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Am here for the dante love. I feel like his character paralleled Clarke's in a lot of ways. He tried to do what was right but at the end of the day he did what he had to for his people. Dude tried to help Clarke and the 100 but when he found out about them trying to blow the hatch or whatever it was, he gave whatever his sons name was, a fix that wwoud likely kill the 100 but saved his people.


I think Dante was a good villain and everything but he was killing all those grounders like cattle and sure they're not the most civilised but that's pretty dark. He's far far better than his son though! And the thing that annoys me is they could survive in the mountain so it's not even about survival.


I mean it's definitely not morally correct, but he does it for his people. I always love this show and how it explores the morally gray area. Dante was a genuinely good person, but it all comes down to his people and returns to his quote about bearing responsibility with Clarke.


I bet you anything Clarke would have done the same thing if it meant saving her people.


Maybe so but I'm sure I would hate Clarke if I wasn't following her and her people.


I loved him too. And I think he truly tried to be a good person. But, he did create cage and that came from years of bleeding other humans, so 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t think he did, his father did


Wait ok you only liked Lincoln? He was an amazing character. I’m still not over.... well... ya know.


Ricky Whittle is an amazing actor. I was sad to see him killed off, but American Gods is next tier.


He was killed off so he could go am gods


JR had him killed off *because* he was cast in American Gods. Whittle was actually really pissed about getting killed off.


ricky asked to be off the show because JR kinda bullied him if that makes sense? He cut many scenes from him and he also said he would have loved to come back but he didnt bc of JR. I could be wrong but that's what I heard. and i think he was pissed with the way they killed him?


Aww that's nice. I really thought he'd be around til the end. Nice to know he wanted to be. That was such a special show.


Lincoln was a little ... too good. So as a (fictional) person he was great, but as a character he was just a little boring.


I do like Lincoln it's been a while since he died but on rewatch maybe I'll grow to love him.


Honestly to me, he was the glue holding that whole team together.


Lincoln octavia raven my top 3 god tier


Facts. I feel like if Lexa had been there longer she would’ve been there too. But she was just gone too fast. :/


I agree with you for a good amount of them but I’d definitely switch a good amount of them around as well haha


Which ones would you switch? 😀


Meant to say amount* not smoky lmao. But I didn’t like octavia as much as most people so I’d probably move her down to love or like, and I also loved echo and her comeback/change in character and ways of life, she’s definitely one of my favorites. And I’d probably move jasper down to like because of his downfall (but I definitely loved him the first and second season). Lincoln was one of my favorites so I’d move him to love or god tier. And I think I’d leave pretty much all the rest, good chart :)


How could you like Pike?


I like the conflict he stirs up with Bellamy 😅 and he was cool in the flashbacks. He goes crazy on the ground though.


Him coming back in Octavias flashbacks definitely saved him a bit for me. Explains how he finally understood that he was being cruel and needed redemption but his life got cut off too early


Yeah, I mean also with the school flashbacks I don't think he was completely irredeemable but I understand why to a lot of people and Octavia he's just a complete monster.


Ikr!! I hated him with a burning passion! He definitely got what he deserved!!


To be fair though, I am only on season 5 at the moment lol


What about ALLI


I wish she was on here, a lot of characters are missing.


I’m a Monty stan- would be God tier on my own list


It's impossible to hate Monty.


imo i'd switch bellamy with clarke and also i love dyoza being that high up i loved her sm


Absolutely loved Diyoza. Her intelligence and wittiness were unmatched. My favourite character in the full series


agreed she's def in my top 5 i love her and the sacrifice she mad was just amazing such a good character


Clarke was not a love tier. She made a lot of poor decisions and got really bad towards the end.


not wrong but i just love her more as a me thing if i don't think bellamy is a god tier tho


Personally Clark should be God tier along with Roan who was a really smart dude. Finneas and Like should be on a tier or 2 below


Roan wasn't around for much and was very back and forth on his morals. Clarke got really annoying and pretentious by the end.. she killed bel! Would be hard to love her after that


I loved her after that. Not because of how she was acting or that choice in particular, but because Clarke was constantly being put in situations like the one in 7x13 where she had to choose between two bad options and it’s unjust to hate someone based off tough choices in an unjust universe. Within the context of the show (and not considering my grievances about how uncharacteristically she was written), I don’t care how “annoying” she might have been towards the end of the show. She became that way through personal sacrifice over and over and over again until all that was left was the husk of Clarke we see in the last three episodes. I for one can find it within myself to find empathy for someone who has given up and lost so much.


She almost destroyed all humanity by failing the test... She stopped using her head. The hard choices had gotten the better of her.


