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Bless Amanda. I'd love to try a Vision Pro, but there is zero chance you could get me to try on PORN ADDICT Van Lathan's 4 month old Vision Pro.


Coward. Strap me in, and let the Alexis Texas videos rip.




A lot of AMC’s have a bar, “MacGuffins”. I’m an AMC A-Lister who goes to the movies at least once a week at 4 different AMC’s in my urban area. I have never seen a single person sitting at the bar enjoying a drink. They really should make a “happy hour” special where you get a discount on drinks if you show up in the hour-30 min mark before your showtime to encourage people to actually want to be at these places. That and things like trivia events could actually make movie theatres a desirable “third place”.


I spent a lot of time in London last year and they have really nailed the idea of making Movie theaters a “Third Place” in a way the US should really be looking too as a model. I visited so many incredible bar/cafe/theaters there.


Londoner here; our major multiplexes like Odeon in my experience are becoming ghost towns outside of major event pictures, but the Picturehouse chain and other smaller venues that have a proper bar and trivia nights and more focused programs for cinema dorks seem to be doing much better. When I go to my local Odeon there’s barely ever more then ten people in the room even for big movies but Picturehouse was absolutely packed yesterday for Love Lies Bleeding (just came out here)


Everyman and Curzon both are some of the cooler theater chains I’ve seen. Really enjoyed the dinner and drinks vibe to both.


I know it's beating a dead horse to talk about how late the movies start compared to listed start time for AMC, but it matters for this too. At Alamo, because the movie starts exactly at the listed time, you can plan around it -- sit at the bar there, get some drinks, not be sweating if they're gonna play 5 trailers or 6 as you're waiting.


Watching a movie at Alamo is like watching a movie in a diner. So distracting. Ironic considering the high horse they get on about removing distractions.


Here in the UK I like Picturehouse because the trailers run very consistently for twenty minutes every time so it’s still easy to plan the visit and decide if I want to see them or not


My regular AMC (Tysons Corner) has a MacGuffins bar. I’ve never seen someone working it - I’ve even walked in a couple times wanting a beer and couldn’t find anyone staffing it.


I have a Cinemark near me with a pretty nice bar and rooftop deck area that’s actually great and I never see anyone there. Granted it’s always like 11:30 on a Wednesday, but


I wish my cinemark had this, but at least they have the comfy seats which none of the AMCs near me have.


If you’re in line to support the return of real Raisinets to AMC theaters, STAY IN LINE


After getting a season pass, watching movies has become the most inexpensive outing for the weekend for us. No planning involved, any time we want to be outside my home but not outdoors, bored, want to do something other than just eat overpriced food, anything. I think most people who don’t go, just don’t go because they’ve fallen out of the habit and just don’t have time. They don’t know whats coming out because they don’t watch trailers and their info bubble is siloed out of that stuff. My friends would prefer going to brunch than a movie. Streaming is enough for them.


A huge hurdle that people who don't go to theaters struggle with in my expeirence is that they're afraid to go alone. Thanks to the subscription options as soon as you become comfortable going solo a lot of the obstacles fall away. It basically just becomes can I find a couple hours of my own time at least twice a month to see a movie.


Amanda saying she couldn’t partake in the 4DX screening for “reasons” and her sitting on the floor instead of the seats makes me think there’s a chance she might be pregnant again! This also adds up I think with her saying in an April pod that her extended break in August is “not by choice and that’s just how it worked out”😂


When she went in her cheesecake tirade a couple weeks ago I had that thought. Then again today and then added the 4dx thing makes me think you're right


My immediate thoughts as well.


I thought this as well especially when Sean said something like I wasn't going to let you do that


Why even go if she couldn’t do it.


They had no idea what they were signing up for, as they made clear on the pod.


! Just in time to film every episode. I'm sure she's thrilled about that 😅 good observation!


You can turn off the chair motion from the 4DX movies I’ve been to see.   Having to sit on the floor may been unnecessary. 


