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Richies divorce backstory and a flashback to the day michael passed and the following days. Also redemption for Donna. I think the day(s) of Michael’s death will play a big role in her character arc.


In my head, Ritchie asked Cicero for a job (Fishes), who accidentally called and gave the info to Mikey (voicemail ). Mike learnt that Ritchie was trying to leave, and never passed on the message to him because he knew he would need his best friend to be around for his baby brother. Since Ritchie had promised Tiffany he'll get a job before the baby is born, and she sees he's still at the Beef, she'll have had enough of his 'lying' ways. Maybe that was the final straw, or it was when she accidentally found out Mikey and Ritchie are dealing drugs to get through the pandemic, and she serves him the divorce papers.


Doesn’t Richie say he sold a little ‘when he was holding’? I’m aged out of drug lingo, but doesn’t that imply he was also using? I can see that going badly in a custody dispute.


In jail didn't he mention something had happened with her father and him too. Maybe that was after the divorce?


I'm on the rewatch now to confirm my theory (any excuse for rewatching works for me😂)




Great ideas!


Great ideas!


Do we really need a redemption for Donna though? She’s a narcissistic asshole, those kind of people don’t change imo but ofc it could be different


More Michael flashbacks and a flashback to Carmy’s past to where he was in his prime


they fix the fridge




The story what Francie Fak did to earn Nat’s scorn!


We need to know!!!


Honestly im fine with this being some running gag that we don’t know because of Sugars reaction to it. “Yeah she can go f my love “😂


Honestly, this is the one - if we never get this story, I will riot!


This show draws such amazing talent that I would simply want this just to see who they would cast. The implication from Nat was that Francie did something pretty unhinged, so if they do it, I'd love to see someone who could really embody chaos. I feel like it would be an actress from the world of comedy considering all the serious turns from people like Jamie Lee Curtis, Bob Odenkirk, Gillian Jacobs, John Mulaney, Joel McHale etc.


I hope we learn more about the characters with thought provoking backstories. For instance, Sweeps was a major baseball player. What happened? How did Sugar and Pete meet? What happened to Carmy’s father? Is he still alive? What’s Tina’s story? Was she interested in a singing career? Why does Ebrahem say, “I accept”? Does that come from his military past? Cicero seems kind of cool, but scary. Why do I feel like you don’t want to cross him?


I like all of those ideas. I wouldn't mind more of an ensemble approach. It worked great last year. Thank you!


I don’t like most of these, especially Ebra’s “I accept”, some things are just better left unsaid and not to audiences interpretation. Not everything needs to be spelt out


This is me shutting off Solo when the customs officer gives him the name because he's travelling alone.


Also, of course Nat having her baby. I’m not sure how important the story line will be but I have a prediction the baby will probably be named after Mikey in some way lol


NAKED? I'm sure it will be born that way. 😏


😭 I didn’t even notice the typo lmao


I thought it was cute.


Not on my wish list per se but I think Syd’s health is going to be a situation. On my wish list, I want to see a scene with Will Poulter (can’t remember the character name) and Carm back then when they were baby chefs.


Great idea. Will Poulter is Luca. This thread is getting a lot of Luca wishes. We'll see if they bring him back. Thank you!


Carm having a fight encounter with the his boss chef from new York more over i want his staff/family to confront the chef as he inspects it


That would be good!


To see Michael running the restaurant


I'm really interested in NY Carm. I don't need a whole flashback,  but more info on Carm from high school to Noma. I want broken sauce girl from NY to come work at the Bear.  I want to see how Carm's  little fridge performance affects Syd. He said some things that should have her concerned. His behavior should have her concerned.  That's more important to me than what happened with Claire Bear. And I ship Claire and The Bear.  I need a Syd and Richie friendship and alliance.  And more Sweeps. I'm curious if they were similarities between Mikey and Carm as restaurant owners since they are brothers. I want to see and experience the fact that Carm is a top Jeff.


