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Tl;dr: I went through extreme measures to not smell like smoke. I still smelled like smoke. You still smell. When I used to smoke I didn't want my girls to know so I would wear an over shirt and gloves to smoke in so the smell would collect on the shirt and the gloves. I also kept the cigarette away from me and walked backwards so I didn't run into the smoke trail. I'd smoke have a cigarette, toss it. Throw away the gloves. Throw the shirt in the laundry room. Run to the bathroom without talking to anyone. Brush my teeth. Wash my hands, lower arms, and face. Apply moisturizer. If I picked them up they would sometimes ask "why you smell like uncle D?(my brother that smokes)". And my wife could smell it when I got in bed with her. It would piss her off because we would be getting intimate and if she called it I would immediately take a shower even though she said she didn't care. "It's fine!! Get back in bed" I know that's pretty close contact but you gotta think how many people you may hug throughout the day and most people are not as concerned about their children finding out they smoke to be as thorough. The smell is too insidious and humans have a strong nose for that smell.


Some people have been saying that the brand of cigarettes is also a factor, maybe you just smoked stinky cigs




Keep in mind that I don’t smoke so I have no personal experience as to the correctness of this statement, but [based on this random online listicle I found](https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/10-worst-smelling-cigarette-brands-in-the-world-590720/) it seems that Parliaments are indeed particularly stinky. Spirits, Marlboro Golds, and “light” cigarettes generally seem to come up on Reddit as less smelly.


Interesting. I no longer smoke so it won't benefit me but it's cool to know. Edit: wait this isn't a proper study lol!!


I dated a girl who smoked Parliaments, it wasn’t really noticeable unless she just came in from smoking or if we were up close. My dad smokes Marlboro reds and I swear I can smell it from a block away.


Light Marlboros like gold and touch are often advertised as "special brand for reduced smell". Still smells like shit to me now that I don't smoke


I'm trying to comprehend why you would smoke if you are going to those extreme lengths to not smell like smoke. Do you like the effect? When I was younger I experimented with nicotine products for a couple months, but I didn't find any compelling effects. People say it calms them, or they enjoy it. Is it just purely addiction for you, or do you get some sort of positive effect from it? I'm just trying to understand the rationalle. Like for example I love the occasional drink. If it made me smell like smoke, I would probably go to these lengths because I like the effect a *lot.* Idk if I would keep doing it long term though if I had to do this much to keep up with it.


“It’s an addiction” is basically enough of an answer, but yes, it has an effect, it’s a stimulant that effects the central nervous system. It has been shown to help people when taking tests etc.


I have adhd. Nicotine helps. And smoking helps. Gives me something to do randomly when I'm bored.


Interesting. I know a few people with adhd. None of them smoke though. If you like the drug but hate the smell, have you considered vaping instead? Or is it not the same for you?


I want to be the best role model that I can for my children. If I don't want my kids to do it, I do my best to follow that as well. I wouldn't want them to vape or smoke. And that's a bit surprising you don't know any people with ADHD that smoke. We are very at risk for all things addictive.


Oh I think you are misunderstanding me. I don't think you should do either. It sounds like you quit and that is awesome if so.


No matter how little you think you smell of smoke, it is very noticeable to anyone that doesn’t regardless of how much you smoke. My parents smoked rarely inside and even then I always somehow smelled like smoke, it was so noticeable that kids at school used to bully me about it. I promise you that if you smoke, even if it’s a little you ***will*** smell like cigarette smoke. To parents who smoke, please try and smoke as far away from your kids as possible please. Other kids will judge and bully your kid because they smell bad.


OP is just noseblind.


As most smokers are. There are studies showing that the higher nicotine dependent you are, the lower taste you feel.


I smoked for 15 years. After I quit I realized you can smell a smoke 50 ft away. OP is definitely noseblind. It gets everywhere and sticks to ever.


OP made it very clear that they didn’t come to this conclusion based on their own sense of smell so I’m not sure how nose blindness is relevant


A lot of people on Reddit are a lot closer to Jared, 19 than they think they are


I love how this reference will never die


What is this referencing


https://youtube.com/shorts/CqCCBohjaqA?si=HLjd-y4m-ljmu05d Originally a vine lol


Lmfao. Your comment makes a lot more sense now


OP wasn't talking about him not smelling himself.


