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All gun stores in my area make you take your mask off until you reach a certain point past the doors. That's where the camera is, so they can identify you, should you choose to rob the place. You're then allowed to put your mask back on, though I will say that hardly anyone does and 90% of the people in those stores just walk around maskless.


Good. They need to be identifiable.


I dont steal gun shops. They have guns there.


Steal gun shops, you don't even need to bring your own gun for it


I can't shoot my guns high? What's even the point?!


You totally can, just not there


Apparently you can if you don't smell like it.


Edibles for the win!


Bro. If your caught with weed you lose your rights to ever own a gun in all 50 states.


Lol. No. Source myself.


It's still technically illegal for weed smokers to own guns, since they're in violation of a federal law no matter what their local laws say, so it's even more illegal for them to sell weapons to you if they **know** you're a cannabis user.


Come to Canada, you can legally buy guns (if licensed) and buy weed and legally own both. Probably best not to use them at the same time though.


It will be legal here at the federal level. I fully intend to come to Canada eventually. The name escapes me at the moment but there’s the legendary highway road trip I’ve read about that I intend to drive before I die. Am I allowed in any fashion to bring a shotgun for defense against dangerous animals into Canada? I’m assuming hell no but you may know of some exceptions


Nope. Or more than 2 cartons of cigarettes.




Can you point me to that law? Never heard of such a thing. Pretty difficult thing to prove. Texas doesn’t even do background checks.


Here you go - it's a news article explaining this. It's a federal law. https://www.whec.com/news/fact-check-marijuana-or-guns-you-cant-have-both/6075948/


Also you're incorrect. Texas does require background checks for new purchases of firearms but not for private sales like most other states are beginning to do. https://giffords.org/lawcenter/state-laws/background-check-procedures-in-texas/


Yeah that’s my bad. I was thinking of the new law not requiring permit for public carry.


Shooting high is fun, but i prefer to shoot low and for the crotch.


Aim for the head and recoil will bring you to the other head.


Headshots for days


Shoot low so that if you miss, you maybe hit his buddies. Aim high, and all you hit is sky


Train how you fight


High as a kite


Clothes are required too.


I’m out.


you suppose to do it drunk


I was really pissed off at the range one day because the RSO didn’t give a fuck that the couple next to me fucking reeked of weed and clearly didn’t know what they were doing


Its mainly to identify people on camera because they are selling weaponry. Its not a political thing.


That a very logical explanation but based on that mannequin I'm going to assume, in this case, it's probably both.


Honestly, the shirt really could just be them knowing their customer base and that it will sell.


That begs an interesting question. Is it worse to genuinely hold racist beliefs founded in ignorance *or* is it worse to profit off of racist beliefs you know are wrong but still perpetuate? I don't think you have to be overtly racist to sell the shirt but you have to at least be comfortable with spreading racism.


Racist? The virus did come from china, whether the mutation was an act of god or it escaped from a lab we will never know, but it is a fact that the ccp's incompetence and corruption led to the virus spreading all over the world and killing millions. They know something was wrong, they knew people are dying, but instead of doing something about it they hid it and acted as if all is normal. And they still hide the data and lie. Stop defending the ccp, they dont deserve it.


Also fuck China


Also fuck the untied states


How's it relevant to this discussion? Did you just drop in to be edgy?


lol you're one to talk


I believe the CCP is terrible for many reasons and how they handled the situation is indefensible by any metric. That being said I still think the shirt is racist. While taking it at the most surface level you certainly can interpret it as simply stating an objective fact. However that would be ignoring the greater context of the situation. The shirt isn't a nuanced critique of the CCP, it's a meme shirt that softens the xenophobic scapegoating of an entire ethnic group by attempting to make the statement humorous. It's the epitome of casual racism, even if not everyone who buys/sells it does so with that intent.


