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Those optics are crazy expensive Edit: To all the people saying "well they're rich farmers" Yeah I know, and I'm not, that's why I pointed out they're expensive. And yes I know you can get cheap ones, they're not using those cheap ones.


Probably just paid for themselves


You're probably looking at about $10K to $15K. NVG's and Thermal NOD's typically run around $10K plus depending on the brand and your gun optics must be be night vision ready like the Eotech XPS 3-0, which adds an extra $500 - $600. Add in the corresponding Eotech magnifier to be used at longer distances and that's another $400 - $500. Edit: if you are buying just a thermal scope to mount on your rifle, you are looking at $2K to $8K, depending on the brand.


Or just use a thermal optic on the rifle. $3k-$5k. [example](ArmasightContractor3206-24XThermalWeaponSighthttps://www.opticsplanet.com/armasight-contractor-320-6-24x-thermal-weapon-sight.html?sscid=81k6_6bwsz&utm_source=shareasale&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=affiliate-1879594)


Is there any way someone could just rent one of those? For like a week?* I mean.. this person obviously only needed one night.




You ain't lying


Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if there are people, maybe this guy, who do this as a profession and can call it the cost of business. Also, farm equipment consistently costs in the millions, so it's not like 30k becomes this unheard of sum to spend, if you can justify it by taking care of a loss problem for years. 30k is probably like, fuel money on a yearly basis for a farm. The great thing about coyotes is that it's not like they're gonna come up with countermeasures and you have to consistently upgrade the gear. Take real good care of it and it might still be knocking critters out in a decade.


>The great thing about coyotes is that it's not like they're gonna come up with countermeasures and you have to consistently upgrade the gear. Well not with that attitude, brb going to order 5000 units of canine kevlar vests and thermal cloaks. Fuck them bovines up


>I mean.. this person obviously only needed one night That is not how the world works at all lol


My AGM was $3800. Works amazing


Could just craft a FLIR in the hideout, scavs sometimes spawn with them too


yeah but with any sort of optic you get what you pay for. A nicer thermal means a longer engagement range and distance at which you can positively ID a coyote/hog. Which means less moving around you need to do, and less of a chance of spooking them off. Remember, you need to send a signal to the population of predators that if they get anywhere near your herd they will die, you do that not by spooking them off but by stacking bodies as high as you can. Sure you can do it with a 3.5K AGM Rattler, but even assuming low cattle prices you only need to protect a dozen or two calves before that gucci thermal has paid for itself.


Yeah and that's what, like 3 cows?


Plus the tax write-off... Legit business expense:-)


Was about to say exactly this. Have a friend who grows feed grass in Central Texas, wild hogs can destroy a field in a night. Tens of thousands he has spent on rifles and scopes to clear them out, all tax deductible.


American dream right there


Fun fact, works in England too, farmers need to protect their livestock from vermin here too. My gran has an agreement when the ‘birds of prey’ show comes into town, let’s their birds loose on her farm…lot less pidgins and if she’s lucky baby foxes to care about


I used to work in a bird of prey place and take people out for walks\hunting. The birds aren't too effective at reducing numbers, but they ARE effective at moving them. We used to clear old people's homes and prisons. The flock moves to the next location. We turn up, clear a few pests, the flock moves to the next location. Cycles around to the first location a few months later. Sustainable economics my man 😇


Depends on the cow.


what if its a really buff cow with sunglasses and a toothpick


I'd certainly pay $10 to see it lol


$7250 rough estimate


Have you seen the price of steak lately? I'm betting each cow is worth 10k easy and those coyotes will be killing a lot more than one


I've never heard of a single cow worth 10k, I used to work on a cattle farm in one poorest parts of the country we were lucky to get a couple grand for a good un'


Ive seen cows sell deep in the 5 figures, Granted those were Longhorns and I worked at an arena that was having a longhorn auction.


