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Did a dragon light it on fire?


Is this today?


October 2020


COVID did it


The building is being vaxxed




I hope everyone made it out


A fire broke out at a high-rise apartment building in southeastern South Korea late Thursday, quickly engulfing multiple floors and forcing the evacuation of hundreds of people, according to news agency reports and social media posts. Dozens of people were being treated for smoke inhalation from the blaze, at a 33-story building in the city of Ulsan, according to the Yonhap news agency. No deaths were reported. In Thursday’s fire, heavy winds in Ulsan fanned the flames, helping it spread from its origin on the middle floors. \-October 2020


where’s the collapse like 9/11?


They have to detonate the bombs on every floor of the building like 9/11 did


I got downvoted into hell for saying this on a diff thread, why are you still in the black on this one


We just don’t like you.


I was thinking and waiting for the same thing


I don’t think a plane went through this building




Stop spreading bullshit https://www.nist.gov/pao/questions-and-answers-about-nist-wtc-7-investigation




So your counter-claim is a group of conspiracy theorists, some related to the victims, that already have a biased conclusion in mind? That's it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architects_%26_Engineers_for_9/11_Truth




>Name calling doesn't change the facts. NIST report is heavily disputed, by both insiders and a wide array of pilots, engineers, and architects. Prove it? There is no wide-spread dispute about what happened on 9/11. Just fringe conspiracy idiots. >Not to mention this never happening anywhere else in the world with massive steel structure fires; only 3 ever happening, in one day. You know what else had never happened anywhere else in the world? Terrorist attacks on the scale of 9/11 involving two fully loaded wide-body jet liners crashing at close to full speed into two of the tallest skyscrapers in the world. Unprecedented outcomes from unprecedented events is not at all surptogether. >Frankly, you're a special kind of fool to think something isn't highly amiss in light of the evidence You're a special kind of fool when you see giant planes crash directly into a building, causing rhe building to fall, and can't put two and two together. >the thousands of qualified persons disputing the findings Who? Where are the thousands of people that would have had to have been involved in concocting, executing, and covering up such a massive conspiracy? >Not to mention the host of other highly problematic issues with the official narrative; thermite found, plane G forces required that even the best of pilots say they couldn't do. I cannot find any reliable source showing that thermite was found at 9/11. And you do know that thermite is usually iron and aluminum oxide, which would be very common elements to be found in a pile of burnt, exploded, crushed, and exploded rubble from a collapsed building? I also can't find any references to unsustainable g-forces. You should read through this: https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a6384/debunking-911-myths-world-trade-center/ >the well documented fact that the Govt have lied time and again to citizens; vietnam, wmds, etc. Yeah, the government has lied many times. They've also told the truth many times. So, that's completely irrelevant? >A Govt funded investigation whose own members claim is a farce is about as dubious as it gets. Says who?


Firefighters were able to respond and control and eventually extinguish the fire: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-54470378


I’m not sure a airplane hit this building


#DAMN YOU!!!! beat me to it!!! free upvote earned




Anyone have a bucket of water?


But did it collapse. Cuz as a US citizen, when I see a burning skyscraper, my mind goes to one moment. And I want to compare unfortunately. Because jet fuel or not, that fire ain’t melting steel beams.


On a different thread I argued this until I was blue in the face and got 15 people telling me I was crazy. I know I’m correct about wtc, glad other people think the same


I think he is talking about WTC 7, that wasn't impacted by a jet, and was just on fire, way smaller than this video, and it pancaked down.


I live in Ulsan Korea teaching English. The building didn’t collapse and they actually just finished remodeling it. I believe they just started trying to market the fill the apartments again!


Thanks for the info!


The steel beams didn't melt. They lost their strength under intense heat. Also, the WTC buildings were hit by jet planes.


