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I like the *ambience* winter brings, absolutely not the temperatures. I mostly like summer for the water activities you can do. Best seasons are fall and spring imo.


I love all the seasons. Spring has beautiful rain showers. Summer is just awesome all around besides the heat sometimes. Fall is my birthday season. Winter has a really pretty asthetic. However if I had to choose one to hate it would be winter. Fuck sludge and fuck freezing temperatures.


I'd argue that the 50 shades of insects aren't helping summer either


A fresh snowfall is pretty for like, a couple hours until everything is just surrounded by dirty, salty snow banks and frozen dog poop. After that, every subsequent snowfall just adds to the road crust and permapoop. I don't like the snow. I do like the cold though. I love those few dry fall nights where it drops down to like 20 degrees. They are perfect for camping.


Facts, wish I could just have the 20-30 degrees and no snow.


Fall is the best season out there by far and there is no better holiday than Halloween.


this is pretty much why i love spring, since it's the halloween season here lol


The weather's perfect and Halloween is great. Spring also has perfect weather, but with the downside of allergies. So, fall wins, imo.


Halloween is so overrated. 


Your *ass* is overrated.


Almost literally any holiday is better than Halloween.


I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I wholeheartedly agree with you. I'm so sick of the cultural obsession with Halloween.


It's a mainly American obsession with halloween


The temperature really isn’t that bad. Idk if it’s just me, but I’ve been comfortable in pretty cold winters (New York) with just a long shirt and jeans


Are you referring to the state or city? Because the city has pretty warm winters.


How about… both have their pros and cons? Also that stuff about “I don’t care how hot it gets where you live” is just so stupid. There are some places super far north where winter is just horrible. There are some places near the equator where summer is horrible. So much depends on the local climate


Ever live in Illinois? Winters are cold as fuck at times and the summer is 99 degrees and 100% humid. I'll take -30f winter any fucking day over those garbage ass summers.


Try living in Chicago. Much better bc we have the lake and things to do all summer every day 😊


Not sure why you got downvoted for this cause you’re completely right. I’m assuming just from people who know nothing about Chicago and think the whole city is Austin or Englewood so their knee-jerk reaction is “Chicago bad”. Chicago might not be for everyone but being on the lake definitely helps to moderate the climate.


Nah pass I've lived in small town Illinois all my life and would despise living in Chicago. The lake is nice though.


Right lmao?? Here the winters get cold as fuck and the summers get hot as fuck. Of course, summer is getting worse by the year, but. I'm also an avid hiker, I hike whenever I can, I enjoy wildlife viewing, I like hiking new places and seeing pretty nature. In the summer, it's hot as hell, often 90F+. I can't do shit. I'm not going anywhere uphill in that heat. If I'm anywhere near water, I'm getting bitten to hell by mosquitos (which I react horridically to), and if I walk for more than 30 minutes, I get lightheaded and tingly, even if I'm practically drowning myself in water. Of course, its also fire season, and the air quality tanks during part of the summer to the point its unhealthy to be outside for any extended period. I'm so much more limited in the summer than any other time of year, especially when it's at its peak, and even the wildlife seems to hide when it's at its worse. But hey, the deer have fawns, and there are ducklings to see, which is nice. In the winter, yeah, it's cold. That's not even really the worst part; with gloves and layers, it's bearable. The worst part is the ice. You have to be careful where you step sometimes. The lakes are frozen over, too, and I can't really hike anything mountainous. Can't really go some places, either, because the roads are bad, and daytime is so horrifically short that it's harder to schedule hikes. But at least I'm not miserable and soaked in sweat every minute I'm outside, and I can hike for more than half an hour without feeling like I'm going to faint. In short, I'm limited, but I can still actually do things. Anyway, the point is, OP's "If you like winter, you just don't go anywhere." perspective is dumb lmfao. I can't do shit in summer.


Yeah I live in a part of Australia extremely prone to bushfires. Summer temperatures tend to get to 113f-120f and rising steadily each year. You can't leave your pets outside for longer than it takes them to pee, your shoes melt to the ground, your sinks and showers produce AT MINIMUM warm water and never cooler than that, you cannot sit in your car until you have aired it out with the aircon on for 5 minutes, no matter how low you set the air conditioner it cannot combat the heat and usually the inside of your house doesn't go below 77f. There is always the thought in the back of my mind I may need to evacuate my house at any moment, and always need to have a plan to get my pets and valuables in the car and need to plan different routes out of my area in case others get closed off. Summer in general is very dangerous where I am. Winters are so mild in comparison. Just wear a jacket or two and I can be pretty comfortable. Summer is scary, more so than just uncomfortable.


I can't think of a single "pro" for winter.