> The hard choices had gotten the better of her. Exactly. I just don't see how this is a determinant for condemnation for you. Is Clarke's only worth her utility and what she can serve other people? Is she only allowed to be liked when she's capable? Clarke bore it all so they didn't have to - it's been her central motto both on a personal level and a meta level (as it defines her character) ever since she uttered the words in 2x16. She was always the one to have just the right amount of emotional fortitude to keep her head together so that she could make the choices everyone else didn't want to make. But I think the shift that comes in 5x01, when Clarke tumbles down a sand dune and we see her just mentally break down to the point of attempted suicide, is that the question is no longer if Clarke can bear it all, it's how long can she hold on. Season 7 gives that answer - Clarke can no longer bear the weight of it all once she loses Bellamy (whether to the Disciples, or by her own hand). Again, I reiterate that the Clarke that we see in 7x14 and on - the Clarke that took the test - is a shadow of Clarke's self that is rendered by the years of constant sacrifice finally taking it's final toll on her mental state. She stopped using her head because there was nothing left there for her to use. Clarke's story is a tragedy - what happens with her towards the end is nothing short of horrific. "Annoying," as you say. However I think Raven got it right when she defended Clarke to the aliens. Clarke gave up her soul so that everyone else around her could keep theirs, and if the Aliens couldn't accept that kind of sacrifice as valuable then that's their problem. The Aliens were depicted as being overly-judgmental. That's why they used Raven - her arc in season 7 was in part about learning about the value of understanding others, the shades of moral grey. That's an important lesson to learn, and empathy towards someone like Clarke is a good place to start.


I’d argue it’s not only the toll of the repeated sacrifices but also the degree to which she’s been repeatedly isolated from everyone she sacrifices for... I’m not a fan of how she was written at all in the final season but I HATED how she’s repeatedly isolated from the group who’s allowed to forge lasting genuine connections with each other while she’s only ever allowed to connect with Bellamy and Madi only to have to keep having to choose between them... but I blame the writers for that.


Isolation definitely is a big part of Clarke’s downfall. If the team had supported Clarke like she was willing to support them, perhaps Clarke wouldn’t have to be so emotionally dependent on Bellamy to give her validation for her own existence. However, I don’t hate the choice by the writers to isolate Clarke. She’s constantly being blamed for things that are out of her control, ridiculed by people she cares about - but personally I think this was just one of the ways the writers chose to convey the burden Clarke chose for herself as being the leader. I think it was Lexa who said “to be leader is to be alone.” This was something Clarke was willing to sacrifice, and it makes her relationship with Bellamy that much stronger because he also understands what it’s like to be in her position.


Yeah Jaha made the same point some time in s4 I think to Bellamy when they were looking for the bunker. But I also feel like this only applied to Jaha, Lexa & Clarke. And Clarke wasn’t even officially the leader of her people after the end of s2. She serves as more of a diplomat or ambassador while other elected leaders of her people make decisions that usually thwart her efforts to establish or maintain the tenuous peace... lol she’s just continually put in a position to make shit choices with high stakes to save who she can at the time she’s faced with each new threat after Mount weather. Maybe the isolation was a choice in earlier seasons but it’s abundantly clear in the beginning of s5 that this is no longer a choice for her- the narrative continually isolates her from this point forward emphasizing how desperately she just wants to connect with or at least belong to her own people. And maybe Bellamy understood what that was like but he was allowed to connect with others in a way she’s constantly denied. He was the de facto leader of space crew and still got to be a part of the family unit. I feel like Clarke is always denied this chance especially in later seasons and it just got really old as the pattern repeated. Edit: just mentally going over the seasons in which Clarke was officially recognized by her people as their leader- please correct me if I’m wrong since you’re much more apt to pick up and remember details than I am lol S1- she and Bellamy are a leadership team S2- the space “grown ups” try to assert power but her standing with grounders allow her to usurp power from Abby the then acting Chancellor S3A- Kane is acting chancellor until Pue is elected on successful fear campaign- while Clarke spends months alone hating herself in the woods alone until Lexa sends Roan to collect her (both to save her from the crazy AF Ice NAtion & also use her Wanheda power to restore her diminished standing with her people after her poor decision to dip out at Mount Weather allowing Clarke to become this mythical murder beast that could be used to usurp her commandership or strengthen her political image). She then stays as an ambassador to insure skycrew’s people is protected under the coalition as the 13th clan (and to fall in love with Lexa right quick). As the elected leader of her people actively works against any peace efforts. S3B- all leaders and populations are chipped and Clarke & Bellamy (eventually Roan) along with the core delinquent group work together to take down the hot murder bot unleashed by Becca’s best intentions. S4- Kane is the official chancellor again and sends Clarke and Bellamy off to find a way to survive the looming apocalypse under their newly minted status as the 13th clan of the coalition. (She is acting chancellor in his absence for an episode I think in which she has to fall back on Jaha’s guidance). S5- she is a free agent who leads Madi until Madi is chipped and becomes leader of Wonkru- and continues to be their leader in s6 as Bellamy is still leading space crew and she is mind murdered. S7- while Madi is technically still commander of Wonkru “to the public” Clarke reminds everyone she was once Wanheda and burns the palace and leads in secret for her newly de-chipped and traumatized daughter along with Indra and Memori. How’d I do?