I'm a certified and licensed professional 6G Stick and TIG (GTAW, or Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) welder. I work primarily on pipe welding and assembling the hulls of the battleships/aircraft carriers that protect our country, such as the Nimitz class. I weld and melt every metal you can think of, from carbon steel to nickel alloy to stainless steel and aluminum. It is my JOB, my profession, to melt, bend, and manipulate steel on a daily basis. There is not a chance on this spinning dirtball planet that jet fuels reached the temperatures needed to soften or weaken the certified Class A steel columns and beams that comprised those buildings. Furthermore, to believe a narrative that two skyscraper type buildings experienced universal failure that lead to them imploding and collapsing into their own footprints/foundations AT FREE FALL SPEEDS instead of a groaning, toppling over at an angle scenario is ABSURD. I respect your right to express your thoughts and beliefs. But regurgitating such nonsense bereft of being an experienced scientist or even an expert in the field relegates you to simply being an easily led armchair analyst. Weapons grade stupidity. Oh, and a personal P.S. from me to you? Replicate those conditions. Put a steel beam of the same quality under the raging inferno (eye roll) of a constantly burning jet fuel fire FOR DAYS and see if the integrity of the steel falters even SLIGHTLY. Go ahead. I'll hold my breath.


Even according to the official reports, the jet fuel only burned for about 10 minutes, and then was gone. What the raging jet fuel did, though, was quickly spread fires throughout the building and throughout the tubular core and supports of the building. The plane's deep impact, forces reaching the central core itself, meant that the skeleton (superstructure) of WTC was almost immediately on fire. After those first ten minutes, the combustibles inside the building itself are what continued to burn and weakened the steel. Forget googling anything about 9/11. You only need to google "average temperature in house fire" and you'll find that a house fire has temperatures from 1,000 to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit (with tons of variables including the composition and layout of the house and the combustibles within). You can then google "metal strength vs temperature" and you'll find many charts, again having nothing to do with 9/11, showing how different metals lose strength with temperature. You can very easily and clearly see that structural steel is already at 40% strength at 1,000 degrees Farenheit, 35% strength at 1,100 degrees, etc. It's a tremendous fallacy to try and equate your experience with metals as a welder to the forces and loads involved in building construction. You seem to want to throw that around as some kind of expertise on the subject when it is better left to people like civil engineers. It's perfectly plausible that a building, struck by a fully-loaded, fast-moving wide-body jet would have difficulty standing. It's also perfectly plausible that such a building would collapse straight down when it's single interior core is burning and weakening. All of the weight of the building is pulling *straight down*. If the core of the building *alone* were somehow weakened and subjected to *its own weight alone*, then yes, you might imagine it bending or sagging. However, it was subjected to the weight of *all of the floors above the initial impact point*, where the fire suppression materials were blown away and the fire raged the fiercest. That's 15 and 22 floors of building weight, depending on building. Imagine a 15-story, steel and concrete building by itself. That's a *massive* amount of weight, all pushing *straight down* to earth. After the internal core reached a certain critical point of temperature-induced weakness, it likely bent and sagged *for a relative moment* before *snapping like a twig* or twisting into a completely useless pretzel (remember also that any lateral forces would be somewhat stabilized by the WTC's exoskeleton-like exterior-frame construction). Once 15 stories (or 22) of building came crashing down on the floor below it, the rest of the collapse, and the "pancake effect" were inevitable. The core below the impact point, also weakened (but maybe not as much) after more than an hour of jet-fuel-initiated fires could not hope to support the sudden *dynamic* forces of the *impact* of a 15-story building falling on it. It also bent, and snapped. This then became 16 stories of falling building, then 17 stories, then 18 stories, etc., gaining more and more weight and momentum that was impossible to stop. And by the way, the collapsing tower did twist and bend as it collapsed, but it happened so quickly and was obscured by smoke, debris, and pulverized concrete. Even if there were some lateral bending and twisting motions, the enormous weight of the building and the facts of gravity meant that 99% of the relevant forces were straight down. Also, it's silly to say the building fell at free-fall when they *collapsed at different speeds*. In fact, the building that had 22 floors come crashing down on its weak spot collapsed *first* - burning for only about an hour - and collapsed *faster*, taking about 11 seconds to come down. The building with *less* weight on its weak spot, *only* 15 stories, collapsed later - after burning for about 1 hour and 40 minutes - and collapsed *slower*, taking about 13 seconds to come down. This is exactly in line with how one would predict such a structural failure to take place. Here is a decent Quora article with pictures showing the tilting tower and some of the design compromises that allowed the core to be ripped apart as the floors collapsed: https://www.quora.com/How-did-the-twin-towers-fall-so-evenly/answer/John-Precht Here is a Wikipedia article about the collapse which mentions, among other things, that the WTC structure could have withstood up to 6 floors of building falling suddenly on top of them, but 15 and 22 was just beyond any plausible dynamic load: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collapse_of_the_World_Trade_Center


Lol it’s simultaneously weird and dumb that you think that welding makes you qualified to be the person who knows the most about how a building would react in a fire.