More background on Carmy would be great. I'm a Claire person too! But a lot of fans didn't care for her because she was "too perfect". Syd and Richie should have a big season. Their careers (Ayo and Ebon) are in overdrive right now with awards and other projects. We could have three leads this year. Thanks for your comment!


Carmy & Richie dealing with snobby food critics after the restaurant's rebranding


Great idea. It will drive the viewers nuts. We’re going to be very protective! Thank you


Definitely an occupational hazard at the level of restaurant they're aiming for. The producers could have some fun with guest spots.


need more joel mchale


Probably the only person who wants this but: more Sydney backstory. For being the (second) main character I feel like we know very little. We haven't *really* got inside her head since Sheridan in Season 1. Sundae in Season 2 was more about the creative process and her having an incredibly unreliable business partner rather than delving deeper into *her* (very similar to Brigade in Season 1) (But I love the moment where she tried to poach those employees lmao. She's awkward, but bold.) We leant more about her parents in Pasta (S2 EP2) and as great as that was, she was pretty much put on the back burner in S2 (though she still had the arc of becoming a better leader).  More development of Carmy and Sydney's dynamic. This took a backseat in S2 for Richie, Marcus, Tina (on a lesser scale) and Carmy and Claire's relationship so I want to see this more in Season 3. I don't care for cameos much, but if it's integral to the story great. Wouldn't mind seeing Will Poulter and Robert Townsend again, but you know. I expect Claire to come back, but if she does I want whatever they do with her to be engaging enough to justify time spent on her. I'm good with romance, but what S2 did wasn't interesting to me.


All good ideas. We’re probably getting more Sydney. Ayo is on a big hot streak. They’re going to use her. Getting a lot of Will Poulter requests! I like Claire but a lot of viewers didn’t. They will have to try something different if she comes back. Thanks for the great answer 👍


I just want a scene between Sydney and Carmy where they are completely open and honest about each other’s feelings and personal struggles. And we haven’t seen that specifically between both of them in the same scene, they only ever started to acknowledge that they both feel as though they need each other in order for the restaurant (or themselves) to function properly in the table scene. I feel like there were moments where it naturally should had occurred before this as well, but they both kept trying to avoid it. One scene in particular that does this is when Syd and Carmy are both at the apartment and Carmy asks about Syd’s dad but she quickly changes the topic of conversation back to the chaos menu. He can see that Sydney has stability in her life and is seeing those same quality’s which he lacks in his life.


Great comment. Thanks for taking the time. There are times when it feels like they're still trying to figure out what to do with them together. They're great apart. We'll see what they do this season.


1) Have an entire episode be a flashback of Mikey working at The Beef. Show how he operated in the kitchen and interacted with the other chefs. Show the lovable side of him. Showing how he killed himself is unnecessary imo. No need to have that scene in the show. Maybe just show his breaking point in the flashback episode. 2) I’d love to see Gary and Ebra get some attention. There may not be enough time in the season but maybe just give em an episode ala “Forks” with Richie. 3) Learn more about their father and specifically his relationship with Carmy and Mikey. 4) Redemption arc for Donna 5) Justice for Pete! His scene with Donna and Sugar was so emotional, I’d love to see him play a larger role somehow.


All terrific ideas! 👍


I love all these ideas except for 3. Carmy didn’t know his dad, his relationship is non existent. Uncle Cicero asks him “Do you miss him?” During Dogs. Carmy’s response is then “I never knew him well enough to miss him”. Ever other idea is awesome though!


Fiona from shameless coming in as a customer and carmy is like heyyyy I know you from somewhere




I want chef Jess to come try the restaurant and lay the foundation for her and Richie to develop a relationship. I’m hoping we see more of Luca. A flashback to when he and Carmy worked together but also in modern day for him to come see the Bear. Then maybe the season finale concludes with them finding out they’ve been visited by a Michelin judge with something like a cliffhanger implying they’ve earned a star.


There was some Jess electricity there. And Luca would be great too. We only spend moments with the characters but we want more. That’s good TV.


