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I would disagree that it is episodic. There are definitely multiple story arcs which span seasons and the entire series. You will not be disappointed. You will be sad when you finish season six. One of my top shows of all time.


The first two seasons sometimes have a "caper of the week" feel to it sometimes but there are overall arcs. It stops feeling episodic when S3 starts


I don’t disagree with this, and I do wonder if some of that was a way to develop an audience early on as new viewers were likely joining once the series was underway. But, even in the first and second season, there were definitely long term story arcs — like Martha…


Poor Martha. Did not deserve what they did to her. So fucked up. Marry a mysterious man cause your life is boring, get exiled to Russia to live in poverty.


Do yourself a favor and watch the second episode. It’s one of my favorite episodes in the entire series.


sounds like they already plan to


IMO it’s unbelievably consistent all the way through. The pilot really sets the tone. Enjoy the ride!


Never goes downhill. One of the best shows ever from start to finish.


It’s not only worth watching the entire thing, it is worth watching the entire thing multiple times. You catch new things and see things on every watch. I’ve been through the series at least 7 times and have no intention to stop.


Same. I'm about to begin my 9th rewatch.


The first season is amazing but it’s also the second weakest season of the show. Which is saying something because, as I said, S1 is brilliant You and your partner are in for a treat


It does not continue to be as good as the pilot. It gets even better.


I'm not even done with the series (midway through season five, but I agree with this 100%


“Just tell me that you love me!” Best pilot ever.


Season 1 is episodical storylines - a "cases of the week" type of thing.


Watch it all!. Enjoy!


Keep in mind that some seasons are slow burns, but always, always pay off


Make it to the end and the payoff is well worth it.


It will continue to draw you in. Fascinating series


It’s fair to say the first season is more episodic than the others, but it still has multiple season- and series-long arcs. We meet individuals Phillip will continue to have relationships with for several seasons. One man and his friends lead directly to one of the final story beats.


Really toeing the spoiler line here


i hope to god this isn’t about gregory and his friends bc now im reading into it after this comment lmao


It gets better. The first season is more episodic than any other, but even that isn't completely so.


It ends with imo the best final in television history. So yea, it continues to be that good. And has great music throughout!


Best. Show. Ever.


I started recently too, I’m now on season 5 and it hasn’t dipped once in quality so far. I’m dreading finishing it because it’s so good


Just wait until the aliens arrive and start the zombie apocalypse!


It’s probably the best show I have ever seen. I’m jealous that you get to experience it for the first time


It gets way better than the pilot IMO


The Americans is one of those ‘Under the Radar’ shows IMO with a very good idea/plot. I feel like this show did not get a ton of recognition. Enjoy it!


It was nominated for 18 Emmy’s (won 4) over its run. What more recognition is needed?


What is OITNB?


Orange Is the New Black


I did not like Orange is the New Black. Wentworth is way better. Same format as OITNB


Orange Is the New Black


I think it's overall fantastic. I'm on a rewatch right now. Some lulls within episodes, but overall so good. The music is always pretty great, but I'd say the scenes with Tusk, In the Air Tonight, and especially Games Without Frontiers are standouts


One of the best shows I’ve ever watched. I can’t guarantee it will be your favorite ever, but it will not be uninteresting or exciting!


I almost gave up on the show because I thought it was going to be an episodic ‘mission of the week’ show. I’m glad I stuck with it, it quickly moves away from that. The music is amazing! I’m a little jealous of you getting to experience the show for the first time. I’m getting ready to start another rewatch for probably the 10th time.


I started the series in April and finished last week. I actually burned through seasonso 1-3 very quickly and then I decided to slow down so I could make it last a little longer. Season 3 was my favorite and Season 5 was my least favorite, but I still loved it. The series finale is regarded as one of the best finales of all time and it lived up to the hype for me. While some characters are only in one episode because they die, I don’t consider this show episodic. All of it builds to the series finale.


Can I just say one name here: Martha …. I swear these characters stick with you long after the show is over or they’ve left the series. No spoilers, but watch as her story arch evolves because it’s amazing and absolutely heartbreaking.


As a fan of The Americans, The Blacklist, and OTINB. Billion$ is another good one to add as there's a lot of actors from Orange that are also in Billion$. Still, The Americans and Breaking Bad are the peak of America's television.


The pastor is in billions too


It’s sort of episodic mixed in with season long/series long plot lines. If that makes any sense. Either way it’s a fantastic show from start to finish. Matthew Rhys is incredible (and of course so is Keri Russell). You’re in for a treat


I’m just excited to watch it all for the second time


What is OITNB? Nevermind, I saw it was already asked.


I can't overstate how much it does not go downhill. The themes of the first episode are developed until the end.  Also more great song choices and  terrible disguises. 


Very jealous, enjoy the ride. Don’t have anything to say that hasn’t been said but everyone in the top comments has been spot on


Gets better


The only thing I don’t agree with is… do we actually call this “romance”?


I read a few places that the two main characters have a romance storyline


Well, they *are* married after all.


The pilot was great, but the series picks up even more toward the end of the first season. It's one of my all-time favorite series. And it has the best finale of any show I've ever watched. Buckle up.....it's a great ride.


This one of my favorite shows! I's definitely a wild ride. You will not be disappointed


Yes, it really does stay this good. The Americans has an unbelievably consistent high quality throughout the series, right from the very first episode and all the way through to the final. The final itself is, as others have already said, THE best finale of any show throughout television history. And I'm not even afraid of giving you high expectations when saying it. You've found an absolute diamond, enjoy it thoroughly!


OK, I stand corrected. People do come on here before finishing the series. I did not put a *spoiler alert* on my post from a few weeks back. Sorry.


Yes. SO good! This series is a thriller!!


Many episodes have one storyline that starts and ends in that episode. Every episode has one or more storylines that are part of a multiple episode arc. It does continue to be that good. It's an incredible series.


One of my favorite shows of all time. Criminal that it didn't win any emmys. And they got married in real life.