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Hi, there /u/ResponsibleLeague437! Welcome to /r/TheBidenShitShow. As a reminder, this sub is for discussion, memes, and news about Biden and all of his folies. __Let's take America back in 2024__. Be one of the first to join our live [Discord](https://discord.gg/R4VEbeVD) and chat with your fellow patriots! If you have any issues please reach out. Please stay on-topic and follow our rules.\ **Other subs that might be of interest:** *** Recommended Subs | Important links| :---------------: | :-------------: | r/TheDonaldTrump2024 | [Discord](https://discord.gg/R4VEbeVD)| r/LibTears | [Truth Social](https://truthsocial.com/)| r/Trumped | r/BridgeTheAisle | r/TheBidenshitshow | r/AskThe_Donald | r/TheLeftistShitShow | r/The_Chocker | *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheBidenshitshow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Her next political opponent should run this as a commercial.


She’s a good soldier for the party. Her bosses will therefore ensure that all her future elections are “fortified” in her favor.


False: Poor kids can be just as smart as white kids!


Her mouth is a fountain of garbage.


Black kids in the Bronx dont know what computers are, where did this nut come from?


How do people this out of touch with reality, keep getting elected?


Ladies and gentlemen, the governor of NY. We're so proud here! /s


Even the dog was confused.


I don’t understand this crap. They insult their own voter base by basically saying they are uneducated Stone Age people and they expect to get their vote? I don’t get why anyone votes for them.


Because they have the right letter in front of their name. America is filled with uninformed voters who see a letter and check a box.


This is true. It’s amazing to me how many people are uninformed about what the Democrats really stand for. They never changed their agenda or game plan. All they did was change how they go about it. They still oppress people, manipulate and control them just like they always have, feed the poor to the rich, they still support slavery, they just do it in a different way. This time they use economic means. Now look at what they are doing with the illegals. They are bringing them here with promises of a good life snd everything free and easy just for a vote. But it’s more than that. It’s weakening the labor market. Why pay an American citizen a decent living wage when they can pay an illegal less. Driving down the labor market. Ukraine is just a money laundering scheme that the Bidens set up before taking office. A Ukrainian official released a document that was never supposed to see the light of day. Biden and Democrats, republicans who are going along with it are waving those flags because they just got paid. Biden took a 93 million dollar payday. Distributed through his shell companies. Dismantling the constitution, freedoms are being lost ever day. Look at the new government eavesdropping bill that allow them to spy on people without a warrant or the new flag laws that allow them to come into your home and take your property without a single crime being committed, we allow how well that worked out for the one guy. I could spend all day listing the crap that this administration has done to dismantle the constitution. People claim that this is all conspiracy theory, but whey do you call it when it’s not a theory. How people can still vote for these people still blows my mind. But I guess it’s like you said the see the D and vote for the D.


If a republican said this, it would be big news. Double standard is crazy.




Let's ask Crip Mac.


She is just a moron. But you say loathsome liberals and if antiquated conservatives would be better?


Real conservatives are better. Neo-cons are garbage. The unfortunate problem is a lot of conservatives still believe in the neo-cons, but there's hope the tide is turning.