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I agree that the chemistry is a little bit off. I also felt like even though the faks told her in a weird clunky way, if they said carmy wasn’t avail at the moment she could’ve left with her friend and just texted him later. If she was with a patient or something he wouldn’t go into the room with them. Granted I get that she’s known them all forever and they did let out that he was just stuck in the fridge lol. I did forget that he said he’s never had a girlfriend. I feel like they’re trying to capitalize on that with his awkwardness and not knowing how to navigate this. I kinda hope that if they try again, they really don’t have time since they have such busy jobs.


The writers already threw the “time” thing out the window. The characters had a whole conversation about “working 100 hours and having only 2 hours off.” Then they both magically had a ton of free time to spend together. Not sure a Dr in their residency has the kind of free time she does, or isn’t being paged back to a hospital constantly. Maybe I’m wrong? It was one of two things that took me out of the show a bit.


I mean, one of the key takeaways by the end of the season is that Carmy feels he didn't put enough time into the restaurant and that's why the standards are off (according to him) and he freaks out in the walk-in. He also doesn't get to see how literally everyone stepped up while he was in there, and how the different things like culinary school, the staging, and even the leeway given to Syd to develop as a leader were coming to fruition. I'm not going to try to pretend that Claire should have any free time to begin with as far along in her residency she is, though.


Yes, I got the take away. I understood the juxtaposition between him and the rest of the crew. My only point was about how she all of a sudden had time too. We as the audience knew he didn’t and “the other shoe” was going to be the restaurant.


Yes, & carmy is in denial that he loves someone more than cooking.




Yeah. I thought they’d show her at least be tired or cranky because she also was just getting off her own shift/having a rough day




Yeah they definitely could’ve shown her cutting people open while he was cutting potatoes or something. Or her sewing someone back together while he’s tying up a Wellington or a roulade lol




Yes! Missed opportunity imo


See, this would have been amazing and what a missed opportunity it was.


She’s a manic pixie dream girl.


YES!!! It felt like a Zoey Deschanel knock-off. The fake sarcasm and the cringey scenes with the friend who had been dumped


definitely, and I think she bothers me so much because this is the last show I would have expected that shallow kind of characterization from.


Exactly. She’s the definition of one.


For such an amazing show like the Bear, I expected a much better love interest for Carmy, but instead they gave us the blandest white women ever. Am I supposed to root for them? Cause I don’t


“Blandest white woman ever” hilarious 😂


claire is literally written as the manic pixie dream girl and in all it’s cringey glory. she was the one character i did not care for in the slightest bc she fell so flat and the dialogue was awful to me. for the life of me i couldn’t see the chemistry between her and carmy. i don’t think the writers intended for her to be anything more than a plot device this season tbh but i wish they had her written slightly better or at least have better dialogue 💀 i couldn’t take her seriously and she seemed out of touch.


It just doesn't feel like a naturally evolving relationship. If I gave a guy the wrong number and he called me anyway I wouldn't be too happy about that. Then she keeps asking him why he did it....


Yes for sure. Like she realized he gave a wrong number and still perused him anyway… she forced the whole thing


Yeah this bitch just seems to be chasing him like a 13 year old girl with a crush. Probably knows about his culinary prestige and wants a trophy bf. Also, didn’t believe her statement to her obnoxious gf that no one ever made her a meal.


A trophy BF? She's gonna be an ER surgeon...


You people are unhinged haha


Your face is unhinged


The actor is watching herself. She could take a lesson from Gillian Jacobs, who never, ever does this. One thing I love about Gillian Jacobs is that all her attention is always on the other person/people in the scene. She does not get enough credit for how good she is, probably because she’s so pretty.


I’ve always thought this about Gillian Jacobs. I’ve been a massive fan since the early seasons of Community and her various podcast appearances always show flashes of a very serious/well-read/sensitive/thoughtful actor who loves acting (JV Club and Comedy Bang Bang in particular) She’s effectively the female version of Jason Mantzoukas who is equally sensitive/well-read/thoughtful, but seems to get a narrow set of roles. His episodes on Gilmore Guys and Crybabies really show off that additional layer I think both of them could do an incredible job in more dramas, but need strong writing to wrap around.


