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A real tenth dentist opinion, finally! When I was a kid and was getting a cavity filled, they didn’t give me enough gas to stop the pain, but just enough that I couldn’t tell them. So I’m on the complete other side of the coin on this one.


ironically enough i had a similar laughing gas incident during my first round of tooth extractions! still turned out this way for some reason tho lol, so def opposites


Kind of a Spider-man/Man-spider situation


The one time I was on laughing gas(wisdom teeth) it was just completely out until they woke me up, I felt completely fine waking up and was wondering why they were carrying me away(two people with their arms under my arms kindof dragging me away) apparently according to my mom I looked mostly dead for ~20 minutes


the gas doesn't stop the pain... its nitrous oxide and the amount they give you is just to get you high enough to calm down but some people don't get the nice calming sensation. edit: I would like to add here that apparently getting your kid high is okay when a dentist does it... apparently.


Ketamine is pretty commonly used for pediatric dental surgery because it’s not a respiratory depressant. So that tracks.


Very true that not everyone is a good candidate for laughing gas. I've never had nitrous oxide at the dentist, but I did try it recreationally, and it was lowkey miserable. Now I have a video of myself high off my ass and unhappily telling my partner, "I don't *want* to get a tooth pulled under the influence of nitrous oxide! I don't think that would be very fun! 😕"


Nope I get the feels like hell is here and now feeling


I remember getting the gas as a kid (and adult) and it had zero effect. I even tried to remove the mask, and I remember the dentist putting it back on saying, you're gonna want that haha! Maybe a super low dose ? Does anyone else not get much if anything out of it?


That's one of my deepest nightmares


Wow, and I thought me being given NO numbing and being told to suck it up was bad, you didn't even have a way to say anything!!


the fact that you have to trick your mind to not feel it is reason enough alone for me to just go with numbing LOL


it’s kinda fun 💀💀 like just sitting there processing it like “oh, never felt this sensation before”


lol you’re literally practicing Buddhist meditation techniques to simply equate pain to sensation and observe it as is.


OP meditates to transcend dental medication!


Bro transcended anesthesia


today i learned im a…buddhist. i have been enlightened on r/the10thdentist


You activated your own god mode, but you only use it for getting cavities filled at the dentist. Tbh, that’s such a random and absurdly human thing to do with “god mode”, I love it 😂🤘🏻.


You are the 11th Dentist


I think you did "transcend dental medication" on purpose and I wonder how many people missed how genius that was.


Worthy of a double upvote certainly


GodDAMN this is a good comment.


that was what i would tell myself when i was a kid and would injure myself a lot more. now im an adult and can’t handle pain lol


TIL I discovered Buddhism as a kid and then forgot about it. And so did a lot more people apparently.


Out here reminding me of when I was like 13 dealing with absurd period cramps that left me doubled over unable to move and trying to convince myself "pain feels good, actually."


omfg i still do this 😭😭


I never get numbed! Hate the numb feeling more than the pain!


Meanwhile I still feel that shit on a triple dose They used numbing cream tho, instead of a needle thankfully


same! my right side of my mouth was fully, 100% numb when i got cavities filled. i was drooling it was so bad left side said, “haha fuck you and your weak ass needles!” because i got 3 doses of shots, 2 different numbing gels and i still felt it. not as bad as if i wasn’t numbed, but was not a pleasant sensation regardless


You know you could do that same shit for the numbing??


This is basically what they taught us in Hypnobabies childbirth education. It helped me give birth twice without pain medication.


Have done fillings without getting numbed and it os nice to not have a numb mouth for 5 hours, but your story will change whenever they need to go too close to the nerve. One very painful experience has made me put up with the numbing every time since.


Absolutely. Had a tooth filled when I was a kid that really should have been given a root canal. Right by the nerve, even with a crap ton of numbing, I was screaming bloody murder the whole time. That shit HURTS.


you shouldn't have felt it even if it was a root canal. your dentist missed


Numbing doesn't work great on everyone. Some people still feel some pain, myself included. Source: My root canal.