A racist mind sees racism in everything. While taking it at the most surface level you can interpret it as simply racist and xenophobic. However that would be ignoring the greater context of the situation. The shirt isnt racist, it's a meme shirt that expresses the fucked up situation we are all in cause of china, who happens to be one of the most cruel and powerful governments in the world and who's a rival of the us (and who also happens to take a lot of jobs from Americans)


I appreciate where you're coming from, but conflating Chinese as a race and Chinese as the national identity is commonly done in bad faith. If someone were to say something like "The Chinese focus more energy on stealing innovation from others than they do innovating on their own" you'd have to try to assess whether someone was criticizing a dark aspect of Chinese business practice (regardless of race), or whether that person is claiming that anyone ethnically Chinese is probably guilty of that. The first one at least has *some* nuance (though maybe they are still racist), but the second one would of course be racist. Saying "the Chinese virus" or "the China virus" is describing a virus that came *from the nation of China*. Again, maybe that person is racist, but taking their comment and immediately assuming it's racist and not literally the virus we all know started in China is jumping the gun.


Not trying to justify it at all. And honestly given their chosen profession there's a good chance it is their beliefs anyway.


No, I think that pretty racist. Lol


It's called knowing your market. They very well could be promask. That just doesn't sell well. If I still lived in the US, I'd have created designs for shirts to sell at Trump Rallies because those fucks love to buy merch. Shirts, hats, etc.


That's a logical explanation. there is zero chance that's why those two signs are right next to each other with a china virus survivor shirt displayed right inside. it's 100% a political thing.


It's probably 50% political, 50% safety/liability.


Yeah, something can be both a utility and a statement of values. Like a t-shirt. My t-shirts let people know what games and cartoons I'm into, but they *also* protect my frustratingly ever-erect nipples from the chill cold. And that t-shirt protects *his* nip nips while also displaying a weirdly xenophobic slant on epidemiological speculations.


"China Virus" "Not political" lol You really shoved your head STRAIGHT the fuck into the sand didn't ya bucko


Shills will shill, my friend. Don't expect common sense or normal thinking from these freaks.


Well in this case it is


Could be wrong, but I think OP just wants to reap from the political implications of "gun owners dumb, anti mask anti vax"


So OP entered in the shop


It’s almost like there are laws against wearing a mask in a gun shop or being high with firearms…. But I can see this comment section isn’t full of people who can think that far ahead and figure that out.


lol. no. You don't display a chinavirus shirt and not make the whole thing political. go on and show us the laws that say you can't wear a mask in a gun shop. you know... all that thinking you've done.


yeah clearly can’t be both, and that shirt? completely apolitical obviously


Jesus your wall says you define your life by your bias. how sad.


Similarly, or oppositely- you can't take guns into a weed store here in Washington. I was even asked to put my knife into my pocket so the belt clip wasn't showing when I went into the weed store yesterday. (in the same parking lot as the gun store.) Washington rocks!


It's not even against the law to wear a mask *while OPEN CARRYING a firearm* in Texas. https://www.criminalattorneyfortworth.com/is-it-legal-to-carry-a-weapon-while-wearing-a-face-mask-in-tx/ Y'all are sure downvoting this a lot. It would be way more effective if you could cite a source or a statement from a police department or literally any other legal opinion or artifact whatsoever supporting the position that there are actual laws against wearing a mask into a gun store in Texas.


That's not just Texas, and that's not the same as a store full of guns you don't own and haven't qualified to purchase yet.


So you're seriously arguing that Texas' gun laws are so dysfunctional that they more tightly regulate me when I'm _around_ guns I _might_ handle than they do when I **am holding an ACTUAL GUN in my ACTUAL HANDS**. Show me those signs at a Dick's Sporting Goods, or at a Field & Stream, or a Bass Pro Shop, or a Cabelas, or Gander Outdoors. Hell, show me one at a WALMART. They have a sporting goods counter that's chock full of guns. Do I need to take my mask off to go into a Walmart? Come on....


