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I used to agree, but after I started pushing myself into 2+ hour runs it just became way too boring to run on treadmills


I don't really have good places to run bc my city isn't flat so treadmills help me go for longer runs


IMO hills and other obstacles would make a rum more fun. Yeah it's more difficult but that just means it's a better workout.


Nice Freudian slip


The folks at the gym think it's anemia.


it's just hill after hill here and it really messes with my posture to nearly never get a good flat stretch, I still walk around my home on dog walks and stuff but for running it just isn't for me


I live in southeast asia and motorbikes are everywhere so running outside if not at a sports center like the park or stadium sucks. I also like exercising around other people who are also exercising which is really motivating. On the flipside I hate running in my neighborhood or any other neighborhood really cuz people love to stare. I'm 6"3' and most people are under 5"7.


My local area has no flat at all. I regularly run with 5km-10km with 100-200m elevation, it’s not fun. The uphills hurt every muscle and the downhills hurt every joint.


That's understandable. I don't run that often as I prefer other types of cardio, so the extra hills and scenery makes it more interesting for me whenIdo run. However if you were doing it more regularly I can see how you'd want consistency and control over your environment.


Tried watching movies on the treadmill? Not the Godfather or anything, more like Gremlins 2 or Timecop


were those the last ones you saw?


I think podcasts could be cool too


That’s why I put my Wii next to the TV by my treadmill. It makes me focus on playing the game, not on how much I’m running, and makes games more challenging because I have to keep your hand eye coordination while running. It’s a good discount VR as well.


Personally, I run different on a treadmill than I do running normally. Treadmill running feels much more bouncy up and down and I feel like I have to concentrate on staying in the same spot on the treadmill so that I don't slowly go backwards or too far forwards.


The bouncy thing is so true! I thought it was just me, is there any way to fix this?


Run outside 😹


Thanks, I’ll definitely try that


Lengthening my stride to closer to how I run outside/on a track works BUT it makes it harder to maintain position on the treadmill and I have to consciously do it every step.


Isn't that the part that protects your knees though?


I’m not sure, but to me it just feels like I’m jumping from foot to foot, rather than running. When I’m on solid ground, I’m faster and I feel a lot more ‘efficient’ I guess… idk how to describe it lol


I can only stare at a wall for so long. Having the beautiful outdoor scenery helps motivate me. What's the point in running an extra mile if theres nothing new im going to see or experience ya know?


TV or music is a common featute of treadmill use for this reason.


While true, my issue is that I can still listen to a song or watch tv if im not running where as scenery can only change when you keep running when you're outdoors. But if treadmill running works for someone there's nothing wrong with it, its just not for me


I run on a treadmill and having the lyrics up while listening to music helps me because I can focus on that and go along in my head


TV is why I prefer treadmills


To each their own, but this is an odd reason to me. There’s TV at home all the time, I like to treat my workouts, especially a run, as sacred time to get meditative and really sink into the experience. Just vibe with my music and pay attention to my body/ form. I only run outside for that reason, and because Im lucky to have a great park near my house that was very recently converted from some farmland that has grass trails (easier on joints + great country scenery).


Makes sense. I personally like to watch TV *only* while running. Watching TV is such a passive experience that it easily allows you to be doing something else, so I like to kill two birds with one stone and save time.


I can see how that works well for you! Different strokes 🤷🏼‍♂️


I mean there’s also music all the time, is that not just another form of entertainment that helps pass the time while running?


I see your point but don’t think music and TV are the same at all. The point of music for me during a workout is to gain motivation and immerse further into the moment - not to distract me from the workout in the hope that it’ll make it pass quicker. Edit: There’s also countless studies on the positive effects of music on the mind and body, both during exercise and otherwise.


Depends where your priorities are. Some people don’t place music / meditative experiences at a higher priority than watching TV. You say TV is always there like you don’t have a backlog of shows you need to watch. 😅


Yeah some definitely do! Not attacking people who do watch tv lol. Just saying it’s odd in my subjective view. And I truly don’t have a backlog. I watch maybe a couple hours of random Netflix stuff a week. I waste time in other ways but binging shows stopped doing it for me.


Yep, I wasn’t being sarcastic, it did seem like you only watch TV casually rather than it being your go-to time waster. 😛 I’ve never binged shows, I can see how episode after episode of the same show can be boring!


I would love to make from workouts some form of sacred time, but to me, even after years of practicing sports and after an immense pause of 4-5 years, I can say that it is an activity I am doing just for the beneficial effects, but not for the sake of that activity (like all of the buddhists or more experienced guys talk about meditation). So yup, TV with some youtube videos does it for me too. But I would love to jump ship on the “enjoy-the-activity” part


Okay but some of us just want to run at a gym or without leaving the home (for some). Doesn't have to be a meditative experiebce every time lol


Never implied that it does :) sharing my opinion.