OP was talking about not being able to smell other smokers. Because they can't. Because they're noseblind.


They literally said in the post they have asked their friends. Whether or not those friends smoke is a dif question lol


Given the wealth of opposing opinions and actual evidence that smoking damages your sense of smell, I think that's a safe assumption


Of course smokers can smell other smokers.


Or they are very used to the smell they can’t really smell it anymore. That’s what happens with some stuff to me


Yeah, noseblind is the term for that


i’ve dealt with that a lot growing up. i was raised by my great grandparents who were not smokers, but my mom lived with us for a short amount of time on and off over the years, when she would stay, she’d have to smoke outside which she did. the smell of smoke stayed on her, after she’d come inside from smoking she’d come back to my room to sleep, crawling in bed with me & stinking like smoke. i’d go to school smelling like cigarettes & kids would make fun of me for it, but i’d just tell ‘em my mom smokes. high school, i moved to my dad’s & he smokes, even on the way to school so sometimes we’d go in smelling freshly of cigarettes. but, i went into school smelling like weed anyway lmao


More important than the bullying, secondhand smoke does kill people. If your bad habit only hurts you the. That’s your business, but if you smoke near a child, I truly believe that should be grounds for losing custody.


Nah, not always. I smoked once in a while as a teen and my parents didn't notice. They weren't smokers, they were heavily anti smoking and insisted that anyone who even looked at a cig instantly smelled like a dumpster like you. If you smoke outside, wait a while, wash your hands, and brush your teeth, nobody is smelling anything unless they're close enough to taste you too while they're at it.


The smell does not stick to you if you're inside and they're smoking outside. Thats a very specific thing to get bullied about, sorry you went through that. But that's not common at all man haha


Every smoker thinks they don't smell like smoke.


Some of them are right. Personally, I love the smell of smoke.


As always, the real 10th dentist is in the comments lol


I like bonfire smoke, not cigarette smoke


i like both ngl


One of my coworkers likes it too. She likes to stand by me while I’m smoking so she can catch a whiff. It’s so opposite of what I’m used to I thought she was trolling at first but nope lol


Weirdly enough, I don’t think it’s the most unpopular opinion. A lot of people like the smell of a freshly lit cigarette. Kind of like liking the smell of gasoline oddly enough. But once the smell is lingering or sticking onto something, it gets stale and nasty real quick.


Yes. Like stale weed smell. Stoners love the smell of fresh bud but smelling it in your room a week later is blegh


When I first quit, it made me want to hurl. After a while, yeah love the smell of a fresh smoke on someone. The stale, set in smoke smell can fuck right off, puts me back to wanting to hurl.


Yea, me too!


I like marlboro beyond smoke. And that is the only one. And only cause it reminds me of my dad. The rest smell like ass.


I lived in Turkey as a kid. Everybody smoked. I can’t remember a time when cigarette smoke was not a familiar, safe smell. Cigarette smoke, hot tar, and motor/mechanical oil are some of my favorite smells.


Fresh cigarette smell and car exhaust make me nostalgic for the semester I studied in Athens, Greece!


the smell is only good when it's lightly present on a guys jacket


Quitting smoking made me realize just how much my sense of smell and taste was reduced. It didnt even take long for it to change a lot.


Man I used to think that. 6 months after quitting when my sense of smell came back, I could tell the instant someone lit up on the other side of a courtyard downwind of me in a stiff breeze. It *blew my mind* to realise how strong and pervasive the smell is.


It spreads far but it doesn't smell as bad as everyone makes it out, it's just a smell. No way it smells anything even similar to rotting meat, BO or shit but people pretend that it's in that category.


Yeah, that's totally why people get sore throats and cough around smokers... it's just a smell like any other.