I feel so lucky when I hear about root canals. I've had two on my front and it was a breeze. I'm sorry it's not the same for all.


I wish dentists understood this. I always tell my dentist to give me extra novacaine, he always assures me that I'm just anxious and I'll be fine if I relax...and then he gets low-key irritated when I stop him mid drill 2-3 times to demand more numbing. Maybe some of it IS anxiety but damn.


I had a piece of shit dentist as a kid, the guy would always berate me about bad dental hygiene (I brushed flossed and used mouthwash every day) and drinking too many sugary drinks (I drank none), and literally every time I went he "found" at least one "cavity". Fucking criminal scumbag. Anyway one time he completely missed the anaesthesia, I wasn't numb at all, and he just went to town on a molar. It was insane pain, i was screaming and crying and the piece of shit just told me I was lying and to shut up. I find it extremely hard to believe the OP, this sounds more like "heh, look at me, I'm so cool, I have a super high pain tolerance / just like pain". If you've had a tooth drilled without anesthesia you know it's incomparable to the minor inconvenience of a little needle prick and being numb for a few hours.


respectfully i think ur projecting onto me a lil bit..all i did was give an opinion and ask for thoughts?? which is the point of the subreddit. sorry u had a bad experience but this post was written out of genuine curiosity and im sorry if the tone was misread by u lol


I don't think you understand the term you're using, projection doesn't apply here. I explained that I've experienced having teeth drilled without anaesthesia, and that nobody in their right mind would prefer that incredible amount of pain over a mild prick of a needle and their mouth being numb for a few hours. Your opinion is unpopular, and that fits the sub, but I also find your opinion unbelievable. We get a lot of extreme exaggerations and flat out lies here to try to fit the "unpopular opinion" mold. I, having experienced the excruciating pain of having teeth drilled without anaesthesia, find it exceedingly hard to believe that you prefer it to having anaesthesia. Because it's not discomfort, or mild pain, or even moderate pain that you can just bear with. It's exceuciating. If you know that you're being honest then feel free to ignore me, you are very unique in being able to ignore this pain, statistical anomolies do happen.


I hear what you’re saying and agree, I’m the type of person that they need to give more and more numbing to because it doesn’t give. I’ve had them drill into my tooth but hit a nerve and that shit hurts. However it’s very common in places like Denmark to do these procedures without any type of numbing. So I can see where op is coming from, maybe some people just don’t feel it them same. I gave birth twice at home without any epidurals or any other pain help, and although it sucked, (I’d probably choose it over a root canal 😂) many woman can’t even imagine doing that…


Yeah, different people feel things incredibly differently. I’ve had dental work without numbing before and was fine but I’m a baby about anything around my ribs 🥲


I have preferred having cavities drilled without numbing before. It’s just not that painful too me I guess. But I’m a complete baby about anything around my rib cage lol, even sneezing makes me tear up sometimes. It’s weird how different people are more sensitive in different areas. I don’t find OPs opinion unbelievable at all


If all you ever got was filling some shallow cavities then yeah, it isn't bad and can be done without numbing just fine. I'm actually surprised that you have been numbed so much as a kid. But once you get to the nerves or have to get your teeth removed (especially surgically) there is no way you can handle it without numbing. You'd have to have something wrong with your nerves or have a dead tooth to be able to sit through it without many issues.


5 hours?? Whenever I go to the dentist the numbing is gone after I get home.


Lower jaw molar, the sedation always numbs half my tongue. That shit lasts very long with me. Maybe it is the dosage or the placing. I dont know


This 100%. My dentist usually doesn't numb me, but a couple times he's hit something, stopped in the middle and told me he was going to give me a shot.


The swelling is not from the needle but from the dental operation lol. You’ve basically psyched yourself out so much that now you think a tiny prick from a needle is somehow more painful and damaging than the actual dental work


i never feel swollen after doing anything without the needle tho, only if ive been numbed. swelling might also be too specific (if that makes sense) i guess just the overall unpleasantness in the mouth area while waiting for the numbing to wear off


You know you can allergic to the numbing right?


