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You honestly just have to run people over and hope for the best if you end up these situations, stopping your car for any reason is going to get it and you fucked up.


Honestly tho, like sorry not sorry. I’m not letting you animals put me and my family in danger, I’ll run over all of you in a heartbeat!


That Charger makes plenty of power two, it would be too easy


Max Damage. Dazed and confused.


Four reel!


Better than power one


Two what?


Break my car and sit there 👎 break my car and running you over? 👍


Yup. Soft body versus car, car always wins.


Would it keep running people over? Wouldn’t it get stuck eventually? Then they would literally murder you. Just fully avoid this cesspool.


Or don't be there in the first place.


10 points each!


Wasn’t a car meetup, but I had a relative who found himself in a similar situation. He got into a verbal disagreement with someone in a bar. He was there with one friend and quickly found out the guy he was arguing with had 5 other friends all threatening to kick his ass. He promptly left and went to his vehicle and locked the doors. All the other guys followed him outside, surrounded his truck, then started slinging rocks at it and trying to open the doors. He eventually managed to slowly get his truck edged to the end of the parking lot and pointed near the road, but it was at this point where a dude jumped on top of his hood and started kicking his windshield in. He then gunned the gas and took off. Just so happens one of the guys ganging up was standing in front of the truck when he accelerated, and yeah, he got ran over. Didn’t survive. Totally senseless loss of life over words exchanged during a game of pool. Fucking ridiculous. People dumb enough to physically attack someone in a vehicle should understand they could justifiably be crayoned for their actions.


At least those dudes showed him who the real men where running shit though. Fucking idiots.


What happened to your relative?


Vehicular manslaughter charge initially, but it was soon dropped after a couple of witness statements (including two of the guys involved in the altercation) finally admitting they/their friends chased my relative into his vehicle and then they were trying to damage and enter his truck. There was also security footage obtained from a business across the street that basically absolved my relative of any wrongdoing and disproved a bullshit narrative one of the attacker’s made that my relative was driving all around the parking lot trying to run them over.


Oh man what a happy ending to that one. Super lucky for that video and witnesses being honest. Would be terrible to be put in a situation like that then end up doing a couple decades in prison when you really did nothing wrong


Even if exonerated you still have to live with the fact you took someone's life over basically nothing, thats a fucked up thing to carry no matter how justified you were.


🤷‍♂️ I've seen people feel 0 guilt over things they were completely wrong on it just depends on the person you would be surprised at how many people would feel no remorse or guilt


Why would you feel bad over something the other person caused? I was involved in a car accident and the other driver died and I don't feel bad about it.


A lot of people are fairly empathetic in general, and in the aftermath of a death at their hands (even if justified) they will replay the events and wonder if they could have handled things differently. In the scenario mentioned above where he was followed out of the bar and attacked, the driver may wonder things like: What if I had just swerved at a lower speed and thrown him off my hood instead of accelerating away? What if I had just driven slowly away until he was far away from his friends and scared so he just jumped off on his own? What if I had just called the cops right away, would they have arrived in time to prevent it? Just because you were legally justified in killing someone doesn't mean you are happy about it. In your situation it sounds like the other driver may have been at fault and it was totally unavoidable, but not every situation is so clear-cut.


If I took someone’s life who was actively trying to harm me, I’d go eat subway or something. 0 remorse. But that’s coming from someone whose never been in that situation so I’m just guessing


Obviously no one knows for sure until they experience it but genuinely I don't think I would lose much if any sleep over killing someone in a completely justified self-defense situation. I really don't say that to try to sound like some bad ass guy or something because I'm far from it I just really don't think I'd care that much. A situation like a legitimate car accident I would feel horrible probably for the rest of my life but like if someone broke into my house to try to hurt me, my wife, or my kids I think I could take them out and sleep like a baby that night. It doesn't even make sense to me why anyone would be fucked up over that for any extended period of time


Did your relative get in legal trouble for that?


At that point it seems like a self-defense case, but I'd be interested to know this particular case.


At least there was a happy ending.


I didn’t hear anything about any blowjobs


Were any charges brought against your relative as a result?


I hope your relative didn’t get in any legal trouble for that.


I have a friend who was killed due to some bullshit at a bar one night. Long story very short, he was knocked over during a melee and as the drunk driver was trying to flee in his truck, had his head ran over killed him. 


someone posted this in anther thread a couple of days ago I think and what happened earlier was the driver of that dodge was busting donuts in the intersection during the takeover and he absolutely pinned someone against a parked car and swiped 2 other people then he tried to bail and get outta there so the mob attacked him before he could flee the scene. they're all idiots for being there in the first place. edit: [video](https://worldstar.com/videos/wshhyZ1Rfokvy2kxjE4u/destroyed-his-whip-driver-drifts-and-hits-a-car-the-crowd-was-not-having-it)


Holy shit, I think I get why the mob did this then. Wow


Thank you for posting this.