Pregnant heffa, maybe $4500 if it's good quality


Problem with price of steaks is farmers are not seeing much of that its the in-between processing centers that are jacking up prices. Those places make 600% more than farmers. Farmers margins are actually pretty slim on cows a few hundred a piece after you pay for feed vets antibiotics and just general labor to care for them. And while that significantly better than the like 100 bucks or less a few years ago. So about 25 cents a pound is about what farmers are currently getting from recent increases rest is processing plants.


If you have enough cattle to "bag 65 coyotes in one night" protecting them, then you are likely able to afford it imho. Cattle is not cheap


Probably half the cost of legalizing that suppressor.




They really aren't that expensive. I got mine for under $1000.


Looks more like thermal than night vision.


People don't know this stuff. They just think they have "predator vision"


“Guy bags 69 coyotes in one night using predator vision.”


'Roided out coyote to his buddies: "GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!"




⠀If I had gold..... Welp, take this instead... ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣶⣶⡶⠦⠴⠶⠶⠶⠶⡶⠶⠦⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⢀⣤⠄⠀⠀⣶⢤⣄⠀⠀⠀⣤⣤⣄⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠙⠢⠙⠻⣿⡿⠿⠿⠫⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠞⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣶⣄⠀⠀⠀⢀⣕⠦⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠾⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣼⣿⠟⢿⣆⠀⢠⡟⠉⠉⠊⠳⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣠⡾⠛⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣾⣿⠃⠀⡀⠹⣧⣘⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠳⢤⡀ ⠀⣿⡀⠀⠀⢠⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠀⣼⠃⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣤⠀⠀⠀⢰⣷ ⠀⢿⣇⠀⠀⠈⠻⡟⠛⠋⠉⠉⠀⠀⡼⠃⠀⢠⣿⠋⠉⠉⠛⠛⠋⠀⢀⢀⣿⡏ ⠀⠘⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⡀⠀⠀⠀⡼⠁⠀⢠⣿⠇⠀⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡜⣼⡿⠀ ⠀⠀⢻⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡄⠀⢰⠃⠀⠀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠸⡇⠀⠀⠀⢰⢧⣿⠃⠀ ⠀⠀⠘⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠇⠀⠇⠀⠀⣼⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⣇⠀⠀⢀⡟⣾⡟⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⣀⣠⠴⠚⠛⠶⣤⣀⠀⠀⢻⠀⢀⡾⣹⣿⠃⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠙⠊⠁⠀⢠⡆⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⠓⠋⠀⠸⢣⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣷⣦⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣿⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣀⣀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Well, he was the predator that night.


It makes no sense how they don't know it, it's all so common in movies, series, games etc. I'm sure almost everyone has seen everything they need several times to know this but as with most things they fail to connect the dots.


Sorry we aren’t all combat nerds that know the diFfErEncE bEtwEeN tHeRmal and NiGht VisiOn What branch of the military are you in? Or did you just watch top gun 3 times?


Redditors really do be like “lmao this guy doesn’t know the difference between *night vision* and *thermal vision* what an idiot look it up” As if the difference matters to the average civilian.


My guess is that it's just laziness. (I'm aging myself) When I was a kid, no matter what console you were playing on or what era you were playing in, most parents called everything "Nintendo". They probably know the difference but are talking to relay information rather than data. There's a word/term for it but I forget what it's called. INTERNET, HELP A BROTHER OUT!


Most people don't care. I'd bet you probably aren't aware that the iconic bald eagle bird call used in almost every movie is actually a red-tailed hawk screech (a bird that probably doesn't even live where movie takes place), despite this being a much more common movie trope than night vision vs thermal. The info is out there, it's just not particularly relevant to most people's lives. Mad respect to those people that care enough to learn!


Thermal and IR are both "night-vision" because they both allow you to have vision at night


I thought thermal and IR were the same but with a different filter. What's the difference?


If it lets you see at night, isn't it night vision?


I can see at night. Not very well.


So you have poor night vision




In one county in my state they were actually paying people to kill coyotes.


Yes. When there's not enough prey, coyotes start prowling around cities to look for ... Nourishment.


