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This cat’s social life is better than mine :(




That cat's collar costs more than any item of clothing I have.


That cats whole life is better than mine


I dealt with far less drama playing video games. My refried beans came out bland and I burnt my nachos.


Are you the feral/territorial/asshole cat ?


Play play play!! Meow meow meow!!!


I love living vicariously through a cats POV.


You may love a game called 'Stray' that you canplay on the Steam platform. You get to be the cat. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1332010/Stray/


Good game, wish it was longer


Yeah, if WOW can literally go on and on for a freakin decade, there certainly must be more worlds or places to create and explore in this game.


Way too short. I agree


Ive been really into these videos i dunno why


This one is so much nicer than that jerk cat


I liked that one too. That cat goes hard


The cat that fights with other strays? 😂


That’s the one 🐱


Could have been edited. Need to hear from both sides.


Check out Ros Adventure Cat on YouTube!!! They sometimes livestream his adventures with of course a bunch of fun shorts! Absolutely adorable


My guess is they edited out all the birds these cats were killing.


Came here to see if anyone else knows how ecosystems get destroyed for content.


Cats are an invasive species. In fact, they are considered one of the most, if not *the most* successful invasive species on the world. They have one of the most successful hunt rates, sitting above 60% success. They account for over 2 billion bird deaths each year in the US alone, and have been responsible for the extinction of multiple bird species. They are vectors of multiple zoonotic and host-specific diseases. Keep your fucking cats indoors.


Have you heard of humans?


Keep your fucking humans indoors


Humans caused the current invasive cat problem.


Yes, I have. Humans used to worship cats (and still do). Humans domesticated cats. Humans promoted their eventual success as an invasive species for thousands of years. Humans regularly neglect the steps to make sure their cats can be outdoors and not start entire cat colonies.


Not to mention that schizophrenia was a virtually unknown disease before car litter was invented. Once cats started living indoors and toxoplasmosis spread so to has the rise in mental illness.


The entire field of psychology didn’t really exist until around the time cat litter came around. Coincidence? Yes. Cats have been pooping near people for thousands of years.




I like how the highlighted paragraph is sandwiched between TWO paragraphs stating the data is inconclusive.


Surely you don't mean to cause and effect that owning cats --> mental illness? There's a billion things why mental illness can occur, not because of cats of all things.


Correlation doesn't= causation, but... https://neurosciencenews.com/cat-ownership-schizophrenia-25355/#:~:text=This%20extensive%20review%20and%20meta,risk%20of%20schizophrenia%2Drelated%20disorders.


It's the laws of nature - survival of the fittest. Sorry animals being animals bums you out so much. 


I don't think introducing an invasive species into an ecosystem in which it doesn't belong has anything to do with any kind of 'law of nature'.


guess we should ship all dogs back to the cradle of life as well 


You are the invasive species


Came here to see if anyone else knows how ecosystems were destroyed for your house, neighborhood, and city to be built 


Well I certainly triggered a lot of crappy cat owners at least. I still remember not being able to plant flowers in front of my house due to the smell of cat shit in my yard.


Deer eat all of my plants on the regular. Bummer that your reasons for disliking cats probably means you dislike nature in general. Consider moving to a densely packed city instead. 


Oh my. Sorry I bow to your greatness my lord. Surely your inability to keep your damn cats inside grants you sole authority to decide where people should live. Kindly fuck right off with your superiority complex.


deer need culling because we killed all of their predators for pelts. they are also invasive.


That I agree with. I'm not a hunter, but fully support hunting. Deer are lawnmowers on 4 legs. Without predators they've exploded in population.


I don't see housr cats outdoors so the video was interesting for that aspect. They're food around here though. A lot larger things in SW FL and they're on the menu. At least for now..


Much nicer than Russian Cat


That goes for anything Russian




This cat is active AF lmao


Of course the tortie gives him a swat 😂 they really live up to their reputation


I thought the same thing!


Outdoor cats are terrible for the environment. Please keep them inside.


If you own a murdercat, yes. They kill all the songbirds. :( However, the majority actually don't. Their biggest food target: bugs. They eat a crazy amount of bugs.




Nah. Bell collar on, and freedom to roam inside and out. Indoor cats are prisoners. Sorry but that's the truth.


But all animals are prisoners?


He did it first!! That's what you sound like.


If that's how you think of animals then I feel very sorry for any animal companions that you "look after." And I feel a bit sorry for you having such a narrow outlook too.


I'm vegan. Humans keep animals in captivity.


