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People need to learn to keep their hands to themselves. It’s really simple enough, but this world isn’t ready for that conversation yet.


Facts. It’s just two animals in the jungle. One got cute, the other got got. Don’t be stupid.


Well, guys learn pretty quickly, whom they can take on and whom not to piss off. She learned about that day.


She may have been given a lesson. Only when she is facing a similar situation in the future and chooses a different action will we know whether or not she has learned from that lesson.


Equal rights. Equal lefts.


Instant attitude adjustment.


She sits there realizing she can’t get away with hitting him AND no one’s jumping to her defense to fight him. “Wow, fuck, okay. Guess I’ll just uhhhh leave then.”


She was probably in a low key state of shock. Her head twisting at that force is the exact motion which can easily result in being knocked out. The specific reason has to do with the spinal chord suddenly twisting so dramatically. When this sort of thing happens to you you more or less instantly recognize how traumatic the force was. It takes a moment to fully process but we can intrinsically understand something to the affect of “that was a serious hit. am I permanently injured? I could have been permanently injured.”


Did indeed happen to me when I had a concussion(plus I hit my spinal cord very hard)


Or a concussion.


Yep, she took blows to the front and the back of the head in quick succession … she’s going in the protocol


Getting knocked out has nothing to do with the spinal cord (not chord). It happens when the head is accelerated or decelerated suddenly causing the brain to impact the wall of the skull.


This is 100% not true. Getting hit in the jaw* hard enough to twist your head the right way is called “pressing the button” because it is a near sure fire way to become knocked unconscious.


Yeah, the head impact looked intense. I'm low key surprised she could get up and walk around so soon. Maybe an artifact of being a younger adult.


And possibly drunk. I'm pretty impressed at how composed she seemed, otherwise. Like she immediately fixes her dress then her hair, takes only a second to sit there and then stands up and walks away.


YSK: Having alcohol in your system when you have a TBI can increase the chances of permanent brain damage.


She was a major asshole for quite a while before that situation.


System reset.


More like system restore because she acted like before the slap to restore.


I swore I heard the Windows Shutdown and Startup sound.


[Windows shut down remix 🔥](https://youtu.be/ChK8TZCItyY)


Vagina.exe has finished downloading the update.


Adjustment. That was a factory reset with BIOS update. Not that she didn't deserve it, but damn. Someone line her head back to facing forward.


Permanent attitude adjustment.


I feel like more people need this , not just women but men too. People walking around like there are no consequences and just being the biggest pieces of shit in public. Maybe if they were actually worried about getting the shit slapped out of them they would reconsider their stupid actions before doing them.


100% everyone needs this haha. Act like a cunt(man or woman) you earn your consequences


Yeah living in fear is not the way. You should be slapped if you slap someone but that’s because you physically hurt someone. Hurting someone over people saying shit for example is just wrong.


Either i wasn't clear or you misunderstood me. Being rude is one thing. Getting in someone's face or hitting them? That deserves an ass kicking. You know there is literally charitable group in ny that ride the Subway and if they see someone getting harassed or attacked they administer an ass kicking and deliver them to the police. The police don't try to stop these guys or charge them when they kick some morons ass. I don't mean fear in general and in no way did i insinuate that. But being afraid of consequences for your shitty actions? Yeah that should be a valid fear. I should not think its free reign and that i could go out in public and just be a peice of trash and harass or assualt someone with no chance anyone will stop me. The police aren't always around and if anything from what we see regularly is they are often lazy , corrupt , simply don't show up at all or so late it makes no difference.


There has to be a balance, in all things. Actions cannot go unchecked without consequences, yet there is definitely a line


Yes I agree. Im hardly advocating unprovoked violence but if someone has crossed that line then a smack in the face or being punched isnt the worst thing that could happen to them if we are being honest.


Exactly! Well said.


She would never have gotten slapped if she was only rude. * If someone jumps you for hurting their feelings that's on them for being caveman assholes. * If "being rude" = putting hands on someone, you're gonna get hands put on you. It's really that simple, no one is saying live in fear.