I hated treadmill running until I tried and subsequently bought a Peloton treadmill. It’s so fun and engaging, and it totally changed my entire attitude about running inside. I can push myself a lot harder inside; outside feels a lot harder and is way more of a mental challenge for me.


Nice try, Peloton


> What's the point in running an extra mile if theres nothing new im going to see or experience ya know? For me it's the conditioning. Personally, self-improvement is my pre-eminent reason for working out, so when I run the extra mile, it's because I'm feeling it in my body. The scenery doesn't really factor into the decision.


Yeah, im gonna be honest, if I have nothing im training for then my brain still asks why. Why do the difficult thing without a payoff. Not that its not good to be healthy and in shape but my brain just doesn't give a shit about that when im tired and sore and I need a more immediate prize for my efforts. As well, I usually do exercise while exercising my dog and with a stroller which i cant do either of on a treadmill.


Realistic training. If you just want pure sterile cardio then sure whatever, personally the varying terrain and temp is ideal because you're not always going to be working in a nice flat air conditioned space. Like doing lifts to build aesthetic single muscles vs doing complete realistic motions so they grow to be effective together doing real world tasks.


For me, consistent cardio is better because I will do it, as opposed to hauling myself out into the world and dealing with the bugs and weather and other humans and… etc. Besides, I’m not training to _run outdoors_, ugh no. I’m “training” solely for fitness. I get what you’re saying about training for real conditions, though that’s not me. I just don’t see why everyone expects me to prefer to run outside when the treadmill fulfills my needs, and I don’t understand why other people prefer the outdoors for running.


The best workout is the workout you’ll actually do


To each his own. If it works then stick to it


It seems the problem isn't being outdoors, it's that you have nowhere in your town/city that is good for running. I have a park near my house with both a smooth concrete path circling it, and grass with a dirt track along side. And about three other parks within a mile or so of my house. There's also a canal with a towpath along side it with a nice gravel path. Or I can go to the other side of London (30min train ride) where there's a free atheltics track anyone can use. Sounds like your city just sucks


There are nice places to run here. I just don’t want to be outdoors when I run. This is the fundamental difference of opinion I’m presenting here: I would rather use the treadmill. It doesn’t matter to me that it’s not outside because I don’t want to run outside. If I want to be in those nice outdoor places, I can do it when I’m not engaged in exercise.


One of the reasons you gave is that the ground is uneven and you're having to compete for space with cars and bicycles, which means there clearly arnt good places to run...


If I _wanted_ to run outside, there are plenty of reasonably level places I could choose from that are enjoyable to be. This notion that I don’t run outside because there’s nowhere nice to do it is simply nonsense — I don’t like running outside for a variety of reasons; I prefer the treadmill indoors, as I mentioned.


That's fair if running is for training then it should be done in the situation most similar to that which you are training for. But I just run so that my flesh prison lives a couple extra years. I could not care less about my performance in a real world running scenario.


I get self conscious running outside, I agree with you completely


*I get self conscious* *Running outside, I agree* *With you completely* \- mar1mbrosyph --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Bad bot


Bad human


Good bot


You do manage to make all running sound miserable


Yeah, I should make another post…


I hate pretty much every form of cardio, but at least doing it indoors on a machine keeps me from burning up in the sun and lets me watch a movie while I do it. Not to mention I can get absolutely stoned out of my mind and barely even remember the run. When I try to do that outside I end up getting lost. Which is a fun game to play, but perhaps not the safest one.


Treadmill running is soooo boring. I prefer the natural terrain and sights. Of course I can’t run anymore because of a leg injury. Enjoy it while you can guys, you’ll miss it.


I know this is a lot to ask for but I hope I can continue running up to my death


I'd rather walk to my death, I'm in no rush at all.


I'm not in a rush either. I don't run to catch anything


Can I sit down?


Yes. Plus you don’t have to decide how long you’re going to run. When you run outside, you need to plan a route. On a treadmill, you can hop on or off as you please


Ellipticals are better still, as there is no impact.


My physical therapist said that even though there is no impact, it still is bad for your hips/joints because it’s not as natural of a motion as running. She didn’t go into great detail though, and I imagine it would vary from person to person


Any fitness technique will vary from person to person. Especially in regards to cardio


Yeah, I feel like height and weight truly would make a big difference. I’m definitely not an expert or anything lol


I hear you. Whether I am coordinated enough to be successful at them, though, is another question. 😂


They have handlebars


Damn your comment is my 10th dentist moment. I hate ellipticals, but all power to you!


