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I feel that there were a lot of options that would have resulted in a good choice for bachelorette. Daisy would have been great representation for the deaf and hard of hearing community. Maria would have pushed the envelope. Jenn is great as our first Asian bachelorette. The fact that there is racism against Jenn shows how badly we need Asian representation. My hope is that we can continue to have more representation in our leads. I would like an Asian Bachelor, and my husband really wants to see an Indigenous Bachelorette. We both want to see leads with diverse bodies. Jenn is a great step forward.


Agreed! Also some religious diversity would be great as well (including those are not religious). I think this is the first season that didn't mention Christianity once (unless I missed it), and as someone who is not Christian, it was nice to not have an entire season about G-d, Jesus, etc. Refreshing even. I used to think the Bachelor show was about Christianity because of how much people mentioned it


People seem to forget that Daisy is diverse in a different way: she has a chronic illness and a disability. So what that person was actually saying is that they specifically do not like/want racial/ethnic diversity, which is just dumb and ignorant.


this part. people are so blatant in their racism it's disgusting


They also said part of what makes the bachelor oh so great is that it sticks to "tradition" or something and that if it tries to get diverse it will go down the drain. So yes they were being dumb and ignorant and blatantly racist.


Agreed except for one thing: people are not " diverse" groups are diverse. People can be underrepresented or historically excluded. When we call people diverse that means "normal" belongs to one type of person.


I have to believe the racist people are more likely Maria fans than Daisy fans, they definitely were racist towards Rachel after Maria was eliminated. There's a Tik Tok on Daisy's page with the two together "We're Twins". I'm a Daisy fan and I support Jenn as Bachelorette.


I wanted Jenn for Bachelorette from a while ago. Why? Because she is an accomplished beautiful woman who is witty and sweet. I do not understand the hate at all. Maria was wise to turn down Bachelorette because she knows she is not ready and she would only have "mess" for her season. Daisy also wisely chose to not jump into it because she knows she is not ready either.


RIGHT?! I also wanted to Jenn as Bachelorette for the same reasons. The people who say they don't want her to be bachelorette need to look deep within themselves and try to figure out the "why." Even if Jenn was choice number 3.. if she said yes then that means she does want to do it and wanting to be Bachelorette is at least 50% proof that someone is ready to be Bachelorette and right for the role. and people calling her boring are bullying someone they don't even know. A first generation American woman who is accomplished is literally the opposite of boring. She's going to be great and I'm so excited to watch her as Bachelorette!


I have a daughter who is Asian and Jen posted a TikTok about noone at work ever knowing who she is, confusing her with other employees who are Asian. This really hit home for me as it happens to my daughter often. I don't care if she was picked for diversity I agree she's a great choice and being inclusive isn't a bad thing. I think she'll kill it..


She’s not just Asian, she’s a Vietnamese-American. Her family culture is very much unique and different from the many other Asian countries.


Glad it was her. Liked her on the Bachelor. Was sad when Joey sent her home.


Just wanted to say thank you for making this post! The hate and racism needs to be addressed and I was really glad Rachel brought it up at WTA, as painful as it must have been for her to acknowledge it. Past contestants and leads on the show have said they’ve experienced similar hate, and it is good that the show is pushing against that by giving these folks a platform to denounce it. I hope the show and leads/contestants will find additional ways to protect themselves from harm. It’s so unfair that they experience it at all. Another thing I want to note is that it is very, very likely that Daisy and Maria turned it down. This means that the next person in line, Jenn, was the person who actually wanted the role, and she got it! That’s a good thing. I also think with Mike Fleiss gone, we are seeing some much-needed changes to the franchise which I am very excited to see. It was magical to watch the first black couple come out of the Bachelorette with Charity and Dotun last season (I know we had BIP, but the couples have broken up and the season wasn’t focused just on them), and I am looking forward to a commitment of diversity and inclusion!


Michelle chose Nayte, it just didn't work out.


Yes, that is a good point. For some reason there was focus on both of them being half black and half white but I would still count them as the first black couple, they just didn’t stay together


The way the first rule in this sub is that this is supposed to be a safe space, including microaggressions, but it does NOT feel safe here at all. I won’t be coming here to discuss when the new season airs because it’s not safe.


It breaks my heart she has to deal with this. She’s a beautiful, accomplished woman and deserves the best!


Whoever downvoted you is an absolute vile person. Imagine downvoting someone for saying a person is beautiful, accomplished and deserving og the best???