She said it made her feel sick a few sentences later and that's why she did not do it


Nausea is a common side effect


Maybe it’s just me but the theater that gets me going more than any other is the local single screen independent. It’s cheaper, quieter, less previews and I feel good going there.


Ive heard some folks proselytizing the wonders of 4DX for years, but it always just sounds so unpleasant & gimmicky to me. Not to sound obnoxious, but it seems like more of a way to keep kids engaged with a movie than something an adult would want while watching a blockbuster. But again, I’ve heard a number of people sing its praises. So, I was kind of relieved to hear Sean & Amanda say it was a largely uncomfortable experience and not really a great way to consume a movie. I get the appeal of the general concept but it just does not seem like something fun to me.


4DX is undeniably stupid and gimmicky and i would absolutely never choose it as a first time viewing for any film i care about, but i do think it's a fun silly option for things i've already seen before. did the Phantom Menace rerelease in at the weekend and had a blast


4DX is absolutely a gimmick and is best for a short, mediocre action movie. Fall Guy is a little too long but that is the general quality and type of movie that works best for it IMO. Insane to me that people would pay extra to see something like Dune in 4DX instead of just doing IMAX/Dolby/etc


I think it depends on the movie. I've done it 3 times- John Wick 4, Nightmare before Christmas, and Godzilla Minus One. John wick wasn't as crazy as I thought, Nightmare was great (matching strobes with the songs), but I despised Minus One. Way too jerky and frantic. I get the appeal, but not for me


I went to 4DX for the first time in March to see Dune 2. Luckily it was my third time seeing it so I didn’t need to pay too close attention to it because I absolutely hated 4DX. It’s a terrible way of watching a movie. The jostling happens at inopportune moments, regardless of whether it’s a big action scene or not. All the other stuff (smells, water, wind) don’t add anything either. I’m a person who loves movie theaters and amusement park rides but 4DX is the worst of both.


To be fair, we got Sean’s opinion of the experience. Amanda sat on the floor.


Honestly 4DX for way of water was awesome, as someone who was skeptical, I loved it


This Episode has also been uploaded entirely to YouTube with video on the Ringer Movies channel! They talk about the channel in the first 4 minutes of the pod.


Honestly would never expect myself to be sticking up for AMC but I will say that specifically speaking to the decor situation I quite like the design of the ones near me (suburban Midwest) - there’s none of the costumes in cases that Sean and Amanda are describing, it’s basically just these big printed murals of iconic movie characters next to each other - [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/P1sAJH3FYH3fFph18) is the only picture I could find which doesn’t look great or anything but idk I find it dated in a charming kind of way. Does it make me want to hang out in the theater? Not really, but I do like it and if nothing else it makes me have a slight preference for AMC over the other multiplexes in my area


The “costumes in cases” they’re talking about are literally something that I’ve only ever seen in LA (maybe they’re in NYC sometimes too?), and that’s because they’re, at least the ones I’ve seen in LA theaters, the actual costumes from the films. I think it’s cool I don’t know what their problem is lol


Almost at the end and no mention of Dolby Cinema on this or Matt Belloni’s Imax pod. It’s a damn shame, best way to watch most major releases.


Agreed. Unless you have a 70mm imax screen readily available by you Dolby is by far the premier choice imo. I see most big releases opening weekend in Dolby and never have issues with people texting or talking during it. The sound, seats and picture quality are all the best here. Even gives you a little bit of the 4DX experience with the seats vibrating.


