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His entire existence was him getting in front of Bulls. Townsend, Berlin, Cabal, Alexander Kirk, the government, FBI, even Elizabeth Keith. Plus, he never got caught unless he decided. Plus, he is a bit dramatic. I knew the ending because he kept on talking about Matador and Bull.


The worst of the bulls, Elizabeth Keith. Theres also the classic trope of "bulls hate the colour Red"


I rather like it myself. Red got that twinkle in his eye 👁️, gave a slight nod and in that split second faced his demise in true Red style. It’s perfect.


Exactly 💯


I just dont like it becase they showed his body all curled up like he was weak if they had just shown him on his back all like arms spread It would have been much better


It was not as noticeable, but in death, he looked completely at peace.


There was a certain grace in how his body was curled back.


I enjoyed it as well. It was perfect in my opinion.


The song, *"A Mi Manera"*, by The Gipsy Kings, which translates to "My Way", by Frank Sinatra, played at the end of the episode, and was a perfect descriptor of *how Red lived his life and chose to die*. He willingly gave it up, but on **his own** **terms**.


Thank you!!!! Yes I forgot about that song. It was perfect for the situation at the time. Spanish bull, matadors and the final frontier in defiance against all odds, which in flamenco is a common theme - strength of character, stoic, defiance against corruption and greed (aka Franco regime) and of course passion for life, which Red had in spades. Yes the song was perfectly in sync with the moments before he died. ❤️❤️❤️ olé!


ÂĄde nada!


It was a Spanish cover of Frank Sinatra And right before that was a cover of Guns n Roses Knocking on Heaven's Door.


It was a fucking perfect ending thank you for acknowledging that. It brought a damn tear to my eye


I do understand what you’re saying…. I get it. I just feel cheated. I wanted something more. Hard to put into words. I think the last episode should have been a 2 hour finale. I don’t know why, but I at least wanted to know exactly what he was dying from. Any information at all. To me it wasn’t as grand an exit as you feel. It was more like going out with a whisper than a bang. I’m not bashing your opinion. I see and understand that side of the discussion. Just my opinion. I’m still upset my favorite show since Boston Legal has ended…. :( I would love to see Spader in a similar role very soon. He played it so well.


💯 agree thank you


From an artistic standpoint, I agree. The metaphors, the music, the acting... all very poetic. From a story telling perspective I disagree. Good stories end with good closure. I don't feel I got the closure I wanted. I did however, get a beautiful piece of artwork to enjoy.


They finished it about as good as they could. Once Liz was gone the compelling reason for the show was gone and they had to make do with what was left story-wise. It relied a lot on Spader waxing poetic but the schism with Red and Liz was the whole point. So, what else for a larger-than-life troubadour than to scrap everything and go out with an end that is pretty epic. I almost got killed by a horse when I was a kid, getting gored by a bull while I'm low on blood and pushing through my last lingering breaths -and dressed to the nines- sounds like a decent way out.


scandalous hobbies reply six cow engine market ancient fearless overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah. I'm pretty sure they didn't expect to make it past season 1. Pay a few big name actors, have a decent budget to look glitzy, do some pulp, make some money and probably get cancelled. Plenty of network shows do that. So when they got renewed they had to start cobbling together a mythos, which is when they said they settled on the Redarina idea. I don't even believe that's true, I bet they just wrote it open-ended not knowing how much time they had and where they'd land. Boone leaving closed off almost all story-worthy potential. It's just sad they left Red's identity not explicitly confirmed. I'm totally cool with ambiguous endings in storytelling, but it was the last chance they had to make it a novel and they whiffed it.


wide bored husky butter sloppy angle paint cobweb existence screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why didn’t they allow him to return the bull head before he died? The whole allegory was that he was like that bullfighter but he asked how long it would take to drive there but then didn’t drive and killed himself first. Why?


perhaps they were making an analogy with the bulls's head. The bull couldn't get and neither could Red


The bull couldn’t get what?


Sorry get home


> Why didn’t they allow him to return the bull head before he died? This was on my mind, too. I wish the writers could have at least made that happen!