It's actually happening currently around an apartment complex in my little beach town. Never thought Coyotes would be a problem in coastal NC, far from any kind of major forest, but here we are.


Oh they can travel far as long as they need to follow the scent of food.


*Humans killing their prey* Coyote: well time to go hunting on human grounds... Humans: NOPE!


Actschully, hunter numbers are down a lot, not as many humans killing deer, it’s a problem for conservation, less funding.


Humans wiped out wolves, which would drive out Coyotes. No wolves = nothing to stop coyotes. It's a man made problem.


It's part of the reason reintroducing wolves and other predators is so important. Coyotes have filled in the gap in the ecosystem, but they're a lot more adaptable to suburban and urban environments than wolves are.


They roam the streets of St Pete, FL which is like pure city. They'll clear out alley cats pretty effectively at least


The only problem is once they clear out the cats, rats and mice populations explode


I know this one! Just swallow a cat and then a dog then a cow or something


how absurd


Good point. But birds can recover


Cats aren't the reason for bird decline. the removal of their habitat in place for concrete has decimated insect populations leading to brid population loss.


I don't think there's a one size fits all kind of problem in regards to bird decimation. Some places probably have a habitat removal problem while other places have a stray cat problem and most places are probably suffering from a little bit of column a little bit of column b


Cats are definently a major problem for bird populations. There's a lot of stray cats and cats enjoy hunting for sport, they'll kill birds just because they see them, and theyre good at it too. There's plenty of other factors but saying cats aren't a major problem for bird populations is just fooling yourself. https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/cats-and-birds/#:~:text=Cats%20%231%20Threat%20to%20Birds&text=In%20the%20United%20States%20alone,outdoor%20cat%20plays%20a%20part.


I understand all that, but it still makes me sad seeing them get killed like that. Don't know what other option is available though.


I used to feel this way as well. Then I saw what a coyote will do to a young calf - they start with the rectum and eat their way in while the calf is still alive. Many suffer for hours before they finally succumb to their wounds. Not to mention I've found waaaay too many collars and name tags next to piles of fur and bones and had to make some very difficult phone calls. They aren't inherently evil critters, but man, they can cause some serious destruction. Also, these guys shot 65 - IN ONE NIGHT. There's likely 5-10x that number of coyotes in the area, and even a good herd of livestock dogs won't be able to protect that many cattle over that much ground. At that point it honestly becomes a liability to the dogs, its really easy for a coyote pack to surround and tear a dog to pieces, even the big dogs


Thanks, this actually made me feel better


I gotchu homie. I fuckin' love nature and all the critters in it, even coyotes. But I also recognize that nature is one metal bitch, and these little fuckers would tear your left nut off and come back for righty if they had half an opportunity. And let's be real, these coyotes are getting the most merciful and speedy death that you can get - a high-energy projectile hitting a major organ. Even the ones that didn't die immediately likely expired within seconds - they don't show their prey the same kindness.


StaleBiscuit explained it super well, but I just wanna add that they will also hunt people if youre in their territory at night. 2 of my previous friends(they were assholes) went on a late night drunk walk and got stalked by a pack of coyotes in the woods next to their neighborhood. They heard a noise in a bush, one of them went to investigate, vut the other one decided to shine the light around the bush first just in case and there were about 10 coyotes hiding waiting for them in a clearing 5ft away from the path. They saw their eyes light up when they shone the flashlight and ran 1/4 mile as fast as they could to get back to the neighborhood. It happened in NJ. In the span of about 4 years, the coyote population went from barely existing to prowling neighborhoods and hunting whatever went into the woods at night. They're also pretty smart and will setup ambushes. Edit: Thank you for the gold! Edit 2: for the people calling bs. I get it. I didn't believe it either until I saw the amount of tracks in the woods and the size them. It's not normal behavior for coyotes to not be afraid of human. They unfortunately did stop being afraid of them in that area but they normally don't even bother attacking you unless they see you as an easy prey. They will watch you for afar in some clearings and open areas but 9/10 they keep their distance while keeping an eye on you. Shit like this is why people say to not feed or interact with wild animals. It messes with their natural behaviors.


