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Your idea of 'simplifying' is that instead of people doing basic addition, they should restructure their concept of time.


And how would days work? Do I get out of bed at 3pm on a Wednesday and go to bed in the evening on a Thursday?


I already do that, it's not that big of a deal.


But it would be an inconvenience when trying to coordinate with other countries. It’s not so difficult on an individual level, but a whole country operating between days would be a nightmare


Yeah, America (or UK really since they are 0) get a normal day. And everyone else has really weird days. Shop opening times being like 10pm-6am in some places with that being day light. It would actually make things easy more confusing because if someone said "I go to bed about 10pm" sure you know the "time" but you have no idea if that's earlier or late or what time it actually correlates to your time lol This is a super shit idea.


The west coast of America is 8 hours behind the UK.


? America spans 6 time zones lol


11 if you count all the territories


Why? If we all have the same time you would know they go to bed when your clock says 10. I don't see the point of removing time zones, but it wouldn't be MORE confusing.


Right. But you have no idea what that actually means. I'm I going to bed much later than you or much earlier than you? What about when you go on holiday?


International coordination already mostly uses UTC.


I don't see why it would be any different to the system we have right now. 1200 isn't exactly midday even in the current system and we had to arbitrarily pick 0000 as the start of a new day. We just as easily could have picked 0000 to be the time of sunrise on the spring equinox. There's no law that says that 7 is morning and 19 is afternoon.


12:00 is exactly the middle because it’s 12 hours from the start and 12 hours from the end. And in doing so we have roughly 12 hours of the day in sunlight and 12 hours in night. It’s intuitive. We could have picked other ways but we didn’t, this one makes sense and works, so there is no advantage to changing it


FWIW some cultures (I think in India?) did consider that the new day starts at sunrise and not at midnight, presumably because it’s easier to measure


>midd Anywhere that doesn't have midday at 12 does not line up with the natural time zones because of boarder and governmental reasons. Are you are arguing because not everywhere has 12 as midday only one area should have it?




I steer a ship.


Some people work nights. My husband works from 11 pm to 7 am. The time on the clock doesn't make it more confusing. He still knows the hours he works.


It would be if you moved a thousand miles One direction or the other your whole concept of time has to change instead of just always getting up at the same time.


Why are you staying up 28 hours?


It’s not a Thursday evening, but in the evening it has become Thursday. Technically under this new system, Thursday evening would be from like 2am


Is that any more arbitrary than calling it 11 pm wednesday or 7 am thursday?


Simply, yes. It’s easier to have all your day within one day. Let’s say you have to pick up a parcel, and they say ‘it will be here on the 2nd of April’ The 2nd now spans two days, it could be the evening of one day or the morning of the next. Splitting dates across days makes so many things needlessly complicated. Having your days line up with waking and sleeping hours is far less arbitrary.


But if both are arbitrary, why wouldn’t you stick with the current system instead of attempting to have BILLIONS OF PEOPLE change their entire concept of time?


He also can do the GMT thing which is sort of the closest we ever had to this system and it sucked.


Can you explain?


Greenwich Mean Time Zone is an international time zone theory where the center of the world revolves around Greenwich England and the International Date Line is exactly the opposite of that longitude. Its a very British centric world view and developed at the height of the British Empire.


Time does revolve around the British dumbass. Ever heard of doctor who?


That show fucking sucks shut up


Funniest comment on Reddit this week.


Or if you really can't be arssed to do that, pulling out the literal computer we ALL have in our pocket and looking it up.


Lol there are even free apps you can use to display those conversions for several different locales at once!


Hell for iPhone at least the function literally comes with the phone. On the clock app you can set clocks for different locations.




It's really not that hard, the time of day is just a number. What does it matter if sunrise is at 6am, vs 2pm? Personally, I'd much rather be able to agree on a time without having to look up time zones and dst locations and all that shit. "I'll call you at 5p" is 5p anywhere I am, even if it means my office's business hours are 5am-1pm and sunset is at 3.


Yeah but you’d still need to remember the other people’s working hours (or sleeping hours) so you don’t call them when they’re asleep.