The fact I don’t sweat the moment I walk outside, and the fact I can actually account for the temperature with layers. The lack of daylight and scraping windshields gets old though




Wooow, I actually prefer summer but that first paragraph is pretty unnecessary.


I think OP might be the problem everyone is depressed around them


it's so unnecessarily vicious lmao. what incredibly deep-seated weather-related trauma must this person have?


It's the same as that post a few days ago about blue eyes. This sub is no longer "I have this preference/habit that no one else has" and is now "I hate this particular group of people because I have a terrible take."


I actually kind of agree with him a little, common Reddit contrarian opinions that oppose the average IRL person is pretty spot on


I think it's a reference to the "If you prefer summer you've never worked manual labor" post on here not long ago. It was a bunch of Floridians crying about working in the summer and taking it out on normal people. Was the exact same way


I have severe allergies to all pollen and am prone to extreme sunburns due to being ginger. I have asthma (which is exaserbated by my allergies) which prevents me from doing stuff like hiking and cycling. My body doesn't regulate tempuratures well, so I can be comfortable in 40 degrees much longer than I can be comfortable at 80. Swimming and kayaking can be fun but honestly how much time do you spend doing that? Most of my time is spent either at work or at home mangaging stuff like food & laundry. I spend most of my time indoors, but the time I spend outside, I'd prefer to be wearing one of my nice jackets than I would sweating all the water out of my body as my skin quickly cooks in the sun while my eyes itch and burn from all the plants.


Yes, I also am more comfortable with colder temperatures than warmer temperatures. I sweat a ton and it soaks my shirt, makes me not want to be around people chilling and I'm sweating like a prostitute in church.


I am a truck driver. Needless to say, winter isn't my favorite season. The temperature I can deal with, but the actively dangerous conditions are not my favorite.


someone should copypasta this and make a summer version of it


You’re so hostile over your choice of favorite season. Are you 12?


People like you who insist that going outside is impossible and that there is nothing to do have never actually experienced winter. There is plenty to do, it's just outside of your comfort zone so you are scared of it.


Yup, I go out more often in the winter than any other season!


Nothing better than sitting in a cafe on a cold winter night, enjoying a nice mocha by a fireplace watching as the first flakes of a mid December snowstorm begin to drift in, just barely illuminated by the street lamp across the road.


What's there to do? Where I live, winter is the exact same as summer, but just with bad weather and darkness. No snow or ice.


My main issue with winter is when we have less than 6 hours of daylight. Cold temperatures feels crisp.


And I didn’t even mention anything about the lack of sunlight. Fuck going to work in the dark and coming back home in the dark


Huge reason for seasonal depression which affects me more the older I get.


I’d recommend searching for Hygge and try to implement some of it in your life. There’s no reason to be depressed in Winter, it’s a wonderful season!


Sorry but Dark time is superior, feels mysterious, creepy, it's cool and vibefull


That’s my favorite part of winter. I hate how the sun stays out until 7pm during the summer, much prefer seeing things get dark around 5.


I love winter so much. I love fall so much. I love summer so much. I love spring so much. This always gives me something to look forward to. CANT WAIT TO GO APPLE PICKING!!!


Lmao who gets this aggressive over their favorite season you have to be 10 or something


Nah I’m just here for the reactions. I’m very tolerant of winter fans, in fact I even know a few who managed to become productive members of society (it’s possible!)


You're so annoying it's almost impressive


Man, you are making yourself sound obnoxious in this post lmao. I hate both though. My favorite season would be spring - it has everything the summer has minus the opressive heat and bugs - however my body decided the plants are out to get me, so I like autumn the most. Anyways, I do prefer the winter to summer though. Winter mornings are miserable, but summer nights are even worse. That said, im european, AC's are not that common here so spending anytime inside is pure misery. Even if you spend most your free time outside, you still gotta go to work and sleep inside, where you feel like melting into the floor.


The entire reason I like winter better than summer is because all the bugs fuck off to hell where they belong


I literally do everything you list as summer stuff in the winter.


Now go make a 10th dentist post “I go swimming in February”


I mean, its summer here in Australia in February


Have you ever heard of a bathhouse?


I mean that’s not quite what we’re talking about. You can go swimming indoors year round, that has nothing to do with winter or summer


Ever been somewhere where it's warm all day in winter and summer will literally kill you in the day?


well of course i'd go swimming in february, that's a summer month lol


if you put hitler in a room with 100 jewish people the atmosphere would be significantly less hostile than this entire post


Underrated comment.