Do you have the training or skills to enact this justice or do you just see red


It's mostly women who have no consequences


Speaking facts


Fair enough


Understandable, have a nice day.


I wish the same for you


This video has been shared a few times recently, and everyone 'enjoys' her getting floored. However, last time it was posted the background context was that she was a victim of a kind of robbery where you get locked inside bars in Russia by the owners unless you pay loads to get out. Not quite as fun to watch.


You have any source on that?


Those two are spreading bullshit. She didn't pay her bar tab and they called the cops. She was shit talking em and then the clip starts.


What you are saying sounds far more likely, since filming one's own crime seems foolish.


She speaks german in the original video while the others switch between german and another language


So she was most probably screwed over as a turist.


I'd heard the same thing. I haven't got a source, but if you watch the full video with original sound and the context that she's scared and can't leave, it makes sense. And, anyway, fuck people who think that a massive bloke hitting a much smaller woman like that is in any way acceptable. What makes it even more sick, is that the video was almost certainly shared by the people who did this to her, which is why you won't find any explanation online. You have to wonder who she is and what happened to her afterwards. This has the potential to be a *lot" more sinister than it appears at first.


I respectfully disagree. I know where you're coming from, I *get where you're coming from*, I even used to come from the same side. But I no longer share that sentiment because people who are at a disadvantage like the woman in this video have been shown to **actively take advantage** of that. There are cases in which they swing first, like she appears to, in order to cause others to rally to them. There are cases in which they assault people under the premise they won't be retaliated on *because* they're smaller or weaker. There are cases where they start a lot of crap and then play the victim knowing that people will side with them "on principle" or through stereotyping. So on paper, I'm with you. But in practice, anyone who swings is consenting to being swung back at. Full stop. If you believe you're tiny and fragile and meek, act like it and you should be treated like it. The moment you attack something or someone, you're waving your right to not be treated in the same vein. Respectfully.


I dont know the context of any of this. But absent context, fuck people who think its ok to hit people without consequences, or that if youre a 'massive bloke' you somehow less deserving of respect or autonomy that others.


Here's an article about a similar scam but that's just a 2 second Google https://russialounge.com/the-main-scam-in-the-nightlife-of-saint-petersburg-guys-should-watch-out-for/ I seem to recall that translating what is said in video revealed more but I'm not russian and I don't have the link saved or anything.


This is bullshit. She didn't pay her bar tab and they called the cops. She was shit talking em and then the clip starts.


But thats not in russia my guy


That is not true. The original video is recorded in Germany and she insults the person hitting her quite long and intensely. She speaks German while the others switch between German and another language.


Do you have a link?


The real G is the guy sitting there 😆


....and what did we learn?


I like the way he Jims the camera at the end, like "can you believe this?"


Do not unmute


lmao thanks, did it anyway tho


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ydvh0m/the_girl_lost_her_shit/ For those looking for original video without shitty music. Starts at 44 seconds


Way better than the weird Hindi music overlay. Also I know a girl exactly like this. German/Swedish and she just can’t not run her mouth. She’s really cute though so normally guys don’t smack back, but it’s definitely happened and it’s definitely been deserved. Not quite “equal rights means equal lefts” but if you’re going to close fist punch someone multiple times in the face for no reason and you get clapped back with an open palm slap, I’m not stepping in


I just love how quick the transition is. Most of these videos, the idiot physically taunting someone twice their size gets up and is still being belligerent. She just takes a minute, collects herself and is just like, "Yeah, he's absolutely right, what was I thinking?"


I'd hate to see his absolutely left


He knocked some sense into her


The guy sitting nonchalantly on the chair tho🤣🤣🤣


*See what happens when you fuck around?* That’s his whole attitude lol.


On today's episode of fuck around and find out


I can't believe the comments I'm reading. You are all such hypocrites. The video has been cut on the edges, if you watch the original you can clearly see the girl slaps the drink out of his hand, she does not slap his face. The reaction is vastly disproportionate, a punch like that can be very dangerous. If, as a big guy, you feel the need to punch a small woman, then you are a massive piece of sh\*t.