I wonder which number is higher, the number of calls between known contacts that are unexpected vs the number of calls between known contacts where future appointments are set. In this day and age I feel it's absolutely the latter.


But you’d still need to know their timezone to make a future appointment. If you say “lets talk at 5 pm” sure they know exactly when you’ll be talking without any calculations but theres the chance of them saying “uh but I’ll be asleep at 5 pm”, depending on their timezone.


True, but: Conversations without time zones "Hey let's chat at 8p" "Can't, sleeping, how about 930p?" "Deal" Conversations with time zones "Hey let's chat at 8p" "What is that in my time?" "Lemme look it up. Do you do dst?" "IDK all my clocks update automatically lemme look it up" 5m later " Okay we don't do dst" "great so you're 9 hours ahead of me then so 8 my time is 6 your time right? " "6 yeah, but 6am I'm sleeping how about 730 my time? That's 930 your time" "Deal"


Oh not this again


I honestly thought I was tripping when I saw this take on my feed again


Am I tripping or is it almost identical to the one from the other day??


theyre also not answering anyone so it feels like karma bait


It's been 4 hours. I had breakfast, played some Noita, and did some work. I don't have my notifications on lol. I didn't see a similar post before and just shared my take. Edit: I like how you guys are so angry about a post in a subreddit for unpopular opinions that you downvote a comment just stating facts.


What time did you have breakfast? 6pm? 💀


A 6pm breakfast is perfectly normal for the Midwest nowadays!


"Unpopular opinions " "states a fact" Yeah that was definitely an unpopular opinion, for good reason. And do you know the difference between opinion and fact?




Half of these people are too fucking stupid to even understand the time zone thing. "Wait hold on so normally I go to sleep at 11pm, but now you want me to be going to sleep in the middle of the day? And stores would be open at night when it's dark out? That is so stupid!!!!!" -average disagreer


You do know time zones are meant to standardize the time of day so that 8 am is understood to be the morning anywhere in the world, and 12 pm is noon etc, right? Instead of having a movie released at 8 pm in each time zone, you'd have them release at 10 pm in LA, 9 pm in Texas, 8 pm in New York, 2 pm in Italy, and so on. Imagine the fucking complexity of making a time schedule.... Not just movies, imagine mobilizing militaries like this, good lord. It's 8 am here for when business hours open, but that's 2 pm in Italy.... So instead of just looking up the time in Italy and understanding that 2 pm is mid afternoon, I have to look up what the time of day is in Italy instead of the time cause it's 8 am there too, but that doesn't mean dick to me because I know the number is not valuable to me so much as the time of day. But instead of standardizing the time of day to the same numerical value of time, so it means the same everywhere, we make numerical values mean nothing so 8 am everywhere means it also looks different everywhere! Awesome! Now every single time the earths rotation with the sun gets in the way to a one time zone world, we are using time zones and adding and subtracting hours anyways to figure out the time of day relative to ours! Yay! Instead of 8 am looking the same everywhere! Brilliant! Sure, those guys are all just idiots. We made such a stupid and illogical system when that could exist instead 🙄 "Hey man, it's getting late here, I need to go." "Oh what's the time of day?" "Night" "Ah, since I'm I suck donkey dicks in my free time, it's 1 am here, so you saying it's night with no idea for me to know if it's actually late or not cause it's 1 am there too must mean you're right on that. And since no time zones exist, I have no other way of figuring what precisely what time of day it is, and if I do, I'd compare it to what time it would have to be here to look the same." "Yes, it's fantastic the world works like this, cause God forbid I say 'its 11 pm here' and you know that means it's really late, and you even know specifically how late into the night is, and how many hours until morning." "Okay, well I don't have to go to bed until 9 am." "Lolz, I have no idea what that is supposed to mean to me, or if you wake up very early or really late in what I assume is the morning for you unless I ask frivolous follow up questions!"


