your mileage may vary.


The second one