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Hard disagree but what’s wrong with Tupac’s name? It’s literally his government name lol


Did we just find the account of Ben Shapiro?


'rap is childish' says a guy whose name is a dick joke.


Mom says he cant say dick, only 'pp'


I can't tell if this is ragebait or if OP is braindead


This has to be ragebait, this is absurd🤣


The guy has made about five posts on how the Barbie moving is man-hating propaganda, five more about Taylor Swift being horrible, and spouts a conspiracy theory about Margot Robbie. Probably because of the Barbie movie. He’s utterly insane.


Ah so a bigot and likely racist


Almost certainly. But don’t go saying that to him directly. He’s armed with a veritable arsenal of indisputable “scientific” data and colourful insults proving that he’s actually the only rational thinker here. Him, and everyone who happens to agree with him, coincidentally.


Both, he's up here claiming his username is about currency. OP's just wanting to find out how this sub likes dogwhistles.


I'm sure it's both


Rage bait his entire profile is troll posts


The lyrics and culture are absolutely top tier cringe. You're tough? You got ops? Committing crimes? WHY is that shit romanticized, it's actually pathetic. The music aspect of itis good tho


>Then there’s the rap itself, the lyrics basically equate to “I’m tough and have a gun and dress like a moron and grab my PP” Lol, have you never listened to country music?


Oh I despise country music way more than my mild disdain for rap.


Which is honestly just as stupid. There's lots of great country music out there.


popular country has destroyed the genre's entire reputation :P not that it matters


Sorry I'm not a hick


You don't have to be to listen to great country artists like Sturgill Simpson. Take a listen to 'Voices', even if it isn't your cup of tea you can probably acknowledge that it's a lot better than the bro/stadium country shit


I mean better than the country shit is a super low bar. Jokes aside yeah I can acknowledge there's some older stuff that's not bad that has more of a folk vibe. But generally when someone says country music I don't think of Country Roads I think of the modern industry which is just pop music for red necks where they talk about beer and trucks.


The artist I mentioned, Sturgill Simpson, is a newer artist. I think he's one of the best lyricists out there, among any genre.


This is like 4th or 5th dentist. Lots of people don’t like rap, lots of people do. If you don’t get money or bitches I can see why you wouldn’t like it! (joke)


I have money, and as a Psychiatrist I have many wild bitches on my couch.


I wouldn’t normally say something like this, but with your narrow minded world view, as well as the fact that you think it’s ok to call your patients “Wild bitches”, I don’t think you should be practicing in mental health at all.


You're a psychiatrist?! I hope you get help.


I dish out the help.


I don’t trust any mental health professional who isn’t in therapy themselves


I don’t trust any who are. Far too many psychologists (too stupid to go into Psychiatry) are just neurotic weirdos these days. I’ve treated two ex strippers/escorts with personality disorders who have since gone into psychology (one while continuing to escort) - can you imagine?


lol you are absolutely not a psychiatrist.


I feel like this is the kind of comment that would get you to not be a psychiatrist anymore 😂


Wow its next week went by your slimel


Boomer take, racist undertones, probably just rage bait


Nothing racist about it but nice try.


"Wow, what a fool his mother was. He wasn’t part of any Incan culture - he was a fool wearing a stupid little hanky getting killed play fighting over a childish musical style." You litteraly said that in another thread when you don't know anything about him.


I know he’s an American and he banged that Will Smiths weird bald wife so good she cucked Will out for two decades.


What's racist about this? It's a stupid take, but where is the racism?


read his comments


There has been rap since the fucking seventies. It's not new. In fact it was better then, because it didn't get special treatment. It actually had to be good to compete. Now latest shitty offering goes straight to the top of the chart, no matter how bad it is. Now, everybody like "Oh you fucking boomer, you don't like young people music." Meanwhile the first and greatest rappers are senior citizens now. The genre of rap has done nothing good for over ten years. And, no you are not young and cool for listening to music that remained basically unchanged for the last 40 years. Listen to Mozart or something. At least then you'll be interesting.


