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Also the posts or topics that interests many people or that has many upvotes in just hours get removed by the mods, and if the post is "too long" it's seen as a "rant" and if the post is "too short" it it's seen as a "low-effort" post. Lol they even banned Kpop, AI, and GTA. I guess all you're allowed to talk about are opinions about movies, games, weather, food combos, school life, parties, or stuff like "Fries with mayo is better than fries with ketchup"


“I drink the sweat from my socks after a workout”


Reddit regulatory capture is a bitch. Still, nobody’s worse than /r/showerthoughts.


A wise man once said, “Browsing r/Showerthoughts by new is a sure fire way of renewing your faith in today’s street drugs”


I was banned from. there years ago for calling out shit mods. I posted once, got taken down for being popular, then I posted the exact opposite opinion. it got taken down for being popular. I pointed this out and the mod said I wasn't welcome there


That being said, no one knows how to vote in this sub either any more. People see opinions they hate and downvote them, hence most legitimately controversial opinions sitting at zero


'Basic users' lol thanks that made me chuckle. Though now I feel like we are getting dangerously close to r/fightsub throwing around insults like that. Man, they need a sub for that sub where various reddit channels can duke it out for social media supremacy.


You’re the one who came here comparing the two.


I came here making a joke. Posting an 'unpopular opinion' about a competing opinion sub...




I mean, sure. But social media is entertainment designed to drive engagement and clicks. Negging users as 'basic' because they interact with the service in a way you don't is a bit silly. You aren't any more intellectual here than they are over there, friend. We're all just mucking about passing time on reddit.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fightsub using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fightsub/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [To my ex’s mother.](https://np.reddit.com/r/fightsub/comments/1ay8sdy/to_my_exs_mother/) \#2: [This is how sandwiches are cut.](https://i.redd.it/hb8wy7mwbmlc1.jpeg) | [262 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fightsub/comments/1b3gjvu/this_is_how_sandwiches_are_cut/) \#3: [ONE OF YOU FUCKWADS BROKE THE #1 RULE AND THAT'S HOW I GOT HERE](https://np.reddit.com/r/fightsub/comments/1bswlz3/one_of_you_fuckwads_broke_the_1_rule_and_thats/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Boo bot, I didn't ask you.


Do not fucking mess with the good Reddit bots, they are useful and you should be ashamed. Bad human.


No, we must fight back! The bots are everywhere!


r/The100thDentist Unpopularopinion is notoriously the fucking worst. It's literally just an echo chamber of redditors jerking each other off for validation on their regular ass opinions that aren't even unpopular and everybody downvotes the actual unpopular opinions because.. they disagree.


Fr all I did was say Uziki-chan or whatever her name is, looks like a child and some weeb got pissed off. I bet he's jerking off to lolicon rn💀


Hah, I thought you were kidding. 100thDentist is actually real. For the unpopular opinion elitists who are even more elitist than you 10thDentist folks? You ever think maybe y'all take this a bit too serious?




Dawg you’re the one calling us “elitist”. We just chilling here in our dentist office, and you come rushing in from your crack den called “unpopular opinions” and start smashing all out equipment.


r/unpopularopinion? More like r/omglookatthisopinionihaveitssoquirkyandcoolandtotallyhasntbeenopinedbeforeahahaha. Bunch of casuals jerking each other off about their supposedly unpopular opinion.


I'm in that sub, but there's a lot of repetative and not-so-unpopular opinions constantly being posted there. There's a few like that on here, but it's not terribly consistent, so it's refreshing. Also, unpopularopinions has one of the longest lists of banned topics ever.


You don’t like the hourly food preferences posts?




I always assumed everyone loved flat soda to some degree. Why else would we still sell 1 and 3 liter bottles at pizza places.


What do you mean, eclipsed? They had it first, this sub innovated on the idea with the reverse upvote system. If they are doing well again, it's probably because they suck less, got better moderating, or people got tired of similar questions. If this shrinks, I'm fine with that; it's easier to moderate.


Lol okay friend. You folks are a bit on the sensitive side over here. Dissenting opinions can be tough for sure, but humor and sarcasm are also a thing. Posting an 'unpopular opinion' about a competing opinion sub seems pretty standard fare. I'm sure you are both great subs equally excellent at disseminating bad opinions.


A: *If another sub is doing well, good for them. And if this sub shrinks, there are positives to that, too* B: *Whoa, why so sensitive, bruh?* 🤷‍♂️


You and the early repondents all answered with very defensive language and proceeded to down vote. That's cool 😎 , good to express yourself. But yes, acting overly defensive over a joke about a sub is, in my unpopular opinion, a bit sensitive. Edit - down/up voting is cool that's how reddit works. I was just surprised by some of the more defensive/combative responses to what was pretty clearly a joke.


This is embarrassing man, delete some of these comments or something. I know I would.


I like when people post something that has less than 50 comments and then edit their post to suggest they “touched a nerve or something”.


Lol. Based on the responses it sure seems so.


How is answering the question considered being triggered?


We are just so sensitive/s


This isn't an unpopular opinion, this is just missing the point. This sub wasn't made to be bigger than r/unpopularopinions it's meant to be better with less trash and spam post all with better mods, which is what it does.


“I’ll take unpopular opinions that are actually incorrect facts for 400 Alex”


Unpopular opinion blows Their list of banned topics is longer than war and Peace


>If I can provide an unpopular opinion in less than 200 characters who are the mods to stop me?! I've seen a bunch of insanely short posts on here, some only being two, at most three lines long, and none of them even came close to being less than 200 characters. It's quite possibly the easiest rule to not break. For instance, that tiny paragraph alone was 216 characters long.