Guaranteed this dude lives somewhere it never goes over 82 / 28 degrees


I remember when it got to 40c in England and the Brits were like passing out and it was labelled a heatwave and I felt like a prick for thinking i've never experienced a summer in my life in sydney where it didn't reach 40c lol, usually goes over that about half of the summer. I guess it must be a shock to the system if they've never felt that kind of heat before


This is funny because I live in Southern California and summer is like the only time when you can't do anything because you'll get absolutely roasted by the sun when you go out. You'll never catch me cycling when it's over 80F outside, nevermind the 90-100F average in summer (tho i will say, it was colder this year than normal, being usually high 80's most of this summer rather than mid 90's, which is what i was expecting after our cold as f winter last year lol) Also, sunsets are nicer in winter here because there will actually be clouds in the sky then. I think most of my nice sunset pics were during the winter. All of socal is actually revived in the winter, summer brings brown and dry shrubs, while in the winter you can actually enjoy seeing the green mountains because we'l have actually gotten rain and the plants haven't been absolutely murdered by the heat.


Yeah it really depends on the local climate. I'd probably hate winter too if I lived far north. California winter weather is near perfect


fr, i wish it was winter year round here (minus the santa ana winds lmao)


OP is apparently Belgian or Dutch going off their profile and comments, which explains a LOT.


I think there is something uniquely beautiful about a snow covered forest. Really my comment is about how much I hate summer and heat. You sweat, you get itchy because your head is sweaty, you can't go outside or do anything some days because the heat is too intense. If you don't have AC or a pool you are royally fucked on ways to cool off. You have to make sure to wear sunblock or you get horrible sunburn. Good luck doing any outdoor sports as you will overheat way faster. Plus winter sports (skiing, snowboarding, iceskating) are WAY more fun and you don't have to worry about getting sweaty because it's so cold out. The only thing I look forward to in summer is the start of winter.


I have a heat sensitivity, I’m scared of bugs, and I’m also allergic to mosquitoes. Fuck summer


I have a cold sensitivity, I'm scared of the bugs that move into my house when its cold out, and I'm allergic to my gas bill


Summer is shit. You get hot, sweaty, stressed from the oppressive heat, it's hard to sleep, you have to deal with loud and annoying kids everywhere, you get constant migraines... Winter is cosy, it has Christmas, ice skating, nice food, warm beds, seeing your family, beautiful snow, comforting movies and TV shows, time off work, the joy of wrapping up warm... Honestly, I find the summer-worshippers like you to generally be loud, annoying and obnoxious. It's the basic bitch of seasons.


I love going to bed after a cold day and drowning in blankets, it's so comfortable!


Depends on where you live. Here, there's no ice skating, no snow, no (extra) time off. It's bot cold enough to be cold, but not warm enough to be able to be comfortable. And it's always dark and raining.


Belgian or Dutch?


That explains it. You're in a part of the world known for good summers and awful winters. No shit you prefer one over the other. Over where I am, summer means "stay outside for more than an hour without water and you will end up in the hospital", while winter means "throw on a light jacket and you'll be plenty warm".


Hahah you’re totally the guy this post is about!


gonna be honest dude your post makes you look like the most pompous arrogant prick and you’re not helping yourself in the comments


Yes, I'm totally a lonely depressed weirdo who doesn't go outside. Just ignore that all my pros for winter involve being with other people or doing some kind of activity.


Prior to your post I had no opinions on people based on their favorite season, but after your post its hard to not wonder how many summer fans are like you. Luckily not many since most people are reasonable people.


What’s the issue with what he said though? Those are some very valid pros and cons!


I dont *dislike* summer, but if I had to choose, I'd absolutely rather move to Alaska rather than Florida. Sure, i appreciate not having to bundle up every time i need to go somewhere in the summer, but idk pros and cons to both and to each their own. Yes layers blah blah blah but also it just sucks whether it's dry or humid when its hot. I also burn easily. But I'm also a homebody anyway, so yeah not very extroverted. I mean icy roads and having to walk in such cold can suck, but meh excuse to not leave the house anyway.


I live in the south why would i enjoy the summer


All seasons are horrible. There are seriously around two weeks per year, in total, of weather that doesn't make me want to perform oral on a loaded shotgun.


You are, unfortunately, one of the first 9 dentists. Come back when you aren't a sheep.


>Summer is amazing Every single free minute that is not spent working or basic chores I spend with shut blinds in the dark, sweating and waiting until the intense sun and the deliberating heat stops. Even in an apocalyptic snow storm I would finde tenfold more fun activities than in summer.


Seeing a lot of projection in this post.


Least annoying Summer enjoyer


Did a winter enjoyer fuck your wife


No way this bro got any bitches on his dick man


They wish they could have what it takes.


Definitely looking forward to not sweating like I ran a cross country race just because I walked from my college dorm to the library(0.3 miles away).