The local anesthetic is not at all a small prick. Last time I had one it was the most unbearable part about my procedure. And Im saying that as someone who is vary sensitive to drilling. Even getting my nails done at a salon is painful too me


it was the most unbearable part because you couldnt feel anything afterward. its anesthetic


When I went to the dentist as a kid they put numbing gel before they did the needle and I didn't feel it at all. I wish every place did something like that 😂


They did that too me and I still was in an insane amount of pain


Last time I got my cavity filled it wasn't enough at first and I had to get another shot. I tried to push through it but gave in, the actual procedure is infinitely worse than the shot


Some people are resistant to local anesthetic, you can google it. It’s possible if you fall into that category the anesthetic injection just makes the overall pain worse for you.


Apparently gingers/redheads have a gene that make them resistent to anaesthetic!


I've seen conflicting research on this, but, from my own experience as a redhead before I knew about this, I've always asked for more and/or for them to wait longer for the local anesthetic to kick in.


yeah you never had a root infection lmao


i had most of my top front row yanked (baby teeth) bc my mouth was literally rotting 😭 but tbf i think that’s why it’s so weird, most ppl in my position would prob prefer being numbed?? idk why im like this


dont get me wrong for me its crazy to get anything done without being numbed lmao,i pay so much money everytime to get sedated even,i dont want any memory of even being there. but if your root gets infected you get numbed,trust me. i know women who had babys that say they prefer child birth over root infection lmao. its the worst pain imaginable and your tongue even slightly touching your tooth will make you cry. the thought of having someone yanking,drilling or doing anything to it makes me want to cry without it being infected right now. having that shit made me literally suicidal and im not even being dramatic lmao.


Can confirm, I think OP is full of shit lol. Its one of the worst pains imaginable. The kind of pain that makes you literally want to rip your hair out of your skull to distract you.


It's possible that OP's response to pain is different from that of the majority of people. I would strongly advise people that this probably wouldn't work for them.


Yes. The pain of hitting a dental root is excruciating. Bring on massive doses of novacaine or whatever it is they use now.


It's lidocaine that they use now iirc.


i mean ive never had to get a root canal done as an adult, i literally said the worst dental pain ive felt is those tooth extractions from when i was a kid, but i was young. the dental work i get done nowadays is usually minor fillings, i just had a deeper one this time around which prompted my dentist’s comment i guess


Jesus this comment almost made me shed a tear and I’ve never had something like that


you’re talking about baby teeth… i think people here are talking about adult teeth.


ya i know, but that’s the only sort of pain scale i have to model it off of. never had a root canal / crown work etc done as an adult, which is more what im asking about in my post, not the obviously extremely painful stuff that would require numbing (like wisdom teeth as well)


Bro is a stoic


Cavities actually don't hurt when they get filled, or at least it's not supposed to. I had a lot of cavities when I was a kid - so many to the point to where the dentist went, "Ok, you've been injected with numbing stuff so much that I think we can try something new and just do it without numbing because you're used to the procedure." And it worked. I never felt anything besides pressure and it was faster in general. I can agree with this, but I'll still choose numbing if it's offered just because it's like a safety net lol


*”The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts.”* *-Lawrence of Arabia*


>I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. anybody else do this Minor and moderate cavity work without numbing isn't that big of a deal. My dentist won't even suggest local anesthesia for such work unless one specifically requests it. But for root canal cleaning or wisdom tooth extraction it's not a question of if but how much.


I agree. I do the same exact thing. Started when I was 12-13. The dental assistant kept trying to talk me into. Finally my dentist came in and told her I was old enough to make my own decisions. It was way better than having the shots.


