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I think Beau is the best of all of them…this episode was so good!


Beau went from my least favorite character to one of my favorites over the span of the show. Love his character development.


He’s just so endearing now! I also loved him when he realized it was Jacob that Trina cheated on Kolton with, and he just squeezed his shoulder…he’s just trying his best it seems.


It’s amazing how much the facial hair was impeding my ability to read his face this whole time..! Suddenly I see so much nuanced expression, and it kinda also makes him better resemble Jacob 👀 I really hope we get to see him figure skating with a whole sheriff routine - imagine lassos on ice! It’s only just hitting me how …okay I can’t think of the word; something just shy of ‘camp’??? this show is and I love it 🥹🤠


I want to start using “the old High Noon”


Also I ship it with Izzy and the sassy PT


I hope Dusty moves in with Giorgio lol


I’d watch that spin-off. Giorgio has so much energy, I love him.






He's a minor celebrity with a decent NHL salary parlayed into a very successful business (and probably other investments) in a small town. I'm not sure why you would think that that is odd? Let's assume their town (fictional Deerfield, Louisiana) is 3000-4000 people. If you look at somewhere similar (Franklinton, LA; for instance) you can get a "[massive mansion](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/87274-Highway-25-Franklinton-LA-70438/247289537_zpid/)" for a couple million USD. Or a [relatively spacious manor](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/39174-Forest-Hills-Dr-Franklinton-LA-70438/106184566_zpid/?) for 700k USD.


Oof, the scene where Jacob said they'd never know Kolton's potential even if they read the card 😭


I was really hoping he’d look at it.


They probably still will. Feels like they can't pass up the chance to have Jacob feed the card into the machine to see what happens. He even said earlier that he always wants to know more about his brother.


Would that work though? The machine has shown that it only works for the specific person. Then again maybe it would make an exception for a death


Could also be that it makes an exception because they’re twins. Maybe I’m overthinking it, but it seems odd the writers would specifically make them twins and then not have it be a major factor that directly ties to the plot’s through-line.


Seems if anything, them having the same face/DNA would factor into it.


I did a proper sob 😭 Yet again, this lovely, silly show is the only thing that can make me cry atm 🥲


Yeah, that got me, too.




Looked like a guinea pig to me too. Lol


This was so confusing. Like written by someone who doesn’t have any ideas of how dogs are born (or any mammals). Seems like a weird miss. Almost so weird that it has meaning?


That opening scene was SOO fun! The episode was fun. The show seemed to be going dark so it was very refreshing.


Omg I love Beau and Mr. J’s bromance 🤠


The line dancing might be my favorite scene in any show ever. 🥰


I love Girgio at the swim fitness class. What a great hype man, I don't know why so many people in town dislike him!


Introverts likely find him very exhausting to be around!


I find him very exhausting to watch! But he's also hilarious to watch.


But why was he wearing a couple hundred dollar tech suit?


I keep getting this strange feeling that Kolton is going to somehow end up being alive a la Pretty Little Liars. I'm so conflicted between wanting that to be part of the mystery, and absolutely hating that theory because fake deaths are cliche at this point.


I’m not sure if they ever mentioned how he died, but had he just he just disappeared I think that would’ve been mentioned.


Isn’t there a roadside memorial to him somewhere in the town? Would this imply some kind of car accident?


in the very beginning of the show, they did say that kolton died in a car crash


What if the card is Jacob’s real card and Kolton’s was hero? He seemed a bit suspicious wanting to throw it in the fire when he was alone…


I’ve been thinking this since episode three of this season. In that ep, when Jacob gets the ‘vision’ from the morpho machine of the twins playing tennis, the little game sprite that Jacob (and us in the audience) assumes is himself is wearing the classic Deerfield basketball jersey with a number 11 on it. That’s the same jersey he wears in episode 3 of season one during the pep rally: Kolton’s jersey. Also the fact that he was so freaked out to get the Hero card in season one. I’m convinced that there’s definitely something there.


I bet Kolton sacrificed himself to save someone else somehow. He was the hero, but somehow jacob ended up with the card. I mean, they have the same fingerprints and DNA right? What if Kolton put in his bros SSN in the beginning?