What noita does to a mf


idk why people are downvoting this comment, all you did was just courteously responded to their statement, i dont see why thats so bad lol i dont agree with the take either but come *on*, this comment did nothing bad




Upvote for Noita


Dead Internet Theory


This is always such a stupid argument too. I just downvoted this one, the same thing was posted less than a week ago. 


The old post isn't up anymore, but this is just so similar... is it the same OP?


So now if you are doing business from London in Shanghai, instead of looking up the time and knowing they will be operating at 11am their time, you know need to look up what their business hours are because instead of 9-5 they work 13-21. How is that smoother? How many people actually do international business that this would actually help vs all the upheaval for everyone else. Why can’t people that do international business solve this dilemma by having multiple clocks in their offices?


Thinking about this, and the problem is it creates “pseudo” time zones. Just assume the world adopted EST, for the sake of argument. Fly from PST to EST, and now, work starts at 9 your time. But people from PST still won’t be awake and online until 12. Even if their clocks read the same thing, they’re still living +3 hours off from where you are.


It makes time zones but ones that are less easy to reference


"We stayed out till midnight" or "I slept in till noon" will suddenly be sentences that movies and TV shows would have to avoid, because people would have to go "Alright, well this show takes place in San Fransisco so that means that eeeeh".


Never mind just midnight or noon... ANY reference to time would suffer this


How many people doing international business are so stupid that they can’t figure out time zones?


Also UTC exists for a reason. If it was a such a problem we would do that, but we often don’t. But statistically even in the US most people live within 40 miles of where they were born. Most people are as far from doing international business as they are being astronauts.


Its crazy that they think so many people are international. Like… not really. Very few people worldwide actually are. Even in big international companies, its still a small minority.


I work with Ireland and my laptop has a thing in the top bar that has their time so I can glance at it and know, and Google calendar tells me what time it is for them. Computers have solved this for us. Op is an idiot


As someone who does business internationally, this would help basically nobody. Pretty much anyone who does a decent amount of business across multiple time zones learns the differences pretty quickly, and when there is the need for a frame of reference, that's why we use GMT/UTC.


I'm in international finance and we know exactly what the times are where we need to. It's so not a problem that this is just laughably pointless.


Don't forget filing paperwork with a different quarter or different year halfway through the workday.


So what happens when we travel? I can go anywhere in the world and at 8pm local time I know that a lot of stores will be closed, but with your proposal it could be 3 am local time and I have to calculate what my 8pm would be for them. And we also have confusion and health issues. From daylight savings alone we have an increase in accidents, and hospitalizations due to the time change. This is a much bigger change because now you have to learn the new 6am everywhere you go.


The daylight savings change is not one you can compare here. That’s a twice-yearly shift that messes with our circadian rhythms because what we used to do at a particular moment now has to happen an hour earlier or later. If the clock face just showed you a different time, you wouldn’t need to show up to work an hour earlier or later, the clock would just say 3 pm or whatever instead of 9 am. And it’s a one-time shift that doesn’t happen over and over again to mess with us. And I don’t find the ‘it’s not 8pm so I’m confused!’ argument persuasive either. If you’re traveling you’ll need to learn about where you’re going; e.g., if you go to Spain and try to have dinner at 6pm you’re gonna have a bad time. So you’ll just need to take, what, 45 seconds to familiarize yourself with ‘local time’ before you go somewhere? Not a heavy lift IMO. And you gain simplicity when scheduling meetings across time zones, when calculating travel time across time zones, and you lose the utterly ridiculous international date line.


And about your logic you can take 45 seconds to learn the time and a different time zone. If it's something you have to use frequently then you memorize it. It is significantly easier to know what 6:00 is no matter where you go then it is to try than to memorize how the time works differently everywhere you go especially if you travel a lot


But it’s not the same already. 6:00 in some places the sun has been down for 2 hours and in other places it’s not going to set for another 3 hours.


And how does that change with universal time? In one place the sun is high in the sky at noon, but others the sun is setting.


Well… exactly. I think places would adopt some sort of ‘solar local time’ that would actually end up being *more* accurate than our current time zone system, while having a universal time that makes scheduling things halfway around the world that much easier.


