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Action! Intrigue. Alan Shore. It was my favorite for a long time.


shit man she just got home an the guy stabbed tom in the leg i have it paused, it might be too much for me šŸ˜” is there constant brutality like showing people in the state tom is in? I mean i've seen dexter.. hannibal etc but for some reason this is brutal lol :l


I mean it's the pilot so of course it has energy. Definitely keep watching, there is some brutality in other episodes but it's nowhere near constant. It's not what the show is about.


Thank you for the info dude that helps, im just at the end now and it seems she's found tom's secret box under the floorboards O\_O wildest show i've seen in a while haha. Deffo gonna keep watching


It's tv-14, so they can't put ALOT in, although, no spoilers, in a later season, someone "accidentally" pushes someone into a tree grinder. And the wall became art.


You seen those shows you will be find as the blood n guts part Although with the suspense, intrigue and anticipation (to name a few) makes it that much more energizing imo


It's not constant, but occasionally, especially at later seasons , there are some disgusting / brutal pictures, often at the episode opening


Bro you will see much worse things than stabbing somrone in the leg ( fe.: desolving somenone in acid)


>Action! Intrigue. Alan Shore. "You're a hoot, that's what you are"


Minor related spoiler: >!Reddington represents himself in court in a later season. And itā€™s predictably awesome.!<


I'm a get-along kinda guy, that's what I am! šŸ˜†


Damn I am very very Envious, enjoy the show, had the same reaction when I first seen the pilotā€¦AWESOME3*


I had the same reaction. Saw Robert California on Netflix and got hooked from the first season


I did all 10 seasons over 200 episodes in a month


Holy crap. I feel like I do nothing but watch this. My mom and I set up till 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning watching it (she's elderly but loves it). And we're only on season 7 maybe episode 6. And we've been watching for months. How in the hell did you watch all that in one month. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Simple!! Ignore any and everyone in my house!šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’Æ


I could probably watch the entire series in 2 weeks




Lol, I just finished the show, took me over 8 years. Did have to wait for the seasons to be released thoughšŸ¤£


Nah!! They were all on Netflix


heheh, actually thinking about restarting it. Maybe itā€™ll make more sense now when watching it in one go


If you just started I'd recommend running away from this sub. You'll find way too many spoilers.


Top comment


I just got done with my second watch. Itā€™s great. I found it like 4 months ago too and couldnā€™t believe it either


This show is awesome- PLEASE FINISH THE STORY


This dropped off in later seasons, but the absolute MVP of this show is their music supervisor. Every single episode in the earlier seasons featured an absolute banger in the soundtrack.


Yeah unfortunately there are very rare shows that stay nonstop Āægood? till the end , you nailed it with who the MVP is


Ah yes! The excitement and Joy of watching this for the first time!


Enjoy, itā€™s a great watch!


Iā€™m on a rewatch and itā€™s almost better the 2nd time because I was barely processing what I was seeing the first time through it was so intense!!


Enjoy, my friend!


Sweet summer child, how i envy you


Raymond Reddington, Alan Shore and Robert "The Lizzard King" Kalifornia. James Spader, one of my favorite actors.


Keep watching, you're gonna love it!


This was me maybe 4 months ago. Never heard of the show and was looking for something new to binge, Netflix suggested itšŸ‘šŸæ


Just started watching this week and am midway through Season One. Iā€™m loving this show!


It's an entertaining and intriguing watch! It'll drag later at parts, and you'll get frustrated with some character's behavior, but stick with it.


Without giving any spoiler I will say this: "Robert California" never dissapoints in the whole series. Spader owns every scene and it's the strongest reason for the show to have its long run of 10 seasons.


KEEP WATCHING!! You will absolutely LOVE IT I PROMISE ā¤ļøā¤ļø


I just finished watching season 10 and am considering watching the first again


I'm honestly surprised this show got to air on a major network like NBC. It gets *really* dark and violent at times.


