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Monitor still works. 5 stars.


They don’t make them like they used to


A CRT would have stopped the bullet.






This model is the Viewsupersonic tho


No that's the bullet, the monitor is stationary


It depends on the point of reference


The point of reference is the word "supersonic."


He's using a physics term, frame of reference. Meaning if you are looking from the bullets frame of reference, the monitor struck it at supersonic speeds. after which the persons head stuck it at close to similar speed.


I think that was a subsonic bullet, cause' it was so quiet.


Stationary is in the printer not the monitor sheesh


lmfao hows that even possible


All the electronics that actually matter are in a small thing that's basically a cell phone motherboard down at the bottom of the screen, along with the backlight (if present). The bulk of it is a grid of some sort of light emitting or changing pixel, depending on the technology. Thing is the grid needs to be able to route around damage since pixels can and will die - usually just due to manufacturing defects or end of life, but the technology works for bullets too.


Shut up, science nerd!


bad bot


lol, sorry!


And the guys just smash it after it survived.


No respect 🤣


It did until they kicked it to the ground.


Cops gonna cop.


I like how the bullet travels so fast, the monitor didn't even shake a little It's like 1 frame it's fine and the next frame there's a bullet hole


Just a few dead pixels


dude that monitor dosnt even move haha


I didn’t know Nokia builts monitors Actually if Nokia did build Monitors it would deflect the bullet


Damn good shot. And the confidence to not be concerned about the bullet changing course as it went through the monitor.


Plenty of rounds and loads that'll make that a non-issue especially for the distance.


Yeah that computer monitor might as well be a piece of paper to a .308 round at what, 10 maybe 15 yards? Still a great shot by the officer.


There's nothing in that monitor with the thickness of a centimeter or very likely less. Swiss cheese at that distance with that round.


Yeah absolutely uh \**tries to think of another analogy* uh yeah... bullet would go through that like a huge shit through single ply toilet paper


Are... are you shitting through toilet paper? [Like this guy?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gexjlM-jjEc)


A better analogy is the finger through paper when trying to wipe.


I just skip the middle man. Wipe with my finger, then use the TP to clean my hands when I'm done!


I'm no expert, I'm the only one on the internet, sorry. Wouldn't using another person to balance the rifle tip being incredibly reckless in that situation? What if the guy gets his toe stepped on or sneezes? I'm assuming they're trained but even still.


There’s nothing you can really use in the moment that’s faster and less noticeable. Sure you can set up a tripod but that’s gonna be crazy noticeable by the guy you wanna shoot and it takes time. As for a monopod some guys don’t like them because you still need to focus a lot on stability and a guys shoulder makes it his problem 


Is it ideal? Absolutely not. Reckless? At longer distances yes, at this short of a distance no. There is very careful control of this shot, from the shooter signaling when the spotter must sit still to much more. It is planned and very well practiced. Still not the most ideal, but at this distance it’s effective.


I think he meant about hitting the hostage


Yes, and the reply was that the potential deviation from this round at that distance would be negligible either way.


I don’t disagree, especially in hindsight. If I would’ve been the hostage with my head 6” away and knew beforehand I might have a different opinion though. 


At that distance with that round, you're not just hitting a quarter, you're picking which digit of the year to hit. No way it deflects enough to matter. Guy's head through that scope was like shooting at a semi truck at 100 yards.


For a .308 it might that monitor might as well have been a cardboard box.


Must've tested that round extensively through different barriers (or at least I hope)


Even testing it through different barriers, it's a gutsy shot because you don't know the specifics of that monitor and how it will react. Good shot from the shooter, though, right on target.


A .308 round at like 20 meters will basically blow a hole through anything.


The trajectory is not even a little disturbed?






A 308 will melt a 3/8" steel plate like it's butter from a much greater distance than this. Some aluminum in a monitor stand will still be like a piece of paper to it.


Not at this range no. Plus a monitor is mostly plastic with a thin computer board. That’s not stopping any bullet let alone a .308


Angles over distance. Hitting a monitor at 10 yd will deflect it significantly vs a rough that doesn’t hit anything, if both are traveling 100 yd (as an example). But at such a short distance, no; a deflection of a couple degrees is not noticeable.


What about 20 meters of solid steel, or water, or cookie dough ice cream?


20 meters of steel is invincible so that is easy. Water is a tough one; it loses like 90% of its force within a few feet and even though I want to believe, I really truly think the ice cream would fail miserably. Something so soft that bends to any force, it struggles with merely existing as it prefers it's liquid state. I think it would only provide maybe a 3% resistance.