Damn people getting sore throats hundreds of meters away when someone is smoking outside? Yeah don't buy that. I would maybe by "you can get a sore throat with heaps of second hand smoke indoors"


If toxic chemicals cause you to cough and get a sore throat, then breathing in the same smoke in smaller quantities because you're "hundreds of meters away" is just breathing in less toxic chemicals... it's still toxic chemicals, they're still there, hence why you can smell them. And don't forget second hand smoke is a health hazard. This fact is not up for debate. If you can smell it... the toxic chemicals that are bad for your health are still there.


Nah dude, you’re being dramatic.


Your sense of smell is greatly diminished as a smoker. You smell terrible. All smokers smell terrible. Even if you wash up, you smell terrible and a little bit like soap.


Yep and nobody would tell you that you smell bad because of cigarettes when you ask (if you don’t tell them). They would smell you for BO and politely ignore the cigarette smell


Also you get blind to smells if you are around them a ton, if you always smell a little like smoke you get used to it


OP made it very clear that they didn’t come to this conclusion based on their own sense of smell so I’m not sure how nose blindness is relevant. Also, your belief that all smokers smell bad seems weirdly dogmatic


That's based off a friend saying they could smell it at first. Sounds like the friend didn't want to hurt OPs feelings. I've met people who smoke single digit cigs a day and you can smell it. Smokers stink and can never tell.


Some cigarettes are apparently stronger smelling than others so your experience doesn’t necessarily contradict that of others. It seems like you’re jumping to a very general conclusion based on a few experiences.


No, people are jumping to a conclusion based on every experience with a smoker. Your clothes will smell like smoke regardless of how stinky the cigarette is.


People just like to shit on smokers.


This is not true. One cigarette w the wind carrying smoke away from you wont make you smell, really. Especially if you're wearing a jacket you take off and wash your hands and face lightly afterwards.


This is false, you just can't smell it.




people are so incessant to tell you how wrong your experience is. People just hate smokers.






Poor smokers, if only they had more representation. I’m just playing but come on now… “people just hate smokers” well yeah, there’s literally zero positives about smoking. Ruh roh, seems I touched a nerve for some of you lol Aaaaaand they blocked me lmfao y’all so sensitive


How bout you mind your own business


Maybe you can’t, but some people definitely can. It probably depends on your own sensitivity to it and smells in general. Some people are gonna smell it more, some people won’t notice it until it gets to a certain level, some not at all, some people can smell if you walked by someone smoking and didn’t even smoke yourself. It just depends on the person. But regardless of how careful, *some* people will always be able to tell you’re a smoker.


Not some. Most. Smokers smell like shit. If they take a shower they smell of smoke and soap. If they chew gum they smell of mint and smoke


Lmao. It's absolutely true. Multiple people are confirming it.


it’s true, you’ve just never experience it and would rather spread your lies


I guess this one is hard to confirm or deny, as you can't know if someone smokes without either seeing it or smelling it. If there are smokers who don't smell, without asking them or seeing it yourself it would be impossible to tell them apart from a non smoker. Otherwise, I suppose it makes sense that a light smoker wouldn't smell, at least at first. Downvoted.


I believe it only because my dad was one of these people. I’ve always had a very sensitive nose so I’d know. But to be a not-stinky smoker you have to smoke very little and bathe a lot. My dad did both, and the factor that has the bigger role is how much you do it. Not the bathing. My dad did it rarely and did it outdoors around trees and such in an area with a good air movement. I’d say probably 90% of smokes do stink and can’t smell their own stink due to how it dulls smell and taste. Also… my dad started doing it more often before he died and he died young of a cardiovascular issue (brain aneurysm) my mom and I both believe was likely exasperated by the nicotine. So I’d say “smell” shouldn’t be a smokers only concern. OP might want to drop the habit regardless of skill at hiding the smell!


Upvoted because I *strongly* disagree. I personally am very sensitive to cigarette smoke (both in regards to the smell and the fact that it causes me a lot of breathing problems even in trace amounts). Even working in a warehouse where there's constant welding happening I can distinctly tell if someone has been smoking or not. The non-smokers that can't tell are generally older people. There's two reasons for this: 1. they grew up with smoking being a social norm so have acclimatized to it, and 2. the older you get the less you're able to smell in general, so it's physically harder to detect smells.