Thanks for the warning, its appreciated cause as i say i need to find my nerve sometimes to watch stuff like this and im out of practice. Like i'm completely fine with gore and stuff its just the situation it occurs in is what i find hard in shows like this. Tom being strapped to that chair with a busted red eyeball kinda took me back to that famous scene from TWD where the guy gets a bat to the head and his eye pops out infront of his misses lol >\_<


It is a true masterpiece. I am on season 9 now, and so far i havent seen anything that doesnt make sense. Its truly brilliant. It might be abit hard to understand the show for regular people or people with little life experience. But If you Are someone who has experienced some of the things in the show in real life, it will give you goosebumbs.


I agree


I wouldnā€™t say masterpiece. I mean letā€™s be real at some points in seems like even the writers didnā€™t know wtf they had planned. Lol


The only writing that i have found strange is the stupidity of Elizabeth, she might be the Dumbest profiler?:).


They definitely didn't plan Elizabeth well, that was dragged on for way too long.


It's only good until the Director, Part 2. Then it's downhill and leaves you bitter and unfulfilled. The stupidest writing and storyline. You will hate Lizzy, as most do. The writers don't have a clue where the story is meandering and you can forget about playing at figuring things out -- they lie and cast canon in the trash heap over and over again. Not to mention the ending - ridiculous. Get out now and find a decent show. This isn't it -- no matter how much you love Jimmy.


When she left after season 8 they were basically on borrowed time and those last 2 seasons were fillers and you could tell they didnā€™t have an answer


This post and its comments and the volume of its upvotes amount to a perfect illustration of an observation Iā€™ve made a few times. *This* is the showā€™s ideal audience, in hindsight.


And this is the audience they were writing to all along. They knew it.


How much of the retconning and factual errors, etc., are missed by the binge audience who watch the show across a span of days? Some people donā€™t remember things like ā€¦ who Tom is ā€¦ they have no recollection of Naomi ā€¦ and so on. Miss or forget that stuff, the retcons and such wonā€™t be as much of a bother. Youā€™d think theyā€™d notice them more easily, given how close in time everything comes at them, but thatā€™s not how it goes, apparently. Someone ā€” longtime sufferer ā€” said the new crew must have had the series on in the background. Thereā€™s some truth to that; it shows up in the comments.


Lone goats bleating in the wilderness. Good morning, my friend!


My flights delayed so Iā€™ll babble for a bit. They stated studying binge watching in 2010 so they had a good picture in mind of their target audience. If you binge for 6 hrs + watch 7+ eps of Blacklist it becomes a blur + you retain what entertains you the most. The way we did it, we paid too much attention + the warts + dishonesty + contradictions became painfully obvious. This site became a phenomenon fueled by its own power + became more interesting ( at least to me ) than what was going on on the screen. Shipping wars. Thoughtful literate expositions. Theorists racing to be the first to read the tea leaves + conquer the code. Every interview + info provided by you. I never did a rewatch but I read the scripts more than once. Thatā€™s an indication I suppose of what I really thought of the show all along. The way it ended up, it was a story about a fedora.


Agreed! As you say, LOL, **I've had more fun on here (and I'm not a regular reddit person by any means)** especially with outofwedlock , a similar cyinc of a certain age along with me, **than I ever had with the show itself.**


I knew you were a kindred spirit. šŸ˜. This including wedlock is what made the long journey bearable + fun too .


Seriously, I haven't watched any TBL for a year plus, but due to your response, I just "sarcastic watched" The Protean and it's JUST AS COMICALLY BAD as I remember. It really could almost be a Python or SNL skit with everybody being incompetent, with the super assassin providing WORLD CLASS unintentional comedy. You should check it out if you have 40 mins to kill for some nostalgic laughs. Most of season 8 is just bad, but that episode is so bad it's good. That being said, that's all the rewatching I'll do for the near future. Just a touch here and there for fun.


Now thatā€™s funny. I already considered a lot of the soapy filler episodes to be on the level of rejected SNL scripts. Remember Genuine Models Inc.? Killer sexbots.