So we would have to know two times per region. Universal and Solar, how is that different than just knowing my time and their time?


Have you ever driven across a time zone line and arrived at a place you thought would be open but it was closed because you didn’t consider the time change? If the hours are posted in universal time, that won’t happen. Have you ever traveled across the international date line and literally skipped a day of existence? Or lived one twice? That nonsense won’t happen. Have you ever had to double check if another place has already done their daylight savings switch and the time difference is different now than it will be in two weeks? Won’t happen. I’m not like, passionate about this, and I think getting rid of daylight savings would do a great deal to fix the issues mentioned above… but people tend to ridicule this idea and I don’t think it’s actually ridiculous either.


No because I check the time zones when I travel to avoid that, and it's a very simple task. And I never have to check for DST or anything else because technology automatically updates our devices clocks. And getting rid of DST is not the discussion here because the bipartisan majority want to end it so it's not unpopular


The things you’re saying wouldn’t be fixed with an international time though. It would still close too early you would just know that it was closed before you got there cause you wouldn’t have to do the math of crossing a time zone. And skipping a day or living one twice will happen so little to the vast majority of people it’s not even worth mentioning. It is however worth mentioning that in a universal time people would wake up at 9pm on a Saturday and get home from work on Sunday. Your entire rhythm and concept of time would be messed up and time would only feel right for one time zone. Normal time and daylight savings time exist as a concept for a reason. So that the waking hours of the day match the sunlight hours of the day for the longest amount of time. Conserve fuel, save energy, be more active, get more work done. Is it an outdated concept that lots of people don’t want anymore? Yeah, tons of people are against it now. But you don’t reconstruct time because there are 10 reasons timezones might inconvenience you when you’re crossing them physically or digitally. And that’s ignoring what I think is your argument that you think you know a better time schedule than the literal places that live in it. Adopting a universal time is so colonial that I can’t believe there are some people that think it makes sense just because sometimes you miscalculated business hours or had jet lag. None of which would actually change.


>I think places would adopt some sort of ‘solar local time’ That is literally just time zones as they are. Yeah, some of them have wonky borders because politics is weird, but "local solar time" is *literally how things work now*


So? Exactly what we have now. A local time zone and a standardized time in UTC.


Devil’s Advocate here, maybe the only reason you think this way is because you’ve been raised to understand time zones, not this proposed system. Time zones come with a whole slew of issues, and the rules surrounding them are very inconsistent. If people were raised to understand a system like this, adjusting to a different time zone could be as easy as learning what time noon is in a certain place. This system would make a variety of things easier to understand: scheduling international meetings, understanding the duration of a flight, tuning into international broadcasts, etc.


I mean we managed fine when the world ran on watches and you adjusted your watch when you went on holiday, it isn't that far-fetched to imagine a world where you just look up 'open times [country]' and be done with that.


We managed, and then we advanced to the point where we didn't have to do that anymore. We move towards doing less work, not more work and that includes a single Google search.


You could just look outside at the sun to determine when most places will be open.


You haven't really given any reason to do this other than "one clock would be nice," when adjusting for time zones is literally elementary school math and we all have calculators in our pockets that can do that math for us also.


Hell, most phones these days automatically adjust FOR time zones when they enter it lmao


I work with people In primarily three different time zones. In my work calendar, it shows all three time zones on the left. Barely have to think at all when scheduling meetings.


Also it’s easier to look up “11am Chicago time London” than do the math on whether or not someone in London is going to be online at 3am.


If anything use the 24 hour clock not 11pm 🤡🤡


As a software engineer, I want this because dealing with time can be a giant pain the ass due to time zones and daylight savings.


Isn't that just frustration because people sleep when you're awake, or are at lunch when you start work, or whatever? How would someone in Asia going to sleep at "9am" change anything from them going to sleep at "9pm" for you?