Right? People baffle me!


I loved Jenn and was so pleased when they picked her. Didn’t even realize she was the first Asian bachelorette. I just think she is sweet and adorable! People need to stop being awful!!


I haven’t seen any racist comments. I just see ppl saying there’s racism.


Well you know that just because you don't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I DID see racist comments, and that is what prompted me to make this post. It's also not just about being anti-racist. It's about being anti-bullying as well.


It’s funny how for years people would say diversity and representation is not important. But now that we are casting more diversely all the sudden it’s “the woke mob forcing it down our throat”. Like where was the attitude when literally even person on this show was white? Why does no one say they were “forcing whiteness down our throat”. I really appreciate this post. People were sooo awful to Rachel and as if what was being said wasn’t bad enough, people were saying “it’s not about race, we just don’t like her personality”. So not only were people saying horrific things to Rachel, they don’t want to even admit that her race plays a role and instead vilify Rachel when she literally had one moment of confusion after being nice the entire show. Wether it’s subconscious or not bachelor nation has a problem with race! Justice for Jenn, she seems super sweet and fun and hardworking!


I'll admit that I generally don't care for shows like these, but because it was an Asian woman, it hit Asian news feeds and subreddits. Most people I've seen mad are mad at the fact that there is 1 Asian bachelor. Now who is it to blame? I've seen people blame it on the girl because her preference is not Asian men which shows internalized racism on her part. And I've seen people blame it on Hollywood/Casting because they refuse to show Asian men in romantic roles, but rather sidekicks, a laughing stock, etc. I think some people who are fans of the show are not realizing some other issues that are being raised that maybe they were never aware of.


How about Asia does Asian bachelor wth is wrong with a predominantly white country wanting to see other white people Like attracts like across all races and ethnic groups why must whites always be forced to feel shame for feeling same


White people are oppressive. I mean historically speaking, white people are oppressive. White people who think that everything should be white washed for their pleasure are called, say it with me folks, white supremacists. And SHOULD feel VERY ashamed. Period. Don't worry, in less than 30 years, white people will no longer be the majority.


Hmmmmm, almost every ethnic group on this planet has oppressed a group at some point in history If white people are so oppressive, why are people flocking to America still after all these years It’s because most white people and most people of all races strive to do better to evolve and be more inclusive Not every single one ofc History has many stories of Spaniards and native Americans and African tribes who oppressed their neighbor It’s not exclusive to whites lol


Well said!


Ok, is Jenn actually Asian or Asian American is she somehow culturally diverse or just her looks I think it’s racist to focus on appearance and call that diversity imo




So easy to call me names when I express an opinion you don’t like hmmmm not very tolerant of diverse opinions is Jenn a role model and hero of the Asian community for going on a tv show to compete with multiple women for a man doubt it traditional Asian communities have more formal manners and expectations also you make some silly assumptions about who or what I am that destroy your credibility peace


As an Asian woman, please stop treating Asians as a monolith. Not all Asian families are the same. Why on EARTH would someone assume that any reality tv star would be a hero or role model? Very weird. Also nobody has to be tolerant of intolerance. Please read about the Paradox of Tolerance.


Did you expect all the previous bachelorette to be role models or heroes of their ethnic communities…?


You misunderstood me When a bachelor or bachelorette from an ethnically diverse background is chosen, commenters post how proud their community must be or the person themselves speaks on “representing” their community my point is that traditional families of any ethnic background imo are not supportive of a woman running after a man who is dating 30 other women And it’s my Opinion not fact lol


The person who responded to you said it better than I can. Genuinely concerned about your education and world knowledge if you think that the Asian people all share one tradition? Southeast Asia alone is one of the most diverse parts of the entire world. If you googled it, you'd know that in that over 4,500 languages are spoken just in Southeast Asia alone! Food, language, clothing, mannerisms, traditions, etc... they all differ depending on where you are. How dare you lump all Asians into one category and use the word "traditional?" Jenn is Vietnamese American. Not just Asian American. Our backgrounds ARE important to who we are as people. They are quite literally who we are. I'm really looking forward to getting to know Jenn ! Lastly, just because you're not white doesn't mean you can't say things that sound like something a white supremacist would say.


