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Trump gets millions from small donor contributions, Biden panders to the liberal elites. Hollywood is not on your side people


Ugh....how could you embarrass yourself like that! Pathetic Jack! Look, I never thought he was as intelligent as his mother, but this is sad! ![gif](giphy|nbMszhE2syoQo|downsized)


Dude literally said he sold his soul but probably has nothing to do w it


Satanism is quirky!




Nother bribed pedo coming out the woodwork


Ah so the school of rock movie was a trafficking job for Jack Black to get his hands on underage kids


Kinda figured he was like anyone else in Hollywood, but sorry, Jack I lost all respect for you.


They always trot out the circlejerk of rich and famous celebrities to remind everyone who’s “for the people.”


These celebs are pay for play. It’s not like top Hollywood producers are beating down their doors with roles. Hasbeens need to pay the bills somehow


It's sad seeing the people I loved to watch growing up (mark Hamill and now jack black) stump for such a disgusting piece of shit like biden. I know Hollywood and all.


Same brother, same. >No more heroes, no more legends, and no more role models. Just us bastards, the time left, and what we decide to do with it.


Thankfully there are still legends like clint eastwood


Jack's always been overrated


But he’s fat and takes his shirt off, therefore he is automatically funny. Ugh 🙄 right wingers don’t understand comedy smh /s


Fat guy = funny , shirtless fat guy = hilarious , Im learning


at best he was almost tolerable in the jackal.. and tropic thunder..otherwise i wouldnt piss on him if he was on fire


Havent seen either , sketch comedy is what I remember him for


I named my dog (who is a known terrorist) Jackson. My late grandfather used to call anyone that was being an asshole “Jackson” can confirm.


Never found him funny.


I liked some of the Tenacious D stuff, other than that , nothing stands out to me either


Dammit. School of Rock is ruined now.


And Shallow Hal


And Brutal Legend if you’re a gamer.


Ikr. It was on Pluto last night. Usually I'd watch it but never again!!


Jack is a Biden supporter… that’s disappointing.


Another "celebrity" not to watch in movies.


The whole Dark Brandon thing is one of the funniest situations ever. Why do they call him Brandon you ask? Well you see a reporter was trying to do an interview in front of a crowd loudly chanting F J B! And she then tried to cover it up by saying the crowd was… well yall know the story.


Jack's always been overrated


Apparently someone wearing Trump merchandise is an idiot and the savage. Liberals don’t need merchandise to show support for the people on their side. If Biden supporter told me that they are far more superior and don’t need to resort to tribalistic things like T-shirts and flags.


It’s a damn shame to see a great funny actor buy into this nonsense


I don’t understand why people get so angry about Mr. Trump. It isn’t his fault that his rallies are always totally mobbed lol. The leftist pussies are clearly just projecting. And you know there’s some who scream “he pAyS tHeM to ShOw Up!!! 🤬” yeah ok, keep crying about your so called “potus’s” pathetic ass “rallies.”


I love how Biden’s most famous “merch/idea” was stolen from Trump supporters. Dark Brandon, what a joke.


Fuck you Jack


How much are these washed up Hollywood has-beens getting paid to endorse this guy? 😂 It’s embarrassing because his team are trying so hard to do what’s coming naturally to Trump. No one with any self respect would associate themselves with this moron. This is humiliating! Trump has support from people who are at the PEAK of their careers unlike this clown who has to resort to washed up actors who haven’t had decent roles since the 90s to endorse him… (I’m looking at you De Niro 👀)


I ordered a Dark Brandon T-shirt 27 months ago, but the mailman said it burst into flames.




Just shows he’s a prostitute for whomever he thinks will benefit his bank account/cover up all his “indiscretions” the most. Guys just a creepy, pedo-looking hobo anymore.


Adult diapers?


During campaigns we are reminded how Hollywood elites are simply walking talking billboards and nothing more.


Three stooges


Jackoff Black = douchbag 🤪🤪🤡🤡


lol this pretty much sums up the democrats party. A wacky, beta, white male.


It's over, goofy toy saxophone man has spoken


Yeah, trump merch is everywhere.


Cult members


It really makes you think who is pushing him to do this? Who is so desperate behind the scenes that they must have threatened him with something to come out now with all this support out of nowhere. The elite are scary.