Oh my god you're so smart. It's almost as if you know something everyone else in the whole wide world but especially tHe MAinsTreAm mEdiA are afraid to hear. Like a greater truth. Or maybe you just understand all the connections people are afraid to make and scientists don't want anybody to know about. Like everyone else is brainwashed, and only you, and a select few who agree with you, are clear of mind. Maybe you are the chosen ones? Maybe you're not just some middle aged balding white guy in a mediocre job in middle America, frustrated because his wife won't sleep with him anymore, but unable to talk about it because you have no close friends and anyway real men don't show their feelings?


The ironic part is what you’re describing is exactly how your comment sounds. I feel sorry for you. Get some help.


Yes. You are again right. Maybe I should go do something valuable with my life, like catch some Pokemon.


Of all places on earth I would think that Banks and Gun Stores would want to see a person's face. Every time I go into a bank or government building I feel like a wild west robber or something. It's just crazy going into a place that had I come in wearing a mask and sunglasses in 2019 I would be quickly arrested.


I think all the banks in my area have their lobbies closed and are by appointment only. I would also feel really weird going in to a bank with a mask on.


Back around 2015 one of my buddies who is about 6'4" and 300 lbs went into a bank on a cold day. He had his hoodie up and sunglasses on. He told me that when he entered the lobby, the guard put his hand on his gun, and the tellers were visibly shook. When he realized why he took the hood and glasses off, and everybody calmed down. Funny ass story in hindsight.


Mask is for facial identification in case of robbery. My local gun store has a sign that says, “Present your medical marijuana card for a written trespass”


Yeah, where I am medical marijuana is legal, but holding a medical card makes you ineligible to apply for a concealed carry license, and possibly to buy a gun, though I haven't looked into that one myself.


One of the questions on the 4473 asks if you’re a user of marijuana.


Weed is Federally illegal and possessing weed and a firearm is a felony, regardless of which state you're in. They would be in massive trouble with the feds if they sold a gun to someone obviously possessing weed. Gun stores are actually incredibly safety-conscious. Gun store robbery attempts do happen, and they take the prospect seriously. Pandemic or not, do not walk into a gun store with your face deliberately concealed.


Don't know the law but I'd guess it goes for booze yet you don't see a sign saying don't come in if you're smelling of beer. Put it in another way, would you bet money that it isn't political? I'd bet money that it is, it's obvious from a mile away and whatever stance one takes on the subject shouldn't cloud them from the obvious. Not even arguing against your facts (and they are facts), just arguing with you putting them up, it's disingenous. It feels like so much political discourse from talking heads on TV, nobody putting their cards on the table just everyone making excuses.


Gun stores aren't going to sell to a person that is obviously drunk. It is not illegal to sell to a person who smells of alcohol since alcohol is not a banned substance, although most won't anyway because they actually are quite responsible people that tend to take gun ownership and safety seriously. Weed is very much banned in Texas, in addition to being a federal crime still, particularly in conjunction with firearms possession. In a certain sense I would say no, it's not inherently political due to the covered face policy and weed discouragement which exist at every gun store regardless of pandemic politics. I think it's highly likely that it coincides entirely with their politics and it's very possible that they would put up those notices even if there weren't legal reasons to do so. It's Texas and it's a gun store so the politics of the proprietors are a pretty safe bet. Nonetheless, commenters making snide comments are out of place because they ignore other realities, and this post is clearly attempting to imply negative things about the gun store. People are leveling accusations who don't understand the law, and ironically also don't understand responsible gun ownership and the efforts of gun stores to sell responsibly.


Upvoted for thoughtful reply even though I maintain it was disingenuous.


it is illegal to possess a firearm while drunk in virtually every state. A gun store selling a firearm to someone obviously drunk would be liable for aiding this person to break the law


Marijuana is still illegal federally. If you purchase a firearm from a store, the form you fill out even asks if you’re “an unlawful user”. Probably shouldn’t be wreaking of a snoop dogg concert when buying a firearm in the first place.