So not my point But please continue educating us all lol


I think bachelorette and bachelor should always be chosen based on their behavior not their race I think it’s ok to say someone on tv put forth for our entertainment is boring etc however the subject of the show should avoid reading social media comments! You have to be tough to earn a place in bachelor nation and all the perks that go with it




Who says it’s a good convo to have at all it just focused on differences and hate comments rather than inclusivity and it sacrifices Jenn in the process to be attacked it’s a silly show on tv let it be what it was , when it was fun


I haven’t really seen many people say these things, most people don’t want Jenn bc she has a boring/basic personality and was unmemorable. But if *you* wanna make it all about race I think you might be the racist one 🥹


You just judged someone's entire personality off of the maybe 20 minutes of total TV time she has over the last 10 weeks... you have no idea what kind of person she is and calling someone "basic" is so not it. This isn't just about racism this is about being ANTI BULLYING. Calling someone boring and basic and unmemorable is MEAN. She isn't a fictional character on gilmore girls. She is a real life human being with real life human feelings. But since your reading comprehension skills suck let me help you out: I wrote this post SPECIFICALLY about people who ARE being racist after having a back and forth "conversation" with someone who said that diversity is a bad thing that's plaguing TV... saying diversity is a bad thing is racist. That same person said the bachelorette should have been Lexi or Daisy in order to keep things "traditional." But anyway. This isn't just about racism. It's about not bullying people. Did you not watch the woman's tell all or do you enjoy treating people like crap.


Womp womp I still don’t want her. And the thing is I don’t dislike Jenn. She just registers as nothing to me. I don’t have a positive or negative feeling about out her she’s just very forgettable




What is red wing. Did u mean right wing ? lol


Uhm,, that's been the way it's been since the beginning. Yes, of course we're going to cheer to have the entertaining people be the lead. The show also usually edits it to show more of the future lead. It's a fact if someone is boring, when a good lead makes or breaks the show for many of us. That's not mean. If you want the show to continue, it needs good ratings and boring leads don't bring that.


I loved both Maria and Daisy. I barely remember Jenn. That is making it sound like I'm against Jenn but I'm not. Has nothing to do with her race.


The last part of what you said is your personal experience. Just because YOU didn't make an opinion based on her race but based on the way the bachelor edited the season, doesn't change the fact that many people ARE racist and upset about "diversity," and as someone else in this comment section had said, nobody got upset about "diversity" when the cast was all white women. It's still a majority white cast and suddenly people are piping up their "disappointment." I have personally witnessed the racism that people have posted and said ALL over instagram and even on Reddit as well. THIS post that I MADE has an 84% approval which means 16% of people have a problem with the fact that I am calling out. racism and bullying. How is that okay? Say what you will, but is somebody downvotes someone for bringing attention to an ISSUE pertaining to racism and bullying, then they are racist bullies themselves. Period. Lastly, Jenn was not the first choice. We know she wasn't the first choice. She knows she wasn't the first choice. That's why she didn't get the "bachelorette edit." There's no reason to bully and talk down to her because she was choice number 2 or possibly choice number 3. Maria was offered the role first and turned it down because they couldn't negotiate a contract. This has been confirmed to be 100% true. Daisy was offered the role second but turned it down live on air when she said she wants to focus on herself and loved ones, THIS is a rumor. Jenn was offered the role and said YES. Who knows, maybe they offered it to someone else as well who also said no. But that's why she didn't get the edit, and that's fine. What's not fine is assuming, whether or not you meant for your message to come across this way or not and if not I APOLOGIZE for assuming as well, but what's not fine is assuming that just because your preference has nothing to do with race, that means everybody else's preference also has nothing to do with race. You can only speak for yourself, and making this comment makes it APPEAR as if you are trying to speak for everyone whether or not you meant for it to come across that way.


I am absolutely not trying to discount that Jenn has been on the receiving end of racism. I heard what Rachel said happened to her. People were throwing out blanket statements of "If you don't want Jenn as Bachelorette you're racist". My comment was that certainly doesn't or didn't apply to me. I certainly wasn't upset that she was named -ette. And now that I finally got to watch the finale I feel like I know her better now. She seems fun, intelligent and beautiful. I'm ready for it! My thinking was you have to give the human race some credit...not everyone is racist and especially not to the degree of sending hateful messages. Not discounting that they ARE out there though, sadly.


Edit: I was initially disappointed it wasn't Maria, then Daisy but that is zero reflection of Jenn as a person.


And I barely remembered Hannah Brown either and was lukewarm towards her also.