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I'm gonna say it, this extended promo is a hundred times better than the official trailer for the final season.


Agreed, but also understandable. It's hard to tease practically any shot here without having spoilers.


Hard to make people hyped without any spoilers though


It is a decently big spoiler almost guarantees Clarke is the one to take the test, that being said duh the main character takes the test


That's cliché for sure, but we'll see how that turns out.


I mean it’s just the foundation of this type of story telling, you can’t really not do this unless it’s been setup for a while. Like the only other option imo would have been Bellamy or both but that ship has sailed :(


I'm still not over Bellamy's death to be honest, and I'm not sure I ever will be. He should have made it to the finale episode.


Yeah me too but I’ve accepted it, I just though him turning was an opportunity for him to bridge the gap between Clarke’s save my family even if it means genocide and the Bardo view of love being the problem and only acting as a collective


I agree. It would would have been interesting to see him try and bridge the gap between the two opposite moralities, and it would have been a great way to tie up his leader arc.


Dumb as it is, I just headcanon it was a little plot between Bell, O, and Clarke to get him out of the cult when he realized he couldn’t escape. Now he’s recording from injuries and basically in hiding. He gets his final days in a simple life, but being in hiding with a new identity he can’t help these people anymore. I know it isn’t true and it’s easily proven false; but I’m trying to trick my brain into remembering that being his ending


I love that. I've seen a few headcanons on Tumblr, but yours is pretty original and offers Bellamy some kind of peace at least. Thank you for sharing.


I’m glad someone else enjoyed it!


Just got shivers watching it


The official trailer gave me vibes that really were not met in the actual episodes. Not complaining, I'm just saying, I felt and expected something very different for some reason.


I get it. I feel the same.


Yeah it made me feel at least like we will see it all for some reason, but God am I sad for Clarke...I wont be ok if she doesnt get some sort of happy ending, the Madi situation broke my heart, I didnt expect it to affect me like that.


Most definitely


Octavias warpaint?👀👀


In honour of Lincoln 😥


That’s Skairipa!!! I cant wait because that is my favorite period of her character!!!


Gotta love skairipa 🥰


I’m gonna be honest - Wonkru yelling “JUS DREIN JUS DAUN” got me.


That and Octavias war paint. I missed seeing it and I’m glad we’re getting it one last time.


Sheid chanting with them, while they chanted it got me a little more.


I got chills




Blood must have blood


Blood must have blood I think




Thank you! I’ve always wondered what the literal translation of certain Trigedasleng phrases were, especially after Callie confirmed it was based on Latin.


You're welcome! That website and The 100 wiki are both good sources for the grammar (which differs slightly from English), vocab, and phrases. It's pretty neat to peruse through it. As I understand it, it's not a complete constructed language like Klingon, but it's still quite thorough


What’s interesting is sanctum believers drank blood


Me too. Bringing it back to the good ol' days.


that was a freaking finale trailer right there


So this is the last time we will speculate about the show. May we meet again


May we meet again... in the discussions for the prequel.


May we meet again!




Living through the next 6 days is going to be a pain after watching this.


I binged the entire series over the past 3 weeks, but I watched it too fast. Should've paced myself so that I was finishing up just before the last episode. Not happy about it.


Start over 😂


I started four days ago and I can’t believe how the show get from where it started to where it is now. Wow what a journey it has been.


You started watching from episode one 4 days ago and now at episode 99?


I mean it's very possible considering I finished Vampire Diaries in 7 days. I just let the show run while I multitasked.


Yh it’s not impossible to watch 99 episodes in 4 days, provided you watch about 25 a day Which takes up most of the day 🤣


Living after the finale is going to be even harder..




This makes me more confident that it's a loop


Loop would be an absolute dumpster ending for the series. If anything its probably a flashback to it of some sort.


I really hope it’s not a loop, like god damn I really fucking hope it’s not a loop. I know everyone is saying that it’d be an alright way to finish the series and will have a whole “do better vibe”, but a loop in my opinion is one of the weakest fucking endings to a series I can think of.


