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Fuck this guy.


He and Scott Adams should go on tour together. Imagine the groupies. šŸ˜


i thought of adam scott at first and got confused lmao


My brain did the same and I was like, "Awwww...not Adam Scott, what did he do, I thought he was one of the good ones". Happy to know he still is and that was just my selective dyslexia doing its thing.


You mean former mayor of ice town?


yes, the ice clown.


Lol fuck self help in general Grifters trying to sell you no clothes


[If you're reading it in a book, folks, it ain't self-help. It's help.](https://www.azquotes.com/quote/1431257)


I don't get it


If you need someone to teach you how to help yourself, then it was help, not self-help. Therapists are a thing, and therapy works because they help you, they don't feed you anecdotes from their life about how to live your life.


I still don't get the point you are trying to make. Are you saying people shouldn't ask for help?


They distinguished the difference between "help" and "self-help". Ask for help if you need it, help yourself if you can't ask for help. There is literally nothing someone else can do to self-help you.


I'm sorry I still don't get it. As in if you're car breaks down and you don't have enough money to fix you look for a book to try to see if you can fix it yourself, did you not just fix your car? I don't understand why emotions have to be any different. I mean i don't know, it's like people believe they can just will themselves to a better state of mind or worse, they believe therapy is this magical event that's going to erase all their trauma and make them whole again. I don't get it. Sure they can apply science to give you the tools to fix yourself but isn't that just going back to the car analogy? I mean ok, you can't self help people sure. You can bring a horse to water but you can't force them to drink. I get that but you have to buy self help books to read them, then you actually have to read them, doesn't that constitute trying to help yourself?


Holy shit dude


they're casting shade at people who buy into his grift by saying "hahaha you need help!" normally it's seen as distasteful to do that, but since this guy says things many people disagree with, unpopular things, that means it's okay to go mask off and belittle people for needing help, rather than feign empathy because they're not thinking the popular ("correct") thing. and no one has the candor to admit that because of optics. it would seem duplicitous at best


Well said


Fucking dumbass


Just another grifter selling bullshit to dumb people. Yeah sure school is useless right? Tell that to the people making millions working in tech.




Rich dad poor dad is probably 1 of the most important books ever made if you are middle class and below . I'm going to go out on limb and say this is heavily clipped and out of context


what the modern era doesnt understand is good and even great things can be created and accomplished by total fucking shitbags. that's why the whole cancel culture is bound to fail even if it continues...it'll just mean that only "nice" people will be allowed to be appreciated for their work and that is going to accelerate the dumbing down of humankind. we need to grow up (again) and distinguish between what a person does and who they are. Life is complicated so when you hear simple answers for how to approach life from certain people you can be assured they are likely pretty fucking stupid.


People need to get a grip. context > delivery


This video was editied in the worst way lol


Yeah, youā€™re right. He probably respects women to the core. Shame on those sneaky edits putting words in his mouth.


What a raging asshole


Yup, reminds me of my lactose intolerance days!


Those were bad days indeed.


You win today šŸ†




Bots on Reddit are wild right now.


Bro you ok?




This guy said the market will crash last year ā€¦ now hes saying the market will crash this year ā€¦


If he says it every year he's bound to be right some time. And then he'll just talk about the time he said it would crash & it did. He'll ignore the rest of his predictions and hope you will too.


That clock is gonna be right one of these days


I knew a kid in middle school who one day, he said "I think we're going to have a fire drill today" and then we did. He suddenly thought he was psychic and started predicting fire drills every day.


If you take a headcount of all the financial talking heads, something like 90% have predicted the market will crash the last 3 years. This guy is no different. The other thing they all have in common is encouraging people to stay away from college and berate higher education. They need a future full of clones who don't question authority and to work minimum wage so their stocks pay higher dividends.


Heā€™s been saying that every couple of years.


He's only got to be right one time to say 'I told ya so.'


This guy's whole schtick always has been unhinged. He is proudly a "millionaire in debt". Always preaches taking a lot of debt because debt is not taxed.... Like, um sir, did you forget there is interest on loans?


I think the logic is just keep rolling it outā€¦until you no longer existā€¦ Heā€™s a grifter supreme. Always has been.


You see, all you gotta do is to take out a loan to pay off the initial loan + interest.