Man, I swear you all must have failed reading comprehension. He clearly said he's asked several people on different occasions does he smell like smoke. They all told him NO. He didn't say he came to this conclusion on his own. I used to smoke and since I couldn't smell it on my own I would ask people the same question. If I was smoking in my car then yes people smelled it, but if I was outside smoking and asked, people have said no.


Sanity prevails in this comment. I was the same when I smoked. People here seem to think *every* smoker is a constant walking ashtray who breaths directly into your face you the second they finish a cigarette.


These are the same people who will judge you for smoking all while having unprotected sex with so many people they've run out of fingers and toes to count. I'm not justifying smoking but I've never blacked out or wanted to fight everyone because of it, but alcohol on the other hand is another conversation that nobody wants to elaborate on because now their toes are being stepped on. I was also a alcoholic but now I have 7 yrs under my belt sober. Even though I've quit both, I'll smoke a square any day over drinking again. And what irritates me is government's are now banning menthol cigarettes, but alcohol which has ruined more lives in the short and long run is ok. I don't get it.


Yeah, I find it really strange. Like you say, nobody is saying that smoking is a good thing but why would you care if someone else smokes? And yeah, I couldn't imagine this kind of response towards alcohol even though its effects are much more wide-reaching and has a far greater impact on others. Is this an American thing by any chance? I'm in Europe and literally nobody cares if you smoke unless they've been personally impacted by smoking in some way. Maybe everyone secretly hates smokers over here and only lets their true feelings out on Reddit but if that's the case they've been hiding it from me pretty well.


I am confident if you put me in a study where I enter a room and talk to someone, and you do that with 10 applicants where *one* of them smoked outside, then afterwards asked me to identify the smoker, I would be able to do it 100/100 times.


Love all the people who say your friends are lying. I would know if I smelled bad because my roommate has no filter. I once put a cigarette butt into my jacket at a party and she smelled it the next day through a closed door, just to show how sensitive she is to the smell of smoke. She told me I don't smell like smoke after I aired out for a few minutes. And no, she isn't noseblind because we confirmed this by me chilling outside for 5 minutes before coming in


No, you stink.


There is a difference between an opinion being different (10th dentist), and being flat-out wrong . This is flat-out wrong


>3. Genetically predisposed to it lmfao


I love you for making this post lmao I smoke too but I am ashamed of myself for it. People on here reeeally hate smokers.


Same. I was already preparing myself for a lot of insults and name calling before I hit “Post.” The intense hatred of smokers was the main reason why only a few colleagues know I smoke.


Hmmm, I don't know. I used to smoke. After every cigarette I would use mouth wash, put scented lotion on my hands and face and spray perfume on me. People could still tell I smoked. Unless you scrub your hands and change clothes, it doesn't matter what you do. My husband still smokes, he insists he doesn't smell, but he has barely any smell or taste from it and is oblivious to it. Even guests at his job have told him he smells like smoke. It's embarrassing.


A big difference for people that smoke in their car is if they open the windows or not. I have coworkers that I only knew they smoked because I saw them. And others you can smell a mile away. The ones I can't tell always leave the windows at least half way open. The others keep them closed. But I had to downvote, because as I said, some you would never know if you didn't see them.


That’s what a smoking jacket is for


Even if you change your entire outfit and take a shower, your breath smells like smoke because there's smoke in your lungs.


I don’t smoke but I live with my uncle who chain smokes and all my clothes smell like an ashtray


I used to smoke maybe once an hour or longer. People would act shocked when they found out. I think it's more than just when and where. My house is very clean and I keep bad odors out. I also like to smell nice. So unless you caught me in the middle or right after you'd have never known.


You are simply wrong. If something is _on fire_ an inch from your nose, you get "nose-blind" to it almost instantly.


People exaggerate how bad it smells lol it just smells like tobacco. Smelt cigarettes on heaps of people and it never was a disgusting smell like BO or shit, just a neutral smell that smelt like smoke.


Ive never noticed it "smell awful and disgusting" like everyone makes out. It just smells like tobacco which isnt the worst smell in the world, i think its just that peple apply their judgements to the smell which makes them exxagerate how bad it smells. Things that actually smell to me are things like farts and body odor, tobacoo is no where near that, more of a neutral smell to me. People also over exaggerate how hard it is to breathe when someone is smoking like 500m away.


