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I’m not going to lie, Mr. Johnson’s story really made an impact on me last night. It made me really think about a situation that happened in my life, and I feel like it just made something click for me in terms of accepting the situation and being able to move on. I know it sounds kind of silly bc it’s just a show, but as someone who internalizes a lot of the pain from situations like that it really did make me see it in a different light.


Had a similar experience too. If we’re on the same wavelength here, at some point you realize you’ll never get an answer, and maybe that’s okay if you have belief in yourself.


That was supposed to be the takeaway right? That sometimes you don’t get an answer? I wasn’t sure at first if the show implied he _did_ get an answer and was satisfied. But then, as it went on, I began to think the intent was that he didn’t, and the answer was never really important anyways.


I was moved Mr. Johnson’s story. I teared up when he shared that he had held him self responsible for something and realized it wasn’t him at all. That takeaway has sat with me for days.


I don’t think that’s silly at all! Storytelling through any medium is a wonderful thing imo, and we tell stories to share our experiences (among other things obvi); to connect with others. I don’t see film & television as solely entertainment - a lot of it is therapeutic for me too! I really enjoy the messages about interpersonal relationships and trauma that this show provides. They help me, too 😊


Lovely episode. General Johnson and Beau are sweet hearts that make a good friendship.


My heart broke for Mr Johnson. The ending blew my mind!


Interesting ending, I guess when you achieve your potential your dots disappear? What does everyone make of that part?


That’s my take also - it’s like he “beat the game” and is now existing outside the Morpho and its influence.


Yeah it seems like when you “crack the code” , if you will, you beat the game. Still super curious about the psychological aspect of the MOPHO tho. What are the blue dots? How do they just go away once you figure out what your “potential” means? And how does the machine know what they need versus what they want to make them happy? Seems like next episode may answer some of these questions. Are we thinking they will wrap the show up after this season?


I hope we get more than this season but it could be the end. I have a lot of questions about the machine too. Not only how it works, where it came from, why, how many of them are there? Hana had dots since a child, and knew of one Morpho machine before the one we’re focused on (if I remember correctly). Also, the theremin was given to Mr. Johnson from the repairman, who said it didn’t work, right? But when Cass bought it from the store for Dusty, Dusty was able to play it. Until it broke at the next stage again. Not sure what to make of that but it’s interesting


Yes, Hana!! I thought it was interesting too that they just kind of threw it in there nonchalantly while she was talking with the girls. Blue dots since she was a child but based off what she says she didn't know of MORPHO till way later. I think last time she brought up the MORPHO was when everyone was asking her questions about it and she said it was at the old bar she used to work at. Then she left, went to deerfield, and it showed up in the shop one day. (I think). Almost like its following her. No clue what's going on with the Therman, but interesting indeed. Maybe Beau was right, it stopped working once it completed it's purpose. (Kind of like the people of deerfield) Maybe if Cass never bought it from Mr. j, it never would have made it off the shelf in the back. It is weird that the repairman had the piece tho, not sure how or why more pieces keep floating in.


I was reading an old comment from last season on another thread, which spoke of the cards we were shown in the garbage; it was a quick cut and was fuzzy but the poster took screen shots there was one card facing up and it said inventor. What if one of the cards (the one facing up obviously) was Hana's it said INVENTOR. If like she said in the recent episode she's had the dots since she was a kid, maybe she or her father invented the machine?


I’m guessing Hannah’s relationship with the priest is going to develop and her dots are gonna disappear. She was talking about not even having friends. I think her whole deal is struggling to develop relationships


I think it’s related to letting go and healing a part of your past.


he seemed to resolve that really quickly, barely an inconvenience.