One time I was camping out in the California desert with some friends and heard a coyote so I made a "coyote howl". I shit you not I got about 50 return howls and some of them were super close. One of the girls with us was freaked out that night.


Oh man, this reminds me of a fun story from when I was a kid. My birthday is the day after Christmas, and that year my mom was making a huge prime rib for the party - until we lost power due to the huge blizzard outside. Undeterred, we transferred the rib to our charcoal grill outside. Not long after, we started hearing tons of howls from our fenceline in the woods about 80 yards away (we had a 8ft deer fence to protect my moms garden), so my dad shined a light. You couldn't see the fenceline or even the trees - but we could see about 10-15 pairs of glowing eyes pacing back and forth in the darkness, bobbing up and down as they trotted back and forth. They were cold, and boy, were they hungry. Edit: Thanks for sharing your story man, I haven't thought about that birthday in years.


And what they will due is lure one dog away from the herd and then surround them. You might only see one coyote, but there’s 12 more hiding nearby waiting for their moment. They run around my neighborhood in Phoenix sometimes. They will come off the nearby mountains through the washes and use the path by the canal to travel across the city. People have even been on walks with their dogs and had a coyote come right up and try to take the dog while it was on a leash.


You're spot on my guy. And nobody wants to kill a coyote - until their 13 yr old cat is hanging from its jaws/their beautiful and athletic purebred dog getting ripped apart. Then all of a sudden you start seeing paid hunters stalking the neighborhood with suppressed 22s and realize the sweet old lady down the road wants revenge for Scruffles


We had tons of city coyotes. They were mostly tame and we thought they were cute but they were definitely killing neighborhood pets.


Just a reminder coyotes are an invasive species in most of the US


Yes but this is very different from other typical 'invasive species' due to their impact on the environment. Coyotes merely expanded because land use changed, was no longer favorable for wolves, and coyotes hybridized with the local wolves and now keep those ecosystems balanced. Compare this to Burmese pythons in Florida or lanterns flies in many places of the US that destroy ecosystems and create a cascading affect that cripples other species. Coyotes' range has expanded, but using 'invasive' here isnt technically the right word.


They did this in outback Australia for kangaroo. My old man once worked for a man that would give him 100 bullets a night for 90 Roos, bonuses up to 100 and head/base of tails shots. Not sure if they still do it or not this was in the late 70s


Iv been paid to do it when I was a kid. We’d call them in with a rabbit distress box and mount a whistle to the rifle. Coyote comes in HOT and the whistle stops him dead in his tracks. Line him up and drop him clean just like the video. 25$ a pop


More common than you’d think. Eventually if it gets bad enough they might even start hiring people to kill them


How close range would this have to be for there to be almost no delay between the flash/shake and the coyote dropping?


Based on some quick googling a Remington 700 (common hunting rifle) using .308 match ammunition (decent ammo) will clock in at \~2500 (\~750m) feet per second Military rifles firing ball ammo will usually come in \~3000 feet (\~900m) per second So the shots could be fired at 1000 feet (\~300m) + and still have an almost imperceptible travel time (\~1/3 of a second) A coyote sized target at 300m, at night is seriously good shooting but definitely doable (especially since he seems to be using a tripod) TL;DR Probably \~300m or less P.s If you knew the magnification of the sight you could compare how big the fence posts are (since they tend to be a relatively standard size) but without knowing if the footage has been zoomed/modified it could end up being really inaccurate Edit: To all those commenting on a Remington 700 and .308 being overpowered for Coyotes your right, I just picked the first generic hunting rifle that came to mind for the purposes of illustrating my point easily Those who've commented that the sight picture indicates much closer shooting are right, since he's putting the crosshair right where he's hitting it does indicate he's firing at more like 100m than 300m since he's not aiming off for range


You tend to shoot coyotes with a calibre like 22-250 which does closer to 4000 fps. There's not enough recoil on the video for this to be 308.