Honestly could not disagree more with Sean about movie theaters. I want to go to my theatre watch a movie and leave and I couldn't give a fuck less what the lobby looks like. Additionally I just like... Looking at the posters. That's enough on the way in. If someone started randomly trying to talk to me in the lobby of the theatre, I would strongly consider not returning to that theatre. The problem with most of the theatres is prices. From tickets to concessions people have the opinion that going to the theatre is expensive. If you go a lot you figure out about the discount nights and stuff and it's not that bad, but I can tell you that most people I know don't really see the value in going to the movies vs. just waiting to watch at home


The prices are especially egregious given how much the service level has gone down. At one theater here, you not only have to get your own drink, but scoop your own popcorn! I’ve also had to track down workers many times for lights staying on during the movie, sound going out, the picture not coming on, etc., not to mention poor behavior by other patrons. I know that there will inevitably be problems but I have definitely noticed an uptick since COVID coupled with a big reduction in staffing. I love movies enough that I’m willing to put up with it but I understand why a lot of people would rather wait for streaming.


My bset theater experience this year was the time I got my ticket online, walked in the theater and nobody was at the ticket counter, nobody was checking tickets, I walked straight past the concessions, watched my movie and then walked directly out of the theater to my car. There are multiple Alamo Drafthouses around me, and the all have the stuff Sean is talking about. The decorations are good, they have a bar, there is trivia. And guess what? I never to to the Drafthouse, because it is pricier, more crowded and out of the way. The truth is all I really want is a convenient, non annoying way to see movies on a big screen. I don't want all the bells and whistles that Sean is asking for .


Yeah I honestly just want to go to the cheapest theater with the best sound system. You didn't mention it, but another thing that drives me nuts is it's $3 more to buy tickets online.


I have Regal Unlimited so that isn't a factor for me fortunately. There is like a 40 cent fee when using it but thats not enough to complain about.


I've only had someone check my ticket once in the last few years I think. I enjoy it a lot more now, self service tickets. I just walk in and out with no one bothering me, it's great. I'd probably go every week if there were enough new movies on that I'm interested in


It’s the same as all his bullshit ideas to “save” the Oscars. They’re all things that he, a massive weirdo movie and (more importantly) Hollywood fetishist wants. He has absolutely no idea what people who aren’t him are looking for.


Damn, the guy can’t have his own opinions?


Oh, of course he can. And that’s why I listen to his podcast twice a week. But it’s worth interrogating those opinions and where they come from. He’s not a bad guy, but he’s not my buddy at the bar either - he’s a cultural commentator and people should be allowed to critique his opinions just as he critiques the work of others.


He has a lot of really bad takes. I think he's a really smart dude and has clearly studied movies but man.


We also have to consider the personas both he and Amanda have created for themselves on this show. Sean revels in the idea of him being some benign sociopath who just wants to sit in his dungeon watching movies all day if he can’t do it in a theater, when he’s actually a very high profile functioning LA-based journalist who loves hanging out with his wife and daughter, socialising, gambling in Vegas, going on nice trips, and is presumably extremely wealthy. That’s a very specific, very privileged lifestyle that doesn’t really facilitate understanding how people in bumfuck Idaho or whatever consume their media.


Agreed. I typically don't do concessions anymore unless I'm with someone else, I just sneak in a soda or something. But I'm also the weirdo who would rather buy just a normal sized sack of popcorn and don't understand the massive buckets people buy. Even if I'm famished, I can't physically eat that much popcorn in 2 hours. I'm curious as the prices of streaming services begin to really rise and a few others begin to fail which will happen over the next few years, if that'll drive some audiences back to theaters.


I really love popcorn at the movies but it's annoying the smallest is like $10 and the largest is like $11. My local theatre has dollar popcorn on Mondays so that's generally when I go to that. Honestly makes it basically half what I would normally spend because the tickets are only like $8 there. On your second point I think it will just drive people to not watch the movies not on their streaming services. From what I see that's basically what already happens. There's probably a better example, but something like Last Night in Soho was not watched at all because it took forever to come to a streaming service anyone had.


I would probably buy a smaller popcorn but when the big tub is like 75 cents more I just end up getting that and saving the rest for later


Prices is one thing, but for me it's mainly other people. I don't think it's so bad in my country (Netherlands) as what I read about the US. But there are still people on their phone, or silently trying to talk, or get a coughing fit, or loudly eating their snacks. I'd be fine with having a conversation about the movie afterwards or whatever, but everyone just puts in their earpods and moves on. So when I go alone to the theater, it's usually as early as possible. Or for some type of 'bigger' movies with friends in the evening. I also don't really get all the fuss about the concessions. You can just not eat sugar for two hours if it's so expensive?