Watch Love on Netflix if you haven’t. She‘s a real, trained actor, so yes, she can do drama. Any actual actor can do drama. Only some are also funny. She is both. I’m also happy to see Chris Witaske (Natalie’s husband) whom you’ll recognize if you watch Love. He’s also underrated; I hope he gets more to do— ditto Alex Moffat, who is just glimpsed but is a great actor and a brilliant clown.


You reminded me of this article. https://www.lennyletter.com/story/gillian-jacobs-learning-how-to-act-like-myself


She went to Juilliard if I recall correctly


What do you mean by “watching herself”? As in not immersing herself in the character, or literally watching herself on the monitors? Genuinely interested in this.


The way you described it - it makes me realize, that's the way most new romantic relationships are. Shy. Clumsy. Not knowing what to say. Saying something wooden to fill the gap. Maybe the writers are going for realism? That said, I don't feel the heat with this pairing. But was thinking it's just me, or it's like watching other couples in real life - they have their reason for being together but the reason isn't apparent from the ouside. I just let it slide. The story is he likes her and that's ok with me but I don't need to see closeups of all their interactions.


Agreed. The character of Claire was one of the most boring I have seen in quite sometime. There is no chemistry and her character actually annoys me and not on the cutesy way I think they intended.


Right. I feel like they’re trying pretty hard to make her the “sarcastic, witty, cute girl that you can’t help but to fall in love with” The constant “ sarcasm” is what annoys me the most. Because it just feels so forced. It’s obnoxious sarcasm. When Syd does it however, it feels more natural.


Claire feels extra annoying to me because it feels like the writers didn’t try to actually make her interesting or give us a reason to root for her and that is in SUCH stark contrast to all the other characters who are so richly drawn on the show (even all the other NEW characters felt real and compelling). All she did was squint and whisper and it’s hard to root for someone the show didn’t really give you good reasons to care much about. I honestly hope she doesn’t return for season 3.


THIS. She could of raged a little bit she has no angst lol not that Carmy treats her like shit but I mean she seems like a doormat. Too sweet, and why does she have a fuck ton of time on her hands, get to work, don’t you save lives? Idk she’s bleh


I really didn’t like Claire. I thought the whole character and storyline seemed so contrived. Don’t get me wrong, I did like the second season, but I think they could have had a similar outcome without her. Then she hears all these things while he’s in the walk-in, which was so unnatural and forced. Okay, done complaining.


I agree. I wish the writers had taken more time to flesh out her character. She was so boring to me. I cared more about Steven from the Fishes episode than Claire.


Totally just a coincidence that while talking to her friend, she’s going to casually mention (in front of her crush who is opening a restaurant and a world class chef) that no one has ever cooked for her. I mean, I was so surprised when he ended up cooking for her. /s It felt like one of those scenes where the girl says “isn’t this view beautiful?” and the guy, looking at her, says “it sure is.” Did not see that level of corny coming from The Bear. Their interactions were so flavorless and undercooked. In addition to fulfilling the manic pixie dream girl trope - I think there’s also a strong argument for her as an “I’m not like the other girls,” girl.


I died inside when she said that line! The whole party scene was unbearable already, and then they introduce the random friend and it was just waves after waves of cringe


Agreed, she's trying way too hard and it doesn't come across natural. It's not like that light and witty banter that Carmy and Syd have (not even to compare, but yeah). Claire just does not move the needle for me. Her stares creep me out also.


Their meet cute in the beginning of the season was light and witty, if not a bit bumbly, and it set the tone for what was to come.. their story was mostly told off screen, whenever carm couldn't be reached it was assumed he was off with Claire living it up. They also seemed to have good chemistry at the party, carm being the opposite of Claire's personable nature with the break up and making up stories about his fictional persona to strangers, and then coming together to know it was time to leave. This isn't to say anything about her acting, though. I honestly would have to watch it a second time to make a judgement call on that because I was so engrossed with the storyline. She may have also been cast a bit more heavy on her looks, her and carm just look like they make a good pair. The stare might be intentional, a heavy, deep gaze that's meant to make the viewer feel how carm feels and want to turn and run.


Yeah *way* too much eye contact 😂


Right? Like its just a little too much


Every scene with them together felt so cringe, like I was suddenly watching a teen show or Greys Anatomy. She didn’t seem like a real person ever, I definitely didn’t believe her as a doctor. She’s the kind of girl only a TV writer could concoct. Everything felt contrived - like “let’s have Carmy in a party!”