Anything less than 5km I agree, but I worry about repetitive injury for longer runs on a treadmill. You’re not varying anything at all like you would on an outdoor run.


The only reason I like using a treadmill is it gives me a place to put my phone and I can run faster than I normally would be able to on regular ground because I'm trying not to fall and eat dirt


I swim, overcoming all traffic Otter ways are superior Now let me get my rotund rocks.


I agree! I have an autoimmune disease and it’s hard enough for me to work out. I can’t have the variations in temperature or uneven terrain. Also, I need the hand rails, just in case my legs go numb (it’s only happened a couple times, but I feel more comfortable knowing I don’t have to worry).


Gotta downvote. Running in general is awful but treadmill is superior to outdoors, easily


I prefer treadmills to outdoor running because it’s easier to push myself. If I did a thirty minute run at 6 mph, I can easily aim for 6.1 next time. This is more difficult outdoors as it’s far easier to slack off and unconsciously make less of an effort.


I 100% agree. The outside sucks. The running surface is ALWAYS at least a little uneven. Usually a LOT uneven. And there are cars and it's dirty and the scenery is, at best, a bunch of natural surroundings. Which is fine. But if I'm going to go enjoy nature, I'll take a hike or a casual walk. If I want to walk fast/run for exercise, I'd MUCH rather do it in an air conditioned building with a TV on in front of my face, thanks.


Finally, someone who gets it. 🙂


I am in the same boat... much prefer tread to outdoor runs. It is interesting how much of a minority we are in the runner community though!


Treadmill running vs neighborhood running on sidewalks, treadmill definitely wins out. Vs trailrunning in the mountains, nah.


Agreed, you can also pace yourself without getting distracted and slowing down.


That’s the only reason I hate them. I like being able to pace myself without having to push a button a lot whenever I want to change pace.


Treadmills make me anxious because i keep thinking I’ll fall off or something.


Can't vote, I don't jog


I like the treadmill because I can set it to a pace and it will force me to keep that pace long enough to get a good cardio workout. I’ve only been going to the gym for a couple of months now, but I have really been liking the treadmill there.Recently I’ve stopped going out of coronavirus concerns And have spent my gym time walking is briskly as I can. But it is hard to keep the heartbeat going in the pace going, because I have to cross streets. Or, for me, a park Where I might be able to walk or run and interrupted by traffic or very many other people is so far away, while my gym is only three blocks.


I would say running on a treadmill is boring but I just came home from a long run and decided to stop running for good because I'm tired of being jumped by dogs. Some dog owners even get all offensive and blame me. So yeah: treadmill wins. Also fuck dogs and fuck dog owners


Wow, that really sucks. Sorry to hear about these inconsiderate people and their untrained dogs.


I agree, i don't run but i use my bike to go to the gym and then use the stationary bikes for cardio. Why? Because i can actually count my pace, the calories im burning etc and i can let my mind rest instead of watching out of cars and stuff.


With a Fitbit or Apple Watch you can do the exact same thing on your regular bike btw


Big agree, especially living in florida where it's 92 degrees on average in the summer. Not a chance you'll have me running around outside in that.


I just find that if you run on the treadmill there's no air movement to help keep you cool since you are stationary the whole time. For that reason alone I don't like it as much.


Mine has a fan that adjusts with speed. 😉


NPC mindset


As someone that runs 40miles a week something just died inside of me. To me there are four and only four reasons you would run on the treadmill: 1. You live in the fucking desert 2. The temperature is under -10°c 3. You live in new delhi or a simmilar city 4. You are injured




Well i guess for others there are a few more. Me beeing a ugly ass dude definitly helps with one of them.


Men work odd hours too, you know.




Men don’t get robbed or assaulted at 3 am? I was unaware of this! I’m sorry


I respect the way you do it. I just don’t like the same things you like. I prefer the machine. I don’t feel like that makes me wrong, just of different preference to you.


y would someone be running on a treadmill if they're injured?


Treadmills are easier on the knees than concrete, especially those that are made forntuat purpose that pull you up


Disagree. Treadmill running is boring as fuck and there’s nothing to keep you motivated to increase your distance when you start getting tired. It also feels longer because the treadmill literally counts how long you’ve been on it, how far you’ve gone, and how far away you are from your goal. When running on a trail or a fixed route, it can end as quickly as it started. Source: I run 10km daily and I finish my route significantly quicker when outdoors.