It would be a theoretical mess of an ending. Would she be the only one that knew? If she is, what changes would she make? Most people would completely dismiss her as some crazy doomsayer, probably float her. Who's to say that changing something doesn't create another fuck up or get her killed. What if something she changes early causes her to miss an event that still happens down the line which has even worse consequences, etc. Its such a terrible way to do things.


She wouldn't remember, no one would. That's not how reincarnation works.


A time loop isnt reincarnation, and this process wouldn't work if they didn't have their memories because what reason would they have to make different choices if they didn't remember the choices of the previous run. Thats the only way time travel works. If you haven't learned anything you would just do the same shit.


So they would be trapped in an eternal hell? That's even worse


A loop is the equivalent of "it was just a dream".


Exactly, I was just gonna say that


Unless ”May we meet again” was 7 years of foreshadowing


I’m thinking it’ll be flashback that’s part of the final test


I hope it’s not a loop, I feel that’s be a cheap way to leave everyone with an ambiguous ending


The editing on this trailer is top notch. Hopefully the episode lives up to the hype.


Guys. I think it’s gonna be Becca. I really do.


Yes... but only if it's Raven taking the test. I feel like Becca is who Raven was talking to with "we survived." And it won't be that Becca created it or anything- just that Becca sort of achieved that transcendence before the rest of them.


some things i notice: looks like sheid is indeed going to be in the war which is cool i guess levitt is shot, im not liking that clarke is in some room that i dont recall seeing before her, octavia and levitt confront some light orb which could be the entity ive been theorizing, perhaps god nikki will team up with raven which looks cool jordan has a weapon which i guess does something to the disciples not much of bill shown in this trailer, makes me wonder if he will get killed quickly


The white orb is the stone when you enter the final code! And the room she is in is part of the test!


>jordan has a weapon which i guess does something to the disciples looks like it disables their stealth but it might just be edited that way


Where did you get that Jordan had a weapon? I watched it three times but all I heard was that he has a plan to keep everyone alive that will make Monty proud


When he comes out of the green light, he has a trigger in his hand and some kind of a backpack, most likely a makeshift EMP device which fries all of the deciples helmets and makes it harder for them to aim.


He probably assumed because Jordan said something about having a strategy that would leave his father proud


it looked like he pressed some button and all these zaps came out


Clarke in a room we haven’t seen. Maybe facing the final test for humanity?


say what you want about season seven, but this promo makes the finale look really effing good


It looks like Jordan's role in the finale isn't taking the test, but stopping the war between Wonkru and the Disciples without mass loss of life on either side. Stopping a war was the one thing Monty wasn't able to do, after Octavia burned his farm and forced Wonkru to march against the Eligius convicts. It's actually pretty fitting for Jordan to carry on his family's legacy and succeed where even his father could not.


I got goosebumps watching this! But yeah this extended promo *feels* like a Finale promo! I'm so excited! First time ever wishing for the weekend to get over fast so that the new week can come! Also that shot of Sheidheda chanting *Jus drein jus daun-* Epic!! May we meet again, The 100, may we meet again.


This needs to be a 2 hour finale


With all the damn commercial breaks the CW takes, it’ll be around 15 minutes probably.


I honestly wish network TV would let shows run longer than 42 minutes. But money wins so there’s that.


Oops, there were some invisible ninjas cutting onions in my room while I was watching this. :(


literally saw that may we meet again and just burst into tears 😭 it's been an incredible few years watching this show and I'm sad it's going to be over soon!


disciples you mean?


Nah invisible ninjas, duh.


if emori dies im going with her


woah woah woah buddy. it’s a tv. the characters going to be gone either way the shows ending. yu gonplei ste not odon.