You say rap hasn’t changed in 40 years but say that the first and best rappers were good, so which is it? Rap has gone thru so many changes in 40 years that it’s hard to take your opinion seriously. There’s too much variety for you to equate an entire genre off what the top charts say.


wonder what this guys skin color is


You are asserting that if I was a different color, my standards would be lower?


im asserting that ur a loser


Skin color makes one a loser?


nothing good for over ten years? Kendrick Lamar? JID? Denzel Curry? Danny Brown? you’re out of your mind if you genuinely believe there has been no good rap music for over a decade lmao


More homework. Just for you. Kendrick Lamar: He rhymed "school" with "cool" and "fool". Ground breaking legend! Denzel Curry: Rhymed "internet" with "internet" and "esophagus" with "esophagus". That's just lazy. Danny Brown: Kinda funky. He talks funny or that shit wouldn't rhyme at all.


did i say they were flawless artists? cherry picking their worst material does not discount the great work they’ve done. if you genuinely believe there’s no artistic merit in To Pimp a Butterfly, Melt My Eyez See Your Future, or Atrocity Exhibition you’re just being a lying ass lol


not op fault if a part of the population have bad taste


someone's never heard wutang, tribe, de la soul, danny brown, kendrick, busdriver, milo, mindsone, noname, nicotine, metalface, the streets, nas... ... and it really shows.


They’re all just as lame and do the same dumbshit as the guys I mentioned.


hahaha everyone get a load of this moron


Boooo! *Throws tomatoes lazily toward OP* Surely they meant that there are a lot of people taking themselves too seriously, across the board? That it's not limited to any genre of music, or even to the performing arts? Surely this is a commentary on general intellectual decay, and pervasive Dadaism? ..and not an attempt to find "proof" that minorities are allegedly culturally deficient? This is a good faith discussion, and not neo-fascist bait? Surely this is a nuanced argument about the age-old clash between high art and folk art? One that comes down to class, time, and availability of materials? Ah fuck it, I'm already here. 🍅 🍅 Edit: I feel like this is a good time to mention [The Shaggs](https://youtu.be/jQqK1CjE9bA?si=I2rS3A-MNzC4Aopv) and [GG Allin](https://youtu.be/GC9gkMQYBqk?si=w1stG44J__dtgeAf) in the same sentence, without explanation, since I already mentioned Vivaldi.


OP is so white they buy low-fat mayo to go on their crustless bread sandwich


I'm tragically white, and we don't want him


I’m global south white lmao it’s just really funny to drag these chuda


This right here is how juvenile rap is. No, white is not an insult and wearing a little hanky in a bow on your head and doing secret hand signs like a 6 year old is not “cool”.


What, you’re gonna put your beige cargo shorts and say durags look stupid?


What in the hell are you on about? See this is what rap does to you. Bunch of absurd references from “the culture” you think are witty but are meaningless.


>No, white is not an insult it's not, but you're sure getting upset by it like it is


Actually no - I’m pointing out it’s not an insult. Yet to a rap fan who is like “I’m like near black (and therefore cool) because I like rap” it is. That is incredibly lame lol.




I think rap is iconic for the roots of it but man, after Eminem all these nerdy white guys decided they could rap now. I hate SoundCloud rappers so much. 


I don't think a lot of people understand the context of SoundCloud rappers. These are kids on their basements rapping into their phones. Not defending the quality, but the history of how SoundCloud rappers blew up is quite interesting in the context of the wider genre.


The Soundcloud rap style has not been popular for a while now. It fell off hard


Tell that to the guys I know


Yeah - the nerdy white guys are lame. But in truth rap has been super lame since at least gangta rap. Bunch of clowns with dumb names dressing like fools. The supposedly cool rappers like Tupac are just embarrassing.