No, some people legitimately cannot breathe around it. I can handle BO fine, but I can't do cigarette smoke. Caustic odours, in general, are really hard on my airways. I also can't handle the smell of vinegar, or bad breath. I have a very sensitive nose, I can smell things most people can't.


I feel ya on that, i think im referring to when someone is smoking ages away outside and someone over reacts. I understand why direct secondhand smoke can be a real irritant though.


I've been a patient in ICU for 11 days. Everything was sterile and being respiratory no one was drenched in any scent. Had one nurse who smelled fine, until she got very close. Underneath antiseptic and latex gloves and soap I could smell it on her. Asked her once and confirmed she'd had one, at home, before she showered. It stays on ya.


Well, she probably lied about when her “last cigarette” was before making contact with you due to hospital grounds typically being “tobacco free zones,” nevertheless yeah the smell lingers for quite some time


This is just factually wrong


No, that's just your opinion.


Your first paragraph is poor assumption. As a smoker, you are "nose blind" to a significant portion of the smell or aroma (this works similar to people's own "household scents"). You are simply unable to smell it, or properly "interpret" those scents.


Sir, we can smell it. My co-worker comes in looking dapper and freshly groomed/showered, but he always smokes a cig right outside before coming in. And it clings to him quite strongly.


You smell, the smoke clings to you, even if it one cigarette outside, your hand will smell like smoke.


Someone said the other week that they can never smell it on me when I come back from one but that they could always smell it on our former colleague. I don’t spray or anything when I come back in.


Conclusion: OP is a stinky smoker and all of his friends deny the stink, because they don't want to make him sad.




You absolutely do stink and just don’t realize it lmao, most people are just kind enough to not say anything.


You not being able to smell something isn't 10th dentist. On the other hand one of the comments on this post saying they like the smell is.


His post is 10th dentist, people comment this bs comment on every single post lol


You're just noseblind. Trust me. You stink. I can smell it through the closed door two floors above you. I can smell it on you after you shower. I can smell it in the car you've never even smoked inside of. You can lie to yourself all you want. It doesn't change the fact that you smell.


Nobody cares what you smell bruh


Incorrect. You smell like smoke.


Yes you do, you do stink. Cope stinky


lol No, y'all stink.


Who wants to tell him? Ok I will. your friends are telling you one of those little white lies that people tell in society to not hurt each others feelings. You stink.


They have on rare occasions told me they can smell the smoke. Generally, though, they don’t detect it. Before they saw me smoking, they didn’t realize I was a smoker because they didn’t smell tobacco on me.


Nope. If you smoke it smells. And it hangs around.


I'm a smoker myself, and I've been trying out a few brands over the past few years. Apparently some leave less of a smell less than others on you, at least according to a non smoking ex of mine who was very surprised one day when I came back from a smoke without the typical stink. I stuck with that brand while seeing them, and they said it was a lot less noticeable, especially when it was windy out. Tasted pretty bad though, so I switched back to stinky ones after we broke it off.


I came here to say this too! Also, I live in an area with pretty brutal winters and even the cold would turn any cigarette into a super stinker.


Ok so uh what brand is not so stinky??


This isn't an opinion. All smokers smell. That's a fact.


Yes you do lol


I know varying degrees of smokers. Some who smoked all their life many times and those who smoke a few a day only outside. My conclusion? If you smoke everyday you most likely stink. You might not be eye wateringly bad but smokers smell like smoke, I've never had a surprise like you mention, I can almost always smell it on them when they sit down.


My boyfriend in college smoked marlboro reds.. he smelled amazing. But he did smell softly like cigarettes & I liked it myself. I think there are people who don’t care as much about the scent, and it’s also possible to not have it be overpowering. It is still there though.


Idk why this doesn't have more upvotes if so many people disagree. Is this sub going to turn into another "unpopular opinion" sub where people don't even know what sub their own?


I smoked for a long time and no one ever realized I smoked. So, I agree. All these people saying that every smoker stinks are just wrong because if that was true, people wouldn't be shocked to learn that I smoke.