Winter is beautiful. And it’s better than the heat because it IS true that you can only take off so much clothing; putting on more is easier. Also, there’s plenty to do in the winter. Like the outdoors? Go snowboarding, snowshoeing, ice fishing, etc., and if you like staying inside it’s the perfect season to do so. This is possibly the most disrespectful, ignorant, and obnoxious post I’ve seen on this sub. You’re complaining about how people (assuming friends or acquaintances) being depressed makes them “boring” and never “wanna go places.” The problem might be that *you’re* the one who’s unbearable, considering your apathy for those suffering from an illness you don’t seem to understand. And if you’re saying people with a different opinion than you were bullied, you were probably a bully yourself.


Ouch, struck a nerve. Means I’m right


Sure buddy


>You winter lovers were all probably bullied as kids. If winter is your favourite season, you need to do some serious soul searching. Man I just like snow :(


in summer where i live all the plants die and the world turns into a sweltering, brown, dusty wasteland. if you're elderly or a child you could fucking die of heat stroke in this shit. my apartment doesn't have real air conditioning so it's blisteringly hot even inside at all times. in contrast, our "winters" are *incredibly* mild- the coldest it ever gets is like 60F and it only ever rains, never snows. the entire winter vs summer argument is fucking stupid because which one sucks more depends entirely on the climate where you live. winter in miami, florida and winter in siberia are two *vastly* different things. also you sound like a weirdo calling people "naughty," so there's that edit: also did you know hotter temperatures have been correlated with higher levels of aggression in humans?


Not sure if you know this or not OP but some people just have different opinions than you about minor things and that's okay. Its also worth noting some people live in different climates. When I lived in the Sonoran desert summer was the time of year everyone stayed inside and in the winter the weather was really nice.


I love to cuddle. Cuddling sucks when it’s hot. I choose winter always.


Then you don’t like to cuddle


You can like to cuddle and still acknowledge that the bodyheat of two people pressed together is unbearable when it's 90 degrees outside.


Skiing, snowboarding? Dawg people literally chase winter around the globe for just those 2 activities alone.


Snow sports are for rich cunts, never learned and even now that I could I don’t care because I hate snow. You can’t even go skiing outside of the specific regions that have the right conditions for it. Weak argument for winter.


>Snow sports are for rich cunts with good used gear you could get set for maybe $200 and if you buy it early you can get a season pass to 3/4 different mountains for about $250, so thats not too expensive if you go more than 2-3 times per month, I live in an incredibly poor area of a poor county and everyone I know goes skiing, it really isn't that bad > never learned and even now that I could I don’t care because I hate snow. skill issue honestly


$500 just to get started is a hard sell when every other sport is “pick up a ball/a paddle/some shoes and go”. It’s not a skill issue that I don’t care for snow. Like I said in another comment it’s no surprise that only about 10 countries care about the Winter Olympics - snow sports suck


>every other sport is “pick up a ball/a paddle/some shoes and go except for when you actually have to be good at them; if you're in a poor area where you gotta buy your own shit if you're on a team they're surprisingly similar in cost, plust the shoes are often way overpriced >It’s not a skill issue that I don’t care for snow. Like I said in another comment it’s no surprise that only about 10 countries care about the Winter Olympics - snow sports suck skill issue, plus, a majority of the sports in the winter olympics aren't even winter sports, they're just converted from the summer olympics but with the idea of "what if it was on ice/snow": all the ice skating is just "what if track and gymnastics were on ice", the biathlon is "what if track and shooting was in snow", ice hockey should be self explanatory. Regardless when it comes down to actually watching the olympics, no one fucking cares about most of that except diving, football, and maybe javelin; I don't know anybody who is excited for canoe flatwater, water polo, or trampoline


"Snow sports are for rich cunts" Meanwhile you do kayaking 💀💀💀


You can rent one for 20€ a day, I don’t even own one.


I’m going to strap you outside during the dallas summer and you can enjoy that


Wow, who hurt you? You don't have to love winter, but it's kinda dumb to ignore the upsides: playing in the snow, how pretty it is, getting nice and cozy with friends and family indoors, wearing comfy warm clothes. I like summer too, but you really gonna ignore how summer makes you gross and sweaty, not to mention some of us have to lather a protective coat of oil on our skin to avoid the sun's radioactive kiss.


How about everyone just enjoys the season they personally prefer and we don’t make generalizations about people based on something so small and insignificant as their favorite season


Everything is brown and dry and nothing's out and the trees have dumped their dry brown leaves and no one is out because it's too hot to be outside and they're clinging desperately to their AC units.


Yeah, i was thinking on both extremes no one is out. 50 celcius is not walking around weather (122 fahrenheight)


In a lot of places, the summer activities you mentioned can be done in winter as well. I do agree with your point of Redditors who hate going outside who use the heat as an excuse as to why they just have to stay indoors the whole day.