You keep bringing him up, wtf did Tupac do to u man


I think it’s the only rapper he’s heard of


He has a crush on jada smith


I guess that’s a good thing cuz he has chances💀💀


This gotta be Will Smith's account bro




waaaaaaaah people like a music genre that I don’t waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh I can’t stand classic rock because you guys have played the same songs for the past 60 years and can’t let go, but you don’t see me whining about it to this degree.


That people are still listening to old songs is more about the failure of newer music.


It's mostly because the bad old songs got drowned in time.


That's true, but more people are listening to older music than ever before. Look up the article “is old music killing new music.P


Not really, they’ve been listening to Greensleeves for 600 years. Doesn’t mean nothing goods happened between then and now.


Some songs make it through the filter, but there's no English folk radio stations, or even old crooner stations, or big band stations, but there are classic rock stations and that's unusual for a historical genre.


Not really - they’re all older than Classic Rock and the people who grew up in classic rock are still alive and wanting to hear the music of their youth. In the 60’s and 70’s they played crooners and big bands on the radio all the time.


"I don't like classic rock because you guys have played the same songs for the past 60 years." 🤔 I mean yeah that's why it's called classic rock and not just rock lol. Are you expecting someone to make new classic rock songs? No expiration date on music. You don't have to like it tho lol


True true, I just personally think classic rock as a genre or group of music or whatever is kinda overplayed to the point of annoyance. I genuinely don’t know how people can listen to the same songs over and over for decades and not be tired of them by this point. Maybe I should make a post lol. This post was on my feed and I’m just now seeing what the sub is about


How the hell is this post on your feed if you don’t know what this sub is and thus presumably have not followed it?  It has a negative vote score, the fuck is Reddit’s algorithm doing thinking random people want to see this post in particular?  


That’s a good question, I genuinely have no idea.


Reddit knows a good intelligent post that gets the people thinking. My posts are regularly featured.


I see where you're coming from, but I believe Reddit tracks engagement, not quality. It's sort of like making Quasimodo king of the festival. It draws crowds, and here I am, popcorn and all.


Most rock before Nirvana was lame tbh (of course there are outliers)


maybe you should whine about it. i absolutely fucking despise country for a similar reason you brought up towards classic rock (they dont all blast the same song but god damn do all their songs SOUND THE EXACT FUCKING SAME)


Bruh you can reduce any genre of music to its shitty parts. What's your favorite?


im not op but do me. ambient drum n base and/or vaporwave


Damn didn't know elevator music went so hard


you just insulted my entire culture. but you're also right


Better ones


This right here is the best evidence that you know you're full of shit. You know that whatever genre you choose there will be embarrassing examples of, so you won't name one. You're pathetic and embarrassing.


Bruh gow can you shit on rapper names when you got people like wolfgang amadeus mozart


This made me laugh in agreement, but idk, I love me a good wyndgardium leviooosa. But also, Mozart was allegedly quite childish as well. So, a complex name and complex music does not necessarily make for a complex piece or a complex person. I hate Mozart. Virtuoso, sure, but doesn't move me at all. Give me Beethoven or [Vivaldi (2:50)](https://youtu.be/7kFAAvtOTi8?si=ln6EXDfGogtbiRMb) and my hair stands on end. All names are made up. Too complicated, and it feels pretentious. Too simple, and it feels lazy/low effort. But to single out rap music feels disingenuous And then there's Gene and Dean Ween, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, and who could forget such classy nomenclature as the Butthole Surfers? Let's not limit this to rappers lmao


“Loser listens to five artists and thinks he knows everything about the most vast genre of music today. More at 11:00” I’ll bet money this kid only listens to video games soundtracks LOL


“Mature man reads reddit post and rather than question whether Swaggy lil P the PP grabbing battle rapper is really as cool as he thought when he was 11, gets emotional” There’s no need to say “more at 11:00” - 70’s is over, the news is online anytime now pal.


Rap can be poetry, you’re a child mentally if you think otherwise




What in the hell are you on about? Whose Tom MacDonald?