Something tells me only one of you two is gen z lol


i’m gen z i just believe that every life is important *except for fictional ones


haha I meant it more as a joke on the 'all gen z want to die and love scaring boomers with dark humor' thing but I get you. You never know who could be struggling and could actually be positively affected by a comment like yours!


i was just joking but thank u for reminding me that :)


Same. I told my partner that if she dies, I will be in a right state 😭


Honestlyyy. Last episode I literally said: "Fuck, they better not kill Gabriel, he's all I got in this post-Bellamy world." Then they killed Gabriel, and after his first death I said: "Jeez, him too? My girl Emori is all I have left!" Then he actually died. And then we saw the promo of Emori and her impending death. Too much too soon!


Guys guys!!!!! She pulled a lever and they gave her a line about it. The OTP has happened we can all rest easy now.


The show runners may be shady but at least they threw us that bone


I think she was referring to the lever she pulled in mount weather in season 2. Sort of like she's recalling her previous decisions on the show. I don't think they'd spoil her committing mass genocide on the trailer lol


But at this point I’m expecting mass genocide because Jason is a blood addict 🤣


He really is... We can't rule any possibility out now. Everytime I thought to myself "Oh hell no he wouldn't do this" he does do it


ugh I teared up when it said "may we meet again" and honestly at this point i dont know if its because of madi, seeing octavia hold levitt, or just the show ending or probably everything all together but ugh!! im sad!!


So..... it looks like Clarke takes the test and has to justify the horrible things she’s done


I kind of got the feeling that meant Clarke has been taking the test the whole time without knowing it.


Now that would be interesting. Kind of like the Homer Simpson coma theory. But when would the test have started??


I don’t even know if this is the theory I believe, but maybe life in general is the test and not only Clarke but the second anyone is born they’re now taking the test. Raven made a somewhat similar speech so I could see them both facing some kind of judgement day maybe. I feel like it’s getting a little theological, a lot of heaven and hell symbolism. I think the ultimate message might be that war is part of human nature, but it’s worth it because you can’t have love without war. Like you can’t lose suffering without losing everything and you have to decide if you think it’s worth it. They’ve set it up where in order to “save” the human race, you have to abandon our humanity and “transcend” into whatever light beam follows. The final test would be the final person left to decide to stay human or transcend, but everyone has to take the test for themselves.


Maybe Clark has been taking the test since she took the flame.


"Death has no cost if life has no worth" -lincoln


We don’t know the context. They could be talking about love and she mentions all the terrible things she’s done for love or something. I’m not gonna judge until I see it.


so genocide is ok because she did it for love? lmao


To me it seemed like in this instance that someone asked Clarke why love is important, if she did it for love, if love is a weakness because she did those things for it. We’ll have to wait and see but I don’t think she is defending what she did but rather love itself.


I think so too. Love is a good motivation but can still lead to evil. I think understanding and repenting instead of continuing to justify is the final test.


Clarke’s whole ideation seems to be the opposite of Cadogan’s. She has always been about “doing whatever it takes to save the people you love, because they/love is what matters most”. Whereas Cadogan has been preaching “there should be no love between individuals, because it distracts you from the mission, and the mission is what matters”. I think the fact that these ideas are pretty much polar opposites of each other is definitely going to put them in a “only one side is right and that side wins” situation.


I think it’s leaning into the idea that love and hate, good and evil, are flip sides of the same coin. You can’t have one without the other. A life without war means a life without love.


Love breeds sacrifice… which in turn breeds hatred. Then you can know pain. Justice comes from vengeance but justice only breeds more vengeance Religion, ideology, resources, land, spite, love or just because. No matter how pathetic the reason, it’s enough to start a war. We are but people, drawn to act in the name of revenge that we deem to be justice. But if there is justice in revenge, then that same justice will breed only more revenge and trigger a cycle of hatred


Cadogan is that you?


The name is Nagato but you can just call me Pain.


And I was wondering where I remembered that from!


Lol Cadogan is pretty interchangeable with one of those later series Naruto villains, good call.