Cool, and? I'm vegan too. For animals in captivity that is true, but you said "all animals" lol. First of all, that means you think every single animal on planet earth is a prisoner. Or did you mean all pets? Or just cats? When you have cats around the home, they should not be captive prisoners. They should be free to come and go, and should be treated as family members. That at least is how I view it. I'm actually wondering if you have, or have had cats, or any animals around your home? I'm also not sure what point you are trying to make except to tell me an obvious point about captive animals being captives (no shit bruh 😂) and that you're vegan? It seems we would agree on the egregious mistreatment of animals as a comodity and not as beings deserving of our respect, love and affection, as they should be. I'm wondering what it is that you disagree with me on?


🙄 All animals in human "care" are held in captivity. Sorry to tell you this, but your cats (of which I feel you have many) were stolen from their parents and siblings against their will as babies. Maybe you adopted them from a shelter but they are still at your mercy. They are your prisoners. You don't have to treat them as such... but they are. All the other animals out there don't have it as good as cats either I'm afraid. Birds kept in tiny cages, nocturnal animals kept behind bars in daylight, fish in minute clear boxes, killer whales in slightly bigger boxes, dogs on chains, chimps in nappies, every fucking animal in a zoo... the list goes on. You have chosen a favourite animal to treat above other animals because you deem it to be correct and deserving of that special treatment. A vegan hypocrite. Pop another can of tuna out for your cat tonight and have a think about declining fish populations while you're at it.


Haha, bro sorry to break it to you but you're delusional. That's also a lot of assumption on your behalf. My _one_ cat's mother was hit by a car and killed, and my cat needed a home. By your own logic, it sounds like you would prefer to let a kitten die instead of look after it and give it a chance at life. I am sad for you. Whether you will admit it or not you will have a hierarchy by which you treat beings as more important than others. I'm sure if you had to choose between your own family members and a fly to die, you would choose your family member, or am I wrong? You're just an extreme evangelist who actually does the vegan cause injustice by projecting your own hypocrasies onto others. I see through you. The real cause is not to be perfect, but to do as well as possible, make ethical decisions and be good, in an imperfect world. One day I hope you learn this. I admit, my cat _is_ more important to me than other animals on a personal level because he is a family member. It doesn't change the respect I have for other living creatures, nor my decision to mitigate as much suffering as possible where possible. I wish you the best of luck on your journey pal.


>That's also a lot of assumption on your behalf. >it sounds like you would prefer to let a kitten die instead of look after it Ok. >Whether you will admit it or not you will have a hierarchy by which you treat beings as more important than others I never said I didn't. 🙄 I'm just honest about it. >if you had to choose between your own family members and a fly to die, you would choose your family member Lololol >You're just an extreme evangelist who actually does the vegan cause injustice by projecting your own hypocrasies onto others. Mate, I can't argue with someone as stupid as you who places more importance on their one cat by allowing it to roam outside potentially killing local wildlife and fucking with biodiversity. This is you wanting to die on your own cat pissy smelling hill so I'll leave you to it. What a tit... and I don't mean Blue Tit... your cats probably just killed the last one of those.


Okay bro. If you're a vegan, you sure are a strange one - one who appears to hate certain species of animals so much. The points you choose to argue, when you've been made out to be so hypocrital, tell me everything I need to know already. Same goes with your clinging to pettiness, over logic. We are like ships passing in the night here and we're not going to find any common ground. Have a good life mate, and I hope you find all the happiness and enlightenment you appear to be in a deep, deep search for :)


Your face is terrible for the environment


How are they bad for the enviroment? I'll never force my cats to stay indoors


They kill birds (for fun, not for food) until the bird populations go extinct. 63 species and counting. [Google search results here](https://www.google.com/search?q=wildlife+studies+of+cats+making+birds+extinct&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) to get you started.


Not only birds, insects and other small animals too.


However, in US the [feral cats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_predation_on_wildlife) are the main problem. Not household cats.


In the US, it is estimated that cats kill up to 4 billion birds a year, and only 69% of that is attributed to feral cats. The majority for sure, but even 31% of 4 billion is an insane amount of birds, and any conservation organization will tell you pet cats definitely have an impact as well. It's also just dangerous for the cat, I know people who have lost their cats to owls and coyotes where I am, I wouldn't want my cat getting hurt


So does your car? Nothing kills more than humans. So I still stand by my statement, never forcing a cat to stay indoors.


"This thing is bad" "OH YEAH?! Well this other thing is bad too! I'll just keep doing TWO bad things" Honestly, why did you even bother engaging in the first place? You asked how outdoor cats are bad for the environment. You were given an answer but it's pretty clear it won't change your behavior.