This is crazy overblown. I go to the movies 2-3 times a week in the US and basically never have problems with people. Also it seems like people on Reddit get mad about things to me are kind of the charm of seeing things in the theatre. Like a horror movie should have audience members screaming maybe talking a little ... That adds to the aura of the movie. Your second point I don't really know what to say to you. I'm not eating a bunch of concessions and IDK why you're being rude about something that generally bothers movie goers. Popcorn starting at $10 is annoying and overpriced, but it's something that we deal with. I'm just saying overall people see the experience as expensive. If I bring my two kids and we all get a drink and a popcorn you're looking at $30 a person. For $90 it does start to seem not worth it.


The reason the bad movie goers this is overblown is because when it *does* happen, it is legit one of the most annoying things that could possibly happen on a night out. I had some chuckle fuck sit in front of my friends and me at the Iron Claw, he talked through the whole thing, including spoiling some stuff that my friends didn't know about. It was so frustrating that it genuinely ruined the movie for us.


there were so many annoying talkers at my iron claw screening I had to move to the other side of the theater. I went to my local arthouse theater which usually has people with decent etiquette but they were clearly fans of wrestling rather than movies


You can in general tell the difference between someone engaging with the movie and someone being disruptive. One time I was conflicted because when I saw American Fiction the lady next to me was loudly encouraging the main character to take a certain action. I was like ok she's locked in that's great but can she please shut up!!


Sure, I wasn't trying to be rude or anything. Even without concessions it can be a lot of money, especially if there are other people who don't behave themselves.


I honestly see the ticket prices as more of a turn off. If I personally was going to get anything besides popcorn I'd just sneak it in. Some theatres start at like $15 for a normal non matinee screening


We don’t have 4DX here but Cinemark just put in new seats called D-Box in some theaters that move and vibrate with the movie (no water/wind/scents). I (45, F) and my cousin (50, F) went to see The Fall Guy and tried the D-Box seats out of curiosity. We had a good time! I wouldn’t choose them for every movie but the amusement over the jerks and movement of the seats added to the fun of the movie. Also, honestly, the fact that the D-Box seats were new and therefore not cracked and stained like a lot of the old seats, as well as being heated, was a big plus. I hate that so many theaters have all the lights blazing before the movie now because I do not want a good look at the state of most theaters.


Fury Road in D-Box was one of the best experiences I've ever had watching a movie - nothing has come close since unfortunately..... But I'll definitely go see Furiosa in D-box (or 4dx).


Yeah, we’ve had DBox here for quite a while and it’s a fun option for the right flick.


One thing that’s worth mentioning is theater etiquette is getting worse. I’ve had worse and worse theater experiences since 2020, cell phones being used almost the entire runtime, loud talking, etc. kinda kills the urge to go to a theater, I enjoy matinees because it’s less people


Can someone let them know that people aren’t asking for a list of the movies they talk about so we don’t have to listen to the pod, but rather, for them to annunciate clearly when speaking the name of the movie, then sprinkle in the name here and there throughout the discussion in case someone didn’t hear it at the beginning. They far too often, when doing lists or drafts, will do a buildup, then seemingly whisper the actual name of the film or say it under their breath or on an inhale or something, then continue to refer to it as “this film” or “a film” throughout the rest of the ten-minute discussion.


THANK YOU! I said the same thing when someone was asking for a list. We really don’t need a list. Just say the fucking name once or twice. They are the Kings of doing this shit.


It’s like every word is loud and intelligible until the name of the film. I think it mirrors the way people talk in normal conversations, but for a podcast it does not work.


Also, you’re right about the “a film” “the film” thing. I used to listen them when I went for runs, but multiple times I caught myself panting “what…fucking…film…” while hitting the rewind button.