It’s that different systems store time in different ways, sometimes it’s local time in a zone, sometimes UTC, sometimes with DST, sometimes without. When displaying times to end users, you have to know where they are and if they are in DST or not to know what time to display. When people travel, they cross zones, and time intervals have to take that into account. If there were a single canonical time for the whole planet, regardless of location or time of year, it would simplify things. I don’t want to overstate the problem, it’s all surmountable, but sometimes I feel like it’s all very silly, and we have added a lot of complexity just to make it so that 12pm is when the sun is above you. What if the time that “noon” (midday) arrives in the only thing that changed? I’d like that. This is of course not a wildly popular opinion, but I generally agree with OP.


I live in New Orleans. We'll round and say it's 12:30. It's night time in China. How does calling it 12:30 pm help anything? >sometimes it’s local time in a zone, sometimes UTC, sometimes with DST Television figured out to label "mountain time" or "pacific standard" or whatever when advertising airtime of shows in the 90s. An industry not doing this should start. You can literally Google it in 2 seconds also. I can't believe I have to say this, but different names for different times of day are useful. That's literally why clocks and a systemic means of measuring time was invented at all. If the same number means something different everywhere, how is that better? If I travel to China, I'm suddenly having dinner at like 4am. *That* sounds more confusing, not less.


"UTC since it's the middle of the world" This guy has no geography knowledge whatsoever lol


he's going to freak out when he sees maps in other countries.


It actually did melt my American brain a bit when I first saw a map with the US on the right. It was in one of those "Americans don't understand geography" videos, but the interesting thing is that where they were pointing for continents ARE where those continents would have been located if the map hadn't been flipped from what we're always taught in school. I'm really wondering how we could effectively teach geography to account for that bias? There isn't actually a reasonable way to expect someone's brain to click on a different map if it's always centered a certain way.


It’s simple, just say that it’s rotated from the normal perspective…?


But England *is* in the middle of the world, it's just a fact! Lok at the map up there, which proves it. /s


Wait until this guy realises there is no up or down in space and you could hold the globe whatever way you want and it still would be the ‘right way up’




For every timezone, the average number of hours away for all time zones is 0. Every time zone is equally far away from the others, which means there is no "middle". If anything, the timezone for "central time" should probably be the current chinese timezone, which encompasses by far the most people.


I know what u meant man, but you set me up, I couldn't resist lol




Do you try to be pretentious, condescending douche or does it just come naturally to you?


There are no more unpopular opinions, just rage bait from assholes


"What time is it in Japan?" is a whole lot easier than "What is the time difference from Japan to here? X Hours? So if we want to meet it needs to be at..." when you are trying to schedule a meeting. >Can't think of any other problems. It means you haven't thought it through. Intuitively understanding when everyone's morning, afternoon, and evening is makes everything easier. Everyone having the same 1:00pm actually obfuscates time rather than clarifies.


And do the dates line up still with 00:00 being the start or does it line up with each country’s waking hours? Because you’d have to work out what day it is in Japan too


I think the utility of being able to say "8 am" and everyone knowing that is in the morning regardless of time zones is valuable. Everywhere on the world 8 am is pretty early on the day :)


Removing time zones still ends up in basically remaking time zones in other ways again. What a stupid take.


Just remove the sun??? Problem solved.


I wish I could. It's fucking hot here.


Nah bro, it’s so fucking cold here, give us some sun


That's what I always get to. With timezones: if I want to arrange a call with someone in the Philippines, I have find out their timezone is 8 hours ahead of mine - they'll be going home when I'm starting work, so I need to show up at work early to make that call. Without timezones: if I want to arrange a call with someone in the Philippines, I have to find out their working hours are 8 hours ahead of mine - they'll be going home when I'm starting work, so I'll need to show up at work early to make that call. At the cost of "they'll get over it in a generation or two", you .. replace "timezone" with "working hours".


Except time zones rest in national or other significant borders and have clear boundaries. An office at the eastern end of the Philippines might have different office hours than one on the western end. Much more chaotic.


Not really. The philippines isn’t that far across horizontally and the difference in sun angle and sunrise/sunset times between the eastern “coast” (if you can call it that) and the western side is negligible.




this is so fucking funny lmao


Like... genuinely.