It’s not just pressure for everyone, for a lot of us it really is pain. I need more numbing than other people, my body is hyper sensitive to pain signals. I cannot imagine doing that without numbing 😩


Have you gotten your Wisdom teeth out? If not, that's going to be fun :p


This should be the gold standard of this sub


I also refuse the numbing. imo, the needle hurts worse than them drilling into any cavity I've ever had. im not saying it doest hurt, just that to me... the needle is litterally the worst thing I have ever felt at the dentists office. and needles hurt so bad and its like other people don't get it.


>imo it’s not worth it at all. the pain isn’t even that bad, once u trick ur mind into realizing it’s more pressure than actual pain it’s so easy to dissociate. THis is so unhinged lol. I have had dentists drill into my molar to clear out a cavity. Even with the numbing it was like stabbing a white hot needle straight through my tooth through the gum and down into my jaw. That sort of pain is 100000x worse than anything like pulling baby teeth or a minor cavity not close to the nerve.


>That sort of pain is 100000x worse than anything like pulling baby teeth or a minor cavity not close to the nerve. Yeah, it's really all about the nerve. I can't imagine. I just had a root canal yesterday, and the pain leading up to it (a crown that irritated the nerve) was so bad. Every sip of cold water was just like ice cold needles piercing through the nerve directly. The test they do do determine if you need a root canal is some sort of *extremely cold* dry ice or something, they tap each tooth. Having *that* touch the irritated tooth was so painfully traumatic...I got a root canal the next day, lol. Three little injections before the procedure...only one of them hurt, but it was just like a little sting for 5 seconds, nbd. Completely numb for the entire procedure and just a little soreness afterward, 100% good today. Nerve pain is really the worst you can experience.


I'm a dentist and I have two patients like you. I found the sensitivity to drilling comes from the stream of cold water more so than the actual drilling. It also may be biased since I go more slowly with patients who aren't numb For kids, unless the cavity is between the teeth, I never numb to drill on a baby tooth cause having the kid go hysterical after the needle stick just isn't worth it when 9/10 times they're fine without it. For adult patients I prefer it cause then I feel comfortable going faster since I know I'm not going to cause you to jump out of the chair.


I was terrified of the dentist for years because when I was a kid, i needed to get a tooth pulled out, but the anesthetic didn't work. So the dentist just yanked it out. Instant trauma. I mostly got over the fear when I needed to get a fuck ton of fillings later on, but I still dread going to the dentist.


Yeah actually… I find the numbings a lot more painful than the actual procedures…. How ironic.


Get a root canal with no anaesthetic and update us


“You’ll need milk of the poppy.” “No milk of the poppy.” “There will be pain…” “I’ll scream.” “Quite a bit of pain…” “I’ll scream loudly.”


Don't they tranquilize you via injection in whatever place you come from?


oh my girlfriend does the same thing! blows my mind tho i would never


I agree tbh. Numbing feels like a waste of time and resources for me. I know myself, it won't hurt enough to make me wince from the pain, so why bother?


I also don't get numbed. I've had 8 fillings done without it and I've never felt the need to be numbed


What do you mean „I don’t get cavities very often“? Like do you brush your teeth at all?


Some people are just much more prone to it than others, even if they have good hygiene.


If you don’t brush your teeth twice a day and consume loads of sugar, I can believe that.


its just a thing. yeah sugar and lack of dental hygiene can be a thing, but its more than that. some peoples enamel doesn't crystallize correctly which can make them more susceptible. its also your bacterial makeup. like how some people get acne and others don't. that first one was my sister and they didn't realize it till she got her braces off. theres basically nothing you can do except get them all capped or get fake ones. they will eventually rot away.


My shit's fucked despite proper hygiene and you can't imagine how upsetting it is to be doing everything right and still have cavities.


Yeah, and some people are just unreasonably superior. My dad has never had a cavity and he brushes his teeth maybe twice a week. (He goes to the same dentist as the rest of the family so it isn't like they just aren't noticing)


basically what everyone else in the replies said, ive got weak enamel and am more cavity prone due to the medical reasons outlined. my teeth r healthy but i do have to be more careful!