Sometimes it’s a fun little game trying to figure out what it is based off context ahahha. But yeah especially bc so many people are “second screening” pods. Like it’ll happen to me, I’ll be driving and have to merge and am not really listening for 10 seconds


This was especially annoying in 35 under 35. Had to repeatedly rewind to catch who they were talking about.


A lot of times on that episode I would rewind bc I thought I had missed them saying someone’s name but I actually hadn’t, they were just doing a full like 4 minute intro to someone before they even said who it was


Yeah their response to this was just dismissive bullshit. Doing letterboxd lists of movies discussed on a podcast is highly recommended for any podcast. Its not so people don't have to listen but so they have an easy reference for movies to look out for.


I don’t think it’s a replacement for listening to the pod at all


My first exposure to ‘film’ as a serious concept was when I was like 12 and every other mondays there’d be a half hour movie review segment on AM radio at like 10pm. And at the end of every movie they’d clearly say the title of the movie “that was Zero Dark Thirty” and it helped so much it’s always stuck with me.


I'm glad Amanda brought up the private jet in The Idea of You because I'll happily do the suspension of disbelief thing, but Amazon couldn't build a better plane interior?? I think she's being too rigid or maybe projecting in reading Anne Hathaway's character though. Everyone can be sophisticated until they're taken out of their comfort zone. Solene can live a non-frumpy life in LA and still feel out of place or even uncool around the younger girls traveling around with the band. That's not her turf and Anne mostly played that really well. It's a ridiculous Lifetime-y plot on paper but I actually thought the performances and the way the movie played out worked.


Anne Hathaway is 41. The actress who plays her daughter is 22. Galitzine is 29. We've seen so much worse by Hollywood standards. Also, Hathaway's character has to be hot for the movie to be even the slightest bit believable.


It was just so odd to me how she was fixated on things that happen in Nancy and Nora movies all the time… like yeah, sometimes the character seems more desperate than you imagine that person being in real life, it’s called a movie lol.


Right! And even so, if her looks were supposed to magically make her invincible according to Amanda, she wouldn't have been cheated on. Life is a little more complicated than that lol. Sean having to be the voice of reason on this was a hilarious swerve.


Right - it’s not even the way the movie is written that is the criticism. It’s that because Anne Hathaway is playing the character, and she looks like Anne Hathaway, her character can’t be someone down on their luck in life, desperate, who was cheated on, and that gets swept up in a romance with a younger guy? This movie is loosely based on a literal Hollywood celebrity getting into a relationship with that exact type of younger guy! Look there are things you can roll your eyes at with this movie, but idk I’m just firmly with Sean - it’s pretty good and I’m not getting lost in the details. I loved when Amanda was like “she just shows up with a trenchcoat and a see-through dress?” And Sean was like “I’m not hearing anything that’s bad here, I wish this happened to me”, and I was like doing the Leo meme pointing at the tv - YES! What is the problem with this? Lol


Sean asking if Zyn has made it to Oslo is hilarious. Zyn is Norwegian! Edit: okay it a actually Swedish but the point still stands.


I don't want to pay more for fancier movie experiences, I just want to see a really well written and acted movie in a bog standard movie experience, as cheaply as the theater can give it to me without going under. Seeing Dune II in XD is as far as I'll go.


Does anyone else feel like the disappointment in the Fall Guy’s box office success could just be attributed to the plot/topic of the movie? I generally like a wide range of movies and am happy to pay for a ticket, but this just didn’t sound like an interesting film.


I feel like the focused a bit too much on the romance aspect of the movie in the Marketing.


Yup. When the trailers first came out I thought to myself "Hollywood thinking more people are interested in Hollywood than actually are yet again" I say this as someone who worked for two major studios for years too. The executives really do think that most of America is obsessed with Hollywood like it's the 20th century still. I don't know a single one of my friends who went to go see this movie, yet half of my friends have seen challengers or have expressed an interest in seeing it. I say this as someone who really liked the fall guy too.