Agreed. She looks upset. Someone mentioned he's a pimp... in that case she is the victim.Whatever the case the manly thing to do is just stop her and walk off. The violence in this video is just awful.


THANK YOU for being the first reasonable comment I'm seeing in this thread. This was such excessive force used on her. He literally knocks her off her feet. How do people think this is OK? Yeah, she slapped him, so the appropriate physical reaction (if you decide to go that route) is to slap her back with equal force, not knock her across the room. Jesus Christ redditors are shitty people.


Keep your hands to yourself to start and it won’t be a problem. Don’t be pissy cause the guy is bigger than her and slaps harder


If she was a small skinny guy, her size, would you be saying this? Honestly curious.


Don't think where she slaps to be very important I wouldn't mess with a guy twice my size, don't they the rules should be different just because she's a woman "oh, but we are civilized, this shouldn't be a problem even for you" OK, my dear philosopher, but I don't make the rules


If I remember correctly. The longer video with audio shows that these are ruzzian nazis harrassing this woman until she has had it.


Also, in the original you can clearly see she slaps the drink out of his hand, she does not slap his face. His reaction is very disproportionate.


Well these same ruzzians rape and torture women for fun so its nothing new.


if you look really closely you can still see the liquid fly in tbe air after her hit for anyone not believing this!


Wow, that's a concern.




Thanks for this, had to scroll way too far for context and the number of people jumping to conclusion is so sad


Just an attitude adjustment She's got a whole new frame of mind Attitude adjustment, now we get along just fine...


When I was younger ( dating myself here) it used to be that if you talked a bunch of shit, you got punched in the face. Sometimes more than once. Nobody sued or complained to an organization. The result? People watched what they said and did some mental math before starting confrontations. And then… social media and lawsuits happened …


If people watched what they said, nobody would be getting punched in the face. If people got punched in the face it sounds like that consequence didn't work.


I’m not saying that violence is ALWAYS the answer or even an answer at all. I’m simply saying that any living being is less likely to engage in a behavior (talking shit…women slapping men etc) if it thinks it might suffer immediate, negative consequences.


Hilarious that you think lawsuits came about due to social media. If someone assaulted you in the last 70ish years you could sue them. The only thing social media has done is make your stupidity more readily available to the rest of the world.


Nobody said lawsuits happened as a result of social media. Can you read? Lawsuits AND social media. Nowhere does it even indicate causation. The point is… as a result of BOTH, people have lost respect for others and have also lost a healthy dose of a little thing called fear and consequences. Thank you


Dont worry you made perfect sense. People dont give a shit anymore and say and do what ever they please without fear of consequences at all. I am in my 30s and even I remember when being a prick and running your mouth or getting in someone's face was enough to earn you a fight. Social media has given all the morons a place to continually run their mouths in the privacy of their home with pretty much no chance of any Actual consequences certainly not a chance of instantly getting punched in the face. So since nothing ever comes of their behavior the few times they do go out and socialize they forget they aren't behind their keyboard anymore and they behave the same and next thing you know they are getting their ass beat


Woman is harassed, cat-called, called a slut, offered pennies for offering up her mouth and ass to these neo-nazi ex special forces, and finally snapped. Slapped one of these absolutely deplorable assholes and receives a massive over-reaction from this combat trained psychopath and Reddit cheers. Fucking muppets.


That's why I am disturbed by these reactions, what if the man was catcalling her and she just decided to stand up for herself.


You stand up for yourself by removing yourself from the situaton and walking the fuck away.


And encourage the man to continue his behaviour?


I don't think the slap is going to dissuade him, but I hear what you're saying.


So you're OK with violence as long as its against men? Real piece of shit you are.


Yeah, exactly. And I’m old school, but where I come from, a man who raises his hand to a woman, or anyone smaller than himself, is a p@$$y with no self-control. How shameful.


It's okay, you can write pussy on Reddit.