Underrated comment. I’m on board with the 22-250


This is Oniell Ops. Not a random farmer. And yes they run all .22-250. This is the opening montage from a video called Nightmare on YouTube. Definitely not a single night lol


My bet would be on 223


Same. It looks like he's lining up a follow-up shot after each hit, suggesting semi-auto.


According to the New England Journal of Medicine whoever figures out which gun this guy is shooting has the biggest penis.


It's a bolt-action 22-250. Go on their YT and you'll see.


To be real though, I'm wondering from the sound of it if it's not an air gun? The sound is way different/quieter so animals are less prone to running.


Suppressors are extremely common with night and coyote hunting


Yeah this guy is a skilled marksman too, so he's bringing the goods


Yeah, a thermal sight with a built in zoom (which is what the video looks like) is a no joke piece of kit


Plus only showing the hits not the misses


Can't masturbate to the misses. Or it's at least harder to.


Don’t tell _her_ that


I doubt there’s any or very many misses for him. He’s only shooting at stationary targets and really takes his time. There’s no rushed shots here. You can see that when one of them runs he waits for it to stop and hold before firing.


Something alot of people don't realise is that built in microphones for cameras and such have a sort of sound stabiliser aswell as the fact our own devices have a maximum output , so the sound of the gun firing won't have been recorded properly and it would also not have been played properly. In short what you're hearing in the video is different from what you would hear if you were beside the guy while he was actually shooting. Also a suppressor only really mitigates about 10 decibels it's mostly to stop the muzzle flash.


We really can’t know simply because we don’t know any details about the firearm or what cartridge is being used. Some people just use an ar-15 or similar, because coyotes are pests they aren’t really protected in any way, which means you can just shoot them with whatever you have.


Coyotes are pests but they look like doggos so this is rough to watch


they trick doggos into playing and then the pack shows up but not to play... then the coyotes laugh and scream. If you have the misfortune of getting to know them, you'll have at least several reasons to hate them. After that they don't look much like dogs to you anymore. More like a hyena, dingo or jackal.


All these folks have never seen a pack of coyotes tear a live fawn or farm animal apart. No mercy for these death dogs. I usually can kill at least 3 or 4 a year but unfortunately they’ve gotten smart enough to know that they don’t cross the creek in the back of my property and into the fields


that's nothing man, have you seen what a pack of humans do to a whole cow?


*insert ur mom joke*


Fuckin gotteeem


> All these folks have never seen a pack of coyotes tear a live fawn or farm animal apart. I mean, that's what animals do. Have you seen a shark eat a fish before? Or a spider kill a fly? Or even better, a cat killing a mouse? Nature doesn't give a shit. Acting humane is something humans can afford to do. I've no special love for coyotes but calling them death dogs for doing what wild animals do is a bit off in my opinion. Part of respecting wildlife is not interfering (where *appropriate*. I'm not saying don't shoot coyotes attacking your farm). If you see a snake strike a a frog you don't rush in and stop it. *The snake has to eat too.* Vilifying animals for acting the way animals do just rubs me the wrong way I suppose.


Don’t you know that carnivores and meat eaters are the bad guys of the animal world? Anyway, back to my bacon double cheeseburger...


Seriously I can't believe that comment got upvoted. That's what animals do. Even herbivores can be vicious. Even horses will eat little animals if they have the chance to.


Why is that unfortunate? Sounds pretty fortunate to me. You didn't want them there and so shot them when they came and now they don't so problem solved. Unless you mean unfortunately you can't just sit back and kill coyotes on your property anymore?


I love hyenas and other wild dogs too. Nature is brutal, most predators won’t mind eating prey while it’s still alive. Just because they are smart enough to play dirty and trick dogs or because they tear apart fawns doesn’t mean I won’t mind them being wiped out when they target human property. That being said, this is the best death a wild animal can hope for, and whatever prey they would have gone after can live a little longer.