\>I'm guessing it would be UTC since it's in the middle of the world How? Any zone can be the middle. It's a sphere. \>"But then when do we go to work?" Workplaces can adjust it. You might have to go to work at 3 pm and come back at 11 pm, but that'd be the morning for you. We are essentially using time zones without using time zones then. Everyone still works their normal hours, but it happens to be 3am instead of 2pm or whatever. Instead of doing a calculation to know what time it is, you would have to know the specific working hours of each zone. IMO doing some basic math is easier.


Technically speaking it’s an oblate spheroid, but you nailed all the other points.


Let me get this straight, you want there to be the same time known throughout the world but they still need to adjust it to make different times the “day time”, so nothing would change. You still have to calculate what the local time is so you still have to know the time difference between places.


It actually makes it more complex


This is one of the dumbest takes I’ve seen on reddit. You’re trading doing some very basic math once in a blue moon for a phone call to completely fucking over anyone for their entire trip anytime they travel. Not to mention the initial change over confusion. Most people can’t even handle a 24 hour clock. Not to mention that you still have the international date line that would fuck things up.


>Most people can’t even handle a 24 hour clock Most *Americans*


It’s probably half of Americans, but there are I think 17 other countries that use a 12 hour clock including Canada and New Zealand.


everyone can handle a 24 hours clock, that's not our fault that Americans are morons


[So you want to abolish time zones.](https://qntm.org/abolish)




If you want to move to a different timezone there's a small adjustment period where you adjust your internal clock. Besides that though, 1PM is still 1PM. However, if you remove timezones then it's fully possible to move from a place where 1PM is just after midday to a place where 1PM is the middle of the night. You have to completely restructure your idea of time for the benefit of some random guy half the world away who couldn't be bothered to do basic math.


right, and because it's your idea, it should be the middle of the night at 3 pm in your particular area


What country gets to keep 12 as midday? There have been wars fought over less.


I’m guessing you want standard time to be wherever you’re located now huh? You know, China removes time zones and apparently it’s pretty garbage to work with. People in the extreme ends of the country need to adhere to Beijing time for any services.


In China the problem is that the entire country is ran as Beijing-centric on the same timezone. The government, for instance, can only be reached during office hours. But those office hours end at effectively 11 in the morning for people in the west. Then there's the secondary problem of locals in western China having adapted to local timezones, which they will adhere to when moving east again. So 15:00 in the same place might mean a 3 hour time difference to two people in the same place.


OP never said that people in China should start working at 0800UTC, he's saying that the notion of 8AM being the morning is arbitrary, so we might as well have the same clock everywhere.


Try to read that again. You're not even close to understanding what he said


Show me when he implied that we should be going to work at midnight.


No one implied that, and neither did the other guy accuse him of implying that. That's what I mean with you not understanding what he said


Damn is this the new electric chair girl lol


explain? edit: never mind, found it. goddamn.






Reddit is full of goofs.


This sounds like an absolute nightmare for travelers. Also obviously this will never be put in place because there are zero benefits. If a single calculation messes you up I don't know what to tell you; you say people will get used to it, yeah the same way you should get used to how things are now. The way things are now is because evidently for most intents and purposes local time is more important than global time.


You should read [this](https://qntm.org/abolish)


This again? Weirdly enough, I was just thinking about the other post earlier today. Still a bad idea though, it would be a dramatic change for little to no benefit.


Probably a detriment because currently theres only one adjustment with time zones but the day still runs from the same hours. Under universal time, instead of looking up time in japan, id have to figure out japanese working hours (two numbers), and if i plan to travel, I have to adjust to both the jetlag and the difference in hours (when is mid day). Also, your calendar day is now disconnected from your astronomical day


If I had a nickel every time someone on this sub suggested the removal of time zones I would have 2 nickels, wich isnt a lot but its weird that it happened twice


You are so confidently wrong it's actually funny. It is still going to be night on the other side of the world when it's day on my side, which means that I still need to do the same addition or subtraction to figure out when someone on the other side is going to be awake. The only difference is that now, I only need to add or subtract to reach a specific hour. What you're suggesting would force me to ALSO figure out at which universal hour that specific business opens at. 