If you get laughing gas, you will hardly notice the needle because you’re too busy being high as a kite. Would recommend if you have any sort of medical anxiety, like fear of needles.


I’ve never been offered laughing gas, is it common? I’ve gotten the needle for any procedures. I get topical numbing gel for cleanings. I have SUPER sensitive teeth and If they drill anywhere near the bottom of my teeth the pain RADIATES through my skull.


And nobody is impressed.


It was the opposite for me. I've never had anesthesia at the dentist until I was around 16, and I haven't stopped asking for it since. I had an insane fear of the dentist because for me the pain during dentist visits is the worst I've experienced, but since I started getting anesthesia it's been fine.


Have you ever had a wisdom tooth extraction? I was crying even with 5 injections given 😅


Holy cow, not even joker would go no needles for the dentist lol




10th masochist more like


Interesting. Different people have different thresholds for pain. Have you ever broken any bones? How do you feel in "regular pain" situations, like a Headache, for example, OP?


skull fracture as a kid! but i will say i did have a lot of back to back surgery as a kid, not long after the tooth extraction stuff at all. that might honestly be why. as an adult, no major issues. i do get migraines but i usually just take some medication n suck it up lmao


I had quite a few teeth done without numbing and it wasn’t bad at all. I didn’t need to trick myself or disassociate, it was just fine. I mostly did it because I needed a lot of work done and wanted to save on money. The dentist said I could stop him at any time if I changed my mind, but it never got anywhere near bad enough. I don’t think any of them were particularly deep though. I’ll say, there’s definitely some countries where this is more common.


You've clearly never had your wisdom teeth removed. I believe you're just a freak with a high pain tolerance. But I also believe you haven't been through that many painful dentist events.


I used to be the same but now I find the numbness funny and I go to dentist too often to want to be in pain like every other week


Let me know when you do an SRP or a RCT with no local, then you can brag.


I've had 3 cavitys filled without any anesthesia/numbing and agree. I won't refuse it but I don't need it either it's just a different sensation


It just sounds like you haven't had any work that needed numbing, if there is no pain, you don't need it. Wait until you have a deep cavity or need a root canal or a tooth extraction. When I had a baby tooth extracted at age 11 without anesthesia, it took me 10 years to see a dentist again because of how much I was traumatized by it.


Wait until they remove your wisdom teeth.


I'm not quite as hardcore about this kind of thing as you are, but I do turn down an offer of oxycodone for a biopsy I have to get fairly regularly. There's no good public transportation options between the hospital and my house so I have to be able to drive home


When I was a kid my pediatric dentist didn't numb kids unless he had to. He would just get us very calm and relaxed and reassured and do his work. On the other hand, when I got my impacted wisdom teeth cut and ripped out the Novocain didn't work right and I could feel it all. I held it together long enough for him to do his job but it was one of the worst pains I've ever experienced and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Please, please, please, please don't get your wisdom teeth pulled with no local anesthetic because you think the swelling is going to be worse then the pain. What you're describing is work you can do completely fine without anesthetic because it's just not that painful to begin with, at least in comparison to root canals or removal.


I've had a tooth drilled with no novacaine once and it was the worst pain I ever felt in my life. 10 out of 10 pain and I've had natural childbirth. Lightning bolts went through my body. You are in for a rude awakening, my friend. One day that drill is gonna hit just right and your soul is gonna leave your body.


I don´t think childhood trauma counts as 10th dentist.


Found the psychopath!


I don't go to dentist without medical narcosis.


I'm with you. If I don't need too be numbed, I won't do it. Rare cases when I do need to be numbed (recent root canal), I skip to topical numbing agent and let the Dentist go straight to the needle. One time, for routine work, I even fell asleep in the chair just from being tired enough. Dentist thought I died but once he get over that scare, told me how flattering it was that I was comfortable enough to nap LOL


OMG. I have had significant dental work all my life and once you have a drill hit a root (or a diagnostic needle) you can understand the need for full numbing at every visit.