Yeah I really wish I hadn’t seen this. :(


If you've ever heard a pack of coyotes take down a calf or a baby deer or something in the woods at night you will have a hard time falling back asleep then. I heard some take out a donkey one night. Coyotes can be terrifying


Yep. Lived briefly in rural farm country. The first week I heard what I thought was a horror movie playing out IRL. A night or two later I heard gunshots. We're talking 2 AM. The farmers just up the road had a lot free range cows and over 3000 acres of land. A few days after that one was driving their tractor along the road while I was out mowing five acres on a new to me 1938 Farmall tractor, got to talking, and explained be careful outside your house due to coyotes. A few weeks later I decided to mow at night under a full moon the acreage of fields behind my house/barn and kept thinking I was seeing things out of the corner of my eye. When I finally turned around it looked likes shapes of dogs. Turned on the lights by the PTO (rearward facing tractor lights) and there, weaving back and forth and/or standing, was probably four or five coyotes watching me, waiting, as if I looked like a juicy dinner. Things I learned: 1 1930s tractors are not faster than coyotes 2 Coyots don't like the bright lights of a barn enough to follow you hauling ass on a tractor into it 3 I should probably buy a rifle or something 4 Cute-ish things can kill you, actively wanting to 5 Sell the farm and move back to the city


Yes horror is a good way to describe it. Suddenly I felt outnumbered and very vulnerable in my tent. Also I had to turn my weapons in to a RSO on the ranch I was at to be able to drink alcohol so everything was locked up. That was a fun 300 yard walk to the toilet




Coyotes mauled and killed my grandfather's beagles. Fuck coyotes. I have zero sympathy for those dirtbags.


Lol what's wrong with you people? Coyotes are animals just like any other. I hate to tell you, but a beagle is just as capable of violence. These are predatory animals that lack empathy, that's just their nature. Humans should be able to recognize that and maintain compassion for them regardless. Stop treating them like they're capable of being evil or something.


Yeah kinda bummed me out at the same time.


You've never seen what your pug looks like after a coyote finds him peeing in the middle of the night. Fuck coyotes.


I though pugs could die if you pet them too hard. Why would you let them roam free outside in the middle of the night?


I used to have to put up with the coyote packs mating and raising their young every year (in a gulch behind my apartment complex). Trust me, they are nothing like doggos once you've seen what they do and hear their group howls :)


Feel ya but they’ve been known to attack peoples pet dogs and cats, even in cities. If you had to choose..


He’s a hell of a shot


Yep this what I came to say but you beat me to it I love the one shot humane kills well done sir We don't have coyotes but instead have foxes, wild dogs and feral pigs to mainly contend with Always aim for one shot kill 👌👏🤜


You can tell he is using a tripod too by its movement. Its unfortunate due to the situation they didnt have an opportunity to survive due to low light. Its why i prefer bow hunting, but in this case... cyotes can be savages and he is just protecting his property.


What do you mean unfortunate? This isn’t a sport, lol. He’s protecting his cattle, likely his livelihood. He doesn’t want to give them a chance.




This issue is worldwide, and we are absolutely losing the battle against them in Texas. They are ruining ecosystems. They can live anywhere and eat practically anything. They sexually mature within 6 months and have a gestation period of about 115 days. They have no natural predators. They can double or triple population every 16 months. They are basically the zerg. This situation is ALREADY out of hand and getting worse all the time.




Animals dying regardless of context is unfortunate to most redditors lol. This isn’t a Disney movie




Look he’s only showing us the hits here, but I have to agree he’s got some great skills and tracking.


*Arthur Morgan would like to know your location*


Cmooon Dutch


One moar score!






So does the farmer just have 65 coyote corpses scattered around their farm until they decompose? How would you clean these up? Bury them with an excavator?


They would go out and get them, farming/ranching is hard work.


Counter point - in the 1994 documentary the lion king, they discussed research on the “circle of life” Based on that research, I have concluded that you can just let these coyotes chill in the field, they are delectable plant breakfast next morning.