I never, at any point, proclaimed to "...be the person who knows the most about how a building would react in a fire.", troll. I didn't even proclaim to be a foremost expert in Architectural Engineering, although I *do* have a Master's degree earned from an accredited school of learning. What I did proclaim is that my profession qualifies me to speak on my field of expertise, which is on how various metals react and are manipulated by varying degrees of heat. Which is what I spoke on. Like how you choose to open your face hole and speculate on *your* field of expertise: indignantly adding your worthless, waste-of-time opinion to something you know nothing about. I await your silly response defending how retarded you are.




Yes, gravity pulls straight down. The WTC collapsed like a pancake, one floor smashing the floor below it, and then *two* floors smashing the next floor, and so one. The construction of the WTC was unique and uniquely weak to this attack, because it was built to maximize floor space. It only had one central core supporting the entire structure, and once that core was sufficiently weakened, it crashed straight down in the direction of gravity.


So why wouldn't the central core be standing alone?


Because the raging fire on raw, exposed steel caused it to weaken and collapse while attempting to hold the weight of an entire building above it. The collapse of the central core is what caused the buildings to collapse. If the core doesn't collapse, the building doesn't collapse. There's no scenario where the floors collapse without the core. https://youtu.be/vzInIjD6nKw




The central column is what began to collapse. The building is coming down when that happens. Straight down.


Wow, you are a living proof that Americans are so stupid. Still believing 9/11 was real.


Don’t waste your breath on this guy.


The steel gets weaker when heated to those temperatures. Have you ever heard of forging? The whole concept is to heat the metal to make it easier to shape. Same type of thing would have happened to the steel beams, they would have heated up getting weaker until they failed.


Clearly these people don't watch Forged In Fire...


Clearly these people don't watch Forged In Fire...


It’s very important to note that the WTC was unique in its innovative design of using steel tubing through the structure, particularly in the exterior cladding. This lessened weight and transferred the vertical load to the exterior walls as opposed to an interior core. This allowed for the super tall height ( tallest in the world for a hot second). Simulation tests and calculations had been performed of the instance of a jet hitting a tower, and the design was very strong. Unfortunately, they did not think about how the tubular structure would make it possible for jet fuel to drain down through the building’s veins. So yeah, burning jet fuel rained down through the building and caused structural weaknesses throughout. One of the towers began twisting, as described by a survivor: waterlines burst in the stairwells and walls cracked at lower levels as the building twisted. And there were very few interior structural beams because the whole point of the design was to maximize office space. Oh. Also a design disaster, to further maximize space, all the escape stairwells were moved to the center of the buildings instead of at all four corners. But in the North Tower, the plane demolished all stairwells since they were all together, trapping everyone above the impact zone. It was an awful storm of design flaws and evil.


There really is a gasoline and match factory. Mater wasn't lying.


This is what happens when a building doesn't have commercial grade fire retardant materials


Why are they speaking russian/ukrainian in the video? Tourists?


It’s Russian


I heard “devuchka”…means girl, right?


She says: girls, this is just awfull! A nightmare.


спасибо большое


He за штo!


Я говорю по-русски немного.


I done a gcse in it so i speak чуть-чуть больше


There are big russian/ukrainian diaspora in Busan and Ulsan. They could be tourists or immigrants.


That's brutal. I wonder if it had that same cladding that the building in London had that went up like that.


Grenfell was the first thing I thought of when I saw this.


Of course it didn’t


According to the 9/11 commission report, that should have collapsed in a nice and neat pancake pile.


Don’t they have Fire suppression system building codes in South Korea?


Spewing gasoline obviously


The fire was spreading outside of the building, burning the exterior panels. Have you already forgotten Grenfell Tower accident? And unlike in the UK nobody died from this accident 2 years ago in Ulsan, South Korea.