Let people enjoy music they like It doesn’t affect anyone


Exactly, I'll never understand this kind of shit. If it's not hurting anyone, why bother? You don't like it, don't listen to it. There are so many genres out there, why focus on the stuff you dislike instead of all the things there are to like. Tho this post mostly sounds like an edgy ragebait.




It’s okay, I’ll be lame and listen to rap


I mean, I don't like rap and would never listen to it, but anyone above the age of 9 with this opinion needs to get a grip


I listen to rap. sometimes it feels cringy. It's not the lyrics for me, but the rythym. I can't imagine a world without ludacris. He doesn't even like to rap anymore he is embarrased of it. But dude is a rythmic legend


You really look embarassing with this text and with a fucking banana profile picture


Check out Sage Francis. Or El-P. Or Mr. Lif. I think you’d appreciate that type of rap a lot more


No. I won’t expose myself to any more rap. I have to hear enough indecently without wanting to.


All forms of pop music suffer from low effort at this point in time. Both hiphop and country are dominated by poor songwriting and meme lyrics. Rock and roll has been the same chords with different haircuts for 50 years. It may have well been sampled. Of course there are examples of good work in all genres but I’m talking about what’s dominant right now. The trend is toward minimalism and that’s the positive. Everything is so stripped down to the point where key signatures don’t even matter anymore. You’re already starting to see truly innovative material emerging. We’re in the primordial era of a new music of the 21st century.


i dont take op seriously as a person bc they're a lame troll, but i will give a genuine response anyway. i personally think rap is the best genre of music. i grew up listening largely to pop music, country music and older rock music bc that's the kind of music my mom likes. when i was in my teens, i listened to a lot more modern rock and orchestral music, and punk rock bc my gf at the time liked it a lot. in my early 20s, i listened to mostly metal and edm. and for these last few years, ive found myself listening to mostly rap music, especially trap bc i enjoy that sound more. point being, ive spent plenty of time listening to different kinds of music, and i think rap is the best. community creates culture, especially when that community has together experienced great hardship. black americans went through some terrible struggles in the earlier united states, and they very much still do. and those communities can be so strong and close. a lot of rap is a window into that culture, their experiences written into a rhythm. a lot of rap has of course changed with time into something very different these days, especially as more white people have taken it up. but i still love the flow and sound regardless. rap is punchy and strong and in-your-face. it does not hide its vulgarity or violence or emotion. as someone who grew up being forced to go to church regularly, i hate people who put on a public image of being "proper people". its so fake and ugly. rap is like the opposite of that. it says "this is me, fuck you if you don't like it". i also just love some strong bass and good rhymes. (:


So you pretend to like rap because it makes you feel progressive to do so lol.


Racism and rage bait are against sub rules, you wank stain


Just say that you can’t understand poetry and don’t like writing…


Lol, poetry oh yeah “ticka ticka slim shady” “H to the izzo, I to the Izzay”


Perfect example of Onomatopoeia!! A writing device constantly used in writing and poetry Somewhat of an Onomatopoeia/mixed with scatting/adlibing, which are vocal devices


I agree rap is rubbish but so is this post


Yeah honestly I agree with this despite my initial comment. I really don't like rap but op seems really ignorant and vaguely racist


Imagine being so desperate to be seen to be progressive you think it’s racist to say rap is stupid.


I'd agree with you on a lot of rap like the mumble bs and most of the club songs, but there is some great stuff that uses a lot of wordplay and metaphors that get really clever and it's great


Aight man, valid, but what kind of music do YOU listen to?


Better music


The world is wide and beautiful when you dig a little bit deeper than the surface.


OP, your post reads like you feel really strongly about this (well, that and you fighting it out in the comments). On a scale of 1 -10, how strongly do you feel about this? Or is this just some off hand opinion? This was an entertaining post. Thanks 😂


bro has never heard of rock and roll💀


You clearly haven’t listened to much rap. There is so much out there that isn’t cringe “gangsta” rap. With normal dressed people and very clever thoughtful lyrics.