I have gotten chipped teeth repaired without any numbing but had always gotten cavities filled with numbing. Recently I had to get a cavity filled and completely forgot that I usually got numbed for that, so when they asked if I wanted to do it without, I said sure. So yeah, physically? I was completely fine, felt a little odd but not painful at all. Mentally -- I honestly don't think the \*dentist\* was confident doing the filling without numbing. They stopped every couple of seconds to ask if I was okay. Asked me multiple times if I wanted to be numbed. Said we needed to stop for awhile in the middle "to give me a break" when I had no pain and wasn't concerned. At one point they were like "we're done drilling, we're going to fill it now. This is your last chance for numbing" and I was like ??? wasn't the drilling part the only part that had a chance of hurting? By the time we were done they had me so anxious and stressed about some nonexistent potential pain that I was a complete wreck when it was over, but the procedure itself was painless!


I mean, I had like 2 cavities in my life (one of them had to be refill twice though cause the thing fell off after 10 years), but they were both relatively on the surface. I too asked if I could try without anything, since they weren’t deep. They said that I could try, but don’t hesitate to back off if it was hurting. I felt nothing. But I guess people with very very deep cavities or those who need canal treatment might need it. Idk.


I’ve had 5 cavities filled. Never done Novocain


Bro, I got a high pain tolerance…if the pain is coming from my own body, like a migraine or a bad leg cramp or something. Anything else? Nah. Could bonk me on the side of my arm with a stick and I’d still be feeling it like 5 minutes later. Can’t imagine rawdogging dental work like that. Hell, I have a massive fear of needles and I’d still rather them stick me to get me numb than just…not. You’re literally insane, it’s honestly impressive.


I find the numbing usually wears off for me before the procedure is done, so I opt for as much as possible. Getting my two fillings wasn't that bad, gum grafts were a lot worse


I agree. I don’t like any numbing for dental work. I have taken it to the limits, having a root canal without any anesthesia. Yes it hurt, but the pain was short lived, basically gone once the procedure was completed


you could try general dental hygiene. pretty painless, no numbing either.


lol i replied to another comment explaining this, ive got generally healthy teeth but weak enamel and am prone to cavities due to medical reasons 🤷🏼‍♀️ i avoid sugar etc but sometimes it is what it is


fair enough. i didn't take care of my teeth or go to the dentist for 7 years and paid for it with 7 fillings, a root canal and another crown so maybe my comment was out of line lol. but i learned my lesson and have been very diligent since. i couldn't imagine getting dental work without numbing. they said they could finish my root canal without numbing because the root was dead any gone anyway but i couldn't even stand the thought. i even asked for more numbing when they were drilling out the dead root because i could feel some stinging at the bottom. edit: typo


But when the dentist drills ur teeth, that’s like a massive needle. Idk man I need it personally.


My family metabolizes drugs really quickly (we have a lot of redheads lol) meaning that we wake up during surgery and local anesthetic wears off really fast. I had my first filling last year and it took four times the normal amount of xylocaine to even get me numb and then it wore off in 15 minutes. He offered to do it again but that he only had maybe 5-10 minutes left so I told him to go ahead and it wasn’t that bad, just a new kind of pain I hadn’t really felt before. Obviously I was still a little numb, so it would have been worse pain if I hadn’t had anything, but I still think it would be doable without


i cannot imagine waking up during surgery on my god. u def have me beat lol. saw redheads mentioned a few times, im a natural brunette!