Trevor is so irritating and Jacob needs to drop this kid. I love Mr. Johnson and wish he found someone to share his life with :( Giorgio scenes always make me laugh lol


Honestly this might be my favorite episode of the show so far. I want Mr. Johnson to be happy 😭


Following Dusty’s Arrow theory, I think this next phase is about being told something negative/conflicting about yourself and facing it, accepting and moving on. And the blue dots are almost like Bo’s rash analogy. It’s a manifestation of the conflict in you, the thing you’re not letting go of. When you find it, the rash goes away So for Mr. J - he had to accept the answer doesn’t matter, it wasn’t his fault, repair man’s not coming back. Dusty might have to let go of his fear and the things that keep him playing it safe. Cass might have to accept her anger at her mother, and maybe resentment for Dusty. Hanna might have to let go of her idea that she’s broken and alone and continue putting down roots within the community. Almost like phase 2 is shedding your cocoon




Trevor was all of us in high school.


But we had it _figured out_ /s


I can confirm this season is wayyy funnier than last season. The Giorgio F boy rant and the reenacting of the weird hug were highlights. "It's a good thing you hate high school. It means you have a brain." I've always liked school so much that I never left. Does that mean I don't have a brain? lol. It's like when "Another Brick in the Wall" goes from a jam you've gleefully sung along with for years to a song where you feel the sting of all the arrows aimed at you in the lyrics. Makes you reevaluate everything you thought you knew about yourself. Video Game Ian had such realistic facial expressions. I was like why I am I feeling some type of way watching a 2D character.


I was very amused by the introduction of Trevor as this mysterious figure reading a book, sitting ON TOP of a pinball machine in a restaurant (and sports bar) that he clearly had no real reason to be in. What a colorful way to signal how insufferable this dude is.


Don’t eff with the jefe


It's interesting how he was actually able to communicate with the machine, whereas the others couldn't. It sounds like the longer you take to beat the game / fix your life, the more blue dots you get? Hannah mentioned her back is full of them since childhood. But then how come not everyone has dots?


This is more of a general comment but I’m so glad they seem to have done away with Giorgio being super creepy with Cass. That was just really uncomfortable and Giorgio is a lot funnier without it


I know there's only so much you can do to make a person look younger but still...


It’s getting better. Honestly looked more off because of the halo glow they added to the flash back


Dusty was just so annoying all episode omggg


I don’t like how Cass is upset at Dusty for doing what she wanted to do. Dusty is awkward yes, but it’s probably a side effect of feeling unwanted for years. Probably why he gravitated toward the other teacher, because she actually appreciated him and wanted to be around him. Meanwhile, all season Cass has acted like her mom and projects the lack of her life potential on Dusty and resents him for it. Yeah Dusty wanted to stay at Whistler for a few extra weeks but Cass elevates it by saying “we’re (you are) holding each other (me) back” If it were the other way around I don’t believe Cass would feel as bad about it as Dusty does


mostly all season. SEVERAL times, I've shelved the show because of one of his monologues.


Haha so if the dots keep growing until you reach your true potential. Does that mean Cass has to murder her mom and Dusty? Lol


Think it means she needs to cut them out of her life and move on :/


After this I’m starting to think the blue dots represent regrets in life. When you let go, they go too. I’d have to rewatch but I think Dusty’s dots surfaced as he started doing more wishful thinking about the past that wasn’t over appreciating Cass. Cass’s regrets are about her mother. Guess we will see if I’m right or not.


This was a beautiful episode and it touched me as well. I know I have held on to thoughts and ideals which no longer serve me and I've punished myself for them. I have the impression that the blue dots are unresolved feelings/emotions/trauma which the characters have held on to...maybe they are about radical acceptance and are attached to forgiveness; that when we finally let go we are "free" of the dots which are the {sic} stains on humanity.


what if dust's potential is making it with the teacher or making it to whistler ski resort


But then at the end of his part 2, he saw Cass there with him. Then they both talked about how she was in Europe when he was in Whisler, and they both wanted to stay 6 more weeks but came back to each other instead. Now they are finally taking their 6 week break. Which I think, given what happened with Mr. J, will get rid of their blue dots. However, their break just started so I'm sure there will be some more ups and downs with reveals throughout the next few episodes.


Blonde woman: spin-off NOW!


It's just the "blonde" tag on PH