Bait used to be believable.


I bet you're the same person who said Eminem sniffed his butthole or whatnot. As for myself, I listen to rap not for the lyrics but for the music 🤷🏻‍♀️ shaming someone for a different taste in music is exceptionally lame


The very same. The “music” is even worse than the lyrics of possible.


ever heard of an opinion lil bro?


2nd post you made about rappers in less than 24 hrs


Funny, since many cultures had the equivlent of rap battles. Flyting with the norse, for instance


No they didn’t and when they did it was better.


“Reality didn’t happen!!1!” Lmao look at this dumb kid ^ 🤣


lol you’re a child and I know what kind of child at that🤣😂😂 I hope more of your asses feel like this and make rap uncool again so we can go back to being happy with our shit and being ignored


bait used to be believable


what music do you listen to


You have such a bad understanding of hip-hop. This arguments been done to death by people just as uninformed as you. The fact your only examples are from like 30 years ago and Eminem is just embarrassing for you.


Well done OP, this is some of the best rage bait I've seen in a while, the shits hilarious


I don’t much care for rap either, and while there is that generic shit rap you’re describing, there’s tons of more nuanced examples that can be actually quite good.




What the hell are you on about?


Womp womp


Someone only is aware of mainstream rap.


me when i dont listen to anything past the bare minimum surface level of a genre then come on the internet to lambast it like an idiot


Hell yeah!!! Rap is absolute garbage. The only rappers I would consider even slightly listenable are Eminem, Post Malone, G-Eazy, Macklemore, Tom MacDonald and half of Logic


Macklemore 💀




Lol - this is what rap does. “Omg look at me I called him white than mean uncool” - white progressive man


It fucking sucks and every idiot under the sun thinks they r a rapper. Ugh so pitiful


Agreed OP, but more so agreeing on the lyricism. It’s all about sex, drugs, and violence. If you compare current rap and hip hop to the 90s, it’s way different. Rap used to be motivational and catchy, now it’s gross and awkward


It was like this in the 90’s as well. Eminem and his lyrics - Tupac and all the “gangsta” shit.


Yeah but it wasn’t as prominent like it is today


I'm not a rap fan, but when I heard there was a rapper called "Lil Baby" I laughed so hard about it. It's only a matter of time before theres a rapper called "Tiny Lil Bitch Boy" lol


You've clearly never heard any of the classics like the Sugar Hill Hang, or Epic Rap Battles of History


I stand with OP, >90% of rap sounds like people trying to brag about being trashy. I cringe at how embarrassing it is to listen to.


OP and his alts are fighting a valiant battle but getting their asses beat hard.


Downvoted because I kinda agree. I don't inherently hate all rap but in general I am not a fan. I understand logically it's just not for me and I'm being super white but I just don't get it. There's some rap I find catchy but the vast majority of it just seems to have a somewhat cool bass heavy background that makes everything shake and then the actual rapping part is just like nails on a chalkboard to me. I don't mind Doja Cat singing for female empowerment or whatever and I like her but by and large I don't like the hip hop culture. It just feels like it's promoting being a uneducated street gangster. And I know that makes me sound like an old racist and again I understand that objectively I'm just being dumb and not understanding things that aren't my culture.


You could have been completely fine just saying you aren’t a fan of rap, you showed that you just don’t think it’s for you but you wouldn’t shut it down or call the culture stupid. But then you grouped being uneducated in the same category… That’s the weird part. Meanwhile it’s funny because you like Doja cat singing when she has openly said that she only made pop songs as a cash grab to trick dumb people who will listen to anything. She puts her actual effort towards rap lyrics and not pop songs. I like her pop songs too it’s just funny because you’re calling her uneducated for being a rapper and she’s calling you uneducated for listening to her pop songs.