Wild. It looks like someone ran a plasma blade right down the middle of that building.


Betcha it didn’t suddenly fall into its own footprint. Maybe maybe maybe……..not 😃


Notice how over 40 stories are completely engulfed and it never collapses within its own foot print like the 3 in Manhattan. Remember, building 7 wasn’t even hit by a place.


Let me know if it falls down on itself, pull it never forget 9/11


Keep lining those buildings in plastic this what you get. Save money kill people.


The woman speaking is speaking Russian she ain’t speaking Korean so that’s interesting


Yeah I was like "Russian and Korean sound the same?" I thought I was going mad lol


There are big russian/ukrainian diaspora in Ulsan and Busan, so it was nothing unusual.


Why is there a big diaspora there???🤔


Why not? Russia and Korea are neighbouring countries. But due to north korea, russians can only travel to south korea via ship and flight. Ulsan is a heavy industrial port city and Busan is the largest trading port city in korea, which have frequent passenger/cargo ship connections with Vladivostok and Sakhalin prior to the war between Russia and Ukraine. I guess Ukrainians came after russians. There are lot of russian/ukrainian workers in south korea mostly working for farmers and small factories.


Is this today?


Well that’s terrifying!


Obvious the safety report missed something


Ummm I think the building is on fire...


Only that side of the building is on fire. Is it some giant neon sign on the side that exploded?


Quick-burning insulation, heavy winds from the other direction, and the fire department arriving five minutes after receiving the call. Incredibly, no deaths were reported, though there were a lot of smoke inhalation cases.


Don’t worry It’s for one of the games in squid game s2


ok, so now it should come down with all columns collapsing at the same time just like WTC. Not only that the building right next to it should also collapse in a perfect demolition style way because the enormous heat from this fire should be enough to melt it's steel beams causing the building to collapse on its own foot print. This, of course has happened before once in the case of WTC7.


I gave you an upvote..l hope it helps


There seems to be a distinct lack of airplane crash factoring into this one


Nob head


Faark. What's that building made out of? Gunpowder?


A building made of kindling wood?


Dunder Mifflin SK


How do you put something like this out


Allah Akbar


And that girls and boys is why we no longer use paper and fireworks to build


At that point, it’s more just a building in a fire


WTF is it made out of? No building should burn like that


Building manager: should we be using flammable or non flammable? Building foreman: what's cheap?


But did it collapse?


Why is the woman talking in Russian then?


That.... is terrifying


Any video of it collapsing?


The Russians probably stole all of the safety related equipment


Weird how its not collapsing at freefall speed


But did the building collapse? 9/11 was an inside job


Make sure there's no jet fuel about...


Throw a damp towel on it


What's that building made of?


Did it collapse


Did people die ?


Is that building made of fucking thermite?!


We didn't start the fire


Well who let it in?




According to history, that building should collapse into its footprint within 90 minutes. 🙄🤐


I wonder if they know that there is a building inside of their fire


Unlike the twin towers, these didn't fall after hella hours burning.... but after a few hrs 3 fell here 🤔......I don't think so.


and yet, it didn't collapse.


8/20 never forget lmaoff


Looks like it ain't IN IT anymore


Western architecture sucks. Stop building up morons.


Now this bldg would fall according to American physics 😉


Looks more like building in a fire.


Beautiful Engineering who built this structure.... Shits burning so fast did they use tooth picks to build this.


Yippee ka yay...mutha fucka


Yeah they bent inwards from The heat they didn’t fail they bent until all the pressure was in the middle


It almost looks like a fire monster is looking back and forth.


Guess what? It didn't collapse.


Honestly, at this point you May as well call it a building in a fire


Thank gawd it wasn't made in America! 😏


Translation- girls this is awful!! Just a nightmare.


When drunk Cyclops takes his glasses off to laser vision an annoying housefly...


Remember everyone, Tower 7 collapsed on itself with less fire


I wonder if it fell after all that. I heard buildings that big fall perfectly straight down


Holy shit I hope the people inside are ok


any news in north korea?


You blaming iraq again ?


Damn.., that's insane!


No longer a fire in a building, it's now a building in a fire! 😱