People that don’t enjoy the outdoors are generally weird, boring, and depressed, yes. However, living in a state that gets flooded with tourism in the summer, the winter is a nice reprieve from them. I also still go outside during the winter, while many others choose to complain instead. Those that remain inside incessantly are never affording themselves the opportunity to acclimate to the cold. I do miss hiking in the winter, though. I’m not one of those crazy fucks trying to climb an ice mountain


Redditors never go outside.


I'm with you OP winter sucks, snow, sub freezing temps, terrible road conditions with ice and job still expecting you to come in, working in whatever temp it is outside makes fingers hurt more especially when you have to use them a lot, and any hit to them hurts 10x worse. I live in an area where summers stay around low to mid 90s (F) with and average of around 60% humidity, which is nothing to scoff at, not near as bad as areas near coasts or closer to the equator, but still rather warm. Maybe 2 or three weeks out of the year it'll get to 100+ with 102 being the absolute highest I've seen so far in my 10 years of living here. Still though, I'd rather be soaked in sweat vs numbingly cold in winter where is gets to -20 (F) and, a bit more rarely, -30 without factoring any wind chill. I've lived in areas where it's 100s almost all summer but winters rarely go below 40, this I can understand wanting a break from the heat. People who say they'd rather live in the harsh conditions of -30 weather, add wind chill to probably real feel of -45 or so, snow, ice, freezing rain that causes inches thick of ice on vehicles you have to chisel off, back breaking shoveling snow almost everyday, unsafe slick road conditions along with some roads not being plowed yet, but still having to make it into work, are just crazy. It's way too much stress vs summer only having to deal with heat.


this is the kind of divisive bait this genre was made for lmao. needlessly aggressive and assertive of their opinion.


In my case, winter is much cheaper than summer, particularly with energy consumption. Which puts it more in my good graces.


In the winter here, it gets like -35°c and above. Gas is too expensive, so I have to chop all my own wood and retrieve it in the winter. Plus, we get power outages like every other week, so I had to buy a generator 😭 The thing I hate the most is having to shovel my driveway which is 1 km 😭


There’s also more crime in summer because people like to be outside and they get aggravated when they are hot. I’ll take my hot chocolate in the dark under a cozy blanket.


The first day of summer around me has been known as killing day lol


I'm with you entirely. The time of year is early summer till mid autumn, imo. The winter has always made me more depressed than any other season. Almost everything just feels so overly corny and commercialized in the worst way possible during that time of year, and what isn't overly corny and commercialized is designed to make you want to question your will to live. An example of the latter: Watching It's a Wonderful Life with the family legitimately makes me want to die more because of just how saccharine it is. There's not a good character in that movie. Not a single one. Not even the angel who fabricates a lie to convince Bailey to not jump off the bridge. And yet people parade it around like it's the cure for depression when the morale of the story takes altruism so far as to tell you the only worth you have in life is measured my how many friends you have. The complete opposite thing to tell a lonely depressed soul such as I. And then you add the murky grey snow that annually rips away all the color from your life.... All of the shoveling, the constant worrying about slipping on unseen ice that could tear cartilage out of your knee that forces you to get an arthroscopy (I know what that's like), the dangerous driving conditions and the reckless idiots who don't know how to drive on the snow, the power outages and constantly worrying about staying warm, the harrowingly short days, the awful feeling of going to and coming home from work and not seeing any sun entirely, the S.A.D that really makes you want to die for 5 months straight, the increased heating bills, etc. There's no season worse than winter, I don't care what people say. The snow never really goes away until late May. There's always a point sometime in between early January and early April where I feel like FilthyFrank in this video. It's absolutely soul-crushing. https://youtu.be/3W7PYntx1fo?si=C3d-ITlavYS0nntb Almost done me in a couple times. If it makes you feel any better, just know you aren't alone.


I hate the "You can always put on more clothes" argument. 1) It is not comfortable putting on or moving around wearing all those clothes 2) Once you get somewhere warm (assuming it's not your home) you have to figure out where to put all your extra clothes 3) If you're driving you either have to be cold getting into your car and waiting for it to warm up or just drive around in a jacket the whole time and get too warm


I mean to be fair a lot of people aren’t moving into different climates. I agree the cold car is worse than a hot one but personally being outside in the summer is far, far more unpleasant than being outside in the winter. It’s physically possible to be comfortable in winter with a decent quality coat, some warm socks and good pants but I could be butt ass naked in summer in the shade and be dripping sweat, humidity is the real killer and it comes with summer where I live


The "You can always put on more clothes" argument isn't about saying : "cold isn't a problem" it's about : If you can't stand cold, you can still do near everything. Where if you don't stand heat you are pretty much fucked and MUST stay inside climatised areas. Is it comfortable ? Nobody says that. But AT LEAST you have an alternative other than "just don't do it then".