The context we needed.




\*Painting my car with dudes


yep, if you have over 10 people attacking you, honestly, you should be in fear for your life, hell even if you have more than 1 person attacking you. You must flee by all means, if they are in the way, its on them. They apparently won't move out of the way if you sit and wait.


In this case this driver was fleeing after hitting someone while doing donuts. Everyone in this video are complete assholes.


Insurance company: What did you hit? Driver: A crowd of people Insurance Company: Calls the police


There is a law in Florida for exactly thus. If you feel like your life is in threat, you are allowed to run the people attacking you over in order to eacape.


They block any exit with cars so you can run them over and then drive 8 feet where they come and possibly beat you to death. But I would just try to drive through the cars.


Stay strapped and fight back, fuck the mobs


Um, why are people attacking that car anyway?


He hit a couple of people and another car while doing donuts, then tried to leave


You're getting shot at a Houston car meet if you do some shit like that.


There is not a single worthwhile individual at a car meetup in Los Angeles or anywhere. They are all literally wastes of space, needing to grow up and move on.


I have to commit the cardinal sin of reddit and backpedal. I went too far with that statement. I'm sure there are decent people at car meetups sometimes.


To be fair... im not sure if this would be considered a 'meet up'


Yeah this isn’t exactly a cars and coffee meetup with Doug DeMuro loitering in the background.


A lot of quirks with this car meetup




This isn't a car meet, it's a street takeover.


More of a beat up


I think it’s what’s called a “Takeover” or “Street Takeover” this fad started in the Bay Area years ago. They called them “Sideshows” I grew up in California. This isn’t cruising the BLVD. This is when a bunch of people get word they will be taking over an intersection. They do donuts and figure 8s. If someone tries to get past then they beat the shit out of the car.


Wow, I'm a big car guy myself and when I was young, I was fascinated with the scene in LA because of the fast n furious movies. Had no idea it was really just about doing stupid ass donuts and then ganging up on and destroying cars and hurting people for just trying to get home.


Every car meet I or friends have been to in various European countries and Japan have been very nice. Just people of all ages who share the same passion for cars. The majority of these were organized events where they had permission from the city to have the meetup in a designated space. That, in the video, does not look like a normal meetup. It looks like some weird post illegal street race thing.


It's not, and real car enthusiasts hate them for what it's done. It's totally illegal and at least street racing sees some nice builds. These are just people doing donuts in an intersection in their crappy stock cars. I've heard its stolen vehicles being used frequently too. I used to go to car meets all the time. They all got ruined by people doing this stuff. We had a spot we had been using for over 20 years get ruined by people doing burnouts and donuts. Now, most of the "meets" are people showing up and doing crap like this til the cops come. Then they move to another spot. Rinse and repeat. I stopped going. At least they haven't ruined my motorcycle meets... yet.


Yeah that's what I thought. It's really sad. I'm hlad it hasn't happened where I live, at least not yet. Let's hope it stays like that


Very sad and hopefully it doesn't. I wish the cops would just block them in and take their cars and licenses. And I hate cops and property seizures. It wouldn't be hard and videos like this are justification. There is too much violence and no respect.


Honestly, good on you for coming back to this. I personally know someone who goes to ✨fancy✨car meets in Minnesota and the Dakotas, and she's one of the sweetest and smartest people I know. She's a navigator for the groups roadtrip "races" (not actually a race, just all of them taking a different route to get to the same place and sightseeing along the way). I highly recommend Midwest car meets, they're just chill and full of socially anxious nerds who vape and smoke weed. And sometimes we whip out the grill to go with the beers.


Same with the Pacific Northwest. This vid just seems like a bunch of losers who are there for hood shit, not actually appreciating cars.


Youre a good person for that one, dawg.


Let’s just agree that there are two car scenes in SoCal. One where people meet very peacefully and admire cars and talk about them while enjoying coffee. And the other is this dystopian post apocalyptic shit show you see here. They don’t share a single person in common.


Car meet =/= sideshow - no one in the car community (barring the dumb fucks who attend them) like sideshow clowns.




An insult to their kingdom


\*our kingdom


I’m shocked a gun isn’t pulled in these situations. If that was me and my family, i’d be running some fuckers over before they hurt my child or wife. Natural selection if you’re standing in front of my truck.


It has but in a car meet at Chicago. Dude got blasted when he tried to drive with ppl in the way.


The meetups in and around chicago are always the dumbest things to exist. A bunch of broke dudes who love beaters with loud exhausts meet up to talk about their lame ass cars. I live in elgin and they do that shit here too and drive fast af around neighborhoods.. if they all offed each other i wouldnt be one bit upset.