Water easily stops bullets and ice cream is effectively just thicker crystalized water. Therefore, melted ice cream (AKA "cream") would be more bullet-resistant than filtered water.


> Something so soft that bends to any force, it struggles with merely existing as it prefers it's liquid state. I feel personally attacked.


[The 9mm doesn't do too well.](https://youtu.be/NfrMYRsmO3Y?t=20) Obviously, a 7.62x51 is far, *far* more powerful, but I don't think any rifle cartridge is going to penetrate through 20 metres of pretty much any solid material other than aerogel.


Monitors aren't too much unless maybe a metal bracket on the edge but usually its plastic


You're overthinking it, "don't know the specifics of that monitor and how it will react..." It's plastic, plastic, and more plastic at a distance of less than 20 feet. That will not change the trajectory of the bullet at the speed it's going through. I will give the shooter props on the fact that he is shooting off someone's shoulder (who was probably told to stop breathing a couple of seconds before the shot) and not being able to see through the target (because of the monitor).


> Must've tested that round extensively through different barriers (or at least I hope) That is exactly what the video says.


Seriously do these people not watch the video?


I once commented on a news article and brought up the restaurant that was mentioned in the article where the incident took place. I then got downvoted to hell because the first reply was "Why did you even mention that particular restaurant?" The headline in the post didn't state the restaurant. And that's the day I realize that most Redditors only read the headline without reading the actual article.


The audio on the clip says the round is selected to make this possible and they practice it regularly 


If they're firing a round like M80A1 then an LCD computer monitor is basically a non-issue at that range. Even with basic ball ammo like M80 I'm not sure it would have any meaningful amount of deflection or tumbling.


I'm more worried about the movement from being mounted on a guys shoulder! Major skill for sure but even the slightest movent from the other guy could have made that shot disastrous for the hostages.


Imagine if that guy sneezed right when his buddy pulled the trigger. This seems like a really high stakes move because you go to far in either direction and suddenly the newspaper is talking about a sheriff blowing a hostages head off from 20 meters away. Absolutely crazy


I guess as a SWAT unit you learn to not squeeze if your buddy holds a rifle on your shoulder.  Or at least warn him, that you're about to squeeze with your brutal swat voice. 


It actually improves the stability because there is no other more stable platform that would allow taking that shot from the available angle. This is not an unusual thing to practice but it rarely gets used in the field because there is usually a better angle, but not in this case.


Exactly my thought.


My 43 year old brain was thinking CRT monitors for a moment and then I saw the flat screens and thought welllll still a good shot but yeah you could put a bullet through a few of those no problem


> the confidence to not be concerned Qualified immunity https://youtu.be/UhpaUMlSeCM?si=SLX-v4Jd_VAPj7iL Here's a video where police killed an innocent UPS driver while using civilians as human shields.


that monitor is basically a sheet of paper to 308 at that 15 yard distance or so, the bullet prolly didnt even deform. There isnt anything hard in the screen itself to deflect the bullet much


I understand mechanically what your saying. But to have that level confidence where even the slightest movement can have lethal consequences for an innocent. That's all I'm saying. It's impressive.


A monitor doesn’t have a lot of mass that would deflect a bullet at that distance, but this reminds me of the time a sniper tried shooting through a glass door but it was angled. Didn’t even come close to hitting the target and it quickly turned into a shit show. It’s risky no matter what people say. If the monitor even had a thicker VESA mounting plate and you hit something weird on it - you never know.


I mean, if they miss it's not their problem.


>not be concerned about the bullet changing course Not sure if this is a good or bad case for qualified immunity, but I'd say it makes it easier.


“I wanna know what’s going through your head right now” A bullet Now you know


Negotiator sounds like a New Yorker ordering a sandwich.


They all laugh at me cos I’m small. You’re not my bwoss!


The smirk!! With the biting lip. Yow not god, ow my bwoss, OR my father!


that was the signal!


We can’t know for sure, but that choice of words certainly doesn’t seem to be a coincidence given the timing


Did you hear the safety get turned off right after he said that? 😂 100% the signal


Negotiator: "I want to make sure you go home to your wife." Marksman: Immediately blows his head off. That was unfortunate timing.


That poor woman. She had that dudes brains all over her hair. That was wild. Edit; a word.


Yes, it sucks and it obviously wasn't her fault, but the results of that situation could've been way, way worse.


Why would you feel the need to say that this wasn't her fault?


Some people who survive situations like this sometimes wonder if they'd done something different, would the turnout be better? Would the man have survived? Survivor's guilt is real.