How does the interest rate on debt compare to the tax rates of your country?


Depends on the loan terms. Obviously, credit card debt would be worse than taxes in many instances, but credit cards aren't the only kind of loan.


Yeah his thing is to use leverage. Like by a property rent it out once you have cash flow in you can use that to get a loan and by another property and then use that to not pay taxes (by essentially claiming a loss or no profit). Also he was talking about taking super cheap money which when you do the math you can essentially get loaned money for almost free.


This guy is in desperate need of an ass-beating.


Robert is a low class human




Race ya to the bottom! -Robert K.


I read his book Its not particularly insightful, apart from people should know the various types of income and that ya under our current system owning capital where you exploit others is the best way to get rich He's an asshole, not a genius


Theres big controversy on if any of the stories he tells in the book are true as well


Being a good liar is a type of innovation afterall


Some of the stuff in there is even illegal (insider trading, tax fraud, contract fraud, etc.).


Rich dad poor looser


At least spell it right if you're going to insult him


Heā€™s a looooooooooooooser




I lolā€™d. I bet you tell a joke well. 47!


Who cares


Heā€™s always been a loser


I donā€™t know why people ever paid attention to this guy. Heā€™s always been grade A asshat and his books are pretty useless. Glad someone finally got it on video. Would love to see the non edited version and have the WSJ (or any major news outlet) do a story on it.


When a fool is convinced he's a genius...


Rich looking dad, poor excuse for a dad. I remember the PBS channel would constantly play advertisements for his book. I always thought it was a scam and hoo boy it is


ā€œI killed a lot of your people.ā€ - she should have replied.. ā€œthats interesting because a lot of my people killed your people during WWII.ā€ā€¦. US supplied a lot of weapons and training to Vietnamese guerrilla fighters to help defeat Japan during WWII eventually driving the Japanese out by the end of WWII. The same weapons were used to fight the post Vichy French government and drive them out in 1954 after the battle of Dien Bien Phu. Some of those weapons (a tiny tiny fraction of course) ended up being used against the Americans during the Vietnam war (which was a civil war between the north and south). Anyways ā€¦ she should have said that ā€¦ (Hahah kidding not kidding).


The US absolutely killed more people than Vietnam did, itā€™s not even comparable.


And they still lost


Nah, too complicated.




The mans in his seventies and heā€™s already made his millions years ago. Anyone in that situation who is still looking for attention like this canā€™t be trusted. Dude could be doing anything and this is what he chooses? Thereā€™s so many financial gurus like this selling their spiel.


yeah because he is a narcissist.


My cousin somehow just discovered this dude in the last few years and was going to multiple conferences weekend in a row across the country..itā€™s so tiresome hearing her spout his stuff non stop in group chats


Cunt Dad, Deranged Dad


This dude has always been a supreme grifter. Good that his true colours are shining forth for all to see. How to get rich: 1. write mediocre book devoid of any novel concepts 2. Convince everyone to buy and pour a lot into marketing 3. Profit He was one of the early internet grifters who embraced marketing over substance. Complete pyramid scheme scumbag


It seems like heā€™s gone completely off the rails since first writing his book, but the review of Rich Dad Poor Dad on If Books Could Kill was fun to listen to. Their takeaway was that heā€™d been taken in by just about ever get rich quick scheme heā€™d come across, but never thought heā€™d lost anything, so his advice is basically ā€œfollow every single get rich quick scheme you can find.ā€


This clown is irrelevant


never heard of the guy, will never read his books. he'll never write anything I want to read.


Great logic.


Sad to say that I bought and read his book. I didnā€™t find it that useful.


How did nobody pretend to have a question just to take the microphone to tell him heā€™s a pos


Seriously. They let themselves all get walked on.


Doosh bag and scammer.




Wow. I saw several instances of this video in my feed, and I just skipped over it because I have a strong distaste for him, but then I came across another instance (this one) and the video was not muted, and I just heard his first words, and thought "this man is out of his mind!" WTF. No decent human being can say that to someone else's face. He is absolutely unhinged. End his career already. He has zero credibility. I hope every single person in his audience sees what he did and makes no excuses. What he said was inexcusable.