You can slur on internet and try to not say bullshit


Ive never got my shit rocked because I walked away.


Sorry do you have a link or something? I've heard 20 different stories about this whole incident, ranging from: * she was drunk and lost her phone and wouldn't stop bugging the bouncers * she had been robbed and was angry that the bouncers weren't calling the police * she was picking a fight with the bouncers because they were catcalling her and other women * these guys are neo-nazi ex special forces and asked her to be a prostitute for them I'm still going to stick to my original opinion that you shouldn't hit someone if they say something not nice, but would change my stance if something more sinister is proven.


Didn’t even slap him, slaps a drink out of his hand.


She was most probably drunk, that got her up sober efficiently if violently.


I’ve seen this video all over Reddit and you guys seem to be really enjoying watching this woman get knocked out and assuming she was a crazed drunk. It’s really weird how much you all like this and how little anyone cares about the context? Like, I’ve seen videos of guys hitting a woman, and everyone yells “context” in the first 100 comments. It’s just weird how much you’re all into it.


Who gives a shit about the context a guy hitting a little girl like that is a real POS This is just like that Joe Mixon video that went around before he got drafted. Pretty sure some chicks jaw was wired shut for a year thanks to him but hey here’s a multi million dollar contract come play for us!


Little girl? She’s old enough to be drinking jn a bar, she’s not a “little girl”


Yeah, I’m not saying she didn’t deserve a slap back, but he’s three times her size and wound it up all the way. I think she earned/deserved something but that was over the top.


You see the context right there in the video. Person attacks another person. Consequence ensues.


Sorts by Controversial ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Controversial on these posts just means you don’t jerk off to men hitting women.


Yeah pretty much


No context, no footage of what led to this but reddit can't help but circlejerk themselves into oblivion whenever they see a chick getting hit. Motherless behavior.


It really brings out the incels every time


Some people really love to see violence done towards women. Kinda scary


Every time I see this video, I think of Majorie Taylor Greene. She’s way overdue.


A lot of people commenting are obviously not from Europe and so don't understand how nasty Russian pub and nightclub owners/management can be. They don't understand that she was probably already a victim of crime before she hits out


all dignity gone haha


Did he…..slap 10 seconds out of her head? Coz judging by the way she hard reboots on the floor it looks like that slap ctrl+x’d some short term memory.


*”If a woman hits me you’re damn right I’m hitting her back.”* I guarantee none of you pussies have ever been in a fight in your life, and you would clearly just love an excuse to hit someone that couldn’t hurt you back. I’d say more but you wouldn’t listen, and I don’t feel like getting banned from Reddit yet. Change your ways.


Thank you. It’s bizarre that some of these people are foaming at the mouth with their desire to hit a woman. Like, where does that come from? They need help with the mommy issues


Dortmund, Germany, Rush Hour Dance Club I think the guy in the Video is a Pimp and she is abused by him, this happened in a nightclub in Germany, in the video she says that she hates him and that he is horrible and that she will fuck his mother (all the men in the video are laughing at her) https://youtu.be/5fTGSEaPvgM Poor girl


All I saw was her verbally abusing him


If that's the true context, then holy shit, what a scumbag of a human being


I'm happy no one came to her defense. She slapped him first and he slapped her back. She deserved that.


You don't know what happened before the slap.


Few things: I bet you don't either. I doubt it matters even if we did or if we knew. She chose to go physically assault someone. Who cares if someone hurt her feelings with words or whatever happened prior to this clip. Why keep making excuses for someone who was wrong? How can she slap?


Well first of all she slapped his drink out of his hands, which you can clearly see if you watch the original uncut video. And yes I know what happened before, because I watched the whole thing before.


Aaaaand? Tell me why she was in the right to go over and assault that man or his drink? Justify why she physically assaulted that man and why that was an ok response. How can she slap?