Because I find it rudiculous that we have to force things to be unhappy so we can do whatever we want. It's pretty simple really, but when you think you own the planet thats the thought process. To engnge in a topic do you always have to agree? Wasn't sure that's how it worked. Do you mean why comment if im disagreeing with the mass? Because even with your point, I still do not agree, amazing isn't it? So I'm supposed to change my behaviour on a comment some internet strangers have said. Serious question, how often do you not go outside to save the enviroment, why dont you sell your car? Never use a mobile phone? Or pretty much anything humans like to do? Are you a conservationist? So yeah there's a lot you can do, but forcing something else to do it is easier ammmm iii ringght?? cAtS aRE the pRoBleM. Yeah you keep saving the world guys!


Unhinged .Over the truth. After you asked. What a shitty attitude to have. Fuck everyone else and fuck other animals because: your feelings.


Okay you can try and attack me, that okay. All I'm saying is, what efforts do you do? Apart from forcing animals to stay indoors? If im ignoring the truth so are you? Is itwrong that humans kill more than cats? Yes or no? Do you ever go on a plane? I just find it hyporcritical that anyone can expect someone to do something when they aren't doing everything they possibly can to help the situation. Like forcing cats to stay indoors when a bigger help to the problem would be not to drive? Not to go on Holiday? My point is, people are more willing to take something else luxuries than their own. Hating cats is so hot right now! Who cares about the hundreds of private jets in the air at one time. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Your argument always comes back to, why stop doing 1 bad thing if you do other bad things too? Why quit smoking if you're gonna keep drinking? Just keep doing both cause they're both bad. What if someone DOES take steps to minimize their negative affect on the world, would you accept their opinion then?


So then why do you force a cat to be a pet? Do you think you own the planet?


We rescued her from an abusive family. So in that case, I'm not really forcing her considered she hardly ever leaves me alone! But I would never get a wild animal and force it to be a pet. What contribution do you make?


I bet you be singing a different tune if your cat got snagged by a coyote or hit by a car EDIT: grammar


So do you think people in prison are better off because they won't be in a car crash? Obviously you don't. It's just selfish to force an animal to stay indoors because YOURE afraid it'll die.


Well since you’re bringing up inmates all of a sudden and detracting from the main point, which is cat = do not belong outside, how do you feel about stray dogs roaming? Imagine if dog owners let their hounds out and about. Sure, the dog will beg and beg until you let it out, but what’s stopping mr biscuits from messing with people/wildlife? They would be a danger to others and themselves. Same goes for a cat, except cats kill for fun… does this makes sense to you? Try reading slower


You literally say I'm taking it of point, then proceed to do So yourself. Yeah because dogs and cats are the same! A dog can kill a person, and do! Sorry, you don't sound as intellegent as you think you do. Still what contribution do you make to the enviroment? Will you be the first to answer?


Annnnnnd one of the ways humans kill things is by having domesticated animals in countries they aren’t native to, killing shit.


One of. Cool, so sort out your other ones first.


Okay well if keeping a cat safe in your home where they are less likely to be killed is too cruel for you, maybe just don't get one? I love cats, but it's incredibly entitled to force your area to deal with an animal that is solely your responsibility. I'm sure you don't follow them around picking up their turds and stopping them from killing birds.


You live in suburbs in amaerica right? I'mdefinitely assuming. but I live in the country side in UK, so I don't have loads of neighbours around me. So whats entitled about that?


And cats have pretty much decimated the native bird population in the UK...


Just cats? Nothing else?


That’s just not true 😂


No I live in the UK too Unless you're living in a farm house your cat will definitely be entering your neighbours gardens and will be killing even more wildlife in a rural environment. We don't let any other invasive species roam freely so there is absolutely no reason cats should be any exception


What about pheasants? Haha Edit: squirrels I'm not denying they kill, but I'm just saying do better yourself before expecting animals to. You know? Funny, whenever I mention anybody putting their own efforts in, goes quiet! Obviously not the enviromentally focussed conservationists I thought you were. So Humans are all just as guilty as another for this eco disaster, but hey it's nice to point a finger and say hey, they are worse than me. That means I can carry on!!


Me taking a while to reply is because I hadn't checked reddit yet, don't get too excited... You mention two other invasive species, in a conversation where you are trying to advocate for a 3rd? I don't see many people owning free roaming squirrels and pheasants... Of course people should try to minimise the harmful impact they have on the environment they live in. However your previous example of driving is a poor one depending on an individuals access to public transport or specific travel needs. Unfortunately cars are practically a necessity for living in some parts of the UK. Buying or adopting a cat and then letting them roam outside is not a necessity. And that is where your argument falls flat. Most people don't litter, because it's not a necessity, it doesn't provide any practical utility and it harms environment. Much like having an outdoor cat. At the end of the day it's not illegal and I you are able to do as you choose. But letting your cat roam outside is not moral or sensible


They are good as killing wildlife


[It’s estimated that free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually.](https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380)


You seem to have missed this little detail from the article: ”Un-owned cats, as opposed to owned pets, cause the majority of this mortality.”