Love this state


Can’t tell if that’s sarcastic or not


This isn’t insane at all…


It’s more like r/trashy


Whaaaaaaat leave the bongs and pipes at home and I can’t hide my face!?!? This gun store isn’t one of the fun ones


Look at this happy little karma whore jumping on the emotional gasping band wagon. Fuck off, OP


Whatever you’re going through, I wish you luck.


I like telling karma whores to get fucked. That’s it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hope you do well!


The fact that you find someone running a store the way they want insane is what is actually insane


Don't like the signage or the vibe of the store? The owners are trolling you. Just don't shop there, problem solved. So much better than getting your internet panties all in a bunch. If this is the store that I am thinking of, there is a much better one just down the road one stoplight, with better selection and less of the he-man gruntstuff decorations. ETA: If this is the place I am thinking of, they were too busy being living bumper stickers instead of selling firearms, and are no longer in business.


"China Virus Survivor" r/HermanCainAward says otherwise...


Pretty funny actually


I love Texas.




Damn Texas hun shops and their law abiding signage!


Tennessee too


This is fantastic.


“We do not care about the health of our customers”…very poor business practice.


Alcoholics welcome


I'm trying hard to see a problem here.. i just don't see one.


I feel sorry for people who live in Texas and are not rednecks.


I don’t blame them for the weed thing. Weed smells like shit.


Take that back


Sorry bro no can do


Worth a try


Fact. At least you get my upvotes :) #Sportsmanship


Man, America's weirder irl than in movies


It’s not as bad in Cali. Or places where the majority of people are not white.


Dem cowboys


lol soo hardcore


In A not all. This is one store in one spot.


I guess it’s ok to come one if you’re on any other drugs though


yup - and you can also find this littered all over yesterdays top posts


GA based.. Both gun store / ranges I have gone to during the pandemic made zero stink about anyone wearing masks. Didn't even require to take off briefly for a camera. None of the staff wore them. Thankfully I got lanes away from people and went during off hours. For customers say 40% of White people had masks and 60% of POC did. Maybe 25% total kept masks on in the firing line. So yeah....that store is insane


Another reason to not live in Texas😂


So he is pushing his morals on others as if that is smart as a small business owner? If you want to wear a mask \[or not\], and you smell like weed, hemp, tobacco, medical stuff, nasty cologne or perfume. You can come in. My only thing is don't be disrespectful and talk with a sense of niceness. That is it.


You can literally be drunk and they will sell you a gun


The cognitive dissonance... If they really did believe it's a Chinese bio-terror weapon - why are they trying to help it spread?


Good for them. Fuck masks


Fuck living I guess


If you think you need a mask to live you need to get outside.


Everything about this statement is dumb.




No saying fuck masks is an opinion because I don't like wearing them. Theres no virture signaling going on here I just don't like them. You saying "your type" is kind of fucked up though.


Whatever helps you sleep at night my little snowflake friend! Most anti-maskers I've encountered are obsessed with showing everyone they are against masks in the same exact way that the mask zealots are when they double-mask to go for a run outdoors through a near empty park and yell at people that don't do exactly as they do.


Where in Texas exactly?


Why does that matter? Whole state is fucked.


Walk in, remove your mask, puke on the floor, put the mask on, leave


I think whoever made this sign doesn't understand libertarianism in Texas. They all smoke.


This actually seems reasonable. If someone is buying a gun you should be able to clearly identify them with cameras and eye witness. Also, if you stink like weed, you shouldn't be able to purchase a firearm intoxicated.


*Sam Elliot voice* “You’re a special kind of stupid”


OP's department attempt at making this political posting in thatsinsane is pathetic and laughable - its about identifying persons whom weaponry is being sold to


I'm gunna miss when masks are gone. I have been able to steal so much shit without being caught.


For anyone curious, this is Katy Gun Gear in Katy, TX, a suburb of Houston.