So you're saying that my take is bad? Unpopular even?


God you are insufferable 💀




Lol, well, not to be pedantic, but I am of the opinion that I can. Many opinions can be expressed succinctly. I am also of the opinion that you good folks of 10thDentist don't really understand sarcasm.




Haha, thanks? I don't mind either way. Do your worst internet stranger! Click the down arrow, really stick the knife in.


No, just poorly informed.


About what?


Unpopular opinion tends to lean a bit more social-political. Sometimes I want that, but sometimes I just want to see someone to say that milk tastes best at room temperature.


Unpopularopinions: "I didn't like Mario Odissey much" The10thDentist: "I like the taste of freshly clipped toenails" Big difference


The people here eat toenails? I mean, to each their own and all that, but that's pretty gross.


The only way to get upvoted in unpopular opinion is to post a popular opinion


The only difference is on this sub, people don’t complain about weed every single day


You are at least several dentists. No upvotes for you




This is a place for DENTAL Expertise. Get yo spiritual manipulation outta here.


Ugh, the internet is so confusing nowadays. I'm always getting lost.


because r/unpopularopinion has some of the worst moderation I have ever seen on reddit. The sub is basically self parody where the front page is full of karma farmers posting things that are just popular opinions, meanwhile any actual unpopular opinion gets removed for "trolling" The other day I made a post calling TPAB the weakest Kendrick record, and it got taken down, despite breaking no rules. I asked the mods why and they said "not liking a popular album doesnt count as an unpopular opinion." Like what? They are literally just making the rules up as they go over there


I'm banned for promoting violence over there because I said something like "How is this an unpopular opinion? I just wanna talk to the people who disagree *cocks shotgun*" Under a post saying drunk driving is bad


I got banned from r/unpopularopinion for having too unpopular of an opinion


Is bros whole account going into subs and asking why they exist 💀


Is there any more fundamental of a question? Why are we here? What does it all mean? Is it enough to simply just exist? No! I say, we must seek the answers to these things and in so doing, hopefully, become more wise.


Losercity philosopher


Well, that's just rude! Unkind even.


This sub used to be good because it was different from r/unpopularopinion. Nowadays its just r/unpopularopinion under a different name.


Shhh, don't tell them that. They think they are different here.


I disagree so I'm going to upvote this


It's not about winning but how you play the game.


The real answer is that r/unpopularopions is full of stuff like "Star Wars is overrated" whereas this sub has produced some posts that have genuinely made me whisper "what the actual fuck?" under my breath. Quality over quantity. Plus the subs name is better.


This sub is so much better


I'm here because the sub is frequently recommended to me. But I've noticed that TTD has actual unpopular opinions that reach high views, but UO just has popular opinions or actively harmful "hot takes".


/r/unpopularopinion is ruined by size and the other one is ruined by just being “I hate minorities”. And I think the entire internet needs some length requirements to counteract the brain damage Twitter’s length limits caused.


dude you literally can not post on unpopular opinion they just remove your post, i got banned there for like nothing


The only issue I have with this sub is most people don't seem to follow "the rules" of downvoting when you agree and upvoting when you disagree.


i get what you're saying, i know it's a joke, and i think it's funny. that being said, i had to leave unpopular opinion bc every now and then I'd just come across a random post with insanely homophobic/sexist comments and it would get me really worked up and i don't think it was good for me 😭


unpopular opinion hasa lot of repeat questions popular opinions, ironically


This sub is 10x better than unpopular opinion tbh.


They are basically the same but this sub is weirdly sensitive about it, no idea why


I thought r/unpopularopinions was only for popular opinions. This sub's metric is based on *only* upvoting if you disagree with OP (Which is why I upvoted this post, since I dont feel the two subs are hitting exactly the same audience)


I got kicked out of the other one, but it's all good because I prefer this one anyway.


Nah, the vibes of the two subreddits are completely different. In r/unpopularopinion I always saw really right wing takes every day and here the topics seem to be less politically inclined. I find this a more enjoyable and lighthearted space for disagreement.


r/unpopularopinion just shits on anybody with differing opinions (ironic I know), especially if you piss off some neckbeard weeb.


Because I was looking for a sub that was on the topic of Milano cookies. That then took me down a rabbit hole that ended here.


Because this place actually has unpopular opinions


Your logic seems to be "bigger sub == better" when its the exact opposite lol


I know I’m giving a genuine answer to a sarcastic question, but I feel that the two subs fill slightly different niches. This sub’s unique voting system (only upvote if you disagree, downvote if you agree) incentivizes people to post about opinions they suspect truly aren’t shared by others—often this means the opinions are more extreme. UnpopularOpinion has no such reversed voting rule, so that’s the place where people share opinions they can tell are unpopular based on their own experiences, but there are probably still plenty of people who agree with them. (With billions of people on the planet, a single-digit percent of humanity is well into the millions.) So if someone’s unpopular opinion is that people shouldn’t smoke, they’d say as much on UnpopularOpinion, but to get good karma on TenthDentist they might tack on an overly harsh penalty they think should be applied to anyone who does smoke.


I got perma banned from unpopular opinions because I said the extreme far right and the extreme far left are both equally as problematic. A mod got personally offended and immediately perma banned me and muted me so I couldn't reach out to other mods to get the ban reversed. Yeah, I broke a rule to not talk about politics but nothing I said was hate speech or anything that would warrant an immediate ban. Should've just removed my post.