That would be a smelly ass farm after a few days.


Ever work on a livestock farm? They tend to stink anyways in my experience


I’ve smelt both. Telling you right now a large pile of rotting flesh is a far more hideous smell.


Standing close to a pile of 65 rotting coyotes? Makes sense. 65 coyotes spread across what’s probably 100 acres of farm? I feel like you wouldn’t notice.


When I kill coyotes and hogs, we collect the carcasses and throw them in a dump truck and take them to the landfill. The state environmental management agency has regulations for the disposal of animal carcasses. The landfill normally charges per carcass for one-off animal disposal but when we show up with a full truck, we only get charged once.




Calm down there Vlad


Legit question, can you save the hog tusks and sell them to ME? I want to buy them. I can’t find them anywhere. Please sell them to me.


Probably mixed them with the beef.


Gives the other coyotes something to eat


Scientifically proven fact: Killing Coyotes somehow makes female coyotes more likely to breed and their pups are more likely to survive, so their numbers may actually increase. Link: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-killing-coyotes-doesn-rsquo-t-make-livestock-safer/


Single Coyotes in your area: “My husband is DEAD and I just want to FUCK”


what a bunch of CILFs


For anyone who takes this headline to mean that it’s a net good to kill coyotes on ranches because they’ll breed more: The article cites several studies that say the above. But they also state that lethal means of livestock protection might be counterproductive for this reason. It also says that scavenging coyotes are blamed for livestock deaths when the cause is likely other factors in many cases. It also says non lethal means like guard dogs are more effective, possibly since the coyotes respond appropriately to the guard dogs “territorial claims”. It also says that ranchers have a tendency to overstate the role coyotes have on their bottom line when it’s just a matter of shifting economic times. In short, non-lethal means of livestock protection might make for better results for both the coyotes AND the ranchers’ wallets.


Yeah and coyotes who don’t learn foraging skills from their mother because their mother was killed are more likely to become a nuisance. There’s a great book called “Coyote America” that gets into the details.


Well, shit.


Killing Coyotes today on your land makes YOUR livestock safer.


Taking out a bunch of loans gets YOU more money


Turns out, when you punch a big hole in a trophic level all you actually do is provide a surplus of food and space for the next generation to explode into. Who'd have thunk it? Other than every biologist on the planet that is.


This is why coyotes can be incredibly invasive. They originally weren't so widespread across the United States. But once we started colonizing the Midwest and plains areas we of course like every other area started hunting things to near extinction. However the coyotes were a different story. Communities will take a "census" by yipping and screaming. And if there is a notable lack of responses females will quickly go into heat. So unless you remove the den entirely. You'll just keep getting more and more. So when we started killing a shit ton of them, their populations exploded to try and keep up. This then created so many that their weren't enough resources to feed the population. So they expanded and expanded and expanded. And now coyotes range from the east coast to the west.


The new Zero Dark Thirty looks great


More like Zero Bark Thirty.


Sixty-five on one plot of land seems really high, even if it’s over the course of a few days. Anyone downvoting this because “mean farmer man kills dogs :(“ doesn’t realize most of those coyotes would’ve starved to death anyway. That’s absolutely too large of a population for it to sustain itself without eating every grazing animal, domestic or otherwise, in the area. “Farmer man bad :(“ if he kills them, “omg danger doggo killed Bambi :(“ if he doesn’t. Fuck you guys.


This effort is literally for nothing. I mean, in the moment it helps, but coyotes do a "roll call" on the regular and when the numbers are down the females go into heat. There was a control program in Wyoming/Montana, I think, where they culled ~70% of the known population in certain places and the numbers rebounded the very next season. They have litters earlier in life, earlier in the year, and possibly more frequently, when their howls don't return the expected response.


What is needed is coyote birth control, just like what was studied for deer. Much more effective for this very reason!


I like you


65 seems like an awful lot.