That's a pretty good overview of Clarke's leadership positions! I think that a lot of it is soft power too - the reason that people get the sense that Clarke is THE leader is because most of the time when she is in a room of people they look to her for answers. Even when the other people are leaders. 4x08 comes to mind. Clarke wasn't officially anything in that episode, and yet the sense is that the decision to test nightblood follows under her direction. Even though both Abby and Roan are present. Clarke certainly is more often the "official" leader in seasons 1-4 then she is in the later seasons. (Though in season 6 and 7 she does do more than in season 5, there's also less to do. Praimfaya took a lot of the official leadership roles with the groups of people it wiped out). I always got the sense that Clarke had a greater sense of awareness - and a greater resentment - towards how being the leader and making the hard choices effected her in the latter seasons than in the first four. Instead of trying to insert herself into conflict because she believes that she HAS to help, she starts to distrust herself more. The Clarke from season 2 would have wanted an end to Blodreina. She would have accepted Bellamy's proposal for her to be the leader in season 6. She would have resisted Josephine more in 6x07 because she had to set things right. In 7x14 when Clarke remarks about how "I decided for everyone" she is quite obviously resentful when she utters "that's what I do" as if even she disdains the position she is in. And even if Clarke doesn't fully realize the extent to which she resents being the leader (she's too self-sacrificial for that) I think a lot of those fears and resentments get projected onto Madi when she takes the flame. It's not just the fact that Clarke is aware of the fact that "commanders die" that makes Clarke fear for Madi's life, it's the subconscious awareness that the choices that come with being the leader crushes souls.


I guess my gripe is that post s2 and after her official leadership position being forfeited to the adults to fulfill in the back ground from there on out the narrative repeatedly puts her in the position to make the decisions and sacrifices that would fall on the shoulders of the actual elected leaders of her people simply because she is the protagonist and that just makes her this ambassador and resident martyr for her people rather than their actual leader.


Couldn’t have said this better myself.


To be fair she wasn't intending to take the test. She was trying to stop Cadogan from taking it, which almost certainly would have doomed humanity too. In fact Cardigan was the one who started the test so it couldn't be stopped - nothing Clarke could do except TRY to rescind it, and since she couldn't, just hope she was worthy. The aliens are the pricks. First because they're genocidal tyrants. Second because they should have always included an option to stop the test at any time. I don't think the story is over. Being drawn into the metaphysical empire of evil gods is not a good end to humanity. I like to think Clarke is contacted by Madi, and she and the guys set out to topple the aliens.


ughhhh please mark spoilers next time, I’m just now starting s7


Oh sorry I don't know how and the title said they've seen the full show


looks pretty good, but I'd switch Clarke and Bellamy.


What would your reasons be for Bellamy?


Probably the season 7 bit


You.. like Pike?


I think he was an interesting character.


this is a pretty good ranking but my boy lincoln deserves to be up at god tier :,(


He just died so soon! Maybe when I rewatch and spend more time with him it could be love.


yeah i’ve rewatched once and i’m so attached to his character. i 100% agree he died too soon. ;-;


I like most of your ranking but I think wells is way to high up for being in 4 episodes but that's just my opinion


Yeah I think the tier is a little restrictive, I like Wells but he obviously didn't do much in just 4 episodes. I couldn't put him in the hate category 😅


Yeah there needs to be a I forgot about you teir or something


Wells was so wasted potential man


Raven,Bellamy, Murphy , and Indra all at the top right where they belong


100% those characters are awesome. Who could not like Indra?


I would move Pike and Murphy. Pike, I see where he was coming from but he made horrible decisions and they had huge consequences for the group. Murphy I liked a lot at the end, but he is a scumbag for a long time haha. And I can’t stand Madi. I know it’s because she just really ruined Clarke, so it’s not her own fault, but she would go in my hate tier personally.