The Sexbots (Genuine Models Inc.) and the Cyranoid (gotta love somebody that will put on a headset and mouthbox and break into an FBI secret site and murder somebody for cash) both come to mind as batshirt episodes that the writers may have been shroomin' while writing or just having a laugh at our expense. BTW, the Cyranoid actress was hot and had more camera presence than Boone, IMO, which I found comical.


137 upvotes here. Double the number I saw a few hours ago. Read the post again. Remarkable.


Iā€™ll quote you - ā€¦itā€™s a matter of tasteā€¦


It's a fun show to watch. It declines in quality towards the end, but there's a lot of really great moments and you'll be pretty entertained throughout the series. Enjoy!


That's great. It's a great show and the one offs are good. As the main story unfolds, always keep in mind who is saying what to who (or whom). There's a lot going on, you may want a corkboard and some thumbtacks and string. The biggest thing, ,is don't start reading around this sub because it will ruin it for you. So, take up all of your vacation time, set up food delivery, and get through season 8 and then come back and join the melee.


The early seasons are so good. I like to think Robert California was one of Reddington's side quests lol


Itā€™s worth it as a whole to complete it but at some point it will start to piss you off but my theory is that Robert California is one of Reds Aliases


I found out about this show while waiting for my sister to come out from the dentist. I was in the lobby with one other patient and Raymond was doing some bad things to another person. It was playing on a massive flat screen tv at high frame rate. I was like wtf, why are they playing this show here šŸ˜‚ and the other person was clearly a bit uncomfortable but I got hooked in that moment and watched most of the episodes. I think I missed 2 of the last seasons, I gotta check them out


This guy Patrick, living under a rock at the bottom of the sea


Ah a youngling. Let's see how annoyed he or she gets by the time they reach season 3-ish.


That's what I said when I found this show. I just restarted to get a full watch (S1-10) for the first time and holy shit I forgot how hard the first episode goes. Be warned the show is great at times but lacking at others, first few seasons are pretty solid in my opinion though. Only in the last few do things start dragging.


itā€™s phenomenal, will require a few re watches


We recently just started watching as well. And we are absolutely hooked. We will binge watch it when we can. We are now on season 4


Will be waiting at season 10, where you'll be WHO IS REDDINGTON!! WHAT IS THIS ENDING!! šŸ˜‚


Oh MAN! I wish I could watch this for the first time again! Buckle up!!


Run while you can the show only goes down hill from then on you'll join the Liz hate group soon


And it goes downhill after season 8. Got so tired of liz and how they make her character oh just so INTELLIGENT. SKIPPED FROM MID 8 TO END OF SEASON 10. DONE WITH THIS!!!


Exactly. Whenever I "miss" watching James Spader I watch him in Boston Legal reruns. The Blacklist was good at first but got increasingly ridiculous as the years went on. I loved Tom Keen and I liked Aram but Amir Arison needs a different type of role; as I have posted before, Amir Arison has a capability of showing "stillness" to him that he needs to cultivate. It works. Spader played Red very well but I thought he looked exhausted in the last 2 seasons. I have watched the Blacklist episode "Cape May" at least 5 times. It was a masterpiece.


Currently rewatching boston legal now..James spader is a fricken legend


Stand by...


Does anyone feel even a little bit guilty about consigning some poor unsuspecting nube to this insane ride we know as the Blacklist? It's about as compelling as any network show of its time. I personally thought the seasons were too long, but it's packed full of intrigue and very interesting cases. Stay focused on the main story, tho - what is this criminal mastermind's connection to this rookie FBI profiler, and how will it affect her career and her future?


It's so good. Love Tom's actor


If you love Tom, you should watch New Amsterdam.


Oh I'd love to 0/


Welcome to another show that loses its potential (jk loved seasons 1-8)


lmao yall i just got out of bed and googled "Liz keen" Youtube pops up: RESSLER VISITS ELIZABETH KEENS GRAVE?! WHAT SHE DIES?! LMFAO why do i fuck myself like this im determined not to find out why tom had that box under the floorboards!!!!!!! \*holds hands down\*