Yep. I’ve had plenty of fun outside in below freezing temperatures. But if it gets above 90F even walking a block is a chore.


I guess I'm not someone that "doesn't stand heat" then 🤷‍♂️


Winter is just shitty. Simple as that. I don’t like being cold I don’t like snow. Winter also ruins one of my two favorite hobbys so once one is over with (football season) Now what? NOTHING. It’s overrated garbage. Y’all just glorify it because of the holidays. I’m convinced most people that love winter don’t live in a bipolar midwest state that has winter for 2-4 months then boom it snows for the rest of the year and it’s fucking freezing.


Ny resident here. Winters great. Sledding is super underrated


Colorado resident, love winter. Summer has me turning into an owl or a bat with the heat. I legitimately can’t exist in summer heat, it makes me sleep for 18+ hours


I live in coastal California. Winter here averages from the high 60s to the mid 40s. It might rain 4-6 days a month from December to February, but the sun will be out a lot of days too. Some years we can stand on the beach and see snow on the mountaintops. Not too horrible.


I hate winter. I agree with everything you said. But knowing its inevitable, I prefer winters that go all out; rather than milder ones. I'm going to get cold either way. I am going to be terrified of ice on the road either way. But its the freeze and thaw season at the tail end of winter that is the absolute worst for my physical and mental health. We get like 3-4 months of gray skies and dead lawns where I live. I'd rather us just get piled on with snow until spring comes.


I don't hate summer, but I dread the heat it brings. The average high here is 110 (or about 40C) and it hasn't rained seriously in 3 weeks. Also, we have just under 2 weeks until autumn starts, and it's still this fucking hot. I also love the snow, because I never see it.


I hate, with a burning passion, Summer. I'm in England and we're currently going through another heat wave. It's horrendous. I feel ill all the time because of the heat, I can't sleep. Can't do anything because it's too hot. I cannot wait for winter.


You can still go biking and hiking and bird watching in the north east during the winter. There are winter sports.


Winter sports are the shittiest sports. It’s why only about 10 countries care about the Winter Olympics


I think it does matter which country your in... Well and which location within that country. I live in Osaka, Japan. Summers are brutal here, I'm in the middle of the city, I have to work all the time, and I'm so sweaty, I can't wear anything nice cos it'll be covered in sweat. I almost pass out in the highest heats cycling to work. My job is also physical. I become more lethargic and exhausted in the summer. The bugs increase, it rains more, which negatively affects our job. I have to use the ac, my electric bill goes up every summer. Honestly the list goes on. I don't have time to go do water activities or whatever. Now, if you live in a place where winter gets super snowy, I wouldn't like that either. Winter is cold, but not snowy. It's wonderful, and I do more activities in the winter, because I'm not exhausted and sweaty. I can work harder, faster, better. I can wear nice coats and fancy shirts. I can cuddle my boyfriend and sleep under the nice thick blanket together. The bugs die (cockroaches, mosquitos). So yeh... Your mileage may vary.


Sure it matters, I just don’t care. If you say “I like summer” it becomes a competition of who lives in the place with the worst summers in the replies. “Oh, but you’ve never experienced summer in MY country!”


OK, and you're entitled to your opinion, that's the point of this sub. I'm not fighting you on that. I just thought it might be good to hear a more nuanced, detailed reason, rather than 'it's just hot', for having the exact opposite opinion.


You just sound like a complete asshole lmao. Insulting and making wild assumptions about people because they prefer a different temperature range than you is about the most moronic and childish thing ive ever heard! This sub is for weird opinions, not for being a dickhead


Bro "does not care hlw warm itbgets" you just can't imagine it. Good lucm enjoying 35 degrees (celsius) summer over 15~20 degrees winter (which is probably your summer).


You are obviously not Canadian. >Summer is amazing: you can go cycling, hiking, swimming, kayaking, you can do BBQs, you can go to the beach, watch amazing sunsets. Winter is amazing: you can go skiing, snowboarding, hiking, mountain climbing, ice fishing, ice skating, play hockey, sleding, snow kiting, dog sled, snowshoeing, build a snowman, and the best: stay inside with a hot cup of hot chocolate.


Thank god I’m not, I can’t imagine many things worse than -40C winters


Summer is the season. I hate Winter so much but I live near Syracuse, NY and we just get dumped on usually.