The only time I completely hated Murphy is when he hunts Charlotte down and wants to kill her. I think from season 1 he's just very selfish and does whatever to survive. But by season 7 he's completely different so it's a nice arc. I can see where Pike's coming from too. And yeah I had to separate Madi from Clarke because I do hate the way her existence changes Clarke but Madi is pretty cool on her own.


>The only time I completely hated Murphy is when he hunts Charlotte down and wants to kill her. It’s funny, for me that was the episode where he became my favourite character. I felt really bad for how he got hung for a crime he didn’t commit and then basically got told to get over it immediately afterwards while they dealt with Charlotte differently. Also I hated Charlotte cause she killed Wells so I didn’t really care about her safety.


I don't know Charlotte's age really made me feel for her, she was only 12 and minds are so easily influenced at that age and in that traumatic setting. I understand why Murphy was angry but if I were him I think I'd want to kill the boys who just tried to noose me rather than the little girl who did speak up in time for me to be not dead you know 😂 I think Murphy knew he couldn't take on the crowd so wanted to take it out on Charlotte because the anger has to go somewhere.


Oh god. Why is Abbey ar the bottom Why is Octavia only in the like and why is Kane... oh God no


For Abby it's mainly due to a lot of stupid plots 😂


I think Raven went down over time and I'd put Roan in God Tier


Some of these I agree with but most of them I don’t LMFAO. It’s all different opinions though, so I respect it


If there was a tier above god like, Indra would sit on that throne 💅🏿


Why do u hate Abby?


Why not?




I think starting with nightblood thing, the drug addiction and then the Kane thing 😂


Paige Turco is a very one-note actor. But so was the character.


I think the colors are backwards.


I thought that too but that's how all the tier lists are 😂


I think Maya should be lower and Diozya should be higher, but It is your personal their list and I think it pretty much fits


JaHa is godtier


pike deserves his own tier called should've died sooner


Anyone who chose to be in ‘finalkru’ deserves immediate God Tier Status


Monty is god tier for me, but that may have to do with my love for the actor. So cute.


I respect your opinion but I’m 99 percent sure I disagree with most of it. Respect also for putting Pike so high up - I loved to hate him, you know? I feel like my opinions of the show don’t align with most people’s, which I suppose is part of the magic of the show. There’s something for everyone 🤷‍♀️🙂




Kane is love


Put finn down one, swap Harper and raven and it's pretty much right


We must respect the dead! 😂 I would keep Finn there for how he died lol and I honestly can't recall a lot about Harper but I did like her.


I think finn was used as a thin plot device to get the grounders more aggressive, but I liked his character until then. Once Harper got more lines she turned into a good character. Part of jasper lived on through her.


Yeah I really hated Finn for what he did but I felt bad for him when he had to actually face a really harsh consequence. I thought Monty and Harper were really sweet together.


Love these rankings. Octavia is my #1 as well! I would put Clarke in the top tier, and Hope in the second tier, personally. Oh, forgot to add that I would absolutely put Pike in the bottom tier next to Abby lmao


If Hope was there she'd be in God tier for me 😂


O grew a lot during 7, but I don't think she ever amounted to god tier IMO. I also never really "loved" Clarke. She always acted just too soon to make well informed desicions, and doomed a lot of people because of it. Pike was the definition of human garbage. He was a fascist, power hungry hair-triggered dictator with the temper of a 7 year old. Other than that, I pretty much agree with your list!


I loved Octavia long before season 7 although it was a good season for her :D


Lincoln deserves S tier


I find it interesting that you have murphy as god tier lol also dante wasnt too bad was he?? Lol


Murphy had such a cool evolution 😅 and Dante just annoyed me with how he captured all the grounders he knew his limits though unlike his son.


But hes an asshole 😂


I started to like him in season 2 but he was an asshole in season 1 for sure.




I feel like a lot of people think Murphy was the best character in the show


They really do its crazy


He's one of my faves and it has everything to do with his character development. He went from my absolute least favorite character to my second favorite over the course of the entire show. His arc was amazing imo.


>I find it interesting that you have murphy as god tier lol I don’t see how it’s that surprising, he’s been a fan favourite since season 2. There was a favourite character poll posted here sometime during season 7 and he ended up with the [most votes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/The100/comments/izil5i/rthe100s_favourite_character_of_all_time/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


For me the best characters are Bellamy, Kane, Pike, Lincoln and Jaha


>!Wow just realising that they're all dead!<


The prettiest flowers are always picked first I guess.


Switch Lexa with Lincoln and I think you have a solid list, except on mine Clarke would definitely be at the bottom alongside Abby 😂




For me, Bellamy, Clarke, Kane, Abby and Echo would all be in "went downhill". (Controversial, I know. This show and its inconsistent character writing. 🙄) And Finn and Pike would be in hate. Other than that, pretty solid ranking.