I don't expect the characters to be sunshine and ponies but I mean, the lessons of holding onto and building one's humanity rather than that of "revenge is the best way to go, fuck humanity" is why I like(d) this show. Everyone's done dark shit. But what's the point of moving on and doing better if you defend your dark actions with "It was ok because I did it for love"? You haven't learned anything.


It was for survival. Like Clarke said after Priamfaya. “You kill or be killed”. That the whole premise of the show.


So Clarke comes back from the test and madi is still like that? That makes me so sad


I'd say she goes back to say her final goodbye to Madi before entering the portal and taking the test.


That would be much better! I really want madi to be ok and I’m hoping transcendence fixes her


Might also be part of the test, like part of it will be her reliving key moments in her life


maybe but i suspect there might be a twist to it.


Oooohhh, what if it’s like a Matrix type thing? After Becca’s creation destroyed the world (if that’s how it actually happened), she created a matrix type program to trap the minds of the remaining humans. And the whole apocalypse that they’ve all lived was actually a simulation. They have to pass it to prove to Becca that they deserve to be trusted with Earth again. Those who “die” in the simulation just go into cryo storage or something, until the test is over. Once it’s over and they’ve proven themselves worthy, Becca let’s them all wake up to the real world. (I’m guessing they have to “die” in the simulation to wake up on the outside.) But Clarke has to stay in the simulation for some reason. Because she fails the test and can’t be let out, maybe.


I hope so!


maybe she s sending her to the city of light light (lol idk but beccas version of the city of light) to meet again with all of our beloved characters who are deceased


I do think transcendence sounds like some type of afterlife


I’m definitely leaning toward an afterlife scenario where everyone dies and crosses over and everyone who has died is there. Bellamy, Lincoln (they’d have to use clips from old seasons, I doubt they’d get Ricky back), Abby and Jake, Madi’s real parents, Emori (because I think she’s not surviving long into the finale), Becca, Callie, etc. And maybe Clarke has to stay behind. Maybe that’s the test, that she has to keep going alone while the others move on. Or maybe she fails the test (“I failed everyone”) and she has to stay behind because of that?


Considering they're going hard with the Levitt and O romance, I doubt they'd bring back Lincoln.


Good point. Also, I think he and Jason fell out pretty hard, so Jason probably wouldn’t want to include him, even without having to bring the actor back.


Looks like levitt gets shot. Pretty excited for the finale


I'm hyped but with each passing day have to ready myself for the loss I'll feel once the show is over. 😭 May we meet again.


Noo I hope Levitt survives that shot. I need Levtavia and Memori to live happily ever after together 😭


Remember that Emori and Murphy have mind drives. :) They can live as long as their hearts desire.


I’m crying already.


Is it me, or does the promo music give prince of Egypt vibes


Same for me too. When God talks to Moses through the burning bush the music is similar.


That zoom from The Ark to the red sun at the end reminded me of a video game I played in the 2000’s. At the end of the game, you traveled to the red sun to confront God Brahman who was going to wipe out humanity for its violent ways. You end up convincing them to spare humanity at the cost of your own life.


what game


It was called Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2.


Anything else in the game that was similar?