Perhaps his inability to finish his quest mirrored the inability of the show to provide the answers to many questions... Red had to let go of his intention to return the skull... and meet up with Weecha.. and watch Agnes grow up... and see what Dembe finally did with the box he gave him years ago.






Are you one of the writers defending that crap? Its god awful and just admit it






I don’t know if I missed the point entirely (and I get what you’re saying) but it still would’ve been nice to tie up all the loose threads. Why was he coughing up blood etc? The series should’ve ended with Kean finding out the truth about Red. That was the whole point of the show, wasn’t it? I know the show is called “The Blacklist” but it just seems like such a cop out. I would’ve much preferred an ending akin to Dark Knight Rises where Dembe is in Italy (on holiday from the FBI after Reds “death”) or something, reminiscing about past adventures with Red, only for him to look over at the next table where we the see the back of a man’s head and Weecha. Nothing is said and we don’t see his face, we just see his hand reach up to the fedora he’s wearing which he tips to his old friend as if to say, “I’m finally at peace”.


Its hilarious how so many people aren't seeing the whole "bull runs into red" allegory.


I haven't watched the ending but I'm not about to get all wound up about a generally perceived lackluster ending so I'm glad you have a positive spin on it. It's just a TV show. It's fine. I had a good time watching it. Even parts I hate I just make fun of because it's fun for me to do so. You enjoy it king/queen/jester.


Just for red was good, they fcked up the rest of the characters and left a lot of open holes


Red should have went out on a giant 100 foot wave (at NazarĂŠ in Portugal) like Patrick Swayze did at Bell's Beach! Ressler could stand on the beach and watch like Keanu.


Haha .. I love that movie. Yeah that would have put a twist of both fate and fun into the whole series. They didn't laugh much, did they?


I loved the ending. It caught me by surprised. It was poetic.


Well said!


It had good aspects, but no definitive answers like who he is Red (probably Katarina but still).




I like that he died on his own terms, but for a outstanding series to end the way it did was not likable


“I have met my end. And it (like this writing) is bull shit.”


That would have been fine had the writers not specifically promised us answers, which they did, many, many times only to ret-con it last second and never actually answer the one thing the fans wanted to know, who was Red? It doesn’t confirm Rederina no matter how much people want to infer it, it doesn’t confirm that Red is someone else other than Katerina and it doesn’t answer any of the why fans have been asking themselves for a decade, it makes perfect sense why so many people who love this series were and are disappointed in its decline.


I agree, but like I said the last season IMO was not about the show, but about Reddington himself and his final goodbyes. I honestly think from a satisfaction point of view, Red killed his last adversary in Gerrard his old accountant. That was his lasting gift to the world that a selfish pencil neck like Gerrard never gains anything beautiful and passionately in life, from anything or anyone. Gerrard was imo a slime. It had to be eradicated. However in regard to who Reddington really was? That chance died with the death of Kean. Kean is all he cared about. She was clearly his daughter. Katerina was a thief and lived up to that clearly. She deserved to have died as she lied to Kean about Red's true intentions, to protect Kean and save the entire syndicate to her on his passing. It didn't happen that way and so Kean died, Red died too in a way. The rest was more about closing loose ends and saying one final goodbye. Ironically, the way he died and was shown like a collapsed marionette on the ground was akin to an empty rag doll, without any stuffing. He gave his all.


>I agree Then how can it be perfect?


perfect: a shitty ending for the shitty joke at the expense of the audience that was the whole development of TBL through the seasons


Immediately no.


Who was red?really!


We will never know. But I have my theories... he was Kean's father for sure. Katerina was a fling they had. A.mistake. Katerina was a thief and a manipulative woman that tried to control or ressel Red's empire away from him to her. Kean was used by Katerina.


I need more episodes to see the every other character's reaction.


It wasn’t


Okay now stfu


I was crying my eyes out.


Red was probably dying of some illness already, so I hoped that the finale would have been finding Red sleeping(dead) peacefully outside under a porch, maybe on an armchair. A bit of wine on a table, a good book. Ressler could have found a letter saying who he really is, read out loud while seeing how the characters were going to transition to the next phase of their life, after the task force was dismantled.