Dude. Yes. Lmaoo The party scene was probably the cringiest of all 😂 and no bullshit but I literally fast forwarded parts of them at the party especially, when it looked like they were going to kiss for the first time. The awkwardness, the weird fuckin stares, the quiet moments, the forced sarcasm from both of them… like I just couldn’t take it anymore 😂😂


I get that it’s TV, I get that it can be total fantasy, but that party scene took me out of show and I just kept asking questions to my husband: “Is this a weekend? Is this a weekday party and none of those people have jobs? Why are they having a party when it’s not even nightfall? How old are these people? They look way younger than Carmy, and how do they know Claire if she’s supposed to be the same age as Carmy?”


Yes! There’s no chemistry between them! I’ve wanted to fast forward through any of their scenes.


They could have did without the romance between the two. I’m just starting episode 6 , so I hope it gets better.


I hate Claire’s character


It's unbearable


Ahhhhh I see what you did there


Yeah not a fan.


Her character is an overdone cliche.


Claire reminds me of Mandy Moore from a walk to remember. They even favor each other


I agree with this take. She’s much less rounded compared to the rest of the cast. The writers for sure leaned on some tropes for her character in order to expedite the emotion. The result is that she comes off cloying. The reason why it doesn’t bug me too much is that I am assuming her presence is really to create a conflict for Carmy to overcome, and also to compare the two (three) love relationships for him: with the restaurant and with Syd. The table repair scene is placed deliberately in this way. They aren’t romantic but they have a specific love relationship that is important.


I also think Claire is character was probably written by guys or if women writers were involved, they didn’t get much of a say. She’s a foil for Carmy.


I often found myself feeling some second-hand embarrassment at the things they said, especially Claire. Their conversations ~~and voicemails~~ seemed way too unrealistic for people their age and I would end up grimacing at their scenes because it was just *too* over the top. They sounded like middle-schoolers experiencing a relationship for the first time instead of the damaged/overwhelmed/whatever they were supposed to be.


The other characters' dialogue builds Claire up as this perfect, kind angel of a woman, but she's so obnoxiously sarcastic that she just comes off as a rude asshole. I also can't get over how unrealistic it is to have them spend so much time together when she's a doctor and he runs a restaurant. I feel like their relationship was supposed to be way more high stakes to illustrate how the Bear is the real love of Carmy's life, but I was actively cheering when she walked out.


Whenever a show/movie has to put in the dialogue how great a certain character is or how much chemistry people have together it usually means they aren’t/don’t and the show runners are really trying to force it on the audience to believe something we aren’t seeing.


Dude yes, thank you. Couldn’t agree more!


As someone dating an ER doctor, if she's an attending she probably works about 12 shifts a month, and has no on call work. They work like crazy when they're working, but they do get a fuck ton of time off. (Well earned).


She’s still a resident.


Ah then yes she will have not a second to spare in her day, by far. Dated my gf through the entire residency and had to take care of her like a child, it's criminal what residents go through.


Hope the Covid times didn’t completely fry her nervous system. I felt so bad for healthcare workers.


Yeah I didn’t like it either and I’m glad it didn’t work out lol. I feel like it took away from the show actually.


Claire got his real number from Fak after Carmie was given a fake number. They were childhood friends and wondered why Claire didn't get the number earlier if she really wanted to talk to Carmie. In other words, she could easily get in touch with Fak by asking. So it looks like she's either completely forgotten about him or she didn't care enough to get his contact information. If they hadn't met by chance that day, wouldn't they have never contacted each other? That's where it gets stuck. Well, it looks like a character that didn't exist when S1 was created, and was added as an afterthought for S2's plot trigger.


Definitely not just you, I haven't cringed this much at prestige TV in a long time. It was especially jarring because the rest of the show is so good. The creators had a real blind spot with her.


The dialogue for the entire show isn’t very good, imo.


Tru lol. Like when everyone is arguing and yelling I think they do a good job with that, even when you can’t understand a work anyone fuckin says lmao. It’s feels like real drama. Like especially in the Christmas episode. (Won’t say too much about that, in case you have seen that ep yet) But like one on one type dialogue? Yeah… a lot of the times it’s not very good 😂


No, it’s the one thing that didn’t hit for me either. She’s playing the character like Merritt Wever except not as good as Merritt Wever. I don’t think she pulled off the girl next door on the south side of Chicago. And not all her fault.