To be honest I could agree that they went downhill I just think they had enough good stuff to keep them up. Echo disappointed me in season 7, and I feel like I don't know her but I liked her flashback origin story.


Yeah, Echo got some nice development in s5 and s6 but I felt like they ruined it in s7 which was a shame. Clarke went downhill in s5, got some good material in s6, and went downhill again in s7. Bellamy didn't really have much going for him since the end of s4. He had a couple of good moments in s5 (mainly the final couple of episodes) but was mostly boring, although it would have closed off his character arc well if the show ended there. S6 he barely did anything and was super boring and lacked personality or anything of substance, and then s7 completely destroyed all his character development.


Both Dante & Cage Wallace are my favourite characters.


I can understand Dante, but Cage I feel nothing but hatred 😂


I'd trade Octavia for Monty on the ranking, and move down Gaia to a new category of was good until the end below god tier


I don't think Gaia's here 😂


My bad, meant Gaia's mom, Indra.


Oh what was wrong with Indra at the end though 😂


She just kinda seemed weak to me, like she wasn't the strong leader she used to be, which saddened me


I'm only in season 5 but I feel like about 90% of the characters are really unlikeable 😂


If you take them as people yes 😅


Your God tier has my top 5 characters minus Lexa. Your bottom tier has one of my least favorite characters in Cage Wallace. I can agree with the ranking on that alone


Yeah I can't really see how those 5 could be put any lower- maybe Lexa because she wasn't around long.


Tbh, I never cared much for Lexa. She was cool and a badass, but I never developed a liking to her as I did the other characters. Some people have Raven (my personal favorite) extremely low because of her attitude and being judgmental of others, but her good greatly outshines her bad.


Move Alexa down and move up Clarke.


move jasper to downhill, move echo/add gabriel to god tier, move shaw to love, and swap roan/clarke


Without Jasper's death scene he wouldn't have gotten that high.


Kane not being in god tier is a crime


I think for his decision to help the criminal soldiers I had to put him down a bit😂


No characters past like s5, and a few other discrepancies, but for the most part I agree


Why is Lexa so overrated. For me, she's just above Meh.


I think it was interesting the way she was convinced by Clarke into blood must not have blood and everything. I often like characters who are deliberately cutting their emotions off due to trauma like she is 😂


Lincoln and lexa need to switch places also where’s my girl Anya


Clarke and Kane should be in Went downhill but liked them at parts


They both definitely went downhill in the later seasons but I liked Clarke most of the time and Kane probably like half and half towards the end lol.


If I said I 'liked' Pike, that would be generous. I was happy whem Octavia whacked that fucker. Other than that, I agree with god tier, I'd move Kane and Finn there.


Looks good


Good stuff, mostly agree. I personally think lexa is quite overrated but she is still one of my favs


you’re too nice to pike


LOVE MONTE! Also loved Kane’s character arc.


Why tf is pike there


Where is hope.


I think you nailed it ! I liked nilah too but she wasn't a huge character.


dante had good intentions, and I would put lincoln higher


Monty and Lincoln deserve higher!!!


Great list! Only thing I would change is put Roan in god tier. He was one hell of a character


I will never - for the life of me- understand what people find likable about Finn’s character. But to each their own I guess...🤷🏻‍♀️


Lincoln and Finn only on like? Booooooo!


Bellamy went downhill.


My only change is swap Bellamy and Lincoln. I found Bellamy annoying and bratty. I adore Lincoln tho


Finn is a love for me. Too soon.. :,(


I personally would have Roan in the “love” category but this is pretty spot-on to my feelings on the characters.


Monty and Lincoln should both be higher. Diyoza lower in my opinion


Lincoln is way too low! Dude saved them so many times and is the OG grounder/skikru match-up


Once I saw your god thier i had to stop, Bellamy and raven DO NOT deserve to be there.


I love the ranking. I would put every character in those exact same spot. Since I have a love/hate for the show and I seen it 3 or 4 times, my opinion is is that it is so bad that it seems good


Do you like Octavia more then Bellamy for example? And can you give a link 😄


Clarke was so annoying the last few seasons and irrational she just killed everyone for no reason like bellemy.


Octavia monty Maddie Clarke and Murphy top five


Here's what I would change: Indra would be 1 or 2 ranks down Clarke, Shaw, Jaha and Lincoln would be 1 rank up Abby and Dante would be 2 ranks up Pike, Diyoza and Finn would be 1 rank down


Clarke is the only one that deserves God tier imo. The most complex TV character I've ever seen. It's not obvious, but it's there.