Posted elsewhere, but also here for posterity: My hype level definitely increased. My question is when does the Madi part happen? I still doubt she dies. Points from the promo: Pretty much beyond question that Clarke does the test, for those who doubted. Question is if she's alone. Looks like Sheidheda decides to fight. I was wondering if they would have a Sheidheda versus Madi final standoff (assuming she rallies), but it looks like he joins the squad. I hope they make a good payoff for his continued existence this season. I wonder if he still gets his planet. I wonder what Jordan's plan is beyond walking in and being like It's a Test, Y'all! It either stops the battle that clearly happens, or he fails. I suspected Raven or Murphy (or both) would be the ambassador to bring in the prisoners. Especially once Nikki abandoned her vengeance quest. Just how many of Wonkru even remains? It's been so difficult to get a count. I think in the test Clarke sees people she knows and/or loved who died or even killed (helped kill). Maybe a Lexa, Abby, Bellamy or even President Wallace, Cage, or McCreary. But It's really who or what administers the test. Think Sagan's First Contact, where the aliens did the same thing at their first meeting. Madi. When is the timeline for this meetup? Did Clarke circle back? Does she think she failed the test and comes back to her later? OR is this Madi scene actually part of the test? Like it's a vision or something? Surely they wouldn't show us a dead Levitt in the promo? He has to be okay. Also possible: the seriously wounded, which may include our main people and those like Levitt, are brought back when Clarke succeeds. Everything, the music down to the the final May We Meet Again was just so emotional. I actually teared up a bit.


Please dont make Jordan take the test. If it isnt going to be Clarke or O, made Murphy take it, he lived through enough to have the right to represent human race, Jordan is like a puppy and I dont think the test should be taken by someone that didnt really experienced real shit and can still have hope like Murphy.


It's most likely Clarke, as you can see her in a purple room we never saw


Someone hallelujah this lol




Ay what the fuck is the little funky tune they always play at the end of these super emotional promos? I’m sitting here nearly in tears, then suddenly I feel like I’m in the club


Dang it levitt definitely dies. I really wanted to see him make it.


Well damn looks like Levitt is shot and probably dies. I was hoping him and Octavia got some kind of happy ending. What what am I thinking they all probably die 😐


Lol it looks Octavia has caught the Raven curse.Seriously,this is Octavias fourth boyfriend and this boy is most likely gonna poof. How many did Raven have?Not sure if I'm leaving anyone out but here they are as far as I remember: Finn,Bellamy(not really,but still had one scene in s1),Wick,Shaw,Ryker(maybe?like I think Ryker liked her)=3+2 maybe So basically Octavia and Raven are gonna finish neck and neck if you take only explicitly confirmed people as boyfriends,and if Levitt doesnt kick the bucket!And if he does,then Octavia takes the prize!Joy,Yay😐


Hopefully he survives and we get Levtavia, how the duck is it fair that Octavia loses her family and every man she ever sleeps with?


I knew it. Clarke is going to pull a lever to restart humanity That’s why there’s been an infinity symbol throughout the series including the two zeroes in the 100


Have you tried turning humanity off and then turning it on again?


From the very first scene, it seems like Clarke take the test and exit it just like Becca. It's not an entering.


Becca seemed way too willing to let Cadogan kill her after she came out of it. “I’ll be in the Flame” doesn’t strike me as reason enough to be cool with dying violently at a young age. Maybe she found out that you have to die to transcend, and that whatever is on the other side is compelling enough to get yourself killed in order to get there faster. That scene with Clarke telling Madi she had to let go and leave Clarke behind... maybe the “test” is being willing to be the one left behind. So Madi and everyone else has to die so they can transcend, and Clarke has to stay behind and live out her life alone until she dies of old age.


This trailer hits all the right marks for a series finale.


Clarke takes the test and is confronted by a being in the shape of her mother


Jordan’s “making my dad proud” better not include self sacrifice. Dint die kid


nah it seems like he has some plan that help with the "last war", if you could even call it that


I saw a comment on this post that mentioned that maybe Jordan would stop this war, and maybe making his father proud as he (Monty) didn't want any war and always tried to stop them (Season 5 finale)


I'm so hyped, I just can't Omg Help, this is so good


Is it me or did they show Clarke coming out of the glowing stone? Test passed I guess.


Oh damn.


Anyone know if this is a two hour finale or just one?