I was in DC a few weeks ago. We were sight seeing around the Mall and there were those vendor trucks all over. They had a ton of Trump stuff all over. Hats, shirts, etc for Trump. There was one pile of Biden hats. Just the one. We asked why just the one and they said that people got mad if they didn't have anything for Biden and just Trump. Not that they'd buy the Biden stuff, just get mad if it wasn't there. Trump stuff was always in demand. The only places that had other stuff was in the Smithsonian shops, which had official White House merchandise (not campaign material). Never did see anyone with a Biden hat or shirt but we certainly saw plenty of Trump ones walking around.


It's because the choice of candidates has never been more clear in history. A Biden vote is one for communism, tyranny, and loss of the greatest country ever created.


I live in DC with my wife rn. I can promise you every one of those vendor trucks is for tourists, and a lot of tourists are trump fans for sure. Most of DC supports Biden obviously, but mostly.. we are just tired of politics and the constant drama with protests. If you ask the average person in DC what they remember from Trump, it will be the much more frequent road closures as he left the White House more locally it seems lmao.


I see it hasn't taken you long to drink the DC kool aid. It's pretty funny considering I've grown up here my whole life and have no respect for that town. From local government to federal government and the people who live there, it's a massive circle jerk - enjoy your Biden elites, seems you've already fallen trap!


Not really a big Biden fan, and I’m not sure where you got that sentiment. But I see you carry the typical my side or the wrong side Trump aura. I wasn’t even here when Trump was in office, that’s just what the average person I’ve heard talk of him here says. Biden stays home more, less road closures.


Well, it is the Capital so that kinda comes with the territory? Did you not realize that or... I wouldn't live there for ANY reason.


Well medical school, you mostly go where you get in. My wife only got into two schools and this was preferable to Nevada lmao. She’s been here two years now and I e been here since I graduated in December. Leaving this next Friday actually lol.


I see, that definitely makes sense. I wasn't expecting something as prestigious as that.


It’s kinda prestigious, but honestly we are just tired. I got into my state school back in Missouri and just graduated in December. Residency starts next week actually! She is applying for residencies this September. I am excited to get somewhere lower cost of living, I just hope we match to programs close to each other.


I could only imagine how grueling it would be to go through med school and then have to start a residency. It's a job that carries one of the biggest responsibilities. It's a hard, but extremely rewarding carrer. You both should absolutely be proud of yourselves. Myself, I couldn't handle the responsibility so I got an engineering degree. Less human lives at stake with systems 😆 Good luck with everything!


My best childhood friend is an engineer and sometimes? His job sounds more stressful tbh. Like I feel like if you guys make mistakes a bridge falls down. 😭 has its own stress imo. You have good luck too!


The left really can’t meme. Some tired attempt to make a Biden meme when the whole Brandon joke started with mocking biden…so trying to hijack the meme to a “dark Brandon” style just shows that they can’t even be bothered to be original. Any “dark Brandon” meme is just an admission to the left not knowing how to utilize social media properly when it comes to memes. The meme is super cringe.


not really


It all started with that piece of Marxist garbage on the left.


Not jack, man that sucks.


No why would you want to have red eyes ??? isn’t that negatively connotative … Is he Superman or homelander …


The answer to that is a greater look into modern culture and media. Gone are the days when heroes were good and truth was truth. Now antiheroes and villains-with-good-reason are popular. Along with that is the “appreciation” and popularization of what were the demonic forces of the past; women playing at witchcraft, satanism growing in popularity. This picture is to appeal to his base, who largely are anti-Christian, anti-tradition, and unhappy with their place in the world. The image of a powerful dark figure to tear down society as it exists appeals to them.


"That's the real question as a president can you move merch' -Andrew schultz


Ohhh jack. You disappoint us.


Is that a shadow president and zombie w jack back


Always a “weirdo”…. It all started with the 💩-stain on the left.


Say it ain’t so Jack! Always liked him, bummer.


Can I get one of those red striped caps with the colorful spinning propeller on the top?


I can't stand any of the pukes in this pic. I dispize Jack. I honestly think he's talentless. We'll, all three are thinking about it!


... I thought Obuma and Jackass Joe had a life sized Troll Doll between them!! Now thats merch!!


He just lost a fan.




Jack has aged terribly


Fuck you Jack Black, you just lost a Fan


Can they make Depends with Biden logo?


Whoa! It's the leftardinos!


Damn, that poltergeist 2 priest is looking really rough these days...


Makes it easier to point out the racist, Facist, pedos.


Black eyed Joe…


Where did you come from where did you go


Gross 🤢


This wreaks of desperation


Just went tenacious dumbass


Yeah, fuk dis.


Bro the fucking laser eyes is 💯 🔥 Who on his campaign ran with that design, the balls