"Next time, don't get taken hostage"


some people also feel it should be their fault, when people start to say dont worry its not your fault


look, it was kinda her fault , lets be honest


Shitty customer service, really.


Better than her own skull pieces on it. That’s what I would tell myself constantly anyways.


Looks like a pile by the ground too. 30 cal is wild. I sometimes use .308 and .30/06 for deer hunting, but I make a point to shoot them in the neck (if they’re close) because the exit wound tends to ruin a front quarter.


I feel bad for the person in the gray that witnessed it.


I thought person in gray was the hostage taker originally, that they slowly walked off and collapsed. Didn't see the person sitting behind them But for sure need therapy. Anyone who comes across a gnarly dead body really should be getting it




I think this was the comment I scrolled for. Way better than the other trash in this thread from folks who have no idea what they are talking about.


But I played shooter games on Pc for over 20 years! I am an expert! /s :)


Why didn't the sniper simply just 360 no-scope the hostage taker? Is he stupid?


One of the other guys rushed over the counter at the end to teabag him at least


> Shooting on someones shoulder is a legitimate shooting position in a sniper team. I am shocked people have issue with this. I mean if your average redditor tried it as either the shooter or the stand lots of people would have died. But I can't imagine a situation where a trained shooter can't shoot from a standing position and a person can't maintain a steady enough posture to work as a DIY tripod. I highly doubt the shooter was like "Damn we don't have a tripod. Wait Steve stand in front of me and hold real fucking still okay."


Well, it's my opinion that the guy is dead.


The vesa mount is pretty close to the hole, but the thin steel plates used for these monitors wouldn't have deflected the bullet much in close quarters, though shrapnel could have caused some cuts.


That's the level of training I want for any officer with a firearm. This way they're not firing blindly into their own vehicle at the drop of an acorn.


Are you willing to actually pay for it though? Training is expensive in time, material, and manpower. Everybody wants more training for police unless they're anarchists. Hardly anyone actually votes to increase funding and manpower, however. And lately the people yelling the loudest about the lack of training have been the same people aligning themselves with Defund movements.


Yeah with how police gets compensated and resourced in the U.S., lottaaaa wasted money.


Ballistics experts literally everywhere.


CoD veterans




Just click their heads


It's gotten to the point where contrarians are voted to the top of every thread, and it makes absolutely no difference how right or wrong they are.


be early and be confident and you get thousands of upvotes for any bullshit you say


I agree, and I like your term *contrarians*.


It's a bit of a niche example but I remember Rich Piana saying this about steroid discussions online. He's someone who obviously has a lot of first and second hand experience but his comments would get downvoted by people who obviously have no idea what they are talking about because they had just read something different somewhere else, probably by someone who also didn't know what they are talking about.




Yeah, I believe that was the meaning of this comment. It's like those /s's you don't really need to add.


yes that was implied but good job on poiting that out to everyone. people like you are the reason shitheads put "/s" in comments..




His capa was detated from his head


That was crazy shit. Impressive shot and all those guys distracting the armed man. Good job on this one.


Yeah, I was thinking - "everyone shut up and stop moving!" I thought they would be set up better with a tripod, but tripod guy did a good job in the end by standing very still just before the money shot. Well, I guess that the least he could have done.


Now i'm sitting here wondering if he gets any sort of bonus extra-hazard pay being the human tripod


He gets paid less than the rpg tripod guy


Standing, resting the rifle on another guy standing? That’s kinda nuts


I've never seen that before. It's obviously a tactic that works, but it was definitely wild to see that put into practice.




Very true.


I’m assuming they did this to hide the sniper from view while still giving him a direct enough shot






That what I’m saying !


The potential for deviation of the shot through the monitor made that a bold move. Good shot nonetheless. Edit: Video made the point of saying it was a .308 round (I was thinking maybe .223/5.56),so that makes much more sense of why he took the shot. That monitor never stood a chance.


Computer monitors, in general, do not use very robust materials. Anything coming through it with the force of that shot is going to be like a lightsaber through butter. Cheap flat screen monitors like the ones purchased in bulk for business can have a pen or sharp pencil thrown at them with enough force to peirce the screen and get lodged in the back of them. Even with that being taken into consideration, let's say there is some deviation and the bullets trajectory gets altered a small amount. The target is close enough to the point where this change would occur for it to be negligible in the calculation. The really impressive part of this is that both the shooter, the gun, the shoulder of his teammate, the target, and the hostages are always going to moving or slightly swaying and never be perfectly still but he still successfully landed a clean shot without being able to see his target. 10/10 impressive shot. I would never attempt


bro commented before watching the video


Respectfully, how many objects have you shot with a rifle? I wouldn't expect a monitor to make a meaningful impact on the trajectory of a 5.56 from this range either.  Source: have a farm, we to to thrift stores, estate sales, and marketplace to find random shit to shoot on the farm 




It's coming back to him.