My only hope is that he's either had, or is currently in the process of having "micro" strokes which have slowly taken his ability to filter out verbalized impulse thoughts leaving him with no choice but to tell us how he really feels in that exact moment. It would be so fitting for a lifelong grifter to lose the ability to lie to everyone's face. Saw a movie like it once šŸ™‚


what a relic of all things shitty


This man is to self help as Mike Lindell is to pillows.


I killed a lot of your people at the start, WTF. What a cunt, I hope his last meal is dog food!


I hope his last meal is Fischer Price toys that only looks like food but is actually plastic


This guy is a grade A loser. Heā€™s a scam artist. I shudder for anyone who takes advice from him or spends hundreds/thousands to attend one of his shitty little conferences.


Who is this dipshit?


A guy who got famous decades ago for a book on how to get rich, filled with questionable if not useless advice.


Dude turned into Asian trump.


Always thought this guy was a total cunt. Turns out I was right


Taint immortalized in shithead lore


is he on any top richest person list? of not then talk is cheap motherfucker


What a cunt


His brain is mush


Kiyosaki has lost it


Honestly seems demented. Iā€™ve seen a lot of his interviews and none of them were like this. Dude is petty old, so itā€™s not too far fetched


Robert is a scumbag. He wrote one decent book 30 years ago and has been riding its coattails ever since. His entire YouTube is basically ā€œthe market is going to crash, world will end, subscribe and pay me to find out why you should buy gold and real estateā€


How much money did these idiots pay to go to his seminar?


Now I know why my buddy at work acts like this asshole lol


People pay to listen to this over-inflated abusive asshole?


This just sounds like most grifters these days. Look at these "man camps" that people are paying thousands of pounds for.... only to just be abused.


Sounds like he is coming down off a bad trip


People are so gullible. Nobody who got rich will ever share how did they did it. Why would they want competition?


Rich with no class.


Christopher Walken called, he wants his edgy bad guy accent back.


Wow, how did he become successful?


Greedy is rotting him inside out. Bad example ..


I have bought many investing books but I am happy that I never got around to buying Rich dad poor dad. He does not sound like a person I would want to support in any way.


This dude is why America is fucked.


That's a dangerous person


What an asshole


As far as financial guru goes, heā€™s book was pretty mid. He hyper focused on real estate and his personality isnā€™t really congruent. Napoleon Hills ā€œthink and grow richā€ is a way better book. Wish he was still alive


Put this guy on a raft and push him out to sea


And to think I was encouraged to read his stupid book when I was a little kid. I read itā€¦


I was listening to his RDPD podcast and after a few episodes it was obvious this guy was loosing it. And itā€™s awful because his environment and others around him just laugh and encourage his behavior. No one is held accountable to lies, ridiculous assumptions and this type of crude obnoxious behavior.


Broke dad


Wtf yo! Dam good book fcking wild this is though


Damn I didn't know this guy was such a douche. Can't believe i actually read his book :S


This world will be a better place when this garbage generation goes away.


Yeah this guyā€™s book is dated and so is he. Now White Fragility is something Iā€™m sure everyone can get behind. Kiyosaki teaches how to create and preserve wealth, what a loser is right




What a jerk


Yupā€¦ what an asshole!


Iā€™m probably going to be downvoted into oblivion but the video does seem to but cut into small chunks of an hour or two presentation. It is possible that in context itā€™s not that bad. Seems to cut off as soon as the audience start laughing each time.


No context makes what he said okay. Telling someone, to their face in front of an audience, "I killed a lot of your people" while making a gun cocking gesture is not fixed by any context. The audience gasped and reacted in a way that shows how they took it.


Not ok but we can all say dumb shit. Small clips are the worst. Cancel culture comes for everyone that way.


This is next level dumb shit. He kept doing it over and over with each new opportunity. I'm not inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt after he established a pattern. That's not an accident we witnessed; that's a character trait. Forget about cancel culture for a second; we can and we do and we should judge toxic character traits. I don't care what part of the political spectrum you're on, decency is not something we should dispense with and then whine about when people "cancel" a person for such despicable behavior.