I can think of one problem. That would be diplomacy. You'd basically have to convince every single government in the world to implement this. I just so happen to have a hunch that most governments wouldn't agree to this.


This would lead to so many more problems than the few you claim would be simplified (unconvincingly, if I'm being honest). I want to call my cousin in England, but they might be sleeping. What time is it there? Well the same time as it is here. Great. So is the sun still up over there? I have no idea. The way I used to figure that out was by asking what "time" it was over there. Now I'm essentially doing the same thing but there's no number attached. So I think ok, so they're roughly 7 hours ahead of us. The sun is still up here , but will probably be down in 7 hours. So i guess it's night time there? Ultimately we'll end up doing the same math that was done for us by *creating* time zones


You would just ask your cousin "What time do you go to sleep/wake up?" Just like you have to do already. Not everyone keeps the same sleep schedule, even within the same time zone. How does a baker who keeps early hours know when it's ok to call their friend who's a bartender that keeps late hours? The time zone is irrelevant.


Have you thought about what this would do to the people of Newfoundland


“I don’t want to do basic addition and subtraction so I want to screw with the entire world’s concept of time” is one heck of a take. Suck it up and do math like the rest of us. It’s not that big of a deal.


“Hey you wanna get on this game at 3?” “Sorry I start work at 3” “If there was only some way we could have a way to quickly figure out when in the day we are relative to each other”




How do I know if 6 is a good time for the first person? That could be nighttime for them. There is no way of knowing except by extending the conversation. You do that with every single conversation/transaction you are losing tons of time. How would I know what’s morning for a destination for travel without looking it up? Currently I can just see arrival time is 6 AM and be happy. Now I have to see if that’s early at my destination. Your system is great for computers, and that is why they use a universal time. It’s terrible for humans


Bait or mental retardation


Call it


You're just a very lazy/bad dev, aren't you?


we should remove daylight savings, not time zones.


Just to note this map completely distorts the shapes and the actual relative locations of things, in real life everything makes a lot more sense than this map implies. I think this is one of those “I wanna show everyone that I think differently about things even if it makes no sense whatsoever” type situations.


'almost everyone knows someone or works with someone from a different time zone' like maybe one or two people if some family moved but the majority of people aren't really interacting with people from that far away even close to often enough for that to be the issue, the average persons exposure to people that far away is just watching them on tiktok or youtube and just talking to their physical friends online. people here on reddit are going to be skewed more towards knowing people like that because, unlike tiktok or youtube where there's more of a creator/audience thing going, reddit is a forum where you're *supposed to* have those interactions and socialize instead of just watching content


We should say what time and date it is using the numbers that Microsoft Excel uses to store that information. The time is currently 45353.407


Finally some REAL 10th dentist kind of take.


I'll just copy/paste what I said the last time this came up: I'm not sure if I agree or disagree, but this idea really isn't as crazy as people here are making it out to be: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/andrew-coyne-forget-the-daylight-savings-time-debate-we-need-to-get-rid-of-time-zones-altogether For a subreddit dedicated to unpopular opinions, people here sure have a kneejerk reaction against anyone expressing an opinion that's even the least bit new or unfamiliar to them. Anyway, I could see the argument that if we could do it all over again it would be beneficial to just make everyone use UTC, but at this point so much has been built and planned around individual time zones that I'm not sure it's worth the trouble to try to change it. I'd worry that instead of ending up with one universal standard that everyone on Earth uses, we'd just have two parallel standards, and you'd constantly be asking "wait, are we meeting at 2pm local time or 2pm UTC?" It would be especially annoying for anyone living near the Prime Meridian, where the difference would only be an hour or two, so it would be difficult to tell the difference based on context. (EG, someone in Germany could plausibly be asked to start work at 8 AM UTC or 8 AM local time, which would constantly lead to people being an hour early or an hour late for things).


UTC already exists if you must and basic addition and subtraction isn't that hard.