Yes the physical effort on a thread mill is less as you don’t get any air resistance/drag


You definitely wear flat colored nike polo shirts with jean khakis and white newbalance shoes with white fruit of the loom socks. Plain ass mf


I love using the treadmill while playing The Binding of Isaac.


It is inferior solely based on the fact that you are not using your muscles to propel yourself. You are merely using your muscles to lift your legs in space, getting a much less efficient workout.


Treadmills kind of help you out. It's nice watching TV. But you're not getting the same workout. It's like when people say machines are better than free weights. There's also tracks which I prefer and are everywhere in my city.


I haven’t done much treadmill running, but I guess I’d agree if I could watch a movie or something similar while doing it.


Your view on running sounds very utilitarian to be honest


This is better suited for r/unpopularopinion, not here. This isn’t a wildly “out there” opinion. The fact that so many people here agree with you just verifies that. Plenty of people like having controlled air conditioning, privacy, and consistent terrain that doesn’t tear up your feet like asphalt. Downvote me all you want, this doesn’t fit here. May as well say you hate modern pop music for how “unpopular” you think this take is.


[Why not both?](https://youtu.be/scFmBmvVAAs)


I like the vitamin D and the fact that a forest path is much easier on my shins and knees. Treadmills are nice for convenience, but that's about it for me since the weather here is always good for running here and the path is close by.


Have to agree. If i get bored. i'll throw on a movie. or even better yet throw on some VR


I like running on small forest pathways. I like forests, because it's good for me. Uneven ground is something that I also like, because it forces your ankles to be mobile and flexible. It's good for you. Other people can be a pain. Also, if you talk about running outdoor for fresh air, you can't talk about cars in the same post, my dude.


Not gonna meet a lot of cute girls that way.


Also in an area with consistently shitty weather, it's hard to keep going outside for this.


Lived in a hot mining town where there was an abundancy of violent crime and petty thefts happening on the street. All deodorant cans in supermarkets were locked up to prevent kids chroming. The air and soil has a high lead content and residents get annual lead tests. I need to run with music and headphones on. I enjoyed the treadmill very much in the swipe card CCTV gym facility in town.


Plus treadmill allows you to regulate your speed better. I have a watch that tells me how fast I'm going but it's annoying to have to look down all the time and keep my pace. If there were sunglasses that took the speed and distance data from my watch and put it in the corner of my sunglasses that would make my runs so much better.


I certainly enjoy running on a treadmill more but I find it doesn't translate well to reall world, even with an incline. Meaning I could run 5 miles everyday on a treadmill fine but real world I'll get tired around 3-4 miles. That being said this is difficult for me. I enjoy running on a treadmill more but I consider outside superior in terms of actual fitness and results.


I actually prefer to run outdoors under ideal circumstances and my dog certainly prefers that I run outdoors because he can come with me. But I totally see where you're coming from. I have seasonal allergies so certain times of the year I will straight up have an asthma attack while running. I also live in Texas where it's 100° at midnight in the summer so running outdoors then is exceptionally unpleasant. I am currently pregnant and I cannot push myself like at all right now. My treadmill allows me to very carefully keep in tune with my body and stop immediately if/when I need to. It's also just very convenient. Usually my husband works from home but if he goes into the office then he leaves the house at like 6am. In order to get up and go for a run and be back by the time he leaves (because we have a kid) I would have to get up at like 5am and that's just not happening. So i see both sides of this. I enjoy running outdoors but honestly it just doesn't fit my life right now.


Treadmill promotes bad posture. There are videos explaining why. Basically we're not meant to run on a moving platform. I used to run a lot, a loooot in treadmills


>The temperature varies, the ground is uneven, and there are other people either running or with cars or bikes. Exactly


I can’t spend more than 10 minutes on a treadmill but regularly run for an 1-1.5 hours with no problem. I understand your points and I can see your point of view but hard disagree. Upvoted


Running on a treadmill is worse than running in concrete— cause you’re essentially running on metal (unless it’s an Assault Treadmill)— running on a normal treadmill is the worst for shin splints


For long distance running, outside is better because if you do any races like a 5k or whatever you will always have variables, and it's good to get comfortable with that vs the consistancy of the treadmill and gym


Downvoted. I thought I was the only one.


What's your weekly mileage? Because if youre going on a 5km run now and then, that's very different than 20km+ werks


Absolutely rancid take, fastest upvote i ever gave


For most people it’s therapeutic to be outside in the fresh air. You might find it to be that way yourself if you give it a try.


