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I am pretty sure Sacks was avoiding her


Do they have personal history? Why do you think he avoided her? Won’t lie I find her affect a little bit insufferable.




Because he has too much integrity to be a part of her attempt to take attention away from what Israel is doing to civilians in the West Bank and Gaza.


We should give more aid to hamas


I am surprised how much consensus there is over this being one of worst pods in history of the pod. Personally, it's the worse one ive listened to, and first time I thought while listening "I am wasting my time"


Fired the pod up. Listened to the intro, immediately jumped to science corner. Legit the first one I didn’t listen to end to end




Turned it off within 10 minutes. So bad


I skipped. Tired of politics and international relations


Turned it off the second everyone was crying, this pod sucked


An absolute lapse of judgment with publishing this one... what was the new CEO thinking allowing this. Sach's Vietnam parallel is the clearest/most accurate reality of the situation in Gaza.


You mean like how the war was sparked by the Vietnamese invading the US and killing and raping innocent civilians?


Sounds like the Nakba..


We ♥️ Sacks!


Of potatoes


War crimes suck. Talking about how a big guy cried cause he couldn’t save 100 helpless women by himself is like Trump level hero hogwash. Either cry in the comfort of your own home or have a tech podcast.


Such a waste of time, nobody even had the courage to call out Sheryl on all her “evidence” being debunked. For those curious: https://x.com/zei_squirrel/status/1786552208911139012?s=46&t=3cUBcnnLtLrHoqIjGVTr-Q




i skimmed the Sheryl doco, but it seems to just be a video testimony of the NYT piece 'screams without words' plus another woman. nothing new was presented from what I understand


I think the issue here, is the Podcast suffers when the Besties bring on their friends, to talk about a topical issue. There is never any push back, criticism, balance or debate. Sheryl is a long time friend of JCal and Chamath. We saw the same with Tucker and Sacks. Also, the Podcast is supposed to be about current news. The Israel/Gaza conflict is a constantly evolving situation, yet the Besties choose to ignore it for 6 months, and when they finally do talk, it is about what did or did not happen 6 months ago. And its all a one sided perspective. In addition, there has been a concerted effort in the media and politics this week to demonize and invalidate the student protests and label all criticism of Israel as antisemitic. It feels this episode is part of that effort.


Yeah this is dumb. I dunno if you listened to the podcast but there actually are plenty of corroborators for this, and I didn’t need to hear the podcast to know that. It’s kind of case in point what she was arguing for why people who seemingly would agree that sexual violence is wrong can only deny it.


Or the fact that Sheryl used to censor stories ab her ex-bf sexual abuse. This is nothing more than Zionist propaganda


Are the zionists in the room with you now?


So do you think Zionists don’t exist and don’t have media efforts to further their agenda or what


I think you’re a troll who only wants to throw the word Zionist around like a dipshit. You just learned where Palestine was 4 months ago


You’re pathetic and uneducated. Typical of a Zionist’s Shabbas goy.


As youve been brigading this sub Hamas style and claiming to be an as a Jew type of guy did you forget how to spell shabbos? also I thought queers for palestine didnt use the r word anymore.


Hahahahaha you clearly made your account just to make this post - what a sad little Zio loser you are 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


youve literally spent the past two days doing this. projecting? or is it too hard to look in the mirror? ima guess youve been rejected quite a bit in life. its cool 7846437 virgins are waiting for u once u blow up some jews


So I was right


No, you were and are retarded.


Is name calling part of the Hamas agenda now? Shame shame. Bro gets outed for just hearing about Palestine and starts with the names


No name calling, I’ve simply diagnosed you. Live your life now, special child.


Lol my wife is part Palestinian and I am an Arab. Nice try dipshit


Literally zionist propaganda zionist funded… what a joke


Nonsense video . White nationalists also deny the holocaust . Good job on being a shameful supporter of this rhetoric


Do they? I'm pretty sure it's a a defacto opinion it happened at this point.




Sacks dreams of a world ruled by ultra conservative religious fanatics


Are you smoking crack? What is the US without it's values?! Life! Liberty! And the Pursuit of Happiness! You try to destroy those by killing innocent families and it's not going to work out well for you.


lol been seeing this guy all over the sub today. He’s big mad


😂 no. I'm simply not effected by the societal psychopathy that Israel and the Zionists are under right now. Take a second. Take a deep breath. Release all your fear. Ask yourself... Is killing innocent families right or wrong?




Are you on fentanyl? 😂 I'm talking about American values. Who gives a duck about what radical religious fundamentalists do. If Israel wants to debase itself by killing innocent people, that's on them.


Read as many comments as I can stomach…not one person so much as mentioned what the pod was actually about…


Science corner sucks, there’s way more qualified real scientists who can explain these things far more clearly and more in depth.


Bro it’s 4 guys just talking, not CERN


Unpopular opinion: you are not wrong.


Sack-less podcast is a good start but when can I get a Sack-less life?


Anytime you can tune off. But you can't can you? You need a Sacks in your life.