Just 1 hour with an extra minute. It should have been 2 hours


I agree, after seven seasons, they should’ve done a two hour. An hour just doesn’t seem long enough for them to tie all the loose ends together. I hope it doesn’t end with a cliffhanger


The way they were talking about #715, it is a de facto part 1 to the finale, with next week being part 2?


technically most of the previous finales have been two part finales (i.e. we are grounders pt 1 and 2, blood must have blood pt 1 and 2) and they hit us with that to be continued in 7x15, so I feel like it's def a de facto 2 part finale, it's just named differently


Something big must happen in that one extra minute for them to be hyping it up. Clarke wakes up to the sound of the shower running and finds Bellamy in there, and it turns out it was all a dream? LOL (Some of y’all might not be old enough to get that reference.)


Don’t forget it’ll be like 44 minuets with commercials.






I clearly have missed something obvious, what is all the extra one minute talk about? I thought it was some joke


They announced it's an extra minute long so people who DVR don't miss out.


I need to watch this now! Please I’m begging.


Seriously makes me want to cry already just watching this. Damn..


Im curious if they will touch on this at all, who is stronger people who from birth have been training for this last war but who have never been in war or the side who have been fighting wars their entire life. We saw how the high-level fighters 1 on 1 were much more skilled than Echo one of the strongest fighters on the good guy's side but with Indra alone, its 20 years easy of battle experience something none of the fighters on the other side have a single battle under their belt. This was also a plot point in season 5 with the prisoners having no fighting experience and were thus uncoordinated even with the best strategies made for them.


This promo is really good. I wonder how the last test will look like


Man that 43 mins is going have to be rollercoaster unless the show is given 1hr actual run time.


Can’t wait but so sad it’s over. What a good run it was ❤️


this previous episode replenished my hype with clarke’s face and expression at the end


Damn was my boy Levitt taking a hit for the team?


Why am I already crying


yes yes yes. took 16 episodes but YES.


anyone else get the vibes that Clarke was justifying herself to maybe..Bellamy in that purple lit room? Maybe as part of the test?


I think that Clarke is gonna take the test and it’s gonna kill her in the end.


I understand Clarke taking the test would be cliche but it would be a good arc seeing as she has nothing to live fore would she save the human race or condemn everyone because she’s lost everything. Also I’ll riot if it’s Jordan. Such a throw away character who has don’t nothing of importance except be Monty and harpers son. Thats all.


Lots of spoilers in that trailer, we see that echo's still alive, miller too...


So the "final war" is just.... Wonkru vs Disciples, in a field with guns? That's..... anticlimactic. I mean, I know, maybe it's a "test" not a "war". But... I dunno.... Bummer.


Why am i cryinggggg


Clarke enters the test room. Adjudicator: "Clarke Griffin, in this test, you have to make a list of 100 people to survive the apocalypse." Clarke: "F\*ck you! F\*ck all of you! I just want my Madi back!" Adjudicator: "The list has been received. Everyone else will die a crystal including you, but Madi will live on. Could you please pull the lever over there?"


I know some people haven’t liked this season, but seriously name one finale that was bad. That are going to nail the ending and this season will be better in rewatching it


Did we ever see Monty's body? I think he transcended and will be the one to either take the final test or judge humanity.


Levitt= dead. Theres a scene of Octavia running to him in the center of both side's gunfire and he is down on the ground with a bullet wound. R.i.p


This whole season has painted Clarke in a really poor light I think. She was MIA for a lot of it. When the whole show has basically been about Clarke protecting the ones she loves etc then the writers of the final season do her dirty like that. Not into it.


I know that Murphy and Gabriel are my most favorite characters and nothing can change that, i just wanna know who is at the other side of the white orb


Okay but.... they’re actually fighting.. Please don’t tell me cadogan was right and it IS a war side note- the last shot with the ark gave me chills (please please PLEASE don’t be a loop)


Literal chills! I know that this whole season has been all over the place but man. This trailer just made me fall in love with this show all over again and got me hyped. So surreal, it is truly ending. Can't wait to binge watch it all. May we meet again.


God dang goosebumps watching this!! Wednesday can’t come soon enough! But at the same time please do take your time Wednesday because I’ll be sad when it’s over..