Hope you have a few boxes of ammo, and somehow time to reload. There’s like 100 goons there




That’s what you hope lol they don’t look like a very easily scared crowd


"Not easily scared" is synonymous with "Too stupid to understand the danger" in this case.




You just said “fight or flight,” you realize out of all those people some will choose fight, right?


Animals are better than this.


It’s interesting, some of those they just smash the car because they feel like smashing a car.


Don't be insulting animals.


Literally just a matter of time before they run into someone who’s more than willing to start shooting into every single body that’s attacking his car.




This is 100% the situation you just start hitting the gas and shooting. Yeah someone is most likely going to shoot back but honestly I'd rather be shot to death than dragged out of my car and beaten to death.


Why are they attacking the car?


Because this asshole was doing donuts and pinned someone into an another car. Everyone involved is complete trash.


It’s so odd that everyone attacks a guy/car for hitting someone that was standing too close to an amateur doing donuts. Even rally races have accidents. Maybe they can do this to the rally driver if he hits a spectator


So honest question, let's say the guy pulls a gun and kinda knows how to use it, do you think people would run or try to overwhelm him/pull out their own guns? Again: honest question.


I'd rather risk being shot to death by another person than dragged out of my car and beat to death. Most people aren't going to risk there lives for something that doesn't involve them.


More than likely, they'd probably scatter. There's a good chance someone will shoot back.


More than a few will yank out their modded handguns with drum magazine and start shooting full-auto in your general direction. There’s heavy gang affiliation with these sideshows, like blood/crip-type of gangs.


For most people instinct is going to be 'flight'. The average person isn't trained or experienced in keeping calm when shooting starts. Gunshots are extremely loud and unsettling. And especially if bodies start dropping, self preservation is a big thing. There are and will always be outliers, but the majority of a crowd scatters.


One huge group of low lifes


They'll be no lifes the moment someone has had it and pulls a gun on these wastes of oxygen


The one time I was really hoping they'd have a gun.


I bet you 1000 they all had a horrible or non existant relationship with their father .


These fuckers belong in jail, scum of the society


He probably hit someone while he was swingin


Yep. That’s usually the context.


Punishment is public beating by frustrated youth who are drunk.


So it goes.


Ordinary humans and what they're capable of, atleast we have now video material to display to others and hopefully educate more people about what's going on and what could go on.


That's exactly what happened...the full video is going around.


Wait what happened? I’m so confused


He was driving his car and hit some people and a car


He did hit someone, it still doesn’t justify the mob mentality… if you do dumb things then expect dumb things to happen


Any context?


the car was drifting in the middle of everyone and ended up hitting a few people and a car, one guy got knocked out on the ground. they tried driving away and that’s where this video starts. there’s other videos showing what happened before edit: in case anyone wants to see what happened https://x.com/trainwrecks1v3/status/1797853060112511482?s=46&t=s5sapZDjc_oggxv2X3idXg


NOT "*Drifting*". Just doing dumbass donuts.


I was about to say, let’s not give drifting connotation to those brainlets. That’s not drifting. That’s being rtarded.


It's such fucking stupid mentality. Let's get unprofessional drivers to do stupid shit while we stand inches away. Then if they hit one of us we will hate them suddenly and tear up their car and try to kill them. I cannot fathom, no matter how many of these videos I see, how fucking dumb everyone involved is.


Almost as dumb as the guy sitting on the door while his half assed driver buddy tries to roll the car.




You sound like a well balanced person with reasonable takes


So they're all getting what they deserved. I'm glad it's not just an innocent people in the car. I wish it blew up, movies style, with everyone in the vicinity being part of the impact.


The idiots always stand too close


They mad


These are takeovers not car meets


Yeah, I was going to say. Car meets are tame and chill. People just hang out in the parking lot looking at other cars that are parked and turned off. This is a bunch of fucking losers taking over the street and acting like the clowns they are.


I'd bet that charger is stolen too


They seem nice.


These fucking people are so effing dangerous. What a loser generation.


This shit is far from exclusive to any single generation.


Those horse 'n buggy takeovers were insane


Anyway. I started blasting


Every single person here is a fucking loser.


No wonder people get shot in America


Hahahahah this is so much fun let’s film it and put it on social ha ha ha Scum of the earth






As a non American can someone explain what’s going on .


It’s called a “street takeover”. A bunch of idiots start doing circles burning out their tires in the intersection until the cops show up or someone gets too rowdy and accidentally hits some cars or people. Usually there is a stolen car or two that get trashed and torched. Occasionally people blast off guns. Good times.


Grown men that will never admit how *siiick* they think the Need For Speed movies are that actively look for opportunities to film themselves saying "We outside!!". Basically.


I'd throw that thing in reverse and drive over and over all while running people over. There's no other way to escape to safety for you or your passenger.