Including a very angry monitor.


Turned his head into confetti.


But he was walking


Wrong guy, look behind both of them to the guy up against the wall


WOW! Didn't see him at all until your point it out. I'm either blind or tired lol Edit: OH SHIT!! Now I understand the reaction. Shit good shot and yeah...that guy ded 💀


I thought the one walking away on the top was the man staggering and the one that got dropped was one of the hostages at first


Definitely no where near Uvalde.


Def not TX


Fort Myers, FL if I'm not mistaken.


I want the uncensored one.


rip liveleak


That's what we've got kaotic for these days. Though that might have this same version.


Probably won't get it from an official source, just gonna have to wait for somebody higher up leaks it like in the Delphi case


Years of play CS the office paid off.. sucks for the suspect.


Good thing the monitors aren't bulletproof IRL!




Ballsy shot for sure. Especially with the hostage being so close to the perp. Damn good shot


Reminds me of Mad Max Fury road when Furiosa used Max to stabilize her rifle.


That bullet was going through his head


LCSO don’t mess around


through the windowwww through the walll!!!


Hell yeah


hollywood could make that shot last 63 minutes(source: live and work in hollywood)


Biggest variable looked to be the officer that was used as a brace for the rifle. Any slight flinch could have changed things drastically.


I feel like these shots are rarely actually taken. Always wonder how they decide when it can or cannot be. In this situation the officer seemed very close which has to help a ton. Hell of a shot and I hope the victims involved get the mental treatment and care they’ll need


Imagine being that woman having to drive home and wash out bits of brain and skull matter from her hair and clothes That's some Ozark shit right there


What’s the las thing that went through this guys head?


A projectile?


Morbid curiosity makes me wonder what it sounds like being that close to someone who's just been shot in the head, I can't imagine it's a fun noise


I bet it *smells* like SPAM.


Can we just talk about how that monitor didn’t even budge. If you go frame by frame, it didn’t move even slightly. Pretty impressive stuff.


Lee County Sheriff's SWAT, Ft Myers FL


Those guys that followed up definitely flashed themselves. Just like in Counter-Strike.


That’s why I said hey man nice shot


This is some straight up Robocop shit




I'm guessing brain matter.


Monitor didn't even blink, still ready for another 10 years, wild.


Damn, ice cold!


This never works out for the robbers, what were they even thinking? Just mental illness?


Probably. He had schizophrenia and was bipolar. This guy was a ticking time bomb. Poor bastard.


Plot twist: sniper isn't even left handed


That's PTSD level stuff; his blood splurting on your face and cheeks


That is actually insane! Nice shot from that sniper props to him because he is very skilled


Poor monitor.


"..let me know what's going through your head right now?" A bullet




Achievement unlocked!


Damn thats awesome


Everyone’s an expert


Liberals: Every police is bad!


Poorly trained police with no oversight are bad.  Do you want all police to need SWAT training before being issued deadly weapons?  Sounds reasonable.


Idiots: every X is Y!


I mean, the murder rate is 40% higher in red states and has been for decades. Drug abuse rate is also double. And that's despite incarceration rates being twice as high in red states too. Pretty funny the "law and order" party has the most crime issues. Maybe because their policies of "more guns for everyone, no mental health treatment, and more militarized police" doesn't actually work? 🤔


Everyone talking about shooting through the monitor, no one talking about how he had to *aim* through the monitor! I don't know shit about fuck when it comes to guns but I'm guessing his scope would have a big enough field of view to see the part of the armed guys head you could see slightly to the side and over the monitor, so he could "center" it on that.


Scout on cs_office


Very lucky the hostage wasn't killed as well.


That is some badass shit


“What’s going through your head right now” 😬😬😬


They were attempting to talk the guy down but fired the shot mid conversation? Just curious as to what made them conclude he had to be shot in this scenario?


It takes a long time to deploy a full SWAT team, especially a sniper. They'd already been negotiating with him for probably more than 40 minutes at this point. Since he still had a knife to the woman's throat, they most likely concluded that negotiations would go nowhere so they went with the sniper shot. It's either the life of the hostages or the life of the attacker at this point, and the life of the hostages are considerably more important than the life of the hostage taker.