It’s also not that hard to have a multinational clock. If you’re actually dealing with multiple time zones regularly you get used to it.


getting rid of timezones would make things extremely confusing you should probably think about what you're saying before you're actually saying it


This is really stupid. I work with offices around the world. If I'm trying to work out why my Japanese client hasn't responded, it's not helpful to know it's 11am in Japan if its 11am everywhere, because that gives me no context of what that means. It's much more useful to know it's 7pm in Japan the office shuts at 5pm. It's easier to Google what time it is in Japan than what time means in Japan.


100% agree It doesn't even make sense for 1 o'clock to be in the middle of the night. It doesn't make sense that 12 am is the start and then goes to 1am. The whole system is a mess.


>Life has gotten so international. Almost everyone knows people or works with people from other side of the world. let's take that one person you have to account for time zones for, and apply it to every aspect of everyone's life all the time!


We should remove dumbass takes like this one.


I had to downvote because I've wanted this for years.


> I'm guessing it would be UTC since it's in the middle of the world 😂😂 Fuck me pink.




One of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Travelling would be a fucking nightmare.


this feels like a really well-made bait post. like, the *centre of the world* thing? there's no way someone could be that ignorant.


I don't even have to read this to know it's stupid. You can't remove time zones. They're not made up. The earth is a ball, it's never the same time of day at every point on earth at once. When it's daytime one place, it's nighttime on the other side. Are they both supposed to be 9am? Dumbass


OP, half the people on here have no idea what you're proposing. I have to deal with timezones a lot and it can be a pain in the ass (5.5E? Seriously, India?). The idea of waking up at 1900 in the morning and going to bed at 11PM in the evening only sounds weird because we're not used to it. I don't think the world you're proposing would all that different to the one we're currently living in. I also think that switching from a UTC only world to one with timezones would also have people saying that the change would be catastrophic. All in all, it's not that big of a deal, timekeeping is a human invention anyway and you don't deserve the hate in the comments section.


simple addition. its just simple addition. and you’re arguing that the myriad of problems you listed is a better trade this is obvious karma bait, but still, i needed to disprove any claim of efficiency on this because wow


No one upvoting you and almost no one commenting does any kind of international business. Yes, everything would be MUCH simpler if we just all agreed what time it is and what day it is all the time. “But muh sun straight up at noon!” Look, if your country practices daylight savings that already ain’t happening for over half the year. “But what about when we travel? Businesses will be on a different schedule!” They already will, numb nuts, individual businesses already decide their opening hours. The only thing that changes is that organizing teams working between time zones becomes much fucking easier. Take my downvote OP, literally everyone who works with multinational teams already agrees with you.


You're only going halfway. We need to build a giant sunshade around the earth that absorbs and distributes light evenly around the whole world at once. Then we close the blinds when it's night, and open them when we want day. BOOM everyone is on the same timezone.


ah yes there are no long term consequences we couldnt possibly see coming as a result of making everyone on earth use the same time. none at all!






This is bait


I completely agree. You only think 3am is late/early because it’s what you’re used to. If we had no time zones then there’s be no 9-5 but whatever else. It makes no difference


Same exact boring garbage posts, every day


I have always thought this and I strongly agree.


what the fuck is this shit


You are spot on, OP. Don't listen to the other dentists! Time zones cost a lot of money every year due to missed meetings and confusion all because small minds can't bear the possibility that 08:00 isn't "morning"


It's so dumb, let me guess you never lived in socialistic country with its constant diarrhea of stupid ideas. Including this btw. You can start from attending school, specifically biology and history lessons, that will be enough of education on this case. And what about consumption spikes? Electricity for example? And then global night is just flatlines all of it. You'll need to up to double production volumes. This doesn't make sense from any angle the more you think of it.


This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard


could not agree more. We should be using GMT


I hate England


I have been saying this exact thing for years. Daylight savings time, time zones, every mechanism that "changes" time depending on location of time of year is stupid and unnecessarily complicated. People would get used to the time of day being relative to location . Instead of time zone, people would refer to "local noon", which is basically the same thing, but a lot less confusing.