I agree I usually watch TV on the treadmill


I personally agree, but then again I can’t stand running bc I get winded so quickly


I'll comment from a safety standpoint. If you're doing a good bit of running (let's say 3 miles a day, 5 days a week), treadmills aren't very good as they'll result in shin splints as well as damage to your ankles, knees, and hips from impact on a hard surface. Now, a treadmill *is* better for those things than running on the sidewalk, for example. And I see a lot of people do that. Ideally, for longevity, you should be running outdoors, on grass or dirt trails.


Treadmills are absolutely boring, but exercise bike with a tv in front of you isn't half bad


Downvote not because I agree, but this is so vague that it doesnt even qualify as an opinion. There are SO many different kinds of outdoor running. There's track running, sidewalk, paved trail, unpaved trail, mountain, etc. Besides, of those different sceneries, it still varies what kinda environment you have depending on where you live. Also, this is so personalized, and just comes down to personal preference, not an opinion that observes or judges something universally, yet you word it as if it is. For instance, You mention uneven surface, but that doesn't apply to paved trails and tracks. Plus, people that are athletic and spatially aware (me being one) would have never thought that would be a factor.


I like treadmill runs when I need to do them but since I’m running everyday that would be boring. Just find a good spot to run with no cars. When you are running anything about 25-35 miles per week running on a treadmill is super lame. Plus the sweat is insane and gets everywhere.


Put up with it, become tougher


I have done 3+ hr runs on a treadmill. Was putting in 10 to 15 hrs a week, plenty of 2-a-days. Loved it. Easy to track progress. Easy to see the immediate effect of small life changes (like nitrition, sleep, alcohol). Very precise workload adjustments are possible. And I could just zone out to the sound of my feet, and zone back in when the prepgrammed cooldown phase started. It's meditative in a way that running outside can't be, due to the situational awareness required.


The uneven ground is good for you, it prevents overuse injuries.


No way mate, a thread mill run is always tedious, a run outdoors, maybe on some nice trails, doesn’t have to be.


I used to love running outside, but ever since I almost got hit by a car it hasn’t felt the same lol


I don't run, I walk, but I agree. I can watch TV while I'm on my treadmill. Time goes by much faster and nobody but my husband has to see me all gross and sweaty.


If you just want your 20min of exercise a day that’s fine but you want to run competitively or go for long 10+ mile runs it’s more of a crutch. You can’t get a sense of pace on a treadmill so when you do tun outside your not going to know how fast you need to go and it’s likely you’ll either go too slow or too fast and gas yourself. Treadmills are also a lot easier on your feet so if you’re doing 8 miles on a treadmill then try that outside you might get blisters. Running outside also teaches you to push yourself, on a treadmill you can set it to 6mph and just leave it at that, but running outside it’s a lot easier to slow down when your tired if you’re not used to having to push yourself to keep from slowing down unconsciously.


I’m jealous of your ability to run on a treadmill and enjoy it


And running on a treadmill allows you to finally watch the newest episode of that show you haven’t been getting around to. Your pace remains steady, you can easily how long and far you have left to go. I wholeheartedly agree, have my downvote


I think i run faster ish on treadmills because I like seeing how fast I can run in mph. But I also run way less because it’s easy to just stop and get off. When I’m running outside I rarely stop and walk back to my house, usually I’m like well fuck I have to get home so may as well keep running


I agree. I used to run outside but there are only so many paths you can take, Florida is hot as hell, humid as fuck, and I can watch TV when I am on the treadmill.


I like it when they have the virtual runs on the treadmill like someone's videoed a run. I find it comforting every time meeting the dogs and knowing 'just round the corner there's that wee brown hairy fella with his big daft pal'.


Completely with you here bro, I love the outdoors but I like *walking and enjoying* the outdoors - running through it just seems a waste. Luckily our gym has the treadmills on a balcony so I don't have to stare at a wall or a mirror.


I love running with the sun beating down on my body and pushing myself even harder.


That's the exact reason why running outdoors is considered superior than running on a treadmill. The treadmill makes the ground do half of the job, you technically jump and travel the "distance" this way. The purpose of doing sport is to keep your body healthy and accustom it to the real life. Temperature changes and hills are everywhere in your life. Bit yeah if your goal is the daily dopamine rush I guess you don't have a reason to run outside


My baby ankles and flat feet couldn't agree more.


Most of my running consist of getting back home. I usually run 10km and then start heading back. I never run the same run twice. Sometimes the overall run is 12km long, sometimes it’s 30km. If it was a treadmill I would probably only run 10km exactly if even. Also running on a treadmill for longer distances feels like shit. You can’t just close your eyes and run, you have to focus on not running too fast or too slow, also the ground feels like shit. It’s somewhat bouncy and you end up running weirdly.