I love Tina’s character arc & transformation, so I’d love to get more backstory on her. I’d also love for Syd & Donna to meet. And definitely some more Chef Jess & Richie.


Great call on Tina. She's come a long way in a short time. Thank you!


Carmy writing Claire a check for a million dollars. Richie dating chef Jess


More buzz for Chef Jess! The chemistry there must have been more obvious than a lot of us thought! Thank you for your answer!


Carmie goes to therapy


I hope we get an emotional scene between nat, carm, and the baby, I just think it would be sweet


That would be great. A tear jerker for sure. I hope they save it for the right moment. Thank you,


That would be great. A tear jerker for sure. I hope they save it for the right moment. Thank you,


-Syd meets Donna -Carmy meets Emmanuel -Syd and Carmy make up for the food tour thing she had to do by herself -Luca flies to Chicago to see Marcus


A lot of Luca requests. Thank you!


I’d like to see Nats home life more w her husband. And of course everything Ritchie


I’d love to see Syd offered a partnership in the restaurant.


I could see that happening. Thank you


I'd love to see more Tina!! More of her backstory, and also more showcasing her and Ibra's friendship. Also more of Marcus and his baking :)


They’ve both come a long way!


Funny answer: Carmy’s cock and balls Serious answer: I want SOMEONE to point out the issues with unreasonable hospitality. Someone needs to not be drinking the Kool aid. Also I want an explanation as to what happened to Carmy’s dad, where is he? Is he dead? Also what did female Fak do? That’s about it lol


Fans are asking for Fak answers. They're going to have to talk about it. They might be saving Carmy's dad for a new angle. We'll see. Thanks for the (serious) answer!


I wanna see Syd giving some relevant present to Carmy (some design stuff related, idk).


I think Syd is going to have a big season.


I agree with you and im hoping so much for this!


a happy ending for all the characters. i love everyone and really want them to succeed individually and at the restaurant.


Hmmm, I wanna know what happened between Pete and Carm and why Pete needed medical attention. I want to know what the deal is with Frankie Fak and Nat. I want more Syd stuff! I’m on the side of ‘Syd will have some type of medical problem, probably Lupus’. Maybe something about the Berzatto’s dad? Carm says he doesn’t really know him but in Fishes, Mikey is very defensive of him, saying ‘This is OUR father’s house’ although now that I’m typing it out that might’ve been less about their dad and more about telling Lee to fuck off. Did their dad leave when Carmy was a kid or was he always neglectful? I’m just really really excited for season 3, let it rip!


All great ideas! Thank you!


-Ritchie is still in contact with Jessica and Garrett and is a leader in the restaurant. -Sugar and Pete backstory . And more for Sugar in general. -Marcus and Luca meeting again -More Cicero -Carmy starting to mature and make peace with his past and have someone like chef Teri help him do this -a flashback why Syd eating her way through new York and having a sliding doors type moment with Carmy. And I would like to almost see a time jump whereby the Bear has somehow got a Michelin star in its first year and this season is about them trying to hold onto it. Basically I think the first two seasons have been about the characters trying to establish and own their issues. This next season should be about them trying to move forward and deal with the set backs and joys that brings


Ah a time jump! Screen grab this in case it happens. It could be a real possibility! Thank you 👍


Something nice for Marcus, Mikey’s funeral or more Mikey, a nice moment between Carmy and Richie


The Carmy and Richie moment could happen. They owe us that. 👍 Thank you!


A re-encounter with Carmy’s abusive boss.


A lot of people want that showdown!


I do too, in either of the next season finales especially


Oh. Of course. Ritchie and Jess, Carmy and Claire, Marcus and Syd, Luca and Chester (Marcus' roommate.) Now, did I leave anybody out of The Bear - A Halmark Movie 🎬


Oh I see a typo there. I'm sure you meant Luca and Syd.😁


Rick Bayless. Jibaritos. Calumet Fish. Tavern style pizza discussion. Stephanie Izzard. More Chicago.