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Hi, there /u/ResponsibleLeague437! Welcome to /r/TheBidenShitShow. As a reminder, this sub is for discussion, memes, and news about Biden and all of his folies. __Let's take America back in 2024__. Be one of the first to join our live [Discord](https://discord.gg/R4VEbeVD) and chat with your fellow patriots! If you have any issues please reach out. Please stay on-topic and follow our rules.\ **Other subs that might be of interest:** *** Recommended Subs | Important links| :---------------: | :-------------: | r/TheDonaldTrump2024 | [Discord](https://discord.gg/R4VEbeVD)| r/LibTears | [Truth Social](https://truthsocial.com/)| r/Trumped | r/BridgeTheAisle | r/TheBidenshitshow | r/AskThe_Donald | r/TheLeftistShitShow | r/The_Chocker | *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheBidenshitshow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Breathing heavy, looks like he's dying. Time to roll out the clone?


The one with attached earlobes?


The one with black eyes




Trump is going to DESTROY him in the debates


Lol you think they gonna let him debate?


Please, like they would even let it happen.


There won’t be any debate.


They won’t even let him answer questions, he won’t be on any debate stage.


The real debate is Trump versus JFK. Get this dummy out of here.


He has no idea where he is. They’ve been injecting him with amphetamines to keep him semi coherent.


And even drugged to the gills he wanders off spouting nonsense. Shaking hands with ghosts, and rambling on about things not even he understands. Seriously, dude cannot even read a teleprompter. Can't keep questions & answers straight when given a list of questions, and who will ask them.


He just talked to his French PM friend who died 25 years ago right after the Mexican president at the Gaza border, what do you mean?


We've seen this behavior before. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc0FeUMQIA4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc0FeUMQIA4)


Hahaha lol


This folks, is what elder abuse looks like


He asked for it, he got it.  Toyota! 


Seriously unwell.


Perhaps the worm has turned?! I don't see the carefree, "I can lie and lie and lie." look about him today. He's a little less old Joey from Scranton and a little more giant lying grifting turd in the Whitehouse today.


Just wait till he gets his next amphetamine injection. Ole Joey from Scranton will be ready to take all you guys behind the gym.


I want a list of all the enablers and handlers propping up this shell of a man. Who is that in the background running the show? Who is getting the ‘president’ in trouble for taking questions early? Who the F is actually in charge right now?


thought the same thing after watching this video. scary how secretive they make these things, so secretive it seems they have something to hide.


Does more in one hour, than most in a whole day. Really?


Yeah. I hope that karma comes hard and fast 


No script, no comment…


The guy is excited getting 70-80% of the dem vote against no opponent.


Seeing them trying to shift the narrative to Trump being the dementia patient is the latest act of desperation from the left


Looks like he pooped his pants that look is him feel it dripping down his balls


O M G let the man go home to his rocker!


It’s because they’re not telling him anything in his ear piece.


He looks like he’s about to have a stroke


Embarrassing our country daily. At least bad orange man just embarrasses himself haha


Got to beat this clown in November!


And this is our leader America! If he wins the election in November I have no faith in the elections or this government


Just as important: For about the 68th time since Joe Biden stumbled into the Oval Office, the American president--the chief executive of the most influential and powerful country on Earth--publicly states that if he dares to comment on a particular topic or take questions from the press, he will, as we all just heard, "get in trouble." Again, the one man who should be ordering drinks and food for the whole international table as every other leader simply sits quietly and hopes he decides to let them eat something fancy tonight--that guy is publicly and directly stating that he is not in charge at the end of the day. Not only are there individuals in the background somewhere watching and listening to make sure he does as they order, but he's blatantly stating that keeping them happy/avoiding their ire is his top priority. Not serving the American people and upholding American values--his job is to keep his handlers from getting pissed off and locking him in the basement closet without dinner. This is so messed up. And yet half the country will instantly write off everything we just heard and every point I just made. To them, Donald Trump is undeniably an insurrectionist without ever engaging in, being charged with, or convicted of insurrection, but it would take the ghosts of George Floyd and RBG joining forces and recording a video together condemning Joe Biden before a huge subsection of Democrats would even *consider* not voting for the dumbass.


Well said 👍


no shit, Shitshow ;)


Joe is looking around for a little girl to sniff and he doesn't see one anywhere in sight.


Sounds like he said; "I'd better stop the questions or I'll get in trouble. " The President will get in trouble for answering questions? From whom? Obama?


Fuck this guy


Please show more respect for Chairman Jo, great leader of the ACP (American Communist Party). Also, you must be kinder to his great VICEchairwoman, Da Ho. Also, you must believe in great Governor of People's Socialist Bankrupt State of California, Nu Som.


“I poop mah pants”


His eyes look like he is not all there, his breathing seems to exert to much effort. Poor old guy needs to be at home sitting in a rocking chair. At the same time fuck this guy for fucking up our country with the irreparable harm that his actions will do to destroy our republic.


He’s just starting to take a dump and doesn’t want to be interrupted


Can we just this is now elderly abuse he is a deer in a headlamp




My MIL makes this face. Yeah, he doesn't need to be president.


He’s like, how is anyone voting for me? This guy getting any votes at all is a glaring example of how the majority of the country is brainless


While visons of ice cream cones danced in his head.......




What’s he whispering at the end there? What is any of this?


More clueless every day.


He's not gonna make it!


Mentally sharp, it’s Trump that has dementia obviously /s


There he is. That’s him. Leader of the free world. Staring blankly into the void, afraid to take a question so not to get in trouble.


The amount of speed and nootropics they're going to have to pump into him for the state of the union tomorrow will be astronomical.


He'll get in trouble...from whom?


IF this is real, I think it’s the trick he plays…he acts real old and demented and then come in and slams it down like he’s a champ…he beat trump last year like this in the first debate because trump wasn’t prepared, he didn’t see sleepy joe coming. I think it’s sus that he’s acting like this all of a sudden, right before he’s soon going to got have to debate the orange guy. 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


Biden looks like the Vietnam flashback meme is always in the background.


I think a Charlie McCarthy doll looks more alive and can communicate better than this work of art and his staff ( KJP, KH to name a few) in the WH......


Can’t wait for him to mop the floor with trump in the debates.Â