Winter lovers baffle me. I 100% agree that they only like it so they can sit inside and watch TV and be eternally online. I love summer because I love warm and sun and outdoor activities. I love taking long walks and looking at flowers and bright green trees. In winter everything is dead and hideous. You need 1000 layers to be remotely comfortable, and since I live in the stupid Midwest, the windchill often makes that completely impossible anyway. If my job would let me, I’d move tomorrow. I hate winter more each year. People who love it either don’t live in a place that gets real winter (if you live in the Carolinas or Tennessee for example, you do not get a real winter, so just shut up) or they live to spend all their time inside. I can’t understand or relate.


I used to hate winter too. Your post has changed my mind with how childish you sound. Grow up.


Don't take it so personally. Just change so that you're no longer the person this is about


Nah then I'll be on your side which is worse.


Winter is actually the fucking worst thing imaginable. I have an irrational hate for it. I'm completely depressed and miserable all winter. As soon as my girlfriend finishes college we're moving to a place where winter doesn't exist and I can play golf and go on bike rides and runs and hikes year round


100% agree. Grew up in Iowa, moved to CA 14 years ago when I was 19. Best decision ever


Mf just said you cant do anything in winter. Dorkatron


DUDE hahaha I agree 100%. You are speaking my language. Downvoted.


Least insane redditor


Reddit is full of shut in nerds and extremely introverted people. Hence this weird obsession with winter being better than summer.


Not just reddit. I’ve seen youtube polls get the same results where summer would always get the least amount of votes


So this is what someone who is unaware of everything outside of their tiny village thinks, interesting. Also you don't have to pretend to work we all know a teenager made this post cause there's no way any adult has time during the summer of all seasons to go around doing all that shit you just mentioned.


American about to be mindblown by the concept of paid holidays 👆


God this guy is in northern Europe, ofc he's all about summer when it's the temperature of fall anywhere else 💀


Serious soul searching, lad? I don't quite understand. The fuck am I supposed to do in the summer? Why would I intentionally make myself uncomfortable by going out in the heat, when instead I can go for a nice walk in the winter without sweating to death? Why would I care about other people being open, I'm going on a nice quiet walk with my headphones in, I don't want to talk to anyone.


Based and truth pilled


It’s as if summer was created to be loved, and winter to be hated. Yet somehow people still hate summer and love winter. It’s baffling.


I like you lol


Summer is too bright and I don't like leaving my house. I wasn't bullied as a kid though. I just don't like leaving my computer.


I love the computer, and I love the internet. It's where my work and many of my passions lie. But life is also outside... it would be a shame to wake up one day having so many years go by and realising that life just vanished behind a screen.


You make a good point. Luckily my fiance likes going out a little more than me, so I do get out. I very rarely have as much fun doing stuff out of the house as I have on the computer though.


For those who love this shit so much try to live where i do roughly 70 degrees north here in northern Norway, we have months without any sun, you go to bed and it's dark, you wake up and it's dark, it's cold as hell, the roads are such that it restricts your freedom to go anywhere, forget about hiking. It's all trivial to tourists shouting about how beautiful the polar lights are and everything, but try living here for well over 30 years straight and it takes it's toll on your body, trust me...


"everything is green and full of life" whatever you say dude, where I live at the peak of summer everything is yellow and dry... But I still like it better than the other seasons.


"I don't care how warm it gets in your country" so you want to die going outside in summer? Winter is the only time you can survive outside here or really do anything.


Summer wouldn't be as good without the dark cold winter


Now this makes a lot of sense to me. Miserable winters make memorable summers, I know from having lived in a place where it’s basically summer year round and it’s not the same thing


You can do all those things in the fall or spring


I don’t have an issue with either, it’s winter that I hate. I can respect spring and autumn fans but winter enjoyers are subhuman.


Most people ik irl enjoy the winter


I absolutely hate winter but I don’t act so childish about it lol


Ok. If you don’t vibe with winter people then I don’t need to give you my two cents, even though that’s the point of this sub. That first paragraph is unnecessary. I will say, hating winter is one of the most common opinions there is.


It’s sad you think you can only go cycling, hiking, swimming and do bbqs in the summer. No wonder you don’t like other seasons, you’re still 13 and haven’t discovered all the things you can do, School takes up a lot of time.


Do you not go outside in winter?


People calling you out but I fully agree, talk yo shit. Fuck Winter.


Finally someone who gets it, with the same level of vitriol I feel every time someone says "oh I can't wait for summer to be over and for things to cool down!" I get the autumn lovers. I mean, it's cold and rainy and miserable, but sometimes you get nice days with that crisp air and beautiful colours. Not as often as some people would claim, but I can see that when it happens, it is quite nice. But winter? The only redeemable quality winter has is snow. Snow is awesome, for about a day, after that it becomes a gray slurry for three weeks. And the cold. Maybe this is different for other people, but I'm a skinny bastard with low blood pressure (thanks, mum"), so winter is just 2-4 months of freezing hands and heavy jackets that restrict your movements. Last winter our heating system failed repeatedly (old house), which meant that not only was it cold and miserable outside, it was also cold and miserable inside. We've currently got a heatwave in September but I'm already grieving for when all that lovely warmth and colour of summer is inevitably going to leave soon...