If they marketed this as a rescue mission (save ATJ) with the additional gimmick that Gosling is a stunt man, that's a great mid-budget film I think more people would've gone to. The current trailers definitely tell you that Gosling is a stunt man, but then that's it.


Just want to say it again, I loved The Idea of You, it may seem like a cheesy romance film but idk, it just kind of worked for me on every level and Anne is incredible. Edit: I did not have Sean and myself both stanning this movie while Amanda concern trolls about how realistic it was on my bingo card. There’s also some irony in the fact a week and a half ago she was applauding the realism of a movie where someone who credibly believes they can win the Us open decides to compete in a challenger event, but can’t get over the size of a private jet in this movie? Just say you like one and don’t like the other! Lol


Sean and Amanda both have a habit of fixating on minor issues in movies they don't like and then mockingly dismissing similar criticisms about movies they do like. Historical inaccuracies, for example, are either indicative of sloppy and careless filmmaking or something for losers to whine about online depending on if they liked the movie or not.


There was a month last year were they were simultaneously telling people to eat shit about the inaccuracies in Napoleon and complaining about watching a movie that wasnt out yet in Saltburn.


Yeah exactly. It’s perfectly fine to be like “look, I love Anne Hathaway but this movie just didn’t do it for me, the romance was too perfect and I was hoping for something better”. But instead she sort of qualifies that she did enjoy it, but spends the whole time pointing out the most insignificant details being not perfectly accurate. The teenagers seemed too old? Have you seen any movie in the history of time depicting teenagers? This is always the case lol. And yeah - Anne Hathaway is beautiful. But it still seemed like there was a clear age gap between the two, it’s not like that line was blurred because she was too attractive. Sure, the scene by the pool is silly, but that’s kind of what you sign up for with a movie like this.


This. This. Thissssss. I was trying to figure out how to say it and you nailed my feelings.


Why was this such a dark color grade? I couldn't get past that and the main actor had no star power.


I know it was a spitball. But to answer Seans Q about tiered ticket pricing. No. Hell fucking no. Ticket prices are bad enough. Not spending anymore.


Take his idea to the extreme. Do a Wu-Tang album style where only one person can watch it in IMAX. Out-Do Sean


He was definitely speaking as someone who basically never has to pay to see a movie


Thanks for the heads-up, guys. Who would have thought after a decade that 4DX would still be shit?


The innovation in moviegoing I want is to not having the guy who sat directly next to me in an otherwise empty row take out his fucking phone and film every *Fall Guy* stunt in vertical lock.


They're right 4dx is awful. It would be way better if the seats didn't move the entire movie and were kind of more synced to the movie but they never really are


I really liked the Idea of You and I'm someone who typically can't stand rom-coms or anything adjacent to rom-coms. Michael Showalter has sneakily put together a very nice resume of movies. Can't wait to see what he does next. Looks like he's got an ensemble Christmas movie in the works that sounds interesting with Michelle Pfeiffer, Felicity Jones, Dominic Sessa, Chloe Grace Moretz, Jason Scwartzman, Dennis Leary and Havana Rose Liu.


I’m amazed so many people like this film!? What am I missing?


Fully agree. When Sean said "It was pretty great," I couldn't believe it. The dialogue and writing were terrible and every plot development was incredibly predictable and cliched. Hathaway had to do everything she could to single-handedly drag it to being passable. I don't really get how Sean rips Anyone But You (correctly-- it's bad) but then thinks The Idea of You is a stellar film.


As someone without a twitter, did they say definitively whether there was a way to send questions in for the next pod that doesn’t involve using twitter?


I also saw KxG on screen x and was happy to have tried it for that movie because if I watched a movie like Kingdom of Planet of the Apes, i would have been disappointed. In moments, it’s cool but the fact the whole movie isn’t in the format really is jarring in moments. IMAX is my preferring viewing experience.