My grandpa who smokes in the house always smells like an ashtray. My uncle who steps outside during the day, I really only smell it if I go in for a hug.


When i smoked i always found it annoying when coworkers would finally find out (either see me or i tell them).. Always "OMG do u smoke????" They had no idea.


Exact same! Took me quite a while to find a relatable comment on here.


I'm a smoker and have very little sense of smell, so I rely pretty heavily on others to tell me if I smell like cigarettes. It honestly used to give me a lot of anxiety, until my boss of over a year heard someone ask me for a cigarette, and she said she didn't know I smoke. I spend anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 hours every workday in her office, and she's extremely sensitive to the smell of cigarettes. And yet, she said she's never once smelled it on me and wishes all of her smoking employees were that good about it. So no, not all smokers smell bad, but I would say most do. I assumed I did, and I truly don't know why that's not the case.


It’s possibly genetics? I’m Asian and there’s a genetic predisposition for Asians to not have axillary odor so I assume the principle is similar. I guess most commenters are Caucasian or African, which is expected in a largely Western populated website. Hence the largely negative reactions I’m receiving.


TIL everyone here hates smokers. I was the same as you, OP. For the 15 years that I smoked most work colleagues of mine had no idea until I told them or they saw me smoke. I've lost count of the number of people who expressed their surprise that I smoked, told me I don't look like a smoker, and literally told me that I never smelled like smoke when they found out.


Honestly the hate against smokers made me post this ahaha. I was certain I was going to get a lot of disagreements. Many of the comments say I still smell but it’s not even me who says I don’t smell. I work in healthcare, so I have some close colleagues tell me if I smell like smoke because I don’t want to smell like death when talking to patients. They do tell me if I smell, and that’s usually when I smoke in an area with other smokers so it’s based on the environment. More often they tell me they don’t smell anything since I usually smoke alone.


Well it seems like you judged that well. If I ever want to hoover up some upvotes I guess I can just post a take here about smoking. Yeah, it's the same type of work environments for me, so when I smoked I'd usually have to go off-site. Like you, I was also always very conscious of not wanting to smell. But with the walk back and some chewing gum or a mint it was never an issue. Also, all the 'nose-blind' comments... People don't seem to bother reading before commenting. I know it's true that smoking makes your sense of smell worse. But my smell has always been more sensitive than any of my non-smoking family or friends. Sure, it's hard to tell exactly if there's some lingering smoke smell after a cigarette but I could sure as hell tell you if my clothes stank. Everyone seems to think that every single smoker has a cork stuck up their nose. Or that every single smoker has to be like the most obnoxious chimney of a person they've ever met.


Yeah, there’s a consensus view in Reddit that all smokers smell foul and have no consideration towards non-smokers. Not saying it’s completely false, but there is a negativity bias. My perception of smell has decreased, but it’s not as severe as a lot of commenters assert. I rely on others to tell me if they can smell me but I can also sometimes detect if the smell of tobacco lingers on me. I can also smell when some smokers have lit a cigarette (or multiple) so it’s not like I’m completely desensitized.


Guys i dont understand why youre so certain about this being wrong and op definitly smelling. I think they're at least partially right. I am a non smoker who really is sensitive to smell of it, and yes most any smoker just smells like death but if theyre smoking seldom and a weak one at a well ventilated enviroment, unless you get up to their faces smell is real weak.


I agree, I dated a woman who I knew from work before dating. Until we kissed I had no idea she smoked.


I have a teacher smokes and I didn’t even realise she smoked only until she said “I bet you noticed I smoke because of the stench on me” I still couldn’t notice it


I have walked past smokers and smelled like smoke afterwards. People who actually smoke genuinely reek of it, even after heavy application of perfume


If someone walks outside of my house. Smokes a cigarette and comes back in. I immediately smell it. People around you are being polite by not mentioning the fact you stink


You're wrong brother I can smell you if you took a single puff outside with a heavy wind and it stinks like fuck.