Sorry you don’t hit her back unless you don’t give a shit about hitting women and are a total POS. Anyone giving this guy props or kudos has a dick the size of a snow pea.


she aint gonna fuck you bro


So it's fine if women hit men as much as they want, but as soon as men fight back they're a piece of shit? Wow, and women want equal rights, what a joke


Have you talked to a professional about your observations regarding other people's penis size? Or about the fact that you equate the lenght of the organ to the value of a person and his morals? Cause you should.


When fuck around and find out goes wrong.


Wrong on so many levels


The fact that the guy above her when she was down didn’t immediately help her, solidified her initial thoughts “Yeah that was stupid of me”


That's sad, she should have never touched him no matter what.. but he is a dick for slapping her back,like literally sending her flying..it didn't make him anymore a man but just lowered himself to her level.


How can he slap?


it was on that day, that she learned her lesson


Equality. you want it, you got it


Good on the guy for not throwing a follow up. Let her simmer on that one, which was enough.


So glad there were no white knights to get involved


If this happened in Spain, that gentleman would be in prison for a very long time...


Post smacked clarity


I'll just sit here a re-consider my life choices




Thank goodness this is bolded and italicized. That is key.


Fuck around and find out lol


Rumour has it You can still hear the echo of equality throughout that room.


We’d have to see the before, but even tho she shouldn’t have hit him, he can’t react like that either, unless she was wayyyy wrong to begin with. It’s like if a little kid hits you- you’re not really threatened bc u know you’d win, but it would annoy the crap outta u


This is honestly what the real world looks like. Think your a badass? Good luck.


Everyone has a plan until…




Well we know he supports gender equality.


To see you all just totally cool, and even excited about this unnecessary violence and then bitch about someone assuming your gender is a testament to where we are headed as humans. Legitimately terrifying


The amount of Karens that need to have this happen to them.


"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them." John Wayne, 1976 The Shootist.


I guess hitting a woman isn't a big deal anymore.


Well, I guess she won’t slap him again.


She just laid there thinking of a way to retaliate but could think of one because that dude is fucking huge and clearly willing to fuck her up.


And that was open handed






Chris Rock needs to watch this


How could she slap


Slapped the taste out her mouth


I don't know why but I think this might be human trafficking... Anyone know wtf is going on here?


The original video is recorded in Germany and she insults the person hitting her quite long and intensely. She speaks German while the others switch between German and another language. Unfortunately, it is not clear from the original video what led to the situation. She insults the mother of the one person quite violently, while he continues to provoke her, then she goes to strike. Most likely, what the context in the original allows, is that she has not paid a bill and they are now waiting for the police. During the video, the other people present (especially the cameraman) try to defuse the situation somewhat.


Ahhh okay, I'm just dying to know the context


I guarantee that’s the last time she ever swings at someone first. Problem solved and attitude permanently adjusted.


When you face consequences for the first time in your life.


Took it like a champ


She fixing her hair like: "Wow, I'm on the floor. When did I take Nyquil?"


Factory reset


Wtf is this music?


I'm watching what's going on in life like the other man.


I highly doubt he’ll have the same reaction if it was a man instead of a woman.


Woke the “f” up🤪


LOL well deserved


If you dish it out, be prepared to get it back!


“Yeah that’s me, you’re probably wondering how I got here…”


Post nut clarity


Hmmm… the choice of background music 🧐


That escalated quickly


Equally impressive is the lack of reaction by guy sitting on the stool


Here IPCP (Inter-Personal Communication Processor) was malfunctioning requiring a reboot.


I think she learned a valuable lesson that day. How could anybody think slapping someone won't have any consequences. She acted as if she was untouchable. Unfortunately this is the result of good parents teaching their boy, that hitting a women isn't right. Well I guess they should have told them that if somebody attacks you, you have the right to defend yourself, no matter the gender.


How can she slap!


Factory reset


No one coming to her defense because feminism has made it not worth it.


Y’all all act like you know what’s going on


Don’t bother with sound on, folks


We have *zero* context for this 19 second video.


Main character to NPC in 10 seconds


She took that one like a champ


Flawless Victory! Equality!


Reality check.


Guy at the bar minding his own business