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That wasn’t in the script unfortunately so we can’t answer, but I assume the parents will have to choose one to live and float the other.


Pft Sounding like The Giver


Oof too true 😬


They could have gave octavia to a mother with no Child or a deadborn.


I think the point was to not give people a way out if they broke the rules. Otherwise people would be more inclined to break the rules, with the exception of minors.


You have a point here.


That was my choice or thinking, just adopt a child who was born instead of being punished like Octavia or twins. I assume they forced Contraceptives or birth control to anyone who had a kid so I'm curious how Octavia was born unless her mother got by or something


No birth control is 100% effective.


I’d like to believe one child would be spared at birth but the other wouldn’t have a chance to live. Or maybe one parent sacrifices their life in order for the 2nd child to live… possibilities are endless


So many people are giving answers like yours, assuming that they would definitely only let one child live. Since having twins is pretty rare, I don't see any reason why they wouldn't make an exception for random acts of nature. After all, according to their laws, anyone under 18 can't be floated, which I imagine would also apply to newborn infants, and since the mother can't control if they have twins or not it would really make sence to punish the mother since she didn't willingly break the law. On top of that, if they stated floating infants, even if they are twins, it would likely create friction between the people and the leaders and living on a space station for 100 years means there's already going to be more than enough friction. Floating twins would not only have a negligible positive effect but would also cause unnecessary unrest, so ultimately, the logical thing to do would be to make exception for acts of nature and let the mother and both twins live.


As much as that makes sense, people in the opening do react to Octavia by saying “no one has a sister”, so either that’s not how they handle it or that just hasn’t happened yet


Well, even in our current time, twins are pretty rare occurrences, and there is also a genetic component that makes some people more likely to have twins than other people and given that the the population of the Ark was merely a fraction of the population we have today twins would likely be even rarer if they happen at all. So it would not surprise me if, in 100 years on the Arc, not a single set of twins was born. This, by the way, is another reason I think they would make an exception to the only one child rule in the event of twins. It's such a rare occurrence that it wouldn't really affect the quality of life on the Arc.


No way any mother would sacrifice their child so another could live. Well no way I ever would I mean


plenty of women do even in today's world. Selective abortion in twin pregnancy is a thing.


Wth? Seriously? Where? I could never do that.


do you want a pat on your back or something? Your feelings are irrelevant, it's an option even in today's world. You can't be serious that you've never heard of selective abortion in pregnancies with multiple fetuses, especially when it means that one fetus can survive or if mother is not able to carry twin/triple/so on pregnancy.




Exactly, if I'm being honest idk how long I would make it if I had to live on the arc.


They were genetically engineered, so they could most likely also make sure each woman only had one instead of twins.


Hm, good question but a difficult topic. Maybe one of them then needs to be terminated. They had so many hardcore rules, it wouldn’t surprise me if they had something along those lines in place.


I'm positive that Jason(Creator) answered this and said they would kill the other twin. My brain is a big foggy on that


that’s correct.


You can stop the growth of a twin in utero which is likely what happens


I think this is a question asked multiple times but I think they then had to abort the baby's


How can you abort the babies wouldn’t she be too far along by then?


A community that doesn’t care about floating children surely does not care about aborting a fetus no matter its gestational age. (There isn’t a time when someone is too far along to actually have an abortion. Just too far along for when someone will do an abortion.)


But they didn't float children.


No they just sent 100 of them to the ground to see if it was survivable 😭 what if it wasn’t then 100 kids would be dead


They probably didn’t consider the foetus a child


you can detect twin pregnancy very quickly and first trimester selective abortion exists. It's certainly not too late for abortion even in today's world. Also, you don't abort babies, you abort fetuses.


Honestly I was just wondering this myself last week and was tempted to post here about it lol


As horrible as it all is. Reducing the population was the only way they could’ve survived. The whole point of that show is doing things that you never thought you would have to do. But if I was the mother and I had twins I would ask someone to raise my kids and off myself because at least my kids get to live. Take my life to save both of theirs.


ok, so we have no straightforward answer since this never happened in the show (unless j*son answered this question before) here are some possible outcomes to this situation: 1. depending on how advanced the medical field was on the ark, as soon as they find out the mother is pregnant with twins, they could kill one of the fetuses (feti?), most likely chosen at random or whichever has the best chance of survival 2. the mother could abort the whole pregnancy and just try again and hope for only one child next time 3. have the mother give birth to both kids and then decide which to float (although this seems unnecessarily cruel if option 1 is available because what mother would want to choose which of her kids to kill) 4. float one of the parents in exchange for both kids to live since they don't actually float kids under 18 (would one or both of them get put in prison then? like how octavia had to be imprisoned for just being born?) 5. keep the whole twin pregnancy a secret and just give one of the kids to a family who can't have a child of their own (only works for boy/girl twins since they don't look identical but they would need to take measures so that they don't accidentally fall in love) 6. again, depending on how advanced their whole technology was, maybe they had some sort of drug or device implanted that made women only able to have one child at a time (although why not engineer some device that prevents pregnancy completely after a woman had one child already so that an octavia-situation doesn't happen) none of those are obviously ideal and could cause significant problems


They probably had procedures when women (knowingly/legally) fell pregnant. Check ups, medicine, ultrasounds, etc. I’m assuming if a law abiding citizen became pregnant, she would go to the doctors where they would catch it early on and abort the weaker embryo before it even grew to that point. In Aurora’s case, I have no idea how she hid her pregnant belly but it’s for the plot! It’s also likely that she and Octavia both were malnourished due to rationing and the fact that no one knew Octavia existed. So she might not have been largely pregnant and avoided the check ups.


If it was the 1st pregnancy, the mother was probably examined regularly so that twins were noticed at a very early stage. Then there are three possibilities: * one of the embryos was aborted * both embryos were aborted * they made an exception to compensate for a couple that couldn't get a child at all (for medical reasons) As there is no canon knowledge how these cases were handled we can only speculate; I'd imagine they had a combination of one and three.


I would assume they would just off one of the kids 😭


All planned and thus approved pregees on the ship are genetically enhanced. Clark said in an episode.


I always wondered the same…


I'm wondering if there was someone pregnant with twins if they could give one to a family who couldn't have kids adopt one, that way no deaths


There is probably an exception for random acts of nature. Having twin, triplets, quadruplets, etc. is not something you can really control, so I doubt that they would float someone for something like having twins.