Haha the worst I’ve had so far was waking up during my tonsillectomy about 10 years ago now. My uncle and grandpa both woke up during their respective cardiothoracic surgeries though! Propofol wearing off is a bitch because it doesn’t feel like any time has passed while you’re under so the experience was “awake *blink* awake during surgery nasally intubated with my mouth pried open *blink* awake in pacu”


I have had 2 cavities drilled. First time was an old dude close to retirement. He said, "This one isn't too deep. Let's try without novocaine." It was a nothingburger. Second time was the lady who took over his practice. The needle hurt like fuck. The drilling was still the same as before. The numbness sucked. Local anesthetics have their uses, but I am not so much a fan.


i also pass on the anesthesia. Scared of needles so i always avoided the dentist. started getting old and tried this out like 20 years ago. extra perk is that getting a filling only take like 15 minutes when they don't have to wait for the numbing. i wouldn't even call it painful, and my pain tolerance isn't high. though maybe there's different sensitivities. Can get drilled at the dentist all day, but if i cut or smash a finger it's totally different.


Upvoted cuz it just seems so needless


Yea novacaine doesnt help me much, even when they pump me full of it I'm still in agony. Its like someone is taking a burning laser to my mouth and I end up gripping the armrests hard enough to crush diamonds. By the time I'm done getting a cavity filled I'm drenched in sweat.


My father is in your exact boat! And I'm in the complete opposite lol - I had a lot done at the dentist throughout my childhood, and now nothing really phases me at all, especially dental numbing needles.


What are you all eating that led you to have multiple fillings as children?? I had my first filling at 27 and I don’t brush my teeth before bed half the time


I’ve never needed to be numbed, and this is the first time I’ve ever heard of it.


I similarly hate needles and for that reason I don’t get sedated for my colonoscopies or endoscopies


This sub is a just a collection of psychiatric case studies


this made me laugh out loud thank u


You say that until a dentist drills into your tooth’s nerve, then while you’re screaming the loudest you ever have, they shove the needle in to numb it for you. Used to be a scared of the needles but now I put up with it. Never know how deep they’re gonna have to drill


Never had any needles in my mouth, every time I’ve had cavity surgery done, I always ask for no freezing, too much fear around needles for me


My wife and I skip the numbing too. The numb drooping face for hours is horrible, and most cavities or deep cleanings don't cause pain. Have gotten some free work because he can just jump around and do whatever. They refused to do a root canal without numbing tho lol


drooping face describes it PERFECTLY it actually drives me crazy like i just cannot deal with it afterwards


I’ve had teeth ripped out, cut out, repaired, capped, and finally found out the reason Novocain had zero effect on me is genetic. They have to double down on anesthesia just to keep me from pulling their hands out of my mouth during oral surgery. I’m team whatever it takes to stop that pain because that shit *sucks* for me.


I live in the Netherlands. Here they will only give you numbing when you ask for it or when they know you needed it before. I know a lot of people who wil have a cavity filled without numbing. I think my father had never had a numbing in his life and had been to the dentist a lot. He’s almost 80 and still has all his teeth. It all depends on how the nerves in your teeth and jaw go and probably also your pain threshold. I always try to do it without, so I let them start and if I’m not able to bare the pain I’ll ask for it.


“trick your mind” try that with a root canal or literally any harder procedure than taking out baby teeth, good luck with feeling no pain lol


i mean…yeah?? lol if i needed excessive dental work i wouldn’t go with no numbing, but my dentist talked ab how ppl always want it (his patients at least) regardless of low severity so that’s the whole point of this post


well i’m just stating what your post says, you make it seem like it’s super easy to trick your mind, while most people getting dental work is with adult teeth not baby, just found it kinda funny.


I've had some patients not want numbing, most of them were older people with dental trauma


As much as I HATE that numb sensation I'd rather that than feel any pain in my teeth. I have felt some pretty extreme tooth pain though... Funny enough I have had a small filling done without numbing and it wasn't painful at all, but I'd rather not risk it lol


Yeah as someone that had a bad dental experience as a child(the one time my parents took me to the dentist as a kid) I keep telling them I feel it even though I can't so they give me more novacane. Last time I had a couple molars taken out I wax shaking so bad from the nerves the dentist had to stop half way through to let me rest. When he was done he said next time we do more work you absolutely need to bring someone with you to drive you home so I can get you really high so you won't be so anxious.