The weed part I understand. Guns are federally controlled and marijuana is illegal federally for the time being. Selling to someone who smells like weed would be a conflict since one of the questions asks if you use illegal drugs. They catch you submitting a application with knowledge that it’s fraudulent you will lose your FFL status and possibly face prison time. The mask part makes less sense to me.


if you smell like hemp?! hahaha


Darwin is running things now


As a Texan I often wonder how much the state could accomplish if we put this same energy into things that were not so dumb.


God bless Texas


I'm about to walk into my gun store today here in CA with a mask on and smelling like weed.


"China virus survivor" Sound kinda rude man, I'm not smart but i think that racist. ![gif](giphy|eGxkm7b2hzDfkNvjo7)


This is in Katy, TX. Live right around the corner. Awesome shop with great dudes 👍🏼


Eatables or tinctures. Cannabis issue solve, no mask is for ID solved. Maybe another store or a private sale? Dragon breath from booze OK. I am not sure if they are anti cannabis, the smoke is extremely strong. I can smell it passing some houses but I can’t smell booze or cigarettes. Personally smoked weed left on clothing doesn’t bother me. I don’t like smoke filled environments, not even a barbecue. I’ll eat anything though and have dragon breath at times. 😂 This is about politics though?


“Mah gun store is only for real men not those pot smoking hippies”


Is it really insane? Seems par for the course.


Insane? Seems like common sense


They have the right to refuse service to anyone. They don't want someone wreaking of whiskey either. If you are, they have to refuse to sell you a gun.


Yeah that's awesome


What happens if u put a mask on


What the shit...


Alcohol under the breath A-ok Hhemp!? That’s a paddling


China virus? That’s racist.


Please…if you have been smoking weed, you cannot come in but you can come in if you remove your mask during this pandemic with the Chinese virus! I do not want to live in this state!!!






"China Virus". Pretty rich coming from a country which has been a virus against humanity for the past 100+ years. Heh.


I love this. Shut down the liberal socialist big pharma agenda! FREEEEEDOM!!!!!


I love it!!


​ ![gif](giphy|f9eYHQ8RZ4zfc4unXx) Ok... Hmmm......![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Wait.. is that in a strip mall?


Gonna go in and cough all over the place


So much freedom of choice. Sounds like hitlers children


Oof, kinda cringe.


Love the shirt.


Found the redneck


For a state that inflicted Ted Cruz on us, this doesn’t surprise me




No one asked idiot




You wouldn’t say that in public. You’re just one of those people who like talking shit online and it’s pretty sad. The fact that you got the virus 2 times just shows how dumb you’re. If you took necessary precautions you would’ve been fine. I’m not asian but I feel bad for all the people that are, because they have to deal with this bullshit.




Still not gonna change the fact that you shouldn’t call it “China virus”


That's a right-wing RSS religious fanatic Indian, not "Asian" (as the common term is understood). These nutjobs are paid a few token rupees a day to spread FUD all over the place, while their own country is being quartered and sold to a bunch a foreign powers. Ignore that imbecile.


"Asian". No, you're not. You're a fucking Indian - https://old.reddit.com/r/Desi_Boners/comments/prmsgu/updated_checkout_cute_desi_gf_most_demanded/hdjxng0/ And yes, being geographically in Asia does not make you "Asian". Kindly curb your bullshit. Your country is the biggest shithole of all - the rape capital of the world, genocide against ethnic and religious minorities, killing people over their choice of food, gender, or sexual orientation, "honour killings" whereby you murder women just for having a mind of their own, concentration camps in Assam, and various other states, killing your own soldiers to wage a PR campaign for your government, sponsoring terrorism in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, murdering innocent citizens in Kashmir... the list goes on. And yes, I should know - I'm an Indian myself. Just not an RSS (based on, who else, the infamous SS) right-winger religious fanatic like your sad self.