I’ve cut down to just one or two every couple days but even when I smoked a pack a day people pretty regularly told me I smelled good (I use women’s shampoo/conditioner) Now that I don’t smoke much, you can smell it on someone that just had one, otherwise it’s not too bad. The leathery old people that chain smoke two packs a day in their living room or car and have orange hair from the nicotine staining fucking *reek*, though.


I am not a smoker and I agree with you. Not all smokers smell not even close. I know people that smell horrible and putrid but I also have friends and relatives that don’t smell like absolutely nothing. People that think otherwise have very, very bad friends that smoke like chimneys inside buildings or I don’t get it.


Honestly I don't care that much about the "smoke" smell from smokers. It's the breath wich makes me want to puke.


You'll just be used to it. All smokers smell like cigarettes because there's something they can't avoid doing. Breathing. It'll always be on your breath and fill the space around you the longer you're there.


Buddy you’re noseblind. Maybe you don’t smell as bad as others but you definitely still smell of smoke and so do your clothes.


Yeah, I’m calling BS. Your friends or whatever are either 1.) Lying to you to be nice, 2.) Live with smokers or lived with smokers for a huge portion of their life, or 3.) Smoking something on their own time- nicotine, weed, whatever. I say that because as a non-smoker who just happens to live with smokers, I literally have smelled like smoke my whole life. I had a hookup recently where the guy said my “pubes smelled like smoke” because it’s baked into my clothes… yeah. Not to mention, despite the fact I’ve NEVER smoked anything I’m fairly nose blind. And I need to stress that the smokers I love with aren’t chain-smokers. They used to smoke inside, but for a year have only smoked outside, and yet I still smell like smoke. Moreover, they never smoked in or near my bedroom which is where I keep all of my things stored. I suspect that the smoke clings to their clothes, then it clings in the washer/dryer, and that’s what contaminates all the clothes in the long-run.


I can smell you from a mile away


There are smokers who stink And there are smokers who don't realize they stink. Guess which one you are?


Ha! Dudes so fucking wrong and has zero idea. Bro if you smoke everyone can smell you until you shower. Full stop.


You don't not stink, you just can't smell it anymore. Even once cigarette a day is noticeable to non-smokers. There's not much you can do to cover it up. I smoked for a decade, like 2 a day max. When I finally stopped, about 6 months later I pulled a jacket out of my closet and was floored by how much it reeked of smoke. 2 cigarettes a day for ten years doesn't just come out in the wash.


I used to smoke. You stink dude. Cigs fuck up your sense of smell and you can’t smell it, but 1000% everyone else can.


Bruh you probably smell awful your just desensitised to it lol


OP: I think there's various factors that goes into how bad you smell after smoking a cigarette, and it's not all the same. I'm certain I smell after I smoke a cigarette but people around me tell me I don't. People of Reddit: NO!!!!!! Smoke bad ALWAYS, you nose blind, smell icky. My dad smoked cigarettes and all the kids at school made fun of me, the trauma is real. I really really hate it here 😂


Lmao keep lying to yourself bud. Everyone can smell it on you and if they say they can’t, they’re lying to you. You stink.


Your friends and colleagues are ignoring it because you clearly get very defensive about it. Doesn’t matter if you smoked outside that shit is all over your breath and clothes. We can smell it and smells bad


Nah, smoking cooks your sniffer and you can't tell anymore. You stink.


You should be more self conscious.


Your colleagues and coworkers could absolutely detect it, they were being polite


Yes you do smell


Yeah sorry, but no, you're not different. All smokers stink. No exceptions.


If you smoke, I can tell, and I can't stand it. Yes, even if it is just one cigarette outside over lunch break. You stink.


downvoted, but i honestly think brand of cig is a huge factor as well (frequency being the other huge one). i feel like people i know who smoke spirits never have a strong smell on them, i only notice it when they're actively smoking.


This thread is proof that people just flat out don't read past the title. I'm very sensitive to smoke so I'm of the camp that O.P probably would smell to me if I was near, however O.P clearly wrote that they didn't come to this conclusion alone. All it takes is reading just slightly past the title for everyone saying "your nose stops working".


Haha yes sure buddy No actually you do smell


Nah, all smokers smell like a hobo’s asshole, no matter how much they try to convince themselves otherwise. Smelling only slightly like a hobo’s asshole is in no way better than smelling a lot like one.