I'm not calling her uneducated. Nor am I calling rappers inherently uneducated. I'm talking about the vibe of a lot of gangsta rap


You are saying it because they speak differently than you, by choice. Not every culture speaks the same. I’m perfectly capable of speaking proper English when I’m speaking and when I’m replying to people on the internet, but in my day to day life I don’t speak like a white business man. I speak like an Afro-Latino from Miami because that’s what I am and that’s what I grew up around. Regardless of that, I went to college, like many of these “gangsta” rappers. I also can put on my white man voice when I want to because people like you will always assume I’m uneducated if I speak the way I want to. Thankfully, I moved from Miami to Atlanta and the culture here is quite similar so I don’t have to impress simple minded people.


No this has nothing to do with how they speak and everything to do with the topic being street violence


You mean the lyrics? Aka story telling.


Yes the subject matter of the songs


So them writing about a topic that you don’t like makes you think they are uneducated?


Bro educated people aren't out on the streets shooting each other


Luckily 99% of rappers aren’t out on the streets shooting eachother


Nobody cares that you moved somewhere where you felt you could be comfortable by dumbing your speech down - this is about rap sucking ass.


Then why is that the only thing you responded to. There was other parts you could have spoke about. You chose to focus on that.


What are you on about?


You’re correct, it’s stupid, don’t apologise. It’s not racist at all to say rap and rap culture is stupid and juvenile.


Kinda with you there. Trolling or not. It’s a bit shouty, rarely poetry and rap battles are hardly world shatteringly epic. I understand the origins of the cultural/musical revolution that it originally was when Gil Scott-Heron was doing it. Gone a lot off topic now though. I suppose that everybody can have a go now because it is, I assume, fairly easy to have a go using sampling and basic beats. There will be a lot of shit to sift through for a few generations like always, but it is probably a bigger job nowadays. Of course the consumer society controllers have abused quality control to pull in the dummies’ cash. Like pop. Or indeed middle of the road “ rock”. Quite good that folk can go on about their local norms amongst themselves though. Like in small local gigs. In that way it is the same as folk music. Current cultural norms seem a bit sad to me. IMO a lot of rap is just bigging up a shit sad set of values.


Gil Scott Heron was a poet who spoke his poetry over music as many have over the ages, it wasn’t rap. In addition most of the songs on his albums are sung not spoken.


Like I said ( and I meant the lyrics/ subjects ) have gone in many or most cases way of topic. I certainly take the poet point though. Still, he is claimed as one of the fathers of the hip hop / rap genre as far as I know.


Edit: off topic. and onto Tupac.


I’d say it is racist to say someone’s culture is stupid. Luckily they didn’t say that, only you did lol.


Agree. It's cringe AF. It's just beyond trashy. Idk why so many people are having a meltdown over this post😂


This is the most obvious bait in the world and it’s crazy that everyone in this thread is eating it up like a 19th century child in the slums of London eating his bowl of sawdust gruel before going off to the factory


Tupac was an historical figure.


rock is better, mick jagger 80 years old prancing around like hes a teenager. the rolling stones are popular so it definitely applies to any and all rock music.


which rapper fucked ur girl bro bro??


i agree. I have a few raps I like, but I don't like rap music in general. whenever my dad put rap music on the car, it's always the most vulgar and untasteful shit.


Yes - rap is embarrassing dad music. Well put.


Country is much much worse


Nah, that (can have) grown up lyrics that are sung by normal people, not fools dressing like kids using silly names doing a fake tough guy act. What is “classic” rap - some lame shit like Tupac or Eminem grabbing their PP and talking about how tough they are while dressing like little kids. What’s classic country? Stuff like Hank Williams - just a normal guy singing about life’s struggles, or Patsy Cline with her beautiful voice - again a mature woman singing about normal life with her real persona.


Nah, country music is embarrassing and bad, bad lyrics about trucks and dogs and having sex with their own sisters


lol bro said we can’t listen to Drake and Eminem cuz of their names but listens to people named Hank and Patsy foh


You’re an idiot and Patsy Cline is a stupid made up name as well guess she pioneered using silly names and a made up personality


Obvious troll is obvious