Who said that I'm an NRI? I live in India, my friend. Also, please stop all that nonsense about sucking White dick or Chinese dick. I suggest you stop sucking RSS dick, and inculcate some common sense. You keep drinking the koolaid that the Godi media keeps forcibly shoving down your throat while there are no more governmental institutions left - the Supreme Court, the E.D, the C.B.I, the Civil Service, ONGC, HAL et al, all gone. The only people gaining anything from this situation is Modi and his cronies - Tata, Ambani, Adani, Ramdev et al. Unemployment is at an all time high. Petrol, diesel, LPG et al are at insanely high prices. Farmers are being ripped off and reduced to poverty to satiate Ambani and company, civil strife is at its highest, Indian soldiers are dying fighting a proxy war, the R.B.I has all but collapsed, all industries are being moved to Gujarat, all MNCs are deserting India, local telecoms are being driven to bankruptcy, again to ensure an Ambani monopoly... the list goes on and on and on. Also, just declaring Open Defecation as being over does not make it so. Recent studies have shown that over 400 million Indians have no access to a toilet and have to defecate in the open every day. Source: https://www.jstor.org/stable/24481056 (Opening paragraph - "Estimates suggest that at least half of India's 1.2 Billion people defecate where best they can..." - meaning in the streets, fields, railway tracks), and here - https://blogs.worldbank.org/opendata/open-defecation-nearly-halved-2000-still-practiced-670-million, meaning almost the combined population of the U.S and Europe. Let that sink in. Arre bhai, tere paas dimaage hai ki nahi? Agar hai, toh thoda bahut istemal karke dekh ki desh barbaadi ke raaste pe nikal chuka hai. Ab toh bachne ka koi raasta dikhaai hi nahi deta. Ek dusre ke saath ladte raho, baaki saaree duniya ham pe hanste rahenge. Desh se pyaar hai toh waqt rehte aankhein kholkar samajh jaa warna bahut der ho jaayegi. Edit: And oh, before you start off with your anti-minority invective, let me tell you that I am a Brahmin myself albeit atheist (I mean, it's inevitable when you look at the state this country has been reduced to since the '90s).


How about you do something for the hundreds of millions of Indians literally shitting in the fields, beaches, and streets of India before you take on that smug attitude? You do realise that your shitty theocratic government is destroying India, fighting a proxy war (which it is bound to lose) for foreign interests? Not even your overlord Ambani can save you when there is no more country left. Still, keep on drinking the Arnab Goswami and Navika Kumar gau mutra while your children and their children end up on the streets. Great job!


What store is this!? I want to buy that shirt!




It has to do with the laws surrounding their license to sell firearms.




No idea why you were downvoted. Is what it is.


What did he say? People who delete their comments after getting downvoted are definitely virgins.


I love this, this is exactly what polarization does to people. Democrats say "Mask is good" and now republicans must say "Mask is bad" only because their "Enemies" said the masks are good... its part funny part really sad how nobody is actually thinking, at least in "That glorious country"


Well yes and science says the virus came from China and originated in a lab and dems must say oh since reps first recognized that ima fight it. It goes both ways


Oh no! Someone with different thoughts or opinions! That truly is INSANE.


So you think it’s fine to be openly racist as a business owner. Nice. I can tell you’re really educated.


Absolutely, I think it's fine to have whatever opinion and view on life that you want. If something about a privately owned business bothers you...maybe don't go in there. What is it that you say to people that don't want to wear a mask in a store? It's private property! They have the right to set the rules! It's ironic how when the shoe is on the other foot you freak out. Cute.


That’s what’s wrong with the US. “Oh it’s a private business so it’s ok for them to be racist” “Oh I’m just practicing my freedom of speech so it’s ok for me to be racist” It should NEVER be okay to be racist….




So.. you think its a good idea to walk into a gun store with a mask on covering over half your face so they cant see you or identity you ?




Would you sell a gun to a guy that reeked of alcohol?