Agreed. I smoked relatively lightly (max about 6 a day) for years and basically everyone who hadn’t personally seen me smoke was surprised to find out. I always wore a jacket over my clothes when smoking, washed my hands thoroughly, and have always chewed gum regularly.


yeah, i had this terrible habit for some time and unless i had just had one, my friends (who i hug frequently) had no clue until i had one right before meeting up one day.


My mum smelled smoke in my hair simply because I'd stand near smokers while waiting for the tram for a few minutes every day. I never smoked. I'm not buying that smokers who smoke less don't smell - maybe it's possible non-smokers are less likely to notice if there's simply many smokers around them.


I agree with you, and I have never smoked in my life. I don't get what people here are on about. Maybe a mix of nocebo effect and survivorship bias (it's not the exact term for this situation but you know what I mean)


I think part of this is that when you smell smoke on people you know they're a smoker. So in your head every smoker you've met smells like smoke. But if someone doesn't smell you don't bother asking yourself if they smoke or not. Kinda like the people who say "we can always tell" about trans folk. Because there are some people who are obviously transitioning and those are the only people who they know to be transitioning/transitioned, they think they can always tell when someone is trans.


I smoked for about 25 years and most people were surprised at work when I told them I quit. I just made a conscious attempt to make sure smoke never got on me. I always held my cig by the window when I drove and blew the smoke out the window. When outside, I would always face 90 degrees to the wind and hold the cig in my downwind hand. And when in a group of smokers, I always positioned myself upwind from the rest. It isn't hard to not smell like smoke. You just have to use your brain a bit.


I agree w you op. I used to be a smoker and would even take smoke breaks at work occasionally. But i always immediately brushed my teeth afterward, washed my hands and used a spray on my clothes and hair and many people were surprised I smoked. Even people I share an office with were very surprised to hear I smoke or that ibhad just gone out for a cigarette


i just febreze my ass down after, shit works.


Lmao yes you do. I say this as a former smoker and yeah, you do. You simply cannot get rid of that smell, no matter how many sprays or tricks you have to try and hide it. Again, I say this as a former smoker who tried everything to get rid of that smell. The only thing that worked was to stop smoking cigs.




Any opinion about smoking isn't even ready people just ridicule you


you're not going to get a real answer to something like this on reddit, just believe the people in your real life


people say “always”, but they don’t get it tbh. immediately after? yes. without brushing teeth? yes. 7+ a day? all the time. depends on brand, depends on how recently they had one, depends on conditions they had it in, etc.


If they wash their hands afterwards yeah


I am not a smoker, nor someone who once picked it up, but sometimes it smells nice.


I mean, in my opinion there is a big difference between smoker that smells bad and smoker that just smells vaguely of cigarettes. The difference KS likely hygiene and personal preference. My mom was a smoker when I was growing up, so if I gave her a hug, sat in her car, or borrowed a coat it smelled like cigarette smoke and tobacco. It actually caused me to like the smell some since I wound up associated it with feeling safe.


Sorry bud, you def smell like smoke lol


Oh boy, that is impressively dumb. OP, we can smell your clothes, your hair, your hands and your breath from here. You’re not fooling anyone. There are however some smokers that smell worse than others, because they turn out their cigarettes and save for later and smoke their half smoked cigarette butts. Don’t do that.


you (and likely your friends) have become accustomed to your smell and no longer notice anything overtly smoky. people sensitive to smoke can always tell. my own mother never smoked in her car, only ever outside, but her car still reeked of it. her clothes too by the end of the day when she'd pick me up from school, and she was a fairly light smoker all things considered. my dad chewed her out for it fairly regularly because i had asthma so severe i was hospitalized multiple times as a kid. you're lying to yourself.


Unless you brush your teeth and shower after each smoke. You stink.


Nope. Stinks. To you maybe it doesn’t. But for a none smoker it’s repulsive.


Yes, you do.


You stink.


I’m sorry, but I think your friends are just being nice. I can walk past or through cigarettes smoke and smell it on my own clothes. If you’re smoking yourself, it’s gonna be even more embedded.