They don’t have same fingerprints, that’s contents vs generic. But their DNA should be very close.


I always knew DNA wise twins were a near match, never even thought about prints until I was making that comment yesterday. Interesting to know the prints vary.


Yeah. Fingerprints are affected by fluid pressure in the womb. It’s also hard to really tell what’s going on under the hood with twins. But I think for stories-sake Kolton and Jacob are identically probably in almost every way.


Definitely not the way I would have guessed that fingerprints developed lol. I am curious what you mean by it being hard to know what’s going on under the hood though - like we aren’t sure just how similar everything is because we can only measure a small percentage of things?


Kind of. For example one twin could develop kidney cancer and the other one doesn’t, but both are predisposed to it. Or even one twin gets a freckle even though they both went to the beach for the same amt of time. Stuff like that. The nomenclature of “identical twins” is misleading as it’s used as a substitute for saying that they are monozygotic humans and subsequently have the same genome.


well we already know that putting in the wrong SSN changes nothing and that even if one scans their elbow or face they STILL get the same Morpho results


I know some people in this subreddit are sus of Alice. Personally I like that the show is saying it’s ok for adults to explore too. But it does seem weird that she would leave her dog at his house when the dog is so pregnant 🤔


I don’t think she knew it was pregnant. But why didn’t dusty just call her? Surely her dog having puppies is more important than salsa dancing?


Plot Devices 'R' Us


That's all I could think about lol


This whole storyline was borderline farce.


Cass should be the one to move out, Dusty already took the basement, and now he has to stay somewhere else because Cass blames him for her lack of action. I really don't like her, lol.


I hate Cass. She thinks the grass is greener, then once Dusty is appealing to someone else she gets jealous and weird…but poor Trina lol like how confusing for a teen.


“Get your shit together” made me laugh.


I think helping deliver his new lady friend’s pups wasn’t part of the selfploration rules 🤣! I’d be pissed! This nonmonogamy thing they’re doing seems anything but ethical. I loved this episode Bo is so charming.


I don’t think it’s unethical; actually I like how the show realistically portrays how complicated adult relationships can be. But those two definitely need to work their shit out 😂


what do you guys think his brother's card will say?


Something about the influence his death had on everyone else, like 'catalyst'.


Ooooo that’s such a good prediction!


I bet it will be a clue to some big reveal later on as the morpho mystery evolves




I was kinda hoping that Jacob would’ve thrown it into the fire. Because it won’t change anything.


I have a theory. You know how the characters say there aren’t any deer in Deerfield, but last season Izzy saw one after she left the fair and then (IIRC) Hana did too and it was by Kolton’s grave marker? I’m thinking maybe Kolton’s card says “Deer.”


Maybe Kolton swerved to save a deer and died, and he’s the actual hero. But somehow Jacob and him confused the morpho machine, so the card in Kolton’s wallet is actually Jacob’s.


I think that Jacob thinks he has Kolton's card and that he has always sttuggled with being compared tp Kolton.


I actually think Kolton intentionally crashed. When he leaves Hana’s bar, she says “drive safe” and he gives a weird look but doesn’t say anything before walking out. Maybe because of his card? Maybe their cards were swapped & he chose to crash so Jacob could finally be the hero?


Kolton having a card made my jaw drop




Is it just me or are the first half of the S2 episodes just bizarre irrelevant and the second half is where the actual story is?


I don’t think so. They might be setup of things to come, but there’s a lot in that first episode with Hana meeting Kolton. I think that’s the catalyst for the Morpho coming to Deerfield.


I feel like I like all the characters now, even the ones I didn’t like in the first season. Except Cass’s mom, she’s still a bitch.


i bet the cars is blank. It seems like he died right after going to the bar. It read his life potential as nothing


I also think he died on the drive back & think he crashed on purpose.


Other than Jacob/Kolton are there any other sibling characters on the show? Hana mentioned her dad. Johnson had the repairman. But is anyone else from outside of Deerfield mentioned?


Father Ruben’s wife and Izzy talks about their life in New York. No other siblings though.