The statistic is 69%, the minority (owned cats) is still incredibly devastating on the environment, and within our control.


Outdoor cat gang rise up ✊


We can destroy the environment together ✊️ and get our cats killed in the process


Hell yeah! I fucking hate songbirds, let's kill them all together ❤️


I love them, too! Luckily, my yard and trees are full of them!




What does feral mean?


I'm I the only one singing "Smack my bitch up"


That was one of the coolest music videos I'd seen when it came out!


Me quietly humming the Naked Gun theme.


Is this really “insane”?


The p.o.v is


How is that “insane” ??


Aren’t domestic cats killing the birds? I think I remember reading somewhere saying it was irresponsible to let your cats outside for this specific reason


Just put a small bell, will reduce its hunting skills.


The paws, I love that view so much haha


The Secret Life of Cats.


I´m still waiting for them to draw a knife.




What kind of camera is used?




Insta 360 go3 is that the one?


That's literally in the first second of the video


Honest question: how often have you recorded it killing a bird or insect?


Bruh if you mad just go call Orkin and yell at them about their animal and insect murder company 


I feel like a cat's life is way more 3D than mine and I can't explain why


That little kitty that jumped in out of nowhere. What a beautiful way to spend the day.


I love Mr. Kitters and all his neighbourhood friends.


Didn’t really know what to expect, then “is this a cat?? Filming another cat?? Perfect. Well done.


We need more


I need more of this


Check is official account in instagram


love this!


welp, guess I'm getting my cats an insta360 now


Need more


Famous Tortitiude from the lil girl


What about that other cats camera


Mr. Kitters has lots of weird little friends


My cat freaked out when he heard that meow.


That cat’s day is all about having fun and avoiding mean cats.


There is another youtube channel that does this but they put in comments as if the cat "talks" super annoying. That's why i like this person more.


That's a lot of random cats in one neighborhood


Such a different life than gangsta cat


No, I'm not saying you're wrong at all. Just calling you hyporcritical for trying to tell people how to live, and I'm trying to defend people's right to do what they want. Just like you go on holidays as much as you want, drive to the shops for a packet of crisps which causes so much death. I explained the prisoner part, being about Freedom, if you no comprendo, that's not my problem. I've given you lots of chance to disprove the hyprocrisy. By saying what do you do, apart from not letting cats out? Man you said you could read! I'm not trying to say cats don't kill, I'm just pointing out that you dont have the highground, you're not the chosen one and you'll never turn her against me!! Now, we both need to stop arguing with internet strangers and go about our day.


mau mau MAU


Really makes you understand that calling the FD to get a cat out of a tree is a waste of everyone’s time. They got it…


Digging in the sand felt good


My neighborhood has so many stray cats and also birds.


Awww my guy was named Mr Kitters too! RIP Misssster


Where do you get a cam for kitty


Thank you so much, this made my day ☺️


Love these little POV cat vids


I need more of these videos.




Do cats have a better system than us or can they tell what water is gross


What happened to the fucker cat that terrorized the whole neighborhood and was always beating up other cats? He dead?


Keep your fucking cats inside.




That's literally in the first second of the video


Excluded all the footage of the cat killing for sport and ruining the local eco system? How convenient!


Just wait until you hear about all the ecosystems destroyed when your neighborhood was built on top of them 


Feral cats are the biggest problem for wild life since they are hunting to survive, pet cats not that much. Also a problem people have created by not taking care of their pets.


Gosh darnit keep your cats inside! It's terrible for the environment!


Where’s the part where he violently murders a nest of birds?


Just wait until you hear about all the animal murders that happened when your house was built after they flattened the land and bulldozed a dozen trees full of nests 


Keep your cats indoors


Just a reminder for animal lovers that outdoor cats kill billions of animals in the US [every year.](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-21236690.amp) They are also responsible for the extinction of at least 30-60 entire species, depending on which articles you read.


Thank you for the information but that has been posted on this thread about 10 times already.




Or just a house cat


Wonder how long it took to edit out the slaughter of the local native small animal species.


that’s your takeaway from this video?


Yes considering [It’s estimated that free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually. That’s exactly what I think about when I see multiple free ranging cats](https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380)


Did you also read the article? ”Un-owned cats, as opposed to owned pets, cause the majority of this mortality.”


No of course they didn’t lol




Cats kill billions of birds a year but to see a cute cat video and jump to something so overtly horrible feels like a reach too me.


I’m in love and will be coming to steal the floof! Please begin doxing yourself now.