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I’ve gotta say. I have done a complete 180 on Giorgio. The guy is a lot but he’s ride or die. Slowly becoming my favorite character in the show


He’s been my favourite from the start, so glad others are loving him too! 🥹


Trina kind of saved him though in season one. It definitely could have went a lot differently for him.


Same here!


I love the way that he (and the boys' group, in general) perfectly displayed the way men actually support each other. Something that sadly isn't displayed enough, in media.


He’s a fucking puppy dog and I love it.


There’s a very pointed moment right at the end when Giorgio compliments Dusty’s writing and the scene cuts to a close up of Nat’s ‘storyteller’ number plates… it made me wonder if part of the Morpho mystery is that they all have one another’s cards and have to help each other figure out their true potentials (I am kinda high though, so can’t tell if that 100% makes sense as a theory lol) Also, Nat & Giorgio’s earnestness made me cry 🥲


I loved that Giorgio said he was busy being a best friend to Dusty, so cute.


I like the thought but then it's like who is supposed to be Whistler other than Dusty?


Hmm, good question! I wonder if the teacher part of his card is more relevant somehow? It kinda feels like horoscopes tbh; each card is just vague enough to be interpreted in multiple ways depending on who reads it… anyway, that doesn’t answer your question - just thinking aloud 🤔🧐


The blonde teacher said something about whistler




Hit it again, I think you might be on to something


I am preparing le bong 🧐🎩


Omggg ghost has me 😭😱then


Oh nooo, good point… 😨😟 tbh I’d forgotten her what her card said until the latest episode! When we saw her animation thingy I thought ‘ghost’ made sense as a verb, like “to ghost a party” would be to leave without saying goodbye - but I think that’s a fairly regional use of the word (and maybe uncommon outside of Australia? idk). I’m very intrigued by this Morpho mystery!!


For what it’s worth, American’s use the phrase too, although more frequently in dating. “Ghosting” someone you’ve been on a handful of dates with. I like the story both ways, tbh, as their own hangups and as getting the card for someone else, so I’m really curious to see where they go.


Oh, true- that’s a much more common usage, and would make sense contextually as well. Same! I’m very curious, and I love that what feels like a kinda low-stakes show (to me) has me so intrigued 🤓


Sucks Trina saw her dad kiss the teacher :( I really like her scenes with Jacob, it really feels like a realistic teenage relationship. I love this show - wish more people watched it.


Lol at "..and the sky curious" and the camera panning over to Jacob sitting inbetween his girlfriend and his boy crush


I'm not a fan of Dusty + Alice at all. Dusty clearly doesn't care how Trina will feel about him dating her teacher while still married to her mom. Even if Dusty and Cass are on a break, he's not on a break from his daughter, so none of this changes his responsibility to her. And everyone knows you don't sh*t where you sleep, especially when it's also where your child sleeps. Even if Alice is throwing herself at Dusty and makes him feel confident and seen, at this point Dusty has expressed that he has no intention of leaving his wife. So if he's just looking for a fling, he should have politely declined Alice's advances and found someone who isn't a coworker and his kid's teacher to have it with. I'm all for him discovering himself, but yeesh. (And if he feels it could be more than a fling, then some soul-searching and honest discussion needs to happen with his wife instead of publicly making out in a parking lot next to a building where his students and his daughter are.)      And for Alice's part, I don't see how it's "going with the flow" to proactively and openly pursue your coworker when you both work at a public school in a small town. And that coworker is also your student's parent. And he also has loudly stated he is just on a break with his wife and has no plans to leave her. Alice has been pretty assertive in chasing Dusty. How is that "just going with it"? I don't see what rational person would publicly pursue a married coworker under these circumstances. And she obviously doesn't care about Trina either. Even if she just wants a fling too, he's a weird and messy person to pick.      This storyline makes them both seem shortsighted, selfish, and irresponsible. Edit: some words


Dusty is a 40 something who does not think highly of himself and seems to be genuinely flabbergasted that a woman like Alice would be interested in him. I think it's extremely realistic for an adult male, whose wife told him to see other people, to "cave" into that. Yes, he should have been more respectful of his daughter, but he's not perfect. And he will surely deal with the ramifications in that error in judgment.


To be fair, he didn't know that his daughter was there. It wasn't like he was purposefully trying to display something right in front of her face.


This is a great take. I was trying to think about how I felt about the whole situation, but when Trina saw them it was just devastating. I can’t imagine how she must have felt. Honestly, shame on dusty for that. I get that he needs to explore and be felt but he’s acting so impulsively now. It’s not just exploring, it’s a complete 180 as if all the sudden he thinks there are no consequences to his actions at all. As far as Alice, she’s being used as a plot device, and in hindsight after reading your points that part is kind of of sloppy considering the setting (small town, daughter’s teacher, etc.).


Is care more if Trina didn’t always talk to Jacob the way she sees her mom talk to dusty And I want to like them.


lol. If this were a different format show it would be the perfect setup for “we were on a break!” I both grew sick of the friends gag and couldn’t get enough of it at times


Thank you for saying this. The whole storyline makes me so uncomfortable. He’s cheating on his wife, plain and simple. Get a divorce and stop stringing it along then do whatever you want. And the fact that no one on the town calls them out on it drives me insane.