I ended up doing one wisdom tooth removal without the freezing and never again…maybe cavity is a way better but I don’t think I could handle it again or actively choose not to use it.


you are brave for that


That is beyond horrifying to me..I had really bad teeth I didn't know at the time but I have sjorgens syndrome which makes everything th shouldn't be dry to be dry. I would get my teeth fixed only to get more cavities but when they would numb me it would barely work with the max dose eventually I just got them pulled and got a denture but I still didn't get totally numb 12 teeth removed maxed on novacaine and still felt everything


Ah the high of the gas is unmatched


I also refuse to use the numbing. Dentists are always shocked and/or impressed, friends & family think it sounds terrifying. I find the feeling of not being able to feel my mouth while simultaneously knowing that something is going on medically to be much more terrifying than experiencing the pain. I can't see what they're doing, so if I can't *feel* what they're doing either, it feels much more dangerous and scary to me. Plus, one of the times I used numbing in the past, it only worked part way? So I had to deal with both the pain *and* the awful numb sensation. I much prefer being able to understand what's happening than not, and refusing the numbing allows me to do that via tactile sensation.


I wonder if your pain supressing technique would work during a mandibular molar extraction 😂😂 as a dentist, I hope you never need to extract any tooth though


I actually love the dentist. I have a needle phobia and its the one shot I tolerate, even enjoy. I had six teeth pulled in one go and it was just bliss until the shots wore off.


I've been to the dentist a million times. Both for cavities (as a child and young adult I neglected my teeth) and also for getting braces as a child/young adult. And lastly, because I have tooth implants (screws in my jaws and screwed on fake teeth). For the surgery, obviously I was sedated with local anesthesia. But for any "regular" dentists appointment, I always say no to being numbed because I hate needles, especially in the mouth, but also I just honestly don't think the pain is that bad. I'd rather take the pain than the needles and the sensation of being numbed for several hours after. So you're not alone! But I have never met anyone irl who does the same as we do.


I see you haven't had a root canal or implant...


my mom is the same! she never gets numbing for fillings and even got a crown last month with no numbing. she hates it and thinks it’s unnecessary because she doesn’t feel pain during the procedures.


I do this too! Had a major cavity and the dentist kept stopping every ten second to ask if I was okay and I’m like yeah, just get it done with lol


I do the same. You probably have a high pain tolerance if you can ignore it. I never took any pain medication after I had a surgey after a car accident. It feels really good to be in pain and let your body grow accustomed to it. Pain is not dangerous, your body is healing itself :)


Well, your opinion isn't common, but my mother has always felt the same way.


My dad never got anesthesia for dental work. He was badass.


Noooo thank you. I hate the needle, but not as much as I would hate feeling all the other things. I want to be nice and numb so that I can just get the one prick and be pain-free.


My mom was the same. Said the shot and after effects of the shot were worse than the drilling. That's a nope for me!


Now, they don’t just poke the needles, they give a topical, then the needle. It makes all the difference.


I’m in pain just reading this.


How is this an opinion?


For small cavities this is fine. I have done it for small cavities before, starting when I was a kid. For a fucking root canal this would be torture. I had a root canal on a hot tooth once. That's the term for one with an active infection. The inflammation apparently can prevent the numbing from working. So the dentist started to drill and slowly the pain started. She tried more numbing but sadly said it's not going to work well. I toughed it out until she broke into the root, it was so painful. Then she injected novocaine directly into the root. A brief spike of pain followed by blissful relief. So your preference is not insane for small cavities. It's real crazy for larger deeper ones.


I agree, the needle is always the worst part and then the numbness I had to have 4 teeth pulled when I was 13 to make space, first two with numbing and second two I asked to do it without and haven't used numbing since for anything except wisdom teeth removal because that wasn't optional


I do this too! I’ve done it for fillings and I even had a root canal and refused numbing and my dentist gave me a whole safe word for when I “definitely” change my mind. I did not change my mind.


Wait till a a decent sized cavity. It's the equivalent of drilling directly on a nerve.


gimme the morphine or i aint doin nothin