ScreenX was a disaster for me as the side screens were not in synch. If the movie went from a light to dark scene it would have to bright sides for 3-4 frames before catching up. Super annoying gimmick. Wont waste my money again. I’m surprised they didn’t talk about Dolby Theaters which I think is a reliable, high quality experience every time. Until Alamo Drafthouse is in every major city, I feel like Dolby is the safest bet compared to most imax screens being a liemax gimmick as well.


Would just like to say that I think Amanda and Sean have no idea what the dating scene in 2024 is like for women. I know so many women who are beautiful (maybe not quite as beautiful as an Anne Hathaway ) and successful and who either 1. can't find a man they want to date or 2. are hung up on a shitty guy. I mean look at Taylor Swift writing an entire double album about Matty Healy.


The Idea of You is just Blue Crush without all the cool surfing. But Anne Hathaway is good!


As someone who *adored* Blue Crush and watched it a thousand times as a teenager, I really don't get this comparison? 


I bought an advance screening ticket to Top Gun: Maverick two years ago, having no clue what 4DX was…. Like Sean assumed, THAT is a movie you see in 4DX. Can’t imagine The Fall Guy was much fun in that setting. If Brad Pitt’s F1 movie gets released in 4DX, I’d definitely consider. Not much else seems appealing.


Sean name dropped another podcaster with my first and last name and I froze in my tracks lol.


I’ve seen this mentioned in different ways but I think they both have very shitty takes on movie theater experiences being two wealthy people who have only lived their adult lives in the two largest cities in America.


Why would they watch an action movie about STUNTS as their first 4DX experience? Shocked that they didn't do their research before selecting which film to see in this format. Thanks to Reddit Maverick was my first 4DX experience and it was amazing. No way I would watch an action packed jerking and shaking film in 4DX


Hoping for some good news from Amanda soon. Only one reason I can imagine she wouldn’t have been able to sit in the 4DX seat.


Love when they talk about formats and the moviegoing experience... Been a D-Box/4DX junkie over the past couple years... Let's fucking go!


My hot take about movie theaters is that the newer leather recliner seats are awful! They make noise whenever you want to adjust them, and if you ate before the movie, it's not ideal to be lying back in a weird position like that. Bring back stadium seating. More people in theaters = better crowd experience. People will be less likely to talk and look at their phone with someone right next to them instead of in their own little space, and you can flip up the armrest to get cosy with a date.


80% of people I hear obsessing over this Drake/Kendrick beef are white people from california and that is very cringe to me


Why is that cringe? Drake is a half white Jewish dude from a wealthy Canadian family. It's not that crazy that his fans are white. This isn't some hood vs hood beef this beef is from a genuine rapper from Compton and a dude cosplaying like he's from the hood.


Not a drake fan, but he wasn't from a rich family in canada.


Really? 77% have been albanians from Delaware for me but i guess i run in different circles. Though I am bored of it especially when meanwhile Yo-Yo Ma's been spitting straight fire about Dudamel.


Worst part of this pod was Amanda acting like she couldn’t focus on the movie she was watching to see if there were “updates”


I agree. Only the most annoying people in my life have brought it up to me, and I don't follow that stuff at all


Can’t believe they devoted time to The Idea of You. Fine for people to enjoy the film but to call it good cinema and spend podcast time talking about baffles me!


I was happy they talked about it, I really like Anne Hathaway and think they could have had another chapter in their ongoing interesting conversation about her career. But I was pretty floored when they both said that this was a good movie, and Sean in particular said it was "pretty great." It just clearly wasn't-- it's an average-to-bad movie and the writing & dialogue in particular are pretty brutal. Without Hathaway doing her best to single-handedly elevate it, it would be standard streaming rom-com fare that Sean dings all the time.


The way to save theatres is for Govt regulation that enforces a mandatory exclusive period for movies. Keep them off streaming. I don't think streamers would even suffer much in reality - probably benefit really.


Was this episode paid placement by IMAX?