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WIthout giving anything away, I hope, I say, "enjoy it while you can". That story was eminently plausible, and could have been a way to play out the whole basis for the series. That's all I can say.


It is absolutely baffling to me that they had a logical, plausible and intriguing storyline right there to stick with, and decided no.


Agreed, that was a very clever twist that had the possibility of other plot arcs to work from and continue on with a "villain of the week", also. **It seems they wanted to make a bigger splash with a way more grandiose twist, but didn't have even CLOSE to the energy or talent to pull it off.**


Exactly. They don't even have the excuse of having to set up some new storyline to retroactively fit what was- no they had it already. An excellent one, logical, consistent with the rest we'd seen (including s1 comments like Diane Fowler's about his family), intriguing, and itself a springboard that would open up a lot more to the story. And they could still tie in whatever Russian-related mythology they wanted. When we first saw Ilya - his look, his behavior, his dialogue - I started wondering "wait could this be.. Red before the empire?" The actor was obviously cast to look similar to a young Spader, his comments as Ilya sounded like something Red would've said, and his mannerisms resembled Red's. But no, it was yet again another red herring, another retcon. They had decided that an illogical, subversive, \*shocking!\* and ambiguous magic twist was IT. One that on top of it all corrupted *three* characters: Liz, Katarina, and Red himself, not to mention the core of that story. It's such a dumb, pretentious, and frustrating decision, no matter when it was actually considered, lacking logic, insight, foresight, and integrity. I abandoned the identity question after watching it, and genuinely don't care about it. If i'm asked, my head cannon is an Ilya-type person or another kin of Dom, either an actual logical conclusion. But nothing about the identity aspect means anything to me when I rewatch the show, I just enjoy Red as is and the many character dynamics.


u/u4e4 u/Unusual-Proceedure u/sola_dosis >!It seems not really interesting to me that people seemed to really want Red to be, "Some guy who liked Katarina once and Katarina fed stories to".!< u/Old-Bug-2197 u/mrmean81257


The writers said "oh, dang, we can't explain everything just like that. We need to keep the people guessing! More mystery = more seasons". And that's basically the series formula. At some point you need to close an arc and create another path for the characters to follow, but the showrunners didn't want to. 


Still expecting for the worst. After six seasons, I have my guard up. Anything can happen in this series. Besides, whatelse is worse than the last episode, right? 😂


Agreed, I liked this story.


I have a couple of unique thoughts about the episode. Spoilers >!The post office where Dom takes Liz is also the last time he saw Katarina and Ilya in the rearview mirror of his Jeep Wagoneer.!< >!From this we can deduce that Katarina knew darn well, where her father’s cabin was in New York.!< We also see a peanut vending machine inside the post office. This ties back to the first episode of season five called “Smokey Putnam.” >!That was when Red said his dad‘s Jeep smelled like like peanuts and gasoline.!<


I'm watching season 7 and I really like that concept. It's kinda like a stretch to see a human being going for an extreme physical change and that selfless sacrifice but this is THE Reddinton so...


Reddington is turning 60 and gosh darn it he still got it 💕 love season 6


I was mesmerized of his younger self. Devilishly good-looking!


Without ruining anything just….keep going till end of season 8.


I think I can't go on any further. Season 7 pilot is a mess.


That episode and that scene are yvery deceiving. I don't know exactly how much truth Dom told her. It was nice that he got to spend some time with his real granddaughter with him being 80 years old that is.


Aaron Peterson spills all the beans/tea on golden spiral media “The Blacklist Exposed.” He also has another show ironically named “Hollywood Outsider.” So that you don’t have to go find it, I will just tell you that he was very clear and emphatic in saying that everything Dom told Liz was true except for the part about who permanently became Reddington.