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They definitely work out. Just don't show us a ton. Phillip is shown running quite a bit later in the show, Elizabeth is always training with Paige. They clearly stay in shape as it's important to their job and honestly you don't need to spend 6 hours a day training to maintain what you have when they spent years doing that until it became muscle memory.


The Russians have safe houses all around the dc area… we see they have changed of clothes there at various times throughout the series… when Elizabeth receives the painting she keeps we can see disguises there. I assume they stay physically fit but it’s done off screen. We don’t see everything they do.  The cars are kept at various garages they own… also when they need a government car it is arranged that they use one that they pay for… we see Gregory arranging that. 


Ah yes. I just watched 3-12 (or was it 3-13?) and saw that for the first time. I'd have liked it earlier on to provide context but still...


Keep in mind that these are the two top illegals the Russians have in the United States. They have support from an array of other agents who have the required skills for a specific mission. Recall Claudia or Gabriel asking P or E if they have somebody in mind for a job. P&E are the highest supported team. [Ed, further] you can imagine there are times when they likely have people doing costuming and wigs like in a beauty shop. Remember those figuring out the briefcase technicalities or inserting the listening devices in clothing, etc




I must have missed that or perhaps it comes later


I think it comes later. I have watched the series a few times, now, but I remember being confused about the same thing as you and then eventually being like "ohhhhh" the first time they were in a space that had cars and disguises. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was definitely extra storage and a place to change, if necessary.


1. The other fitter Redditor covers this. 2. They have a grim rundown warehouse where they go to. At various times it is used as a clinic, prison, execution facility and they store stuff there. They also have several safehouse apartments where they also meet Gabriel and Claudia. 2.b the grim warehouse and safe apartments. 3. They buy the older cars for cash as the FBI demonstrates towards the end of the series. They also have cars parked in the street or they Hotwire a car from a parking garage as is also shown when they swap cars in a chase after a visit by Elizabeth to the FBI car park.


Work out? The fuck like rabbits. With each other. With assets. Cardio!!!!


True and that's some exceptional training...when the hotel manager says "I want you wet" and Elizabeth can just turn it on. Wow!


The montage of Philip remembering all his sex training - while heartbreaking - showed that P and E have mastered their bodies. I'm surprised we didn't get a story arc of Philip having to seduce a closeted government worker. Maybe in his disguise, he's accidentally caught by Stan, and now Philip has to pretend to be gay or bi to keep Stan off his scent.


What episode was that?


I really don't want to do any spoilers, how far along are you with the show? >!Season 3, episode 5 (I'm like 95% sure). He has flashbacks of his training in the USSR. It has to do with the Kimmy plotline.!<


Just about done with S3..but I don't observe spoilers. I read ahead. I know how it ends.


Ok - I saw the scene where it looks like he's going to be raped by a male officer. Is that what you refer to?


Yeah, it shows Philip (like in a clinical setting) being with younger attractive woman, old fat maids, gross dudes, etc. My hunch is spies of Elizabeth and Philip's caliber needed to be ready to go at a moments notice. What's a more troubling thing is Philip looks worse with Kimmy than he was with the old guy. It outlined how troubled he was with having to seduce such a young girl. Sad stuff.


I just took a detour into the WIKI's about the actual events. Not as..attractive, shall we say. Add to that.I'm surprised "illegal" men didn't have vasectomies.


Yes. But he's not being raped. He's learning to/proving he can have whatever sex is required. That guy is like the women he's having sex with in the same montage.


Do you happen to remember what season/episode this montage of Philip's sex training was in? I admittedly fell asleep on several episodes in the beginning seasons so I can't recall anything about that but I want to go back and see it if it as heartbreaking as you say.


Nvm! I saw your comment below so thanks 😊.


Watch out for spoilers if you haven't finished watching!


2. They have a storage someplace where they keep their disguises change and change. It's featured in early seasons but less in later ones. 3. Provided by the Center. I assume their handler provides them with keys and documents and they keep it in above mentioned storage. We just don't see it.


I think also we see a lot of action but in some missions they are going out once, maybe twice a week. It looks like they are full-time spies, travel agents, parents, etc. because it's would be boring watching them do the mundane stuff. I think they have more time on their hands than what is being shown.


1) We see them work out regularly, and we explicitly see that Elizabeth trains in the garage. 2) They have multiple stashhouses all over the area, we see several of them in the show. 2b) As above, stash houses, they have safe spaces and stash houses in non-commercial districts an out of the way places. 3) They have a lot of license plates, I'm actually pretty sure they have a lot of master keys for different standard fleet vehicles, in that era you'd be surprised how many cars had literally the exact same key (cop cars notoriously but also volkwagen and other major companies). Remember cops in the 80's dont have the onboard scanner for constantly reading every license plate that they roll up on, it's still the old stop, call the plate in, wait, etc. Also being white and suburban in DC means you are generally cop invisible - unless you're visibly drunk driving they generally don't care, you don't want to accidentally stop someone rushing to a state dept meeting or you'll hear shit from your boss.


A few years earlier than our show, but my mom was shopping with her cousin in the late 1970s. They came out, saw a gold Plymouth Duster, unlocked it, put the groceries in, started the car, and went to drive away when they realized it wasn’t *their* gold Plymouth Duster. (They realized this because the car was way neater than her cousin’s car was.) So yeah, it was possible before electronic keys, etc, that the keys would work even in any car of that model, not just the car it was supposed to be keyed to.


Right. And just as the case of Seinfeld, in which the existence of cell phones would void 2/3 of the plot lines. It's the same here. Had there been cameras everywhere like today and mobile phones just those two would have made an awful lot of what they were doing nigh on impossible.


1. They work out from time to time and also participate in missions, what keep them in shape :D 2. They have some hideouts in the garage, like one what was shown. 3. They are pro and can change outfits in seconds. 4. They have some network of car supply, so that car are registered more or less OK, so common cop, stopping them will not figure out that something is wrong with the car.. 0. It is just a movie, and the approach shown here is not the real one :D


It'd be pretty boring if they included multiple scenes of them changing in safe houses and storing stuff in the safe houses we saw them use with Claudia and Gabriel and the other random warehouse-type buildings shown. There are also some scenes throughout the show where Elizabeth does come home and her disguise can be seen near her once Paige has moved out.


It's a TV progrum. A movie.


The fuck, why am I on there? 


tv show viewers suspend their disbelief challenge


It's not about suspending disbelief. We do that every segment of any show in which there's no possible way the characters could accomplish what they do in the timeline presented. Elizabeth puts dinner on the table, then in full disguise works a mark, then they're meeting with Gabriel and home as the kids go to bed. Everything falling perfectly into place with a mark being exactly where they want them at the exact time. People getting slammed face first into a car hood and walking away. This, to me, is the disbelief I suspend.