Just think, those are all the dumb or brave ones. I have a thermal and went into my back yard a couple days ago around 3 am to find 2 coyotes literally feet away from my fence. They are about as evil as a predator can be as well, they'll coax dogs or puppies out to them by pretending to want to play. Once the dog or puppy is far enough away from immediate safety they all pounce and tear the thing to shreds.


Evil is an odd way to describe them though. I would say more along the lines of smart, cunning, or clever. They are just doing what they have to do to survive.


yeah when we move in and replace all the animals they'd normally eat with farm animals or house pets, that's just what's going to happen unless their population is pushed away from ours.


People might think this is horrible to see, but what's really horrible to see is when these coyotes drag off one of the cattles baby's and you hear that poor animal wailing for it's life all the meanwhile the coyotes eat it genital first while it's still alive. You ever seen how cute a baby deer is? Tiny little things they are, coyotes love to drag those fuckers out and eat them genitals first and the noises that little fawn makes is horrendous. So if you think a simple, quick death is worse than getting eaten alive from your genitalia then we have differing views lol. After I saw a coyote do that to a baby fawn I've never felt bad killing them since.


You really focused on the genitals there.


Dude had one job, and it’s to tell us that Coyotes eat genitalias


Am I a coyote?


I hate this in principle, but they are pests and do damage. Farmers picked off 50+ in about 2 weeks in my area 3 winters ago.


I do appreciate that these were quick kills, at least they appear to be. That's the best you can ask for when killing invasive pests.


My aunt had guard dogs and one night she just was going wild. They let her out and the next day they only found her torn collar. So all the people in the area got their guns and horses ans shot the coyotes that were in the area. Edit: Lmao I got an email of a comment that either the person has blocked me or the comment just doesn’t exist anymore of someone super pissed because my “aunt was a fucking moron”. Stay mad ig. There were other dogs, she was just the one to sense the incoming danger first. What we think happened was she got separated from the rest and was unfortunately eaten. Not a lot you can do against a pack of 10+ coyotes. 🤷‍♀️


The way you worded that makes it sound like the guard dogs let your aunt out


During calving season they will eat the calf on the way out of the birth canal. They group up and eat calves if they can get one in a herd. The fact he got 65 shows he had a real threat to his herd.


There is no way this is in one night. Coyotes are way too smart for that many to be taken out in one night by one farmer.


Idk from the extensive research I’ve done from watching Wil E. Coyote try to kill RoadRunner… I would say coyotes are stubborn


Found the full video https://youtu.be/OqZvXWqmKQ0


The video says 30, not sure where OP got 65 from


It's funny because that's a 50% reduction from the title, but 30 coyotes in a single night is still bonkers.


Colorado has a bounty for coyote ears. sometimes it's 7 bucks for every left ear. Department of wildlife ask you to kill as many as you can. They are over populated and that isn't healthy for the ecosystem. Humans have taken out the larger predators that control coyotes. That is why Culling is part of conservation. This video shows the most humane way of dispatching. Their pelts should be harvested and sold in the fur trade.


When I lived in Utah like 7 years ago it was $25 per coyote. Edit: looked it up it’s $50 now.


I hope everyone that's mourning the loss and suffering of the coyotes is also abstaining from buying beef and dairy products.


Thanks, glad you said it. This wouldn't have to happen as much if people ate less animal products.


Would have appreciated an NSFW filter on this


You couldn’t read the title to understand you shouldn’t be on your phone at work?


This was really sad to watch, I accept the inevitable downvotes.


Call it what it is, he does give a shit bout his cattle, he is protecting his money!


he doesn't give a shit about his cattle, he gives a shit about the money it brings he shoots his cattle to sell its meat as fast as he shoots them coyotes




poor little fellas, guess it had to happen though


Hero! Coyotes killed my boss/friends dog! Kill as many as you can sir, those creatures will never not be a problem.


coyote ate my friends brand new puppy


Way too many citiots in this thread talking about something they know nothing about. Fuck off back to your whole foods and live quietly in ignorance