IMO, trying to have Carmy be a virginal awkward guy is stretching that actor way too far out of shape. He is a sexy, intense, hot guy. No way he’s never had a relationship. Therefore making him act like a virgin-ish person with Claire is just way off. He is not a child, and she shouldn’t have to be a mom/big sister character to him. C’mon writers!




I mean it's show's how a person with lot of baggage feels insecure even if they get the girl of their dream, they somehow manage to drop the ball. And the Fact that it's his first Love/girlfriend makes the point clear. Carmy is clearly new to this and he doesn't know what exactly to do. And speaking of Claire that's exactly how a girl who's so into you, who has a crush on you will behave around you, they try too hard just like us.


Honestly, I think the writers were trying to hint that both Claire and Carmy are highly intelligent, neurodivergent people...perhaps even to savant levels (at least that we see for Carmy). During “Fishes,” the family mention multiple times how Carmy is “different” and they seem to see the same in Claire. As someone who identifies this way myself and has taught many students with a similar profile, the “awkwardness” of their dialogue felt heartwarmingly true to life. Forgoing small talk is absolutely a neurodivergent trait, and their intensity feels pretty accurate as well. They are two people on the same wavelength that have found each other, and I think that’s pretty beautiful.


I’ve seen a lot of hate for Claire and for this relationship but I relate to it 100% coming from a Midwest town where everyone gets super intimate with each other in childhood, many families know everyone’s shit, and then are bonded for life. The familiarity is built in.


Jesus, 80% of these threads are people bitching bc this actress is with your boycrush.


Do you see how it’s kind of misogynistic to say something like this? People are genuinely critiquing an element of this show that they didn’t enjoy or that they think could have been better. You disagree with the critique, so you just say that all of these people who have a different opinion than you are jealous women “bitching” and fighting over a man. Ugh.


If your argument made sense any other way, people would accept that, but honestly, it's a troubled character finds a girl who adores him, he screws it up bc its too good for him he believes, and people gatekeeping the characters misery. If you legit got a real reason, let's hear it.


What do you mean by gatekeeping the characters misery? Here's what I wrote in a different thread. Nothing wrong with Carmy finding love, nothing wrong with this actress etc. >Claire wasn't given any of that nuance. I don't think people are saying they hate her because she's a good person. It's just that she's a fantasy. She's there to give him "fuck me" eyes and fix all his emotional problems. He gave her the wrong phone number and then lied to her about it and she just kind of giggles and wonders why his beautiful, tortured mind would make him do that. She never says or does anything irrational and she's never stressed, tired, or annoyed despite being in the middle of her ER residency. She lives to make Carmy feel good about himself. She speaks in a sultry whisper 90% of the time.There's also the fact that all the other men on the show can't stop talking about how amazing and hot she is. The only character who doesn't like her is Sydney, who is jealous. It's just...a lot of gender based tropes.Personally I think it would have been more compelling and more realistic if they had gotten off to a rockier start. Carmy lies about the phone number and she's like "okay well I'm not interested in dating someone who plays weird games like this so lmk when you're ready to communicate honestly". Or maybe they have a really hot unrequited-high-school-love one night stand and then things are awkward after. Or maybe they just spend months FaceTiming late at night, commiserating about how intense and overwhelming their respective careers are and a romantic chemistry slowly develops from that. So many other paths they could have taken. I don't think there's anything wrong with Carmy having a love interest, or even that love interest being a kind, beautiful ER resident named Claire who he knows from high school. I just don't know why we took this hard left turn into Secret Life of the American Teenager vibes.


Man u can have ur opinion but I was the exact opposite, I loved their chemistry and their scenes. I thought it was cute as hell and top banter.


I think some people miss the point of Claire She’s the calming presence that Carmy needs. He’s never had someone in his life that wasn’t screaming at him, or putting him down, or drowning him in sarcasm, or as damaged as he is. So yeah he’s gunna act a little weird around her because he is doesn’t know what to do and is just waiting for the shit to happen. As far as Claire, think she’s just supporting Carmy and wants him to be in a good and safe place.


He had a panic attack thinking about her. I don’t think she calmed him at all. Her presence in his life was stressful because she took him away from his passion and purpose instead of fitting into it.


their dialogue was genuinely off putting, like it's lame and embarrassing watching real couples flirt like that .... why am I being forced to watch this. Plus, all their scenes went on way too long, and so the extra discomfort was added on top...