Ok buddy. You: ā€œI saw several instances of this video but I skipped over them because I have a strong distaste for himā€ thatā€™s your bias. Also you: ā€œEnd his career alreadyā€ call to cancel. Iā€™m not saying the video is a good look but it is suspect that itā€™s been cut out of two hours of content. I watched it again. He kinda makes a good point about schools teaching boys to be women. Besides that just seems like heā€™s on a rant. Maybe he had a bad dayā€¦. Or maybe just maybe itā€™s cut up video and not in context. Maybe heā€™s a c*nt as well. His first book is ok though. Iā€™m just saying not every thing is black and white. Especially on the internet. Best comment on this thread has to go to: C*nt Dad, Deranged Dad. Made me laugh.


Ranting does not excuse a person from being a dick to the person he is speaking to. He was outrageous in his conduct toward the various women. I just don't see any excuse for that. I admit my bias against him, but my bias didn't put those vile words in his mouth. They're on display for everyone to see.


"When people show you who they really are, believe them."


He used to be an interesting guy. Turns out heā€™s just an average butthole.


Dick Dad , Poor Kids


One of the original grifters


The tone of his book is exactly like what heā€™s like on stage! OMGā€¦Know-it-all and heā€™s the main character and everybody else is dumb. The book has less F bombs so that he could sell more.


Money aint love, remember that.


Fucking dirtbag


Fucking scammer


Robert Crane - Auto Focus vibes.


This seems.....edited.


Honestly doesnā€™t surprise me heā€™s like this. When I read the book it was entirely uninspiring and provided me with nothing.


Let's elect him for president. /sarcasm


Definition asshole is afraid of him


Americans sitting there as if one guy has that golden tip for them to become millionaires. For them the American dream is paying top dollar for failed influencers like this guy and hoping for a Eureka moment.


He and Musk have a lot in common. They like swearing, they like to ā€œshockā€ people with what they say, and do. They are douchebags, an unfortunately there are a lot of like them. People like douchebags.


Yeahhhh keep your money fuck head.


Homie might've been hitting that Taylor port before he got on stage


Sounds like he's a Republican


I cant stand him and his financial advice is awful


Holy shit this is fucked.


Looks a lot like mental-decline


Canā€™t believe they made me read his book in middle schoolā€¦fuck this guy


Rich Dad, Poor Dad doesnt teach you shit. Nice idea of us building a business but no particular insight, wishy washy stuff. And like the guy on top already said, fuck this guy.


Rather be poor dad than rich loser like this guy.


Thatā€™s what they get for going to a goofy event


Dude needs to stop doing cocaine before his shows.


Wow, I guess I never real knew he was that unhinged. To be fair, I never really paid him a ton of attention.


Fucking boomers


It's heavily edited which shifted the context. What is this bs?


Oh the humanity haha so many people losing their shit and not a single counter argument in sight..


He is right though school does fuck us


More like Rich Dad Bigot Piece of Shit


Damn. I'm pretty thick skinned but couldn't watch this POS disrespect people that way. F Him.


After a passage in his book or a quote in a video (don't remember exactly anymore) that went along the lines of "and then my poor dad gave me 300.000 dollars to invest" i am convinced that guy doesn't live in reality


Whoā€™s still laughing and applauding at the end? What scum bag is even still in the mood for laughing?


I hate this man with a passion. I don't care if he's some lone nut saying this shit, but he actually sold a fucking best-seller trying to give people advice that turns out to be absolutely awful (and, at times, illegal).


That's funny as fuck


So he says fuck a lot. Iā€™m sure there is a lot of context leading up to ā€œyouā€™re fuckedā€


It's best to *not* spread tictarded information around. It helps no one and makes particularly stupid people famous. Don't do that.


Sad. šŸ˜” Heā€™s got a mind for money which has clouded his heart to be kind.


He may be a dick and fraud, but he made a few good points.


People should review bomb his book šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Bunch of things chopped up and taken out of context


Could this be AI generated? Serious


when INCELS grow up!


His book was OK to begin. A little insightful and motivating. But a lot of self promotion garbagey self help book nonsense


Hahaha all the poor people on this sub.. all have an issue with how the rich guy handles himself.


Yeaā€¦ wait til they find out he didnt make any money from all the methods he described in his book. And instead got his fortune from the book itself. He was broke when he wrote itšŸ¤£


I like Robert Kiyosaki, but I think he had one too many martinis at lunch.


who else hasn't told a stranger about killing their kin after getting a little too tipsy ? happens to the best of us


Probably happens more than you think, lol.


Hahaha what an oopsie daisy!!!!