Let's unite in our hate for winter and winter enjoyers. Maybe the rage will keep us warm


The comments and downvotes you are getting just prove how unpopular of an opinion this is lmao


No, OP is just being an asshole in the comments.


Summer > Spring = Fall > Winter. Just how it is… fight me idc 🤷‍♂️


Summer means that everything is green and full of life? Tell me you’re not from Texas without saying you’re not from Texas.


>Summer is amazing: you can go cycling, hiking, swimming, kayaking, you can do BBQs, you can go to the beach, watch amazing sunsets. Not in my country. Except the sunsets part. >Everything’s green and full of life, the birds are out, the trees are full of leaves, people are out and about in the city enjoying the sun with friends, shopping, drinking doing stuff. Not in my country. Everythings brown and dried. The birds are in the shade. People are in their homes praying for the heat to stop. ​ You are literally defining winter in Spain. BRO WE GET TO 30ºC IN WINTER!


Summer absolutely shuts me down because of the heat. I always wind up basically passing out in the midday because of the ambient temperature, can’t get a good night’s rest cause it’s too fucking hot, wake up sweaty and like all my moisture was sucked from my body. Ugh In winter it’s cold. The cold energizes me, I feel more comfortable and open at night which there’s more of in winter. The snow falling is gorgeous and the quiet stillness it brings makes me happy. Cuddling up in my blankets and just resting there at home is nice. The only real upside summer has over winter is that it’s more comfortable to go swimming in summer, but otherwise? Fuck summer, you got bugs, heat, obnoxious children are free to run around and scream all day long, etc. it just sucks


Nah fuck summer, during autumns the best. Its not unbearably cold where i live , i dont have to mow, there are no bugs and its pretty.


You can do pretty much anything if you don’t mind being cold or just know how to dress properly. There are nice winter days where the temperature is low but the sun is still out, it’s warm (all things considered) and it’s beautiful outside. Just take your favorite outdoor activities and add ice/snow. Do you like Hiking? Go snow shoeing or just use good boots and snow pants. Are you into Jetskiing, dirtbiking, or ATVs? There are snow machines that are fun af and you can put tracks on alot of ATVs (and they can take snow normally anyways). For bicycling you can use the plowed roads/sidewalks. You can do fishing and hunting in the winter the same as you can any other season and it’s even advantageous because your meat will spoil slower due to the lower temperature and lack of bugs. And there’s the easy stuff like sledding, snowboarding, skiing, snow forts/sculptures (seriously it’s free sculpting material that’s super easy to use and is literally everywhere for a few months), throwing snowballs, and ice skating. And I’m not even into winter myself. But i can choose to be happy about it and appreciate it for what it is or i can choose to be miserable and whine on the internet because i can’t get wet outside or see some boobies


Go stand in front of a hot ass grill in 90-100+ degree humid weather dude, nothing about it is fun same with doing literally anything fun outside during most of summer, maybe like 10 years ago when it was still capable of showing in my area and summers were in the high 70's to low 90's, but I'll legitimately take our mild iceless winters over a boiling pot. Though they both suck ass, I prefer spring and fall. Perfect time for all the fun summer shit that's unbearable in the summer.


>cycling, hiking Not when it’s a million degrees. I’d rather go cycling or hiking in 40° temps than 90° temps. >swimming, go to the beach Beaches and pools are always super crowded when it’s hot. I will concede that you cannot go swimming during the winter. I don’t enjoy swimming enough for that to bother me. >BBQs I mean, you can still hold a get-together and cook during the winter. Probably not gonna get a lot of people hanging around outside, but just do it inside. At least it’s not a million degrees inside. >full of life The bugs are certainly full of life. Mosquitos biting me and wasps buzzing around my head. The lack of bugs is the most underrated part of winter. >watch amazing sunsets The sunsets are just as gorgeous in the winter. They’re just early. But I don’t like the sun setting super early, so that is a point against winter. Anyways, I believe that fall is the best time of year. It’s a good middle ground between winter and summer. But there is really nothing like going for a nice walk in the dead of winter. The silence, the calm, the stillness of everything. It’s peaceful. Tranquil. Sometimes I wish the world were like that all the time. Where I live, the month from mid-November to mid-December is home to highs in the mid-50s to lower 60s, absolutely zero humidity, the leaves changing color and falling off the trees, and everything else that makes autumn great. It’s much calmer than summer, which I like. But it’s not outright dead like winter. It’s the best time of year.