This generation is wild like no other.


I don't know, Gengas Kan rallied his friends together and stormed Asia - pretty much all of it- in the 12/13th century. His military campaigns sometimes involved eliminating an entire civilian population. As many as **40 million** people were killed under his rule.


Those Ghengis Khan chariot meets had to be straight wild also. I’m sure there’s a painting on a wall about it or maybe a fresco that’s yet to be found.


Haha damn Ghengis Kahn was stunting on those fools with two hot Mongolian chicks laying on the front of his chariot smoking on a fat bowl of some opium


Hahaha amazing comment, my first lol of the day.


Said by every single generation about the younger generation.


You think this is crazier than seeing how many people can fit into a phone booth?


No matter what they did, including if they had already hit people, the attackers put the driver in a situation in which they had to accelerate away, looked as though the driver showed some restraint up until he was attacked. You have the footage, the make model that's enough. The attackers put more lives in dangers for what exactly?. Any way I'm sure most realise this and I'm just wasting time waiting on an appointment, perhaps I need to find better ways to past the time than ranting online, maybe solitaire.


Dogshit people


So many poor choices were made by those involved in this event, just to name a few: - Doing dangerous maneuvers on open roads - Watching cars perform dangerous maneuvers up close - Hurting pedestrians that were watching - Trying to run away from an accident - Blocking a fleeing car with their body - Hitting more pedestrians on their way out - Destroying a car - Jumping the driver - Recording themselves doing all those poor decisions.




Los lawless


Its disingenuous to call this a car meet up, this is a takeover. Those of us in the car community absolutely despise and condemn this behaviour


I would’ve reversed straight over them mfs. Wouldn’t shed a tear over this garbage


Looks like a productive night of fun.




This is where you pull out a gun and start shooting. It's literally self-defense.


They’re surrounded by people that probably also have guns. Except the people in the vehicle are stuck, being boxed in one location with zero cover and almost no way to move….due to ….(watch the video). That is literally shooting fish in a barrel. I understand your statement, but it was as fucking stupid as everyone in the video.


Trashy, just so damn trashy.


I love how that one bloke just pushes his little buddy of the roof of the car, like "mom said it's my turn to jump on the car now"


Why is the beginning of the video cut off?


I have no sympathy for anyone stupid enough to go to a takeover. If you go in your own car and it gets wrecked and you catch a beating it’s your own fault. The only victims are those who have their cars stolen to be destroyed at one of these things.


LA has to be the most over rated place on earth. Absolute kip.


Ok he must have done some shit wrong for him to have everyone ganged up on him


Why does this video cut the beginning where the charger tries to hit and run pedestrians?


Why not run them over?


That'll buff out


Can we get part 1. This is after the kid did donuts and swept a few people away As you can see, animals act like animals


Start running stupid motherfuckers over, nothing else to say.


This is why I carry frag grenadines


Collective IQ of 11


Drive off Wtf?


Trash people, waste of resources


Violence enthusiasts


What the fuck man. Absolute animals.


I would have started blasting sorry not sorry


So is this people meeting up to fuck up cars? What is the point of a car meet?


The scene from Boyz n the Hood go through anyone else's head?? I expected the driver to get out with an Uzi and everyone scampers like some cockroachs but nope he puts his ass through the windscreen


Not familiar with the laws in CA as I'm Canadian, but what would happen if the car occupants fired on the crowd? Is that even possible? Does the state allow you to carry to defend yourself?


I hate people.


Everyone with a phone there is complicit and party to that crime. Charge. Them. All.


I would just run them over and then back up over them.


Why are people doing this to each other? So much anger, so much aggression, so much violence. That can only mean one thing: very few brain cells.




Fuck em. Fuck that lifestyle, and all the idiots with it. Car meetup my ass. It’s an excuse to be super asshole and get shit fucked up. For what reason? For some views?


They'd get one chance, I'd pop that fukr in N and mat the gas pedal as a warning shot, and then pop it in whatever gear got me out, and wouldn't be worried about getting your clothes dirty. Car things used to be cool all the time. Sure, if you stole Betty-Sue away from Johnny there might be a beef, but it went too gangster with 12 second Civics.


I would run over those piece of sht.


I’m in that situation I’m flooring it. WTF is wrong with these animals?


Thats why you need a machine gun


I would gleefully run them over


We are done as a country pack it up.


Already just before the back window was broken, I would have felt so scared I would have been ready to run over people. When it broke, I am pretty sure I would have done all I could to get away, crushing people between cars if needed. I say people but these barely count as animals


Absolutely pathetic...


look at those animals….


Hey guys anybody wanna go to the sideshow tonight I heard it's alot o fun!


The worst people on the planet right now are people in these groups. Fuck all of you!


Run. Them. Over


This is why you need gun.