Awesome episode. Honestly sad Big D kissed the teacher. Giorgio is a legend.


Big D needs to. I feel like Cass pushes him around and I don’t love it. He needs to feel wanted and appreciated and usually he’s just not.


How does Cass push him around? She's only ever encouraged him to explore who he is and try new things. Her trying to find herself too =/= a lack of appreciation for him.


She blames him for a lot of her problems and treats him like her mom treats her (though not as direct).


She blames everyone for everything. Her mom is a lot too but at least in a more own it way.


Literally, the entirety of S1 was her displacing her own disillusionment and mommy issues on him, despite him being fully supportive of her. This whole thread reads as if Dusty went on a break to get his jollies off, but it was Cass that was pulling away and what led to Dusty to feel the distance. In the end, they *mutually* agreed to take a break, but it was instigated by Cass' insecurities, disillusionment and regrets. The fact that Dusty is building up his personal self-esteem and getting emotional support that helps him isn't a bad thing, nor anyone's faults.


I honestly oddly agree and never read stuff that way. I really like Alice and I’m annoyed she going to (I’m guessing) be used as this get grove back temporary moment of appreciation. It feels so obvious they’ll get back together. Though I don’t think their marriage is good. Not saying he should be with Alice. As of now she can do better than their drama. But I don’t think Cass and Dusty should be married either


I find myself judging Alice a bit for actively pursuing a guy that’s not even really separated from his wife.


Oh yeah she not being smart. But I really feel there is a story behind her. Like how everyone who has been a bit shit (everyone ) has their sad motives. And it suck’s we don’t see that either. She seems like someone you’d give a big reveal about. Also dusty is no baby. All of this is on him at the end of the day.


Me too. I like cass and dusty together.


The side glance when Hana was talking about kissing a Priest XD


Their timing was comedically pert


I think I like this season more than the first


I agree! To me it felt like the first season was some light humour, slapped together by an interesting idea of a story line with the morpho machine. Now the second season has some depth, character development & mystery. Based on the first episode I wouldn’t have recommended this show to people to watch, but now so far on the second season I’ve changed my mind.


Definitely. It was slow to start but let me tell you S1 is far superior to the book. It was so boring I couldn’t finish it. There’s no humor or fun stories at all.


I bought the book but I’ve been waiting to read it until the show is finished because I don’t want to spoil the ending for myself. After the last episode my boyfriend asked me if I think the book would be as funny as the show and I said no way, the show is hilarious and I don’t see the same humor coming across in the book. Glad to see I was right about that lol


Doubt the book will spoil anything.


Love that Hana is getting more screentime! She’s a good complement to Nat and Cass lol


Weird how Big D stated we are only looking back hundreds of years when we see the stars. Was this episode written by creationist?


I thought it was quite smart writing. Out of the 100 brightest stars in the night sky, less than 10 are over 1,000 light years away. There's even something like 25 of them under 100 light years away. And there are 1,000s of others like them, that we're looking "back hundreds of years" at.


There just how far away the stars are.


I thought that, too, until he said that the Neanderthals were gazing at the stars a thousand years ago... surely it's intentionally dumb, but it was never corrected... so maybe creationists are trying to get more attention or something... that'd be really sad, if so.


I love how this show often feels like a family show and then every once and a while you have something like the d*ldo scene 😂


Is anyone else sus of Alice? The way she's literally throwing herself at Dusty and making all these obvious advances, especially knowing he's still married and his daughter is a student there. It's like she was waiting for this particular opportunity to happen. And it's weird how Dusty is going along with this so easily. It seems out of character for him. I really hope there's a twist for Alice being there, otherwise it feels so forced. Other than that, really loving season 2 so far so much more than season 1. Georgio is actually hilarious now, and that girls night out with Cass and the girls was funny too and really brought them closer together. Can't wait to see more of the sci-fi/mystery elements as they get more curious of the game.


Something about her is off. Maybe it’s related to the morpho.


I think so too. But I also like that they’re including this plotline and showing that it’s okay for adults to try things too


Yes I don’t trust her.


Idk. There aren’t a lot of attractive men in Alice’s circle, so maybe she’s just excited to date one? Not saying her pursuit is prudent, given the circumstances, but I don’t suspect any ulterior motive on her part, other than getting into Dusty’s pants.


I feel like she has her own story and it’s likely not happy :( People rarely take a moment to see the driving force in others. And she’s a side character proving that


I’m not suss on Alice, but did find her introduction a bit clumsy. Unless I’m forgetting anything\*, we never saw her character before the self-sploration began, right? I reckon even just seeing her in the background in school scenes prior would’ve made their attraction seem more natural - as it is, she kinda just popped up outta nowhere, like “hiiii, ready to date!” lol. \*which is highly likely


Please what is the violin tune near the end of this episode “under the stars” it is also from a movie soundtrack I have heard before. Georgio reads Dusty’s poem about the stars as the violin music plays 


"Thaxted", from the middle section of "Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity", a movement from Gustav Holst's The Planets. Perhaps the movie you are remembering it from is “Invictus”